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Madison Hunt

Professor Cassel

Eng 1201

13 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My topic for the research essay explores the parallels between music, and how it helps

common individuals cope with their mental health issues. While originally I wanted it to focus

more on anxiety and depression, as i’ve researched, i’ve realised that it helps with many other

issues other than those. Because of this, i’ve opened it up to all issues involving mental health,

and am hoping to discover the reasons behind why music is such a healing power for so many


-Boothby, Suzanne. “How Does Music Affect Your Mood and Emotions.” Healthline, Healthline

Media, 13 Apr. 2017, 13 March. 2019


“How Does Music Affect Your Mood and Emotions” was an article written by Suzanne

Boothby that comes from the website Healthline. The article was published on April 13, 2017,

with it’s main claim being that music is able to boost our moods, and helps many people with

therapy, both in physical and mental terms. It is broken down into three sections, one explaining

the overall claim of the article, one talking about how music is used in therapy, and studies that

have been done to show the effectiveness. The last part talks about the way music boosts our

moods, and also provides evidence of studies in the subject’s favor. The author’s main purpose

in writing this article was to educate the public on the ways music can positively affect our lives,

and help us with everyday things. I think the audience for an article such as this one are the

people who are actually affected by mental issues, and recognize that music helps them deal

with said issues. The piece was written originally in 2013, but has since been updated in 2017.
Madison Hunt

Professor Cassel

Eng 1201

13 March 2019

Because it was written rather recently, I think the piece holds up strong, and still provides

evidence that is relevant in 2019. This article is credible for many reasons, the main being that it

cites several trusted sources involving doctors and studies that have been done with public

knowledge. The article has also been updated twice since it’s original airing, which proves that

the information has been looked over more than once in recent years. In my research essay, I

am going to use this source to explain the evidence behind why music is helpful to us. This

source has several callbacks to studies performed with real evidence, which will make it

extremely useful when writing my essay.

-Cherry, Kendra, and Steven Gans. “10 Surprising Psychological Benefits of Music.” Verywell

Mind, Dotdash, 19 Nov. 2018, 13 March. 2019

“The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Music” was written by Kendra Cherry, and shared

with the world on November 19, 2018. Making it’s appearance on the website Verywell mind,

The source is broken down into ten different sections, with the main point being that music has

extreme benefits with mental health, and allows us to become healthier within ourselves. All of

the sections discuss the benefits music has in helping our minds and our bodies. The author’s

purpose with this article was to share the different ways that musics helps us, and how

beneficial it can be to the human mind and body. I believe that this article is credible because it

was very recently written on November 19, 2018. Also, it sights many sources and provides

links throughout the article that give more information on certain topics. In my research paper, I

will use this article to provide examples of the benefits we get from listening to music. This

article will be a crucial part of my paper, as it will provide the positive effects music has on us,

and what we can do with it.

Madison Hunt

Professor Cassel

Eng 1201

13 March 2019

-Hollow, Michele C. “Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness Through Music.” The New York

Times, The New York Times, 29 Jan. 2019, 13 March. 2019


“Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness Through Music” was written by Michele C. Hollow, and

was published on January 29, 2019 on the New York Times website. The main claim of this

article is that music is involved in several parts of the brain that have to do with very important

functions, and because of this, music allows us to have positive gain. This article was written for

those who are interested in music therapy, and the way it manipulates the brain to work in a

beneficial way. I think this article is hugely credible, mainly because it was published on the 29th

of January of this year, provides several different cases of victims that have benefited from

music therapy, and has a platform on an already credible news site; The New York Times. I will

use this article in my essay to provide more evidence on the effects music has on the brain

specifically, and how it benefits us as people.

-Johnson, Kaylie, and Annie Heiderscheit. “A Survey of Music Therapy Methods on Adolescent

Inpatient Mental Health Units.” Journal Of Music Therapy, vol. 55, no. 4, Dec. 2018, pp. 463–

488. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093/jmt/thy015. 13 March. 2019

“A survey of Music Therapy Methods on Adolescent Inpatient Mental Health Units” was

written by Kaylie Johnson and Annie Heiderscheit. It was published on December 11, 2018, and

appears on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health website. The article

details a certain study performed on adolescents with mental issues, and how the use of music

therapy affected them. This article was written for those who are studying medicine, as another
Madison Hunt

Professor Cassel

Eng 1201

13 March 2019

form of the text can be found on the Oxford website. Both writers of the article have written

several other articles over medical topics, and have a credible backstory. I think this source is

credible as it was written very recently, and the study it describes was performed very recently

as well. I will use this article in my paper to prove furthermore the effects music therapy can

have on people, especially children.

-Ramos, Juárez, et al. “Benefits of Using Music Therapy in Mental Disorders.” OMICS

International, OMICS International, 13 July 2016, 13 March. 2019


“Benefits of Using Music Therapy in Mental Disorders” was written by Juarez Ramos, on July

13, 2016. It is featured on the Journal of Biomusical Engineering website. The main point of the

article is to present a report of the different affects music therapy has had on people from

different studies. It is also to show the positive, and beneficial effects music therapy can have on

the common person. The article investigates different studies that have been done involving

music therapy, and the results from afterwards. The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to

show the effects and outcomes of music therapy on the ordinary person. I believe this article is

credible because it was written recently in 2016, has fourteen different sources used, and

appears on a website that specializes in music studies. In my research paper, I will use this

article to show how music affects people, and what we take away from music therapy.

-Ulbircht, Catherine. “Music Therapy for Health and Wellness.” Psychology Today, Sussex

Publishers, 21 June 2013, 13 March. 2019

Madison Hunt

Professor Cassel

Eng 1201

13 March 2019


“Music Therapy for Health and Wellness” was written by Catherine Ulbircht, and appears on the

website, Psychology Today. While the article was written on June 21, 2013, it stills holds

relevance with the topic and its effects today. The article mainly discusses how different types of

music affect our moods, and the different ways music can help us cope. The article was written

by a pharmacist who wanted to educate people that sometimes medicine isn’t the best

prescription. While the article wasn’t posted in recent years, the article was written by a

pharmacist with a degree in medicine, giving it credibility. In my research paper, I will use this

article to prove how music changes our moods, and this article will give further proof, as it was

written by someone with a degree in medicine.

-Warren, Molly. “NAMI.” NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness, 19 Dec. 2016, 13 March.


“The Impact of Music Therapy on Mental Health” was written by Molly Warren, on December 19,

2016. The article is a blog post that talks about how music therapy helped Molly, and the way it

changed her life. The writer’s purpose in writing the article was show people how music can

affect us, as she experienced it herself. Although the source is a blog post, which makes it

seemingly less credible than a news article, it shows the real, personal effects of music therapy

on people. I will use this blog post in my essay to show the true experience one person had with

music, and how it helped them relax. This will help make my essay feel more personal, as this

information is coming from someone who has experienced the things I will be presenting.

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