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By: Misbahul Kabir

Let the traffic authority come to sense.

Two comfortless death.

The death of two children will become a symbol of the brutal reality of road safety

Last Saturday two children named khadiza and shabiha were killed by road accident in a
eight hour interval at Matsha Bhaban and Shahbag in Dhaka city.

As usual,the reckless bus driver is killer.

Can the two comfortless death recollect of authority?

14 years old sabiha was going to new school to complete her admission task of class nine.

And khadija who has admitted in class six come out with her sister and brother in law for

Both were killed by a collision with bus while crossing the road.
Two unfulfilled lives of the children and mourning of two families will hurt everyone.
But what would be the remedy? Or they will be lost by only two names as the road accident
statistics ?

Road accidents should be given another name.

, ?
Where the driver's reckless behavior, and the authority's negligence kill the pedestrians and
passengers then should it be called the accident?
Many of the people describe it as structural killings or killings due to system.
— , —
, —

The drivers of this system who are Untrained or irresponsible,the owners of vehicle who hit
the road defective vehicles,the traffic authority who fails to implement the rules
properly,BRTA who Criticized for giving license to inefficient,the city corporation and the
Roads and Highways Department for highways outside of capital are not active enough to
secure the accidental roads.

The negligence of passengers and pedestrians adds to this combined carelessness.

Bangladesh thus became one of the countries at the top of road accidents in the world.
We want stringent laws in road accident.

The drivers were responsible for the deaths of two children should face trial immediately.
But it is an emergency to do everything possible for narrowing the accident level.

Inspite of having huge manpower and legal power,its failure means that get into accidents.

By: Misbahul Kabir

Victory of peace and diplomacy over conflict.

Sanctions on Iran lifted.

Economic sanctions imposed by the US and other countries were finally lifted on 16
January as Iran complied with conditions of nuclear disarmament deal.
Iran now has the opportunity for economic growth, while the US and its allies have received
assurances of peace from Iran.
This win for peace makes things a bit safer in a war-torn Middle East.

Other nations should follow Iran’s initiative to gradually meet the universal demand for a
world free of nuclear arms.

In July last year, Iran signed a nuclear disarmament accord with the five UN Security
Council members.

This week the International Atomic

Energy Agency (IAEA) informed the world that Iran has fulfilled all the conditions of the

The US then announced lifting of its sanctions against Iran.

, ,

Iran’s President Hasan Rouhani told the Iranian parliament that investors would now return,
oil sales would double and Iran’s wealth would grow.

Also, Iran’s assets worth USD100 billion in various banks around the world, would also
gradually be released.

In this victory of diplomacy over conflict, the lifting of sanctions against Iran must be hailed.

However, at the same time the US has imposed fresh sanctions on Iranian companies and
individuals linked to Iran’ missile programme.

It is also UN’s responsibility to ensure this new development does not widen the rift between
the two countries.

In the eighties, Iran’s revolutionary government revived the nuclear programme of the
Shah’s era, in face of attack from Saddam Hussein.

Now Iraq itself is dependent in a large part on Iran.

Economic ambitions are now more logical for Iran than nuclear ambitions.

The West should now completely drop its policies to corner Iran economically and politically.

This is essential for peace in the Middle East.


The fact that the US went ahead to forge peaceful relations with Iran despite objections
from Israel and Saudi Arabia, is an indication of changes in Middle East’s reality.

By: Misbahul Kabir

Parliamentary committee should not be used for conflict of interest.

Bangladesh Bank’s special audit.

Questions may well be raised about the directives issued by the parliamentary standing
committee on public accounts to the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), to carry out a
special audit on Bangladesh Bank.

First of all,the chairman of the committee is also the chairman of the private Farmers Bank.
Bangladesh Bank recently issued orders for action to be taken against certain officials of
Farmers Bank involved in gross irregularities in granting and disbursing loans.

The orders were not followed and so the central bank imposed a one million taka fine on the
bank and sent its own observers to address the crisis.

The private bank did not pay the fine. On the contrary it filed a case with the Supreme Court
against Bangladesh Bank.

Such a case against a supervisory institution is unprecedented.

The parliamentary standing committee for public accounts can ask for an audit of any
, ,

But we have noticed, the committee asked for an audit of Bangladesh Bank at such a
juncture when action had been taken against the bank owned by the committee chairman.

It is natural to question the demand for an audit where personal and organizational interests
are involved.

It is noted that,this is contrary to the section 188 (2) of the national parliament’s rules of
procedure to anyone staying in standing committee where his personal interest is related.

There is no scope to use the parliamentary committee for vested interests.

The matter must be taken into cognizance because the audit of Bangladesh Bank was
demanded at a particular time.

The steps taken by Bangladesh Bank to restore discipline to the banking sector must not be

In the last parliament, the Speaker had restructured committees where irregularities had
cropped up involving conflict of interest.

This must be done now.

This should be done to the public accounts committee as well as all committees where
there is a conflict of interests.

BY: Misbahul Kabir

The Agitating reality of militancy.

Need new way and planning to combat.

The global panic of militancy is rearing its ugly head in Bangladesh too.

Some recent incidents and information are a matter of Serious concern.

The Singapore government has revealed the activities of Bangladeshi militant there,thus it
is essential to calls for new method and planning to confront militancy.

Militancy is not just our problem.

