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Welcome aboard

Welcome to UF-10, the newest in a line of stations created by the
United Foundation of Planets. These satellites are stationed all
throughout the inhabited sectors, serving as a neutral territory in
which conflicts between federations can be negotiated peacefully to
prevent war. In addition, these satellites serve as communities in which
denizens of all races and creeds can live together in harmony, serving
as a representation of the unity we strive to build. Civilians on UF-10
include merchants, ambassadors, scholars, scientists and much more!

This booklet is a guide to all the things you need to know before joining
the UF-10 family. There are many different cultures residing here, so
make sure you know your information before boarding.
According to Foundation data, in accordance with the most
recent surveys of intergalactic life, there are currently 5 known species
that display intelligence in the known universe. Interestingly, each of
them has reached a level in their development where intergalactic
space travel is possible. This has lead to interplanetary federations of
colonies across the inhabited sectors, and awareness of the other 4
species. Also of note, it seems that of all of them, humankind was the
last to gain awareness of the other 4 species; only gaining awareness
after the other 4 had already created alliances and a political structure.
This resulted in Humans having to make their way into a long-since
established political hierarchy.

The following is a basic background of the 5 species you will

encounter most often on UF-10. They also include notes on their stance
in the most commonly discussed political issue, the Milon-Asyf War.
Humans (white)

Most likely make up the majority of staff and personnel on the station.
Though humans appear to be the weakest of the UF species, they are far from it.
Humans are incredibly diverse and particularly good at adapting to change; which
has allowed them to flourish unabated on their native world. Though humans
often look to benefit themselves first and foremost, as a species they are a
peaceful people, and prefer solve matters with as little violence as possible. In
addition, as the newest species to enter the intergalactic community, they are
one of the few races to still maintain relative neutrality throughout all the
federations. It is because of this that the federations agreed to allow them to
create the United Federations, an organization that aides others in negotiating
Milonians (purple)

Milons are the most technologically advanced society on the base. Prior
generations of Milons were conquerers and the Milon empire used to stretch for
galaxies… or so they claim. Because of this, they populate the most planets and
have dealings with every other species (even Earth ships and weapons contain
Milon technology; trade with the Milons is a boon to Earth governments). Milons
are also known to be extremely gluttonous and opulent. The ruling upper class
Milons (the Milons most likely to be found on UF 10) are known to be typically
drunk and hang out in gambling halls. Milons have recently fallen few in number
(spread the gene pool too thin) and many of the aristocratic members wish to find
new ways to rebuild their empire. The peace treaty could mean an end to that
dream. Milons possess multiple stomachs, allowing them to eat more without
getting sick and a stronger immunity to disease and toxins than any other

Role playing hints:

former imperialists, nobles, politicians
Asyf (green)

A reptilian species from a desert planet. Asyf are naturally stronger than
the other races and can go long periods without eating or rest. They are typically
aggressive, often quick-tempered and very proud. They are the least
technologically advanced of the races, and were frequently treated as second
class citizens by the Milons, whom they share a home star system with. During
the days of the empire, many Milons traded and captured Asyf as slaves. While
less technologically advanced, the Asyf's great numbers have caused the war to
be much more even with lots of damage on both sides. While the Asyf want
peace, they're pride means they want it to be on their terms with as much taken
away from the Milons as possible. In addition, many groups within the Asyf
people want revenge and a treaty could take away their chance at it.

Role playing hints:

Warriors, ex-slaves, revolutionaries
K’nax (red)

K'nax are frequently seen as the swindlers and slimeballs of the

universe. K'nax society is based entirely on material and positional gain and any
attempt to gain it. K'nax are typically not physically imposing at all, but possess
advanced intellect and charm which they will use to take anything and everything
they can. Most of them on the ship work as shop owners and lobbyists. Many
K'nax also do well as informants, knowing about most dirty deeds going on on
UF10, and possess a heightened stealth ability, making them harder to see when
they don't want to be seen. Their government officially backs the Milons in the
war as they would rather have the allies with the better weapons and grander
wealth. However, the K'nax remain neutral in the war and are just as willing to
sell guns and supplies to the Asyf as they are the Milons, if the price is right. Still,
a lot of K'nax could lose profit from their partnership with the Milons should this
deal fall through.

