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About the 'Mini Saga' project

Write a mini saga.

A mini saga is a short story
of exactly fifty words.
It has a beginning, a middle and an end.
Hyphenated words count as two.
Normally used contractions such as won't count as one.
It’s important to concentrate on the contents,
but you’ll also have to count and count again.

Help on mini sagas

First think of your subject, something that happened in the past.
Do a rough copy first!
It could be humorous, bizarre, fact or fiction
Try at first to be a little short of your target of 50 words.
It is much easier to add words than to remove them.
It has to be a story, don’t describe a scene (beginning – middle - end).
Don't forget to add a title (you don't have to count the words from the title!)

A mistake

That morning, I woke up at seven o’clock. I did the usual things. I was ready to go to school. My
father came downstairs and began to laugh. He said: ”What’s the matter with you boy?” ”You
have no school today!” It was Monday morning, but it was a holiday!

Snow-white and the seven dwarfs

On a beautiful day an ugly long-nosed witch gave beautiful Snow-white an apple. Beautiful
Snow-white ate the poisoned apple and fell into a deep sleep. The dwarfs brought her to the
prince. The prince kissed her and she woke up. They lived happily ever after and they had
seven sons.

The killing princess

Once there was a princess. She talked and talked. But the more she talked, the more people
killed themselves. After five years she was the last on earth and she started talking to mother
earth. After a while mother earth was so tired and so the princess destroyed the earth!

The dragon that couldn’t fly

Once, there was a dragon that could not fly. It tried but it could not get high. One day it got a
balloon and found out that it could fly. The dragon bought himself twenty balloons and tied them
on its tail. The dragon flew high up in the sky.

A strange kiss

It all began in spring. I was a pip and lay on the ground. Some girl picked me from the ground
and looked at me. First she said something strange, then she gave me a kiss and put me in the
ground. The following week I was a little tree!
A smart hamster

It was a beautiful morning. I was almost ready to go to school. My little hamster went out for a
walk. It saw a chance and ran away. My mum saw it in the kitchen. Luckily, my dad could catch
my hamster. One thing is sure, it enjoyed the trip!

The chocolate boy

There was a boy who always ate chocolate. He was sick of it. One time he dreamt about
chocolate men who took him to a castle. He had to be punished. He was so afraid that he ran
away. He woke up and said he would never eat chocolate again.

The pizza guy

Boy loved girl. Girl didn’t want boy. Boy tried everything, nothing worked. Boy ordered pizza to
get over her. Pizza guy said: “I know your problem, give this and she will love you.” Boy gave
potion. Girl turned into pizza. Boy wondered. Pizza guy apologized for giving the wrong potion.

Cat and dog

Yesterday morning I heard a noise in the garden. Oh no! It was our dog… and my neighbour’s
cat. They were fighting! I ran in the garden and the my dog bit me. Now I am in hospital. I’ve got
a broken leg and a huge hole in my head.

Cinderella in 50 words

This story’s about a very beautiful girl. She lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. She met
the prince at his party. The king and queen wanted to find a wife for their son. Cinderella ran
away, because it was almost twelve o’ clock. The prince found Cinderella and married her.

Footsteps on the staircase

Jan was alone in bed. His parents were at a party. He heard a noise a the front door! The
noise came closer, then on the staircase. He took a stick and got ready to hit. One, two, three,
four, five. Suddenly he woke up. It was just a dream.

Once there was a chicken that didn’t like eggs

She lived on a farm. Marie was her name. Marie hated the smell of a fresh hard boiled egg. She
had a row with the rooster because she wanted to fly away. One day Marie tried to fly away, but
she crashed. Later that day she became the evening dinner.

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