All countries are now the battlefield for militants and the militant of any country can generate
violence anywhere.
We have known that Saiful Huq, the main IT expert of IS who was killed in an US airstrike in
Syria, was a Bangladeshi.

He visited Bangladesh in 2014.

He joined IS along with his wife and children and also motivated his family to join IS.

IS funds were transacted through Bangladesh.

The Singapore incident proved that it is not a matter of focusing activities of militancy at
home only.

Planing and preparation for armed jihad in Bangladesh can be decided at abroad.
The Singapore government said they detained 27 Bangladeshis last year.

These Bangladeshis would discuss organized armed jihad to be executed in Bangladesh.

Twenty-six of the accused have been sent back to Bangladesh, of whom 14 have been
arrested under the anti-terrorism act and the other 12 are being kept under Surveillance.

It is impossible to tackle the danger of militancy for a single country alone.

, ,

Stress must be placed on regional and international cooperation, intelligence activities and
sharing of intelligence.

The transaction of funds from the UK through Dhaka indicates that this angle needs serious
It is not expected to hush up the issue of militancy.

Though the Singapore government sent the suspected militants back to Bangladesh about
a month ago,the Bangladesh government has been silent of the issue.
We think the government should take the people into their confidence to confront the

It is also important to create public awareness.

. >>> Misbahul Kabir,


Release the people from suffering.

Programme of not serving patients.

Medical profession is a noble profession.

The doctors are Anchorage of patients.

It is not expected when the doctors occlude treatment day after day by ailing the patients.

Unfortunately after non-stop four day work-stoppage the association of proffesional doctors
BMA (Chittagong branch) declared yesterday to continue the program.

The government hasn't come forward to solve this problem.

We are concerned at the silence of government.

What message the doctors want to sent by this programme which is called for demanding
withdrawal of case filed against their colleagues.

Allegation against anyone doesn't means that he or she is guilty.

Though the case filed against the three doctors,they doctors haven't been guilty.

It will be disposed by legal process.

The law is applicable for all citizens but why will it different for the doctors ??

People go to the doctors while they suffer from illness.

That's why medical profession is greater than any other professions.

There is no scope to be a Irreconcilable relation between doctors and patients.

But at most of the time the clash happens about it .

Some times the doctors are hurt unfortunately.

This intolerance isn't acceptable and it is a punishable offense.

However In this Regard the doctors are not innocent at all.

Each people has the right to take shelter of law.

The case was filled against the doctors in Chittagong at precise allegation.

In a private hospital two corresponding doctors have been charged for negligence in
treatment while a mother had died after giving birth a child.

Another doctor has been charged for dropping bandage in abdominal due to operation.

We hope that,the doctors would withdraw their strike and face it legally.

Hostage of people isn't acceptable at all.

>> Misbahul Kabir ,

The old pretext,more rents are being taken.

CNG Autorickshaw.

In long time CNG Autorickshaws didn't run on meter on the plea of low rent which is
destined by government.

The rent was increased after the discussion with the owners and drivers of autorickshaw
including all authorities.

It was committed that autorrickshaws would run on meter after the besteading of the new

The passengers wouldn't harassed.

After the besteading of new rent since 1st November the new rule has followed but now the
condition is same as before.

All aspects are taken into account during increasing of rent rather than before.

The rent of 1st two kilometer was tk 25 but it is replaced by tk 40 now.

It is increased from tk 7.64 to tk 12 for next per kilometer.

The rent of per minute interval is also increased.

The deposit amount of owner is destined from tk 600 to tk 900.

The excuse of the driver was that the owner had took much deposit and the owner said
that,"the deposit is discriminatory as compare to their investment."

Now the drivers have reversed again after fix up the rent.

The sufferings of the passengers of CNG autorickshaw remain unchanged.

It is seen that they demand extra rent in meter even they activate it.
, ,

The old excuse of drivers that the owners had increased their deposit so they have to take
extra rent.

There is no relief of passengers from this circle of harassment.

In all modern cities of world autorickshawas or taxies are run on meter,there is no scope to
take extra rent.

It doesn't mean that there are no unscrupulous drivers,these can be inured by stringent
application of rule.

Now it is required to apply the law stringently.

There is no alternative of stringent measures against the drivers of autorickshaws who deny
to run on meter.

Translator >>> Misbahul Kabir ,

, ,

Turn the word into action.

Environment for investment.

‘ ’-

Last Sunday at the Bangladesh Investment and Policy Summit 2016, the prime minister
urges foreign investors to be partners in Bangladesh’s economic growth.

This is a timely urgency.

She said that there was a radical change in Bangladesh between 50 years ago and now,
and highlighted the various steps taken by her government for investment.
, , ,
, ,
‘ ’(
Which includes the construction of 100 economic zones, construction of industrial
infrastructure and economic zones, creation of energy and power infrastructure, expanding
the territory and activities of digital Bangladesh, development of road infrastructure,
initiatives to develop inland river-ways, port facilities and the deep-sea port, setting up a
one-stop centre, and so on.

But the reality is that most of these steps are still processing.

We haven't come forward much more to create an investment favour environment and it is
cleared in the contradictory statements of the Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA)
chairman and the chief executive of the Board of Investment.

The first one said to launching one-stop service, while the latter said that the investment
board didn’t have the capacity to do it.

Investment cannot be increased unless bureaucratic complications and protracts are


The responsibility of providing one-stop service and required power mus be given to the
responsible institution.

No one will be interested in investment If an entrepreneur has to go to 30 to 32 agencies to

get approval for a project.
Such conferences are very important though there are many limitations.

