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Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

Electives for PGP-II (2019-20)


Marketing 1) Consumer Behavior 1. Sales and Distribution 1) Political (* 0.5 Credit)
(DDG 1 Sec ACh - 2 Sec.) Management (1.0 Marketing (SBD) .
Only for PGP Students Credit) (RA) (2 Sec) (1.0 Credit) $ Note: DAM and AMR
2) Advanced Marketing 2. BOP & Rural Marketing (1Sec) are mutually exclusive
Research (1.0 Credit) @(1.0 Credit) (RA) (1 2) Applied courses. Those who opt
(SBD) (2 Sec) $ Sec) Marketing for DAM cannot Opt for
3) Brand Management 3. Data Analysis in Strategy (1.0 AMR and Vice Versa.
(1.0 Credit) (SM) (1 Sec) Marketing (1.0 Credit) Credit) (RK - 2 @PGP student opting
4) Machine Learning in (DAM) (SM) (1 Sec.) $ Sec) for this should not opt
Marketing (1.0 Credit) 4. *Product Management 3) *Workshop: for RUMA-ABM.
(SM) (1 Sec) (0.5 Credit –Pre Mid) Sports
5) Pricing Strategy (1.0 (AG) (2 Sec) Marketing (0.5
Credit )(PPD) (2Sec) 5. Retail Strategy (1.0 Credit) (VS-AF)
6) *Digital Marketing Credit) (DDG) (1 Sec) (1Sec)
(MM) (Post Mid only) -1 6. Services Marketing (1.0 (Vijay
section Credit (Ach) (1 Sec) Santhanam)
7) * Social Media Analytics 7. Promotional Strategy 4) *Workshop:
(MM) (Post Mid Only) – (1.0 Credit) (NK) (1 sec) Creating
1 section Advertisement
(0.5 Credit) (KC-
AF) (2 Sec)
Finance and 1) Corporate Valuation & 1) *Behavioral Finance (MCh 1) Corporate
Accounting Restructuring (AG-2 – 1 Sec (Post Mid) (0.5 Banking & Risk $ These two subjects
Sec.), (SCB-1 Sec.) Credit) Management are mutually exclusive
2) Financial Derivatives 2) Commercial Bank (VS - 1 Sec.)
and Risk Management Management (PrS - 2 Sec.) 2) Financing Start
( (ADixit 2Sec) 3) *Fixed Income Markets Ups (PrS/VK) (1
3) Financial Statement (SS – 1 Sec (Pre Mid) (0.5 Sec)
Analysis (SeS - 2 Sec) Credit) 3) International
4) $ Investment 4) $ Investment Analysis and Finance (M Ch)
Management (V) (2 Portfolio Management (2 Sec)
Sec.) (MK - 2 Sec.)
5) Project Finance
(VS - 1 Sec.)
6) Quantitative Applications
in Finance (A.Dixit - 1
Strategic 1. Technology, 1. # Managing Global 1. Mergers & All courses of 1.0 Credit.
Management Innovation and Business (KA) (2 Sec) Acquisitions
Strategy (KCB - 2 Sec) 2. Corporate Strategy (ND) # New Course
2. Mergers & Entrepreneurship and (1 Sec)
Acquisitions Strategy Innovation (SbS) (1 Sec) 2. Applied Theory
(AKS) (2 Sec) in Strategy and
3. Strategic Management Competition
of New Ventures (SbS) (AnP)(2
(2 Sec) sections)
3. Managing
Business – 1
Section ( 1
Credit) (1 sec)
- RD

Human 1) # Performance and 1) # Strategic Human 1) # Talent # New Course

Resource Compensation Resource Management Management and Maximum student’s
Management Management (Pre AS (DS-AF) - 2 sections Development (AB- strength in one section
2) ## Leadership
AF) – 2 sections
through theatre
& Post MB-AF-2 (PP/AF) Pre Mid- 50 – activity based
sections. 0.5 credits – 1 course
## Minimum B grade in
section size is 35. Prior
association/training in
theatre mandatory

