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A banana edible fruit - vegetable Berry - the kind produced by many kinds of herbal plants and flowers

for the big. Some people on earth, of cooking is called "banana" bananas to be used to separate the
bananas sweet. Variety of fruit size, color stability, but often slow curve that rich food starch and soft, it
will be green, yellow, red, purple or brown . the uvula is the highest increases in the fruit depends on the
plant. almost all modern edible bananas (Parthenocarp) does not come from a couple of wild type
seeds, banana Akyuminta Balbisiana Moses. the scientific names of most cultivated bananas banana
Ginuminasa Moses! Belbisiana × M. Paradisisia hybrid Akyumineta Belbisiana up, depending on the DNA
issue. Sepiyntm Scientific ancient name for this hybrid is used up.

Indomalya banana tropical species not native to Australia and in Papua New Guinea probably the only
one possible. They are grown in 135 countries most of their fruit, and to some extent, fiber, wine, and
beer banana bananas and ornamental plants. Banana largest machine manufacturers in the world, India
and China, in 2017, the share of 38% of total production.

World 'banana' and there is no distinction between the "banana". Especially in the US and Europe are
generally soft bananas, sweet and refers to the sweet bananas, especially such places, seeking group,
which is the main export banana producing countries. The strong culture of aloe starchy fruit called
"Planten." At other places in Southeast Asia, and bananas for consumption product categories, such as
binary, it is not helpful, and it is amazing the languages of the region.

"Banana" also is used in arise are to produce fruit of the plant to the words. It can spread to other
members of the genus Musa yarns, such as banana (Musa kokino) banana pink ( Velutina banana) and
Fel banana. the members of the class may be too Ensete as snow false banana trees (Ensete gray) and
economic importance (Ensete). the generation bananas in the house, Musashi.

Papua New Guinea that manufactured the first Armero domesticated in Southeast Asia. I discovered the
modern archaeological marshes in Papua New Guinea province in the Western Highlands, that the
banana culture goes to me for Easter, CE and do? It is likely that in other species, independently in the
home then in other parts of Southeast Asia. Banana in Southeast Asia is the difference. However, I am
not talking about a banana in the country of culture, but not in Africa, it is the diversity of places, and for
a long time in history.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Bananas and potential expansion in the Islamic period (700-1500 m)

Phytolithus first millennium BC dating, but as untested fat uses the first debate about culture in Africa
found in Cameroon. Because it is known that these existed in Africa at the time, not with the banana
tongue. Until late 6 pm, until the day before, for service. Bananas born at least on the island in Africa
and the eastern coast of Africa and Madagascar are likely to be settled in Southeast Asia. 400 m
Bananas were present, as in separate parts of the Middle East and other parts of Islam's approach. The
island was very large. There are many references in Islamic texts (such as songs and modern forms) at
the age of 9 years. Bananas appear in Egypt and Palestine at the age of 10 years. Then there is a wide
range in North Africa and Iberian Muslims. During the Middle Ages, Granada fell banana as a middle
among the best in the Arab world. In 650, the Islamists brought them hostage to Palestine. Today, the
consumption of bananas increases significantly among Islamic countries, where people want to know
the month of Ramadan, the month and the day.

Christian plants are cultivated by Cyprus in the late Middle Ages. In 1458, the Italian Gabrielle
Capodelista wrote in detail the details of the fruit of the banana plantation field, including the modern
farm fields in Episcopi, near Limassol.

In West Africa, in America, they brought the fruits of bananas in Portuguese sailors, introduced in the
16th century.

In the summer as well as many species in India, China and Southeast Asia, the diversity has been

Pinky aliquet or curtains at the moment of them; gold, white and green pulp in white syrup. With a taste
of boiled strawberries. They do the same in two times about the grape plants of Double Maho. Bananas
and Atari move to the Chinese name of San Heung: "You can smell it from the next mountain." For one
number, one fixed type has increased; long nail nails as another.

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