Thus credence between the policymakers and the entrepreneurs is built up.

Several firms have announced of fresh investment at this conference.

It is the responsibility of government to create investment favour environment.


There is no alternative to increased local and foreign investment to provide employment to

the millions of workforce that enters the labour market every year in this densely populated
But words must be turned into action.

>> Misbahul Kabir .

Eliminate the poverty,Reduce the discrimination.
The challenge of eradicating malnutrition

Despite Bangladesh has achieved food autarky unfortunately a large portion of the
population suffers from malnutrition.

At a programme in Dhaka on Sunday,one of the director of the World Bank Timothy Evans
commented that eliminating malnutrition from this country is still a serious challenge.

His observation can't be denied.

, ,
According to the Bangladesh demographic and health survey 2014,the height of 36% and
weight of 33% of children under five years of age in the country is below normal, and 14%
are lathy.
, ,
Malnutrition launches children be pygmy,of less weight,thin, and undernourished according
to their age.

Their mental and intellectual growth is seriously affected.

; , ,

It is not only affecting under-five-year-olds but also five to 18-year-olds, expectant mothers
and even adult men and women are suffering from malnutrition.
The young girls who become mother early are suffering from malnutrition extremely

Their lack of nutrition of mother launches to malnutrition of the new born and breastfeeding

There has been an improvement in nutrition over the last decade by dint of reduction of
poverty,rising of wealth,increasing of educated parents gradually.
But it's motion is extremely slow.
, ,

within the increasing of national resources, the disparity in distribution must also be reduced
to remove the basic causes of malnutrition.

Unless the required amount of nutritious food is ensured for all population, it will not be
possible to eliminate malnutrition fully.
, —
Since the poor population are basically the victim of malnutrition,so the main goal should be
elimination of poverty.

And the over-dependence on rice is needed to be decreased.


Including more protein,vegetables, lentils, etc are must be added more to our menu.

By: Misbahul Kabir

This needn't arise the fare but ameliorate the management.

Reduction of loss in rail.

The fare of rail was increased by 50% three years ago.

Now averse reaction is being noticed at the proposal of increasing 7.5%.

Two organizations named Poribesh bacao andolon (POBA) and work for a better
Bangladesh (WBB) have suggested some alternate ways which the government should
take into account.
The railway authority has again focused the addressing of reducing loss as the logic of
increasing fare.

The fare was also increased in 2012 to address the reduction of loss and mystagog.
, ,

In this three years the level of mystagog hasn't increased,the expenditures of passengers
increased more compared to the reduction of losses.

This Increasing of 7.5% fare to reduce the massive losses of rail is so mythical as compared
to previous.

Once the main route for transporting goods in this country was railway.

Much of the income of railway was come from transporting goods than compared to
transporting passengers.
Now rail has become over dependent on passengers but income of rail from passenger fare
is so low.

So,it is impossible to reduce massive losses by increasing fare.

The annual loss of railway is tk 900 crore.

At first the railway authority and the government have to identity the causes of loss to
reduce it.

Then the effective measures have to be taken to eliminate these causes.

, ,
Inefficiency,extravagance,corruption including overall mismanagements are responsible for
the loss of railway.

By improving the management and enhancing the quality of service, it is not only possible to
reduce loss but also make the railway profitable.

A huge amount of real estate belonging railway being dispossessed and huge money is
owed to many organizations.
, , ,

Bangladesh railway will become autogenous if rescue of property,collection of owed

money,proper use of resources,initiative for enhancement of transporting
goods,achievement of capability to make locomotive and coach,update of the propulsive
system are ensured

By:Misbahul Kabir
how many deaths are on the road?

Take it into consideration as a severe national crisis.

The multiple reports about deaths of 12 ppeoples including two RAB members due to road
accident in last Friday were published in prothom alo the following day.
The incidents which occur about every day loses its utility to be printed.

But the big news such as of deaths can't be negligible.

So our newsmedia put out the news of road accidents with in gross importance.

But the responsible authorities which have to take initiative to solve this crisis don't overrate

Even it isn't estimated that how many peoples suffer from it.

The information given by police is so low that it seems asymmetric to compared to the
information of various domestic and international organizations.
Such that,WHO estimated that there were 21316 peoples died in Bangladesh in 2012 due
to road accidents,which was reported at prothom alo on 20 October,2015.
But the government of Bangladesh claimed that there were only 2583 peoples had died in
that year.

WHO said that this information of government was based on the police case which had
been filed after accidents.

According to estimation of a private organization named jatri kollan somiti,in 2015 there
were 8642 peoples died due to road accidents.

Professor Tanvir hasan,director of the accident research institute of BUET figures out that
every year 7-8 thousand peoples die due to road accidents.

In 2011,the then minister for communication said that there are 12-14 thousand peoples die
due to road accidents.
Road accidents can't be eleminated quites but it must be possible to reduce.

Many organizations and experts have suggested many times that what measures should be
— ,
It's needed to realise that this is a severe national problem.

Misbahul Kabir,

It is hoped that the platform of writer-reader will be successful and fearless.

Amar Ekushey Book Fair.

February is the month of Amar Ekushey,also the month of Amar Ekushey Book Fair.

This book fair which is the cognition of the language movement and the commemoration of
the martyrs is also one of the cultural ceremony of Bangladesh.