Operations 1) Service Operations 1) Supply Chain Analytics 1) Operations All courses of 1.0
Management Management (SK/OSV) and Strategy (IB) (2 sec) Strategy (RP-AF) Credit.
(2 sec) 2) Project Management (02 Sections)
2) Logistics and Supply (SK/LG-AF ) (1 sec) (* 0.5 Credit)
Chain Management 3) Quality Management and 2) Health Care
(SKS/KNS-AF) (1 sec) Six Sigma (OSV) (2 sec)
3) *Revenue Management
Management (SV)-
& Dynamic Pricing
(Post- mid) (SKJ) (2 sec) (2 sec)

I T and 1) Digital Transformation 1) Big Data Analytics 1) Enterprise IT All courses of 1.0
Systems (AA /AJ-AF) (2 Sec ) (PrK – 1 Sec) Risk Credit
2) Business Data 3) Spreadsheet Modeling Management
Communications (ArM- (VG - 1 Sec) (ArM-1 Sec)
(2 Sec) (Credit 1)

Business 1. Economic Policy 1) Behavioral All courses of 1.0 Credit.

Environment Analysis (0.5 Credit) Economics and
(KB- 1 Sec) (Pre mid) Management
2. *Applied (1.0 Credit) (SC
Econometrics (Prof. – 2 Sec) *0.5 credit
Chandan Sharma) (0.5
credit) (1 sec) (Post 2) Environmental
mid) and Resource
Economics (1.0
Credit) (DP – 1
Communi- 1. # Storytelling for 1) Leadership Through 1) Communication All courses of 1.0 Credit.
cation Management (0.5 Credit) Literature (NP - 1 Sec] Beyond # New Course
(NR) (Pre-mid) 2) Advanced Oral Boundaries (PM
Communication –1 Sec)
(NP - 1 Sec)

Decision 1*^Managerial Decision 1. *Game Theory and #New Course

Sciences Making Via Mathematical Application (0.5 Credit) (S )-2
section (Pre-mid) *0.5 credit
Modeling (0.5 Credit) (Pre-
mid) (JD) 2) Management Science in ^B grade (minimum in
Practice : A Modelling and QAM -1 and knowledge
2.* Infrastructure Models Case Studies Approach with of Integer
for Transport and MS-EXCEL (BKM) (1.0 Credit) programming.
Telecom Networks (Pre- Proficiency in high level
mid) (YKA)-(0.5 Credit) programming language
3) #Statistical Learning (C++/Java/Python)
with R (1.0 Credit) (KB) (2
Legal 1. Intellectual Property
Management Management & E-Commerce
(0.5 Credit) DSS / PKS-AF

General 1) Design Thinking (SK- Business Sustainability ^^Will run as workshop

Management OM/Ach) –0.5 credit and Externalities for full term ( No
(1Sec)^^ Markets {SK (CFAM)- 1 pre/post mid)
Sec } @@Paid Course
( Rs. 7000 approx non
Workshop - Experiential refundable amount at
Learning @@(SK-OM)- the beginning of Term
0.5 credit IV) – Schedule to be in
break of Term V
# New Course * 0.5 Credit
Imp: Courses where sections are not specified, bidding can go up to maximum 2 sections
PGP-ABM Electives 2017-18


Agri- 1. Agri-input Marketing 1. Agricultural Services

business (SKP) Marketing (MKA) 1. Rural Marketing
Management (MKA)
2. Marketing Models in 2. Agricultural
Agribusiness (KBG) Commodity Futures
Markets (VVG-AF)
3. Agribusiness Value
Chain Finance* (SKP) 3. Procurement of Agri
Commodities for Retail
4. Contemporary Strategies and Food Processing
in Food & Agribusiness Industries (SKP)
4. Strategic Food
Marketing (KBG)

5. Consumer Behaviour
for Food Products and
Services (KBG)

6. Innovation
Management in
Agribusiness (NK-AF)

7. Financial Inclusion and

Microfinance (SKP)

Note: # New Course * 0.5 Credit

 ABM Students can take at most one PGP Elective course in their second year.
 Business Sustainability and Externalities Markets, will be treated as ABM course for the ABM
 Marketing Models in Agribusiness cannot be taken by students registering for “Advanced Marketing
 Consumer Behaviour for Food Products and Services cannot be taken by students who take
“Consumer Behaviour” offered by Marketing Area.
 Agricultural Services Marketing is offered to only PGPABM students.

