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Visioning Pt.

Tier 1 + SLT
What is a Visioning process?
Step 1: Identify ideal state
Step 2: Generate actions that exemplify ideal state
Step 3: Identify criteria for how to attain ideal state
Step 4: Coach up!
Step 5: Create and implement tool to monitor progress toward ideal
Types of System Change

Technical Adaptive
• Individual • Systemic
• Benign Day-to-Day management • Impactful
• Training • Learning and growing
• Adjustment • Beliefs-based
• Disruptive
Currently Realit(ies) at TRHS
• 43.9% of African American males were chronically absent in the 2017-18 school year

• 35% of Latino males were chronically absent in the 2017-18 school year

• 18.8% of white males were chronically absent in the 2017-18 school year

• According to a U.S. Department of Education study from the 2013-14 school year, an
average of 14% of students were identified as chronically absent nationwide
Avoiding “Us” and “Them”…
Building Goal:
Reduce chronic absenteeism in African
American males by 20%

• Leverage Point 1: • Leverage Point 2:

Create a Community School Create/cultivate culturally
model inclusive classrooms

• Accept non-closure – Adaptive change is a journey!

• Lean in to the discomfort
• Own and share your narrative
• Keep an open mind
• Critique systems not people
Most Importantly…
Know that you, YES YOU, are a member of
this community, and that adaptive change takes
every single member of the team in order to
occur and maintain
Turn to a should partner and discuss…

Why is it important to ensure that

culturally inclusive practices are living in
every classroom every single day?
Sticky Note Activity (For Assigned Theme)
Blue Sticky Note: Write “Example” at the top of your stick note. Provide 1
example of this practice in action

Yellow Sticky Note: Write “Non-Example” at the top of your sticky note.
Provide 1 non-example of this practice in action
Consensogram Activity

Looking at the 5 themes, vote:

Blue Sticker: Highest impact on our WIG

Red Sticker: Most urgent theme to address in ALL classrooms

Actual vs. Target Conditions
• Analyze where we are as a system (thinking beyond
your personal classroom) – stand next to the
corresponding number on the “scale” for culturally
inclusive practices
• Explain your position

• What will I do to continue growing in my understanding

of culturally inclusive practices?

• What will I do to support others in their growth and

understanding of culturally inclusive practices?

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