This platform of the writer-readers and publishers literally turns into congestion.
We hope that the month-long festival will be successful snd safe.

In various countries of the world book fair is held on commercial aspects,but the
commemoration of language martyrs and the unfailing emotion to language is the main
inspiration of the book fair in Bangladesh.

Cittoronjon saha,member of muktodhara prokashoni initiated it in 1972 by selling the books

of liberation war at bangla academy through unfold a sackcloth.

But it has been spreaded out day by day.


When the bangla academy formally arranged it as a institution,the military autocratic Arshad
was in power at that time.

It can be said that this fair turned up the breathing of democratic perception at that blockage

Today the Amar ekushey gronthomela has become the gladding ceremony of the book
lover child-teenagers and the readers irrespectively.

By spreading,now it is expanded from bangla academy yard to sohrawardi udyan.


It is informed by bangla academy authority,the arrangement area of the book fair of this
year is larger than ever before.

Struggle and sensation is the brace voice of book fair.

Writer-teacher Humayun azad was brutally attacked in this larger yard of the book fair.

In the previous year,at the entrance of book fair Avijit Roy was killed and his wife Rafida
Afrin Banya injured seriously.
In the meanwhile, the publishers and the publication organizations have been attacked.

Publisher Foysal arefin dipon was hacked to death brutally.

Concern over the impact of all this the book fair will be continued by the carrying of
mourning and Inquietude.

Adequate security has assured by police.


The home ministry has to assure that there is no negligence and looser.
It is utterd to the public that malice and panic are evaporated through congestion.

Misbahul Kabir ,

Cleared stance and effective policy should be needed.

Gas line in domestic area.

The gas crisis in domestic and stance of relevant ministry regarding gas line can't be
considered to be perfect.

Government have stopped to give fresh gas line in domestic.

, ,
On the other hand,the old users are also in gas crisis.

The stance of government is that don't concentrate on domestic gas crisis and compell the
users to use LPG.
It cannot be the policy or strategy of any government.
Now the new gas line in domestic area is stopped but the government should informs the
public by declaring if they decided it by all means.

By this the government's policy will be cleared to public.


Maintaining privacy in this means that it creates the chance to take gas line illegally which
creates the way for irregularities and corruption.

Various initiatives including reformation should be continued to keep non-stop supply in gas
line and to solve this crisis.

Source from the ministry it is known that the government isn't interested to concentrate on
, ,

We want to tell that the government must informs the public if they take any clear stance
and it also should be informed by government that no gas would be supplied through
Bengali into English Translation by Mozahid Dream-Catcher : (

By: Dream-Catcher Muzahid


Take steps/initiatives against the managerial disorder/chaos.

Crises in Patuakhali hospital


Bangladesh is such a country whose constitution provides her citizens with the right of
getting health care/medical service (but) as a mere constitutionally discretionary/uncoerced
It is not mandatory for the state; yet an important fundamental right.

The lack of doctors compared to their requirement has been prevalent for long in this

But Patuakhali has had an unfortunate/unfavourable record.

, ,

Of more than half of the 58 posts of doctors, many urgent posts including those of ENT, eye
and heart disease have been vacant in the 250 bed hospital of/in Potuakhali.

Albeit/yet, Patuakhali Medical College is run on/in the hospital premises.

It is therefore reasonable/logical that such/these vacant posts have a negative impact on

the college.

The number of doctors per one thousand people is just 0.4.

in India and Myanmar, the rate is 0.7 and 0.6 respectively.

And/again there is only 1 doctor for every 4761 people in proportion to the populace of
Potuakhali municipality.
, ,
Posting crisis isn't unthinkable, but what's happening here is not humane rather brutal
(/massive/gigantic. )
It is not admissible/agreeable that the three posts of Residential physician, surgeon and
medical officer will remain/have been vacant for a great long time.

It means that the poor and insolvent people of the municipality do not have access to
emergency health-care during the time of crisis.

But the right to get emergency treatment is even more touchy.


we hope that health ministry will take initiative to quickly recruit to those mentioned vacant
positions and take steps against those liable for this chaotic mgt.

Misbahul Kabir ,

The speedy trial of MP along with his four brothers is desirable.

The killing of freedom fighter Faruq in Tangail.

After long three years allegation of the killing of freedom fighter Faruq against the MP
Amanur rahman along with his four brothers indicates the reality of political criminalisation.
‘ ’
After the killing of Bangabandhu in 1975, slain Faruk was crippled by taking part in the war
of resistance.

He also worked as a journalism in the paper ''ronangon'' published from muktanchol.

The incident of long time passing to file chargesheet is certainly unfortunate.

However,we want to thank police and DB police because they have incriminated the MP of
rulling party along his relatives by investigating it independently.

Wife of the killed freedom fighter did not mention the names of any accused in the charge
sheet of this case.

It is an exceptional charge sheet from that point of view.


It is also prevailed that no one can always stay beyond the law even he belongs rulling
, ,

Before this, ordinary people specially the victims of Tangail area had afflected when they
realized that dominant members of the khan family were looking down upon them.

People have not seen any successful trial-process though 50 cases were filed against the
accused four brothers at several times.
‘ ’

Sometimes the plaintiff and witnesses was absent.Again by 'political consideration' the
government itself has withdrawn the cases filed against them.

#‎ ‬
.by >

Landlessness is no crime
Collins Rozario and Raju Prasad, the sons of tea-garden worker parents, were in the final
selection list to be appointed as police constables, but were dropped as they did not own
any landed property.
This is inhuman, illegal.