SKM : Prof. Sushil Kumar

SKP : Prof. Sanjeev Kapoor

KBG : Prof. K.B. Gupta

MKA : Prof. M.K. Awasthi

NK : Prof. Niraj Kumar – AF

VVG : Mr. V V Ganeshan – AF

Marketing Area

DDG Prof. Devashish Das Gupta

A Ch Prof. Anirban Chakraborty
SBD Prof. S B Dash
SM Prof. Sameer Mathur
PPD Prof. Prem Prakash Dewani
NK Prof. Neelam Kinra
RK Prof. Rajeev Kumra
RA Prof. Rajesh Aithal
AG Prof. Anita Goel
MM Prof. Moutusi Maity
VS-AF Prof. Vijay Santhanam – AF
KC-AF Prof. Kishore Chakraborty –AF

Finance & Accounting Area

AG Prof. Ajay Garg

SCB Prof. S C Bansal
SS Prof. Sowmya S
A Dixit Prof. Alok Dixit
SeS Prof. Seshadev Sahoor
V Prof. Vipul
M Ch Prof. Madhumita Chakraborty
PrS Prof. Prakash Singh
MT Prof. Mrityunjay Tiwary
MK Prof. M Karmakar
VS Prof. Vikas Srivastava

Strategic Management Area

KCB Prof. K C Balodi

AnP Prof. Anadi Pande
AKS Prof. Ashutosh K Sinha
SBS Prof. Sabyasachi Sinha
KA Prof. Kshitij Awathi
ND Prof Neeraj Dwivedi
RD Prof Rupanwita Dash

Human Resource Management Area

AS Prof. Ajay Singh

MB Prof Manmohan Bhutani -AF
DS Prof. Debi Saini - AF
AB Prof Ashok Bhat - AF
PP Prof Pushpendra Priyadarshi
Operations Management Area

SK Prof. Sushil Kumar

OSV Prof. O S Vaidya
SKS Prof. Samir K Srivastava
SKJ Prof. Suresh K Jakhar
KNS Prof. K N Singh
IB Prof. Indranil Biswas
RP-AF Prof. Rahul Pandey – AF
LG-AF Prof. L Ganapathy - AF
SV Prof. S Venkatramanaiah

I T and Systems Area

PrK Prof. Pradeep Kumar

ArM Prof. Arunabha Mukhopadhyay
AA Prof. Amit Agrahari
AK Prof. Ashwani Kumar
VG Prof. Vivek Gupta

Business Environment Area

CS Prof. Chandan Sharma

DP Prof. Debdatta Pal
KB Prof. K Bhattacharya
SC Somdeep Chatterjee

Communication Area

NP Prof. Neerja Pande

PM Prof. Payal Mehra
NR Prof Nandita Roy

Decision Sciences Area

YKA Prof. Y K Agarwal

JD Prof. Jyotirmoy Dalal
S Prof. Sonia
KB Prof Kaustav Banerji
BKM Prof B.K. Mohanty

Legal Management Area

DSS Prof. D S Sengar

General Management Area

SK-OM Prof. Sushil Kumar (OM Area)

A Ch Prof. Anirban Chakraborty
SK-CFAM Prof Sushil Kumar - CFAM
Agri Business Area

SKP Prof. Sanjeev Kapoor

KBG Prof. K B Gupta
MKA Prof. M K Awasthi
SK Prof. Sushil Kumar
VVG Prof. V V Ganeshan – AF
NK Prof. Niraj Kumar – AF

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