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Amber White

Professor Hellmers

English 1201 Online

16 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

The essay I am writing will be attempting to answer the question of whether sleeping

disorders and mental health problems go hand in hand. I will also be trying to answer what ways

can be used to treat these problems and how they affect peoples daily lives.

Akçay, Nimet İlke, et al. “Sleeping Disorders and Anxiety in Academicians: A Comparative

Analysis.” Journal of Turkish Sleep Medicine, vol. 5, no. 3, Sept. 2018, pp. 86–90.

EBSCOhost, doi:10.4274/jtsm.43153. Accessed 02 March 2019.


“Sleeping Disorders and Anxiety in Academicians: A Comparative Analysis.” was written by

Nimet Ilke Akcay and many other authors. I found this source on EBSCO host in the Sinclair

Libguides. This article is focused on examine the relationship between anxiety and sleeping

disorders and to study the frequency of sleep in those with anxiety disorders. The article goes

through many tests and procedures to test the authors question. Finally, the authors conclude that

anxiety and sleeping disorders do in fact correlate. The study shows that for the academicians to

succeed they must be in a non-stressful environment. The writers’ purpose in writing the article

is to learn more about the effects of sleeping disorders and anxiety and the frequency of sleep in
students. The intended audience of this article anyone interested in learning how to prevent loss

of sleep or learn of the relationship between anxiety and sleeping disorders. The writer of this

article is Nimet Ilke Akcay and many other authors. I do not have any accurate way of deciding

if the authors are credible or not. However, the article and research all seem very reliable and

true. I will use this source in my final paper because it has lots of statistics and experiments

regarding mental health and sleeping disorders that will answer my research question.

AlQahtani, Muath S., et al. “Sleeping Disorders among Medical Students in Saudi Arabia; in

Relation to Anti-Insomnia Medications.” Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, vol. 69,

no. 7, Nov. 2017, pp. 2750–2753. EBSCOhost, doi:10.12816/0042561. Accessed 02

March 2019.


“Sleeping Disorders among Medical Students in Saudi Arabia; in Relation to Anti-Insomnia

Medications.” was written by Muath S. AlQahtani and many other authors. I found this source on

EBSCOhost in the Sinclair Libguides. This article examines the amount of sleeping disorders of

medical students in Saudi Arabia. The authors chose medical students as their subjects because

medical students are usually very sleep deprived anyway. They also wanted to test how common

mental health issues are in medical students due to their lack of sleep. The writers’ purpose for

writing this is to learn more about the effects of sleep loss and mental health issues on medical

students. The authors also want to learn how common mental health issues are with medical

students. The intended audience for this article is anyone looking to learn more about mental
health and sleeping disorders and the effect the have on humans. The writer of this article is

Muath S. AlQahtani and many others. I know the authors are credible because they work at Al

Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU) College of Medicine, in Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia. I believe the authors are credible because they work at a College of Medicine and seem

to be very educated. I also think because of this they gathered adequate information for this

article. I will use this information in my final paper to gather more information and statistics on

the relationship between sleeping disorders and mental health issues and answer my research

question. It will answer my questions because it allows me to learn more about mental health and


Anderson, Kirstie N and Andrew J Bradley. “Sleep disturbance in mental health problems and

neurodegenerative disease” Nature and science of sleep vol. 5 61-75. 31 May. 2013,

doi:10.2147/NSS.S34842. Accessed 02 March 2019.

“Sleep disturbance in mental health problems and neurodegenerative disease” was written by

Kirstie N Anderson and Andrew J Bradley. This article has many main points. It talks about

normal sleep patterns, sleep patterns with mental health issues and many different types of

mental health disorders and what they are. The authors purpose in writing the article is to inform

readers about the differences in normal sleep patterns and abnormal sleep patterns. It is also to

inform readers of the many different types of mental health disorders and how they make people

feel. The audience for this article is anyone that wants to learn more about mental health and

sleeping disorders or how to diagnose themselves with a certain type of disorder. The writers of
this article are Kirstie N Anderson and Andrew J Bradley. I know the authors are credible

because they give more information about themselves. Both authors work in the neuroscience

department in a hospital in the UK. I believe that because of this, the authors are credible and

used reliable information in their article. I will use this article to answer my question in my final

paper by using the many different types of mental health issues listed in the article to learn more

about these issues and how they correspond with sleeping disorders.