Apparently, according to the police department policy, one cannot be appointed if one does
not have landed property.

There can be no justification to retain laws drawn up during colonial times.

According to official records, there are about 1.7 million landless families in the country.

If, on average, each family has five members, then the number of landless totals 8.5 million.
There can be no law or policy that violates their fundamental rights.

The home ministry has admitted to this problem and has said it will initiate an amendment.
But when?

The human rights commission chairman has said that this policy is a serious violation of
human rights.

A person will be considered a permanent resident of wherever he or she is registered as a


The question of having landed property or not is irrelevant.

Landlessness cannot be a crime.

There has been sharp reaction to the issue after a report of these two young men was
published in Sunday’s Prothom Alo.

The human rights commission has written to the relevant authorities for these two men to be
duly appointed.

The Maulvibazar police super has asked the two young men to submit an application to
reconsider their case.
, ?
If they can be appointed on the basis of this application, then why couldn’t they be
appointed before the application?
Why should the two job seekers suffer because of discrepancies in police policy?
This incident points to the weaknesses within the police department, but also shows that
there are still people who respond t the injustices of society.

A generous man, after reading the report, has expressed his willingness to register land in
the name of these two young men.

We are touched by such magnanimity.

We demand that these two young men be appointed and also that the policies of the police
department be amended.

11-02-16) The Daily star Editorial :

Word Meaning:
Dream-Catcher Mozahid

Harassment: Vexation, embarrassment)

Survey: metering audit)
Access: ,
Bullying: ,
Poetry : ,
Hip: ,
Trendy: Contemporary)
Gracious: , Pathetic, merciful)
Unwitting: , , incognizance, unawre)
Uninitiated: ,
Inevitably: ,
Cope With:
Prey: ,
Respondent: ,
Deploy: ,
Array: ,
At The end of the day: ,
Frank: , , Outspoken, straightforward)

Online harassment of children

Parental guidance a must

A global study on online behaviour by children aged between 12 - 18 has been made public
by the global mobile phone company Telenor recently.

The survey found that nearly half (49 per cent) of children having access to the internet in
Bangladesh have faced bullying, during interaction online, particularly on social media.
( ,

It is natural for teenagers to portray themselves as hip and trendy, but often this leads them
to behave in a manner that is neither proper nor gracious. ( ,

An unwitting child, uninitiated in online safety will inevitably fall prey to such behaviour.
( ,

Six out of 10 Bangladeshi respondents stated that they can handle themselves when faced
with a negative situation, which still leaves 40 percent who do not know how to cope with
such a situation.
( ,

As a service provider, Telenor, like any other telecom company, has plans to deploy an
array of tools to make online experience as safe as possible. But one simply cannot
overlook the fact that parents and school authorities have a major role to play here.

At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to oversee that those
underage children do not have access to certain sites which are inappropriate for that age

And it is not only about blocking access, it is about having frank discussions about why
certain areas should be avoided.

Children need to understand the difference between safe and unsafe and only when that
message is properly explained will online safety be truly effective.
#‎ ‬

Desire exemplary punishment under the law of Army and RAB

Cruelty to children

People across the country were haunted by the murder of two young boys tortured in Sylhet
and Khulna

When the accused were civilians

By comparison, a village in Rajshahi, Paba upazila over the theft of a cell phone , two
children studying in Class VIII, the army brutally tortured by and RAB members Who are on
leave ,their involvement of the two more dangerous and sensitive .

If their Job identity is true , then we immediately to the army and RAB exemplary
departmental inquiry would expect

Lately , some members of the security forces being led astray rather than viewing it as an
isolated incident as related to the status of a tragic trend can be observed
We will offer politely , as in the case of a repeat

The two accused in the criminal trial may be uncertainty about the appropriate punishment
under the prevail law
, ,

Because the baby's skin, it may not be too serious injuries . Here are the main
consideration , it is the child's mind and body to create panic
. ,

Some of the people holding two children in a dark room , and some of them were beaten
with rods

The main accused is responsible for the discipline of the forces at work , that's the most
important thing of judgment

it marked one of the soldiers had already seen the police video
, ,
So , the criminals , especially about taking action against the two members of their own
forces to be responsible, and how much , to see what we 'll be looking

We hope their departmental investigation will be completed expeditiously and the results will
be released to the public immediately

The primary role of the police in this regard , we applaud . A case was filed against 13
people . They should be filed immediately.
#‎ ‬

Consider the everyone's Concern

Is essential Sundoran Hazards?

Sundorban is one of the rare natural heritage in our favorite beautiful world is face the risks
by the increasing of the global warm.
‘ ’
The largest mangrove forest in the world is recognised by the international Ramsar
Convention of UN.
‘ ’
UNESCO has declared some of it as a world heritage .

But The area of Sundorban has been decreased gradually by the different kind of Human
activities .

Moreover ,The Recent Initiative to set up a coal based Power Plant at Rampal near by
Sundorban , has increased more fear to Destroy it .

It is indicating to the lacking of farsightness of Govt.'s Policy makers.

. ,
But it is sorry to Say that, The Govt is not showing their interest as to protect the Sundorban
as the importancy to increase the power generation .