Role playing hints:

Merchants, Bankers, lobbyists
Sidu (blue)

The Sidu people are the oldest known race in the galaxy and the wisest
and most spiritual. If you need the history of a place, people or item, the Sidu are
the best one to ask. While there are a few Sidu religions (as there are with all
species), most follow a belief that all beings are joined by one spirit, and that the
aspect of the spirit that makes you is reincarnated again and again. Because of
this, the Sidu are mostly a pacifistic race, and their religion allows them to only
carry a ceremonial blade as a weapon in self-defense. Because of their pacifism,
the Sidu always take a neutral stance in wars unless they themselves are
attacked. However, unofficially, most Sidu sympathize with the Asyf, whom they
believed were horribly wronged by the Milon empire. Many might view the treaty
as the Asyf government being bullied out of it's right to fight back.

Role playing hints:

Peacekeepers, Priests, activists
The United Foundation of Planets is not the only organization in
the inhabited sectors. In fact, we are only one of the most recent.

There are many groups you will hear about during your stay on
UF-10, each of whom have their own agendas and goals to pursue.

The following is a listing of the most prevalent organizations you

will hear about during your residency on UF-10, including information
on their ideology and notes on their behavior as perceived by those
outside the organization.
The Overseers of
“Money is the lifeblood of the universe, and we must let it flow…”

The Overseers of Prosperity recognize that trade has become an essential

and vital part of the social structure of the federations. The lines of commerce
between planets have become so dense, that any change in this flow could
cause a massive shift in the economic balance. Even worse, if any planet should
become too weak or unable to follow through on their trades, the following
cessation of flow could cause a chain reaction that could threaten the prosperity
of the federations. The Overseers have made it their duty to ensure that the
economic stability of the federations is maintained, at any cost. They usually
resort to espionage to ensure this goal. It is not uncommon for members of this
organization to be caught spying on the inner workings of a planetʼs government
to learn ahead of time about upcoming surges or declines in goods, or for a
member of this organization to manipulate a planetʼs leader as to further the
goals of the Overseers. But because the federations recognize they are fighting
for a noble cause, most governments have an uneasy truce with them, and will
not penalize them too harshly if discovered.
The Sons of T’Mayk
“…and so I swear to train in the arts of war, to live and die by the sword.”

The Sons of TʼMayk is a brotherhood of the most elite warriors in the

known universe. Legend has it the order was founded by TʼMayk the fierce, an
ancient warrior who singlehandedly defeated the entire armada of a warring
nation on his planet. Though locally, the majority of its membership comes from
the Asyf, membership is available to all races and creeds who can prove
themselves worthy in close-combat. In fact, the orderʼs reach is so vast that it is
believed that Sons exist even in the unexplored territories of the universe. The
brotherhoodʼs headquarters are located on a distant and isolated star, which
serves as a training ground for its members. Though The Sons are notoriously
stubborn, and prefer to fight separately from others, all federations know that no
one trains better fighters than The Sons, and that receiving the brotherhoodʼs
aide can decide a battle before it even begins.
The Olive Guard
Philanthropy. Discovery. Fraternity.

A reason often cited by crew members for joining the UF is to meet and
interact with new and unusual life forms. Though for many, the UFʼs dealings are
satisfactory to quench their appetite for discovery, some feel these limited
interaction are not enough. Thatʼs where the Olive Guard comes in. While the
UFʼs primary concern is to act as a platform for maintaining peace within the
inhabited sectors, The Olive Guard believes in seeing all there is to see, finding
all there is to find, and the pursuit of adventure. The choice of the olive branch as
a symbol was made by one of its founders, a human, because of its history with
humans as a symbol of peace (though most other species find their own
significance in the meaning of the olive branch). Their mission statement is “To
seek out and aide beings in need, whatever form they may take.” Though in their
travels, they always extend a hand in friendship, and always valiantly aid the
natives as to establish alliances with them, this philanthropy only serves as a way
to legitimize themselves as an organization, and in fact, their meddling often
create new problems on the planets, as miscommunication, egos and foreign
species wreak havoc on the planets. Though as a philanthropist organization, the
UF canʼt legally touch them, they do not support or agree with the Olive Guard
The Star’s Pilgrims
“Truth is elusive, it is tricky and once you think you have it, it slips through
your fingers. And that makes the chase all the more necessary…”

At one point or another, all beings ask themselves ʻWhat is my purpose?

What is the meaning of all things?ʼ The story goes that a nameless Sidu was so
overcome by this question that he set out to find the answers himself, leaving the
comforts and riches of his home to travel nomadically throughout the cosmos.
Though those who follow in his footsteps do not take such lengths, all members
are equally driven towards the pursuit of knowledge, and above all else, answers.
They practice a belief system that combines science and religion in harmonious
union; they recognize that there is a spiritual side to science and a scientific side
to spiritual pursuits. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find Pilgrim
monasteries that also harbor research centers, libraries that include meditation
chambers and laboratories that specialize in supernatural studies.
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