Harvard Health Publishing. “Sleep and Mental Health.” Harvard Health Blog, Harvard Health

Publishing, 19 June 2018,

health. Accessed 02 March 2019.


“Sleep and Mental Health.” was written by Harvard Health Publishing for the Harvard Health

Blog. This article explains how closely related mental health and sleeping disorders are. It also

talks about what types of people are more likely to suffer from sleeping disorders and what could

be some signs of having mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. It also mentions

how sleep loss can affect daily life. The writers’ purpose in writing the article is to inform readers

of the many types of mental health issues and the toll sleep deprivation takes on a person’s body.

It is also to inform people of signs that they could be suffering from a mental health problem or a

sleeping disorder. The audience is anyone that wants to learn more how what sleeping disorders

and mental health are and how they go hand in hand. The writers are from the Harvard Mental

Health Blog. While I do not exactly know who wrote the article, the authors are from a credible
source, Harvard. Due to this, I believe the information in the article is accurate, well researched

and credible. I will use this article in my final paper to answer my research question by using the

plentiful information, statistics and definitions of mental health issues to answer my question.

Holiner, Corina. “The Overlap Between Sleep Disorders and Mental Illnesses.” Holiner

Psychiatric Group, 27 Oct. 2015,

mental-illness/. Accessed 03 March 2019.

“The Overlap Between Sleep Disorders and Mental Illnesses.” was written by Corina

Holiner of the Holiner Psychiatric Group. This article explains many different types of mental

health issues and sleeping disorders and how they correspond. It also explains how you can treat

these disorders if you have them. The writers’ purpose for writing this article is to inform people

of the many types of mental health issues and how they relate to sleeping disorders. It is also to

inform people of the ways to treat mental health issues and sleeping disorders. The audience of

this article is anyone wanting to learn more about the effects of anxiety and sleeping disorders on

a person and how to treat them. The writer is Corina Holiner, I do not know for sure if she is

credible. However, she is a psychiatrist at the Holiner Psychiatric Group of Dallas, Texas. Due to

this, I believe her article and the information in the article is credible. I will use this information

in my final paper because this article allows me to discuss how to treat mental health and

sleeping disorders in my final paper.

Khawaja, Imran. “Sleep Disorders and Mental Illness Go Hand in Hand.” UTSouthwestern

Medical Center, 22 May 2017,

Accessed 02 March 2019.

“Sleep Disorders and Mental Illness Go Hand in Hand.” was written by Imran Khawaja of

UT Southwestern Medical Center. This article discusses many different types of mental health

issues and sleeping disorders. It also lists different medications and light therapy sessions people

can do to treat these issues. The article lists the types of mental health issues and sleeping

disorders that usually go together. The writers’ purpose in writing the article is to inform people

that suffer from sleeping disorders, different ways they can treat their issues. It is also meant to

show people what types of mental health issues and sleeping disorders are most commonly found

together. The audience for this article is anyone that wants to learn more about sleeping disorders

and mental health issues and how to treat them. The writer of this article is Imran Khawaja. I

believe he is a credible author because he works in the psychiatric department at the UT

Southwestern Medical Center in Texas. I believe the author is credible because of the department

he works in at UT, so I think he would knowledgeable about sleeping disorders and mental health

and give accurate information. I will use this article in my final paper to answer my research

question by using the disorders that go together and research more about different ways to treat

these issues.

Sanders, Laura. “Poor Sleep Can Be the Cause of Anxiety, Study Finds.” The Washington Post,

WP Company, 10 Nov. 2018,


b31dcd53ca6b_story.html?utm_term=.eaba78a21468. Accessed 02 March 2019.



“Poor Sleep Can Be the Cause of Anxiety, Study Finds.” was written by Laura Sanders of

The Washington Post. This article discusses the after effects of loss of sleep and how sleep

deprivation usually affects people with mental health issues more. The writers’ purpose in

writing this article is to inform people of the effects of sleep loss and how it affects the mental

health issues sufferers more usually. The audience for this article is anyone that wants to learn

more about the effects of sleeping disorders and mental health on people. The writer is Laura

Sanders of The Washington Post. There is not a way for me to tell if she is credible or not.

However, the article is under the “Health and Science” section of the Washington Post, which is

a very respected newspaper. I will use this article to answer my research question by using the

information in the article about the after effects of sleep deprivation.

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