— ,

Experts, Environment activists and civil societis are expressing their Concern that If the
Rampal Power Project is on ,the multiface negative effect will affect on the Sundorban's

In 2012, RAMSER and UNESCO has expressed their concern to the Govt. of Bangladesh.
‘ ’( ,

UNESCO has marked the Flaws and lackings of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
which published by the authority of the Rampal Power Plant .

There is no doubt that Sundorban will be destroyed if the Rampal Power Plant is on there.

In India , Such project of 27 km nearby Sundorban has not been allowed by the
Environment Department.
But In Bangladesh , same project has been allowed at Rampal, which is only 14km far from
Sundarban .

There has been no tension about Sundorban .

Rather Than, the Power and Fuel division is publiciting that the Rampal Power Plant is
environment friendly project .

, ;
, ,
Here in Bangladesh,The experts and civil society's concern is looping for Sondorban
regarding Rampal Power Plant , is not only for the present interest of the nation and the
country; is a cordial concern for the next generation, for the future of Bangladesh , Morever,
for the future world.

.We hope that , It is not essential to carry on the power generation and other development
activities by destroying the Sundorban.

Civil society's concern and expert's advices Should be Considered .


New beginnings at Banglabandh

The opening of the Banglabandh land port at Panchagarh for people to cross over to either
side, is indeed good news for the people of Bangladesh and India.

The people of Bangladesh’s northern districts have long been awaiting this and they were
elated when the immigration procedures started on Thursday.
On the Indian side the people celebrated too.

It is the people-to-people contact that is most important in the connectivity required to

expand economic cooperation between Bangladesh and India.
‘ ’
, –

It is the interaction and exchange among the people of neighbouring countries that
promotes friendship and amity.

It is most important to open all facets to enhance this interaction between the people of the
two countries in order to increase harmony and understanding.

However, it is also important to establish land connectivity with Nepal and Bhutan too,
through Banglabandha.

We hope that the people of these four countries can benefit from this facility, adding a new
dimension to connectivity.

Along with trade and commerce, now the vista has widened for cooperation between the
two countries in the sectors of education, health and tourism.

This will require further infrastructural development.

The roads to commute from our northern districts to Banglabandh must be increased.
Up till now there is only one highway for all transport to commute through Panchagarh
Construction of a bypass is underway and the work on this must be accelerated.
The construction of a railroad from Panchagarh to Banglabandh must also be undertaken

Initiative must be taken at a government and private level for optimum utilisation of the vast
possibilities opened for trade, commerce and the tourism industry.

The government must ensure infrastructural facilities and the private sector must come
forward with investment initiatives.

Due attention must be paid to use the Banglabandh land port immigration facilities to the
best advantage possible.

Bengali To English Translation



Exporting manpower to Malaysia


Confusion was created when Malaysia, immediately after it signed an MOU for 150
thousand workers from Bangladesh, announced that it had halted recruitment of foreign

This brought to the forefront once against the responsible role that should be played by the
relevant authorities in the government and the media.

In the prevailing competitive market, it is near impossible to export manpower en masse to

any country.
Yet at times such news creates quite a sensation.

This gives rise to the chance of hapless job seekers being duped.
hile Malaysia has withdrawn its halt on importing manpower, there is little chance of it
importing these human resources in large numbers.

The country’s human resources minister made two things clear.

One, 150 thousand Bangladeshis were registered with a Bangladeshi agency for overseas

Their aim was to avail employment in any of 139 countries, including Malaysia.
, ,

Two, the number of workers to be taken from Bangladesh would depend on the demand of
their businessmen.

They also pointed out that the businessmen were more interested in recruiting Indonesian
and Nepali workers than Bangladeshis.

An MOU and an agreement are two different things.

Malaysia has such MOUs with six other countries, with no mention of any specific number
of workers to be taken.

Yet the media reported that Malaysia would be taking 150 thousand people from

The very next day the news appeared that the Malaysian federal government had put a ban
on import of overseas workers.
‘ ’
However, the chief minister of the country’s state of Selangor and leader of the opposition
alliance, Ajman Ali, on Sunday criticized the sudden halt on importing workers from
, ,

Hopefully the confusion over exporting manpower to Malaysia will clear up soon.

This is possible through astute diplomatic activities.

Whatever the outcome may be, there must be no more confusing information.

The bitter G2G experience should be a lesson learnt.

Bengali To English Translation


Mushfiq takes stand against child murder

Bangladesh Test team skipper Mushfiqur Rahim has protested against the killing of four
children in Habiganj.
‘ ?
? ?’
He posed a question on Facebook, “Will we never change? When will all this end? Where
has our humanity gone?”

His status appeared on Prothom Alo’s Facebook page yesterday.

He asked these questions and appealed to everyone to come forward to stop the killing of
Not only in Habiganj,there has been a spate of child murders all over the country.

Children are being abducted and tortured.

The cruelty and brutality of such incidents is too horrific for imagination.

Each incident is simply worse than the one before.

In some cases the criminals are being caught and tried, but the number of child killings and
oppression isn’t lessening.

The horrifying degree of such crimes spurred on the star cricketer to come up with such a
protest and appeal.

We express our solidarity with Mushfiqur Rahim’s appeal.


We hope his call awakes the sleeping conscience of our society and rekindles humanity
within the people.

Conflict is inevitable within a society, whether it is between individuals or groups.

But why will children be victims of such conflict?

Why will they have to be held hostage for ransom or give their lives while working for well-
to-do persons?

An uprising of social awareness is needed to tackle this.

, ,

Standing alongside Mushfiqur Rahim, we also call for all to stand up actively against child
killing and oppression.

