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Visioning Process

What is a Visioning process?
Step 1: Identify ideal state
Step 2: Generate actions that exemplify ideal state
Step 3: Identify criteria for how to attain ideal state
Step 4: Coach up!
Step 5: Create and implement tool to monitor progress toward ideal
Technical Vs. Adaptive
Types of System Change

Technical Adaptive
• Individual • Systemic
• Benign Day-to-Day management • Impactful
• Training • Learning and growing
• Adjustment • Beliefs-based
• Disruptive
Currently Realit(ies) at TRHS
• 43.9% of African American males were chronically absent in the 2017-18 school year

• 35% of Latino males were chronically absent in the 2017-18 school year

• 18.8% of white males were chronically absent in the 2017-18 school year

• According to a U.S. Department of Education study from the 2013-14 school year, an
average of 14% of students were identified as chronically absent nationwide
Avoiding “Us” and “Them”…
Building Goal:
Reduce chronic absenteeism in African
American males by 20%

• Leverage Point 1: • Leverage Point 2:

Create a Community School Create/cultivate culturally
model inclusive classrooms
Where is our goal already living?

• Tier 1 Team
• Tier 2 Team
• Homebase “Conditions for Learning” Student Groups
Visioning Norms

• Accept non-closure – Adaptive change is a journey!

• Lean in to the discomfort
• Own and share your narrative
• Keep an open mind
Most Importantly…
Know that you, YES YOU, are a member of
this community, and that adaptive change takes
every single member of the team in order to
occur and maintain
Visioning Step 1

5 Minutes:
Brainstorm and write down as many ideas about what a
culturally inclusive classroom looks, sounds, and feels
like in ideal state
Visioning Step 2

5 Minutes:
Brainstorm and write down actions that will help achieve
the ideal state of a culturally inclusive classroom
What actions would help to hear, feel, and see the ideal state in each
classroom during an observation?

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