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English – Unit 3

Going To


Persona + Going To + Infinitive

Example: I’m going to work in a restaurant


Persona + Isn’t/Aren’t + Going To + Infinitive

Example: We aren’t going to stay very long


Is/Are + Persona + Going to + Infinitive

Example: Are you going to find a job?

Utilizamos Going To para hablar de planes futuros y predicciones

Example: I going to work in UK for six months (Plan Futuro)

Example: I think It’s going to rain this afternoon (Predicción)

Present Continuous for Future Arregments

El Present Continuous puede ser utilizado también para Future Arregmentes que tenemos planeados
para un tiempo o lugar determinados. Es común utilizar Present Continuous con Tonight,
Tommorow, This Weekend, Go, Come, Meet, See, Leave and Arrive

Will/Won’t + Infinitve (Predictions)


I – You – We – They – He – She – It + Will/Won’t + Infinitive

Example: She will be late/She won’t be late

Utilizamos Will/Won’t para predicciones futuras.

El futuro de can es I’ll be able to.


Will + Persona + Be + Infinitve

Example: Will she be late?

Will (Decisions, Offers, Promises)

Decisions: I won’t have the fish

Offers: I’ll help you with your homework

Promises: I’ll always love you

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