We must use all in our power to make Bangladesh livable for all children.

Mushfiqur Rahim has come forward against child murder. You must come forward too.
#‎ ‬
.by >

Landlessness is no crime

Collins Rozario and Raju Prasad, the sons of tea-garden worker parents, were in the final
selection list to be appointed as police constables, but were dropped as they did not own
any landed property.
This is inhuman, illegal.

Apparently, according to the police department policy, one cannot be appointed if one does
not have landed property.

There can be no justification to retain laws drawn up during colonial times.

According to official records, there are about 1.7 million landless families in the country.

If, on average, each family has five members, then the number of landless totals 8.5 million.
There can be no law or policy that violates their fundamental rights.

The home ministry has admitted to this problem and has said it will initiate an amendment.
But when?

The human rights commission chairman has said that this policy is a serious violation of
human rights.

A person will be considered a permanent resident of wherever he or she is registered as a

The question of having landed property or not is irrelevant.

Landlessness cannot be a crime.

There has been sharp reaction to the issue after a report of these two young men was
published in Sunday’s Prothom Alo.

The human rights commission has written to the relevant authorities for these two men to be
duly appointed.

The Maulvibazar police super has asked the two young men to submit an application to
reconsider their case.
, ?
If they can be appointed on the basis of this application, then why couldn’t they be
appointed before the application?
Why should the two job seekers suffer because of discrepancies in police policy?
This incident points to the weaknesses within the police department, but also shows that
there are still people who respond t the injustices of society.

A generous man, after reading the report, has expressed his willingness to register land in
the name of these two young men.

We are touched by such magnanimity.

We demand that these two young men be appointed and also that the policies of the police
department be amended.
Bengali to English Translation
Mistakes in SSC question papers
, ,

The concern of the students and guardians alike must be taken into cognizance,
considering the profusion of mistakes appearing in the question papers of the ongoing
secondary school certificate exams.
, ,
The students worry that they will not fare well in the exams because of these errors, some
even fear failure.
, ,

The controller of exams for the Dhaka, Chittagong and Jessore boards, where the mistakes
appeared, assured the students that no one would be harmed by the blunders.
, , ,

But that is not reassuring because there is no accurate way to assess whether the wrong
questions’ answers are wrong or right. Logically speaking, there can be no correct answer
to an incorrect question.

A student’s merit cannot be assessed if the questions of the math, physics and other
science exams are wrong.
;‘ ’— ,

f the boards decide to consider correct any answer given to the erroneous questions, this
will be an injustice to the meritorious students.
, ?
The question is, why were there so many mistakes in the question papers that would create
fear of poor results, even failure?
Of the 40 math questions under Jessore Board, 11 questions were incorrect!
? ?
That is 27 percent wrong! How did this happen? Who drew up the question papers?
This is not the first time that such blunders have been made in question papers.

Year after year the children suffer from worry over the wrong questions. Is there no solution
to the problem?
? ,
, ?
Is there no solution to the problem? Are those who draw up the questions, select them and
approve them, not accountable at all?

Exam question papers must be faultless.

Those in charge of drawing up the question papers must be fully accountable.

And legal action must be taken against those who have slipped up in this task.

Bengali to English Translation


>>> ,

Exemplary verdict on rape case

The exemplary initiative taken by the court regarding a Feni schoolgirl rape case, has
ensured justice for the victim and her infant.
Earlier, a court in Chittagong ordered the state to bear all expenses in bringing up the child
of a young rape victim.

In our system of criminal justice, the aspect of compensation is much overlooked.

In many countries of the world, the government authorities ensure compensation.

In England there is the criminal insurance compensation authority.

A woman name Caroline, victim of rape, was awarded 30 thousand pounds by the court.

To control the unabated killings and rapes in our country, not only should the perpetrators
be put behind bars, but they should be forced to pay compensation too.

In the Feni rape case, the accused Touhidul has reportedly fled the country. But he has
property and assets.

His sentence of life imprisonment cannot really bring solace to the victim.

It is also a matter of regret that the trial of the case took place eight years after the charges
were filed.

Ordering upkeep for the child till it reaches 18 years of age is a significant step.
It will not be easy to get the absconding accused person to carry out this responsibility.

If the law enforcement agency doesn’t stand by the mother and son, the court’s verdict will
mean nothing.
, ,

The district administration and other agencies must come forward to ensure the hapless
other and son actually benefit from justice.

Legal questions should not ensnare them further.

This verdict may remain as an exemplary precede

Bengali to English Translation

>>> ,

Exemplary verdict on rape case

The exemplary initiative taken by the court regarding a Feni schoolgirl rape case, has
ensured justice for the victim and her infant.

Earlier, a court in Chittagong ordered the state to bear all expenses in bringing up the child
of a young rape victim.

In our system of criminal justice, the aspect of compensation is much overlooked.

In many countries of the world, the government authorities ensure compensation.

In England there is the criminal insurance compensation authority.

A woman name Caroline, victim of rape, was awarded 30 thousand pounds by the court.

To control the unabated killings and rapes in our country, not only should the perpetrators
be put behind bars, but they should be forced to pay compensation too.
In the Feni rape case, the accused Touhidul has reportedly fled the country. But he has
property and assets.

His sentence of life imprisonment cannot really bring solace to the victim.

It is also a matter of regret that the trial of the case took place eight years after the charges
were filed.

Ordering upkeep for the child till it reaches 18 years of age is a significant step.
It will not be easy to get the absconding accused person to carry out this responsibility.

If the law enforcement agency doesn’t stand by the mother and son, the court’s verdict will
mean nothing.
, ,

The district administration and other agencies must come forward to ensure the hapless
other and son actually benefit from justice.

Legal questions should not ensnare them further.

This verdict may remain as an exemplary precede

Bengali to English Translation


One-sided UP election

The Election Commission has taken up a negligent, inactive and careless attitude
concerning the Union Parishad (UP) elections.

They are paying no heed to the innumerable complaints and the situation on ground
regarding nomination paper submissions.

The past enthusiasm and excitement of the UP election is no longer there. It is becoming a
lifeless and one-sided affair.

For the first time the UP chairmen are being politically nominated for the election.

But even before the first phase of voting, ruling Bangladesh Awami League candidates are
being elected uncontested in 66 Union Parishads (union councils) out of the 738 in the first

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has no candidates in 114 UPs.

, ,

No political party is boycotting the election, yet the election commission is not looking into
why the situation is so.
, —

It is not taking into consideration the allegations of coercion and threats to prevent aspirants
from submitting nomination papers.
In the second phase of the union parishad election too, there are only AL candidates in 13
of the 647 posts.

There are no BNP candidates in 63 seats.

In Parshuram of Feni, chairmen are being elected uncontested in three unions.


The media is replete with reports on how the election aspirants are being forcefully held
back from the contest.

Even the police are unable to do anything.

It was the same in the case of the municipal polls there.

Is this certain an abnormal situation?

There is fear of even more violence during this UP election.

There are signs indicating this already.


The election commission has all authority to ensure a free, fair and credible election,

But it simply neglects exerting its authority, the institution’s inefficacy is becoming more and
more apparent.

It is the Election Commission that must bear the blame for the ineffective election and
election system.
By:Saifur Rahman



Today is international “Women’s Day”

The 2016 theme for International Women’s Day is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for
Gender Equality”.

On the occasion of “Women’s Day”, governmental and non-governmental initiatives have

been taken to perform various programs today.
, ,

But, Are women, for whom all the arrangements, having their fundamental, social and
human rights?

Women have enormous achievements in different sectors.

The lion’s share of credit goes to the woman garments worker for the existing progress of
apparel industry.

Women’s contribution to agriculture is worth mentioning too.

17 out of 21 works of paddy growing are prepared by women.

In education, women are much more advanced than before.

The success of women in sports, i.e. cricket and football is noteworthy.
, , ,
Participation of women in therapeutic, architecture, law, journalism etc. has been increased
in a great extent.

It cannot be stated, after all of this, the equality of men and women is established.

Still woman are being violated in home and exterior.

They are being prey to the eve-teasing and child marriage.

However, everybody has to raise their voice against this social impurity.

Mournful is that not only women are responsible for eliminating violation and other

Man must come forward to this case.


If we want to equalize the ratio of man and woman by 2030 in Bangladesh, the equal right
of woman must be guaranteed in every level of the state and the society.

Women are still lagging behind despite their front march in education.
Misery will never cease as long as the disparity prevails.

Proper application of the law is not present in spite of of having many acts concerning
protection of woman rights.

In this case,law enforcing agency and other concerned authority should be more responsive
and sincere.

“Woman Right” is the part of Human rights and may it be the promise of this woman’s day.

Best wishes to the women of the world on the occasion of “International Woman’s Day”

#‎ ‬

Saifur Rahman
Another milestone Verdict, Victory to the Rule of Law.

Death Penalty of Mieer Quasem Upheld


The nation has made another step to emancipate itself from the stigma by the verdict of the
Supreme Court (SC) that has upheld the death penalty of central leader of Jammat-e-
Islamai, Meer Quasem Ali who was alleged for the crime against humanity in 71.

Meer Quasem is such type of war criminal who possessed the authority to influence home
and abroad.

Therefore, in his trial process, a guarded inspection of the “ALERT GROUP” was constantly

As the founder president of Islami Chatra Shibir, he committed not only war crime but
played a vital role in establishing a huge financial and media spherical to keep out all the
war criminals from the trial procedure.

The Trial of ‘Crime against Humanity’ is not a matter of a person or a group.

These types of killers are the enemy to the universal humanity.

So, punishment was required to fill the condition of the establishment of the rule of law and
right justice.

As the apex court has sustained the death sentence, the burden of history will somewhat be

This verdict will be a bit of ease for the mental agony of martyr family and their relatives.

Justice is not to revenge or to make illegally suffer to the political-opponent.

The verdict has conceded much significance for the people of Chittagong.
Because crime against humanity in ’71 was operated centering the “DALIM -HOTEL” in
Chittagong and Al-Badar leader Meer Quasem Ali who was the warden.
‘ ’
For that reason, he was recognized as the “Bangali Khan”
‘ ’

Despite challenge on ministers’ threat towards “the Chief Justice” and the freedom of
judiciary, Aeysha Khatun, Meer Quasem Ali’s wife, has articulated her inclination for a
– ,
If they have any information or testimony, they ought to bring it before COURT.
‘ ’ ,
But, Jamaat customarily called for a strike as a protest blaming it (the verdict) to be a

Jamaat has to admit the absolute truth that it cannot whirl the wheel of history.

#‎ ‬
Saifur Rahman

Take actions against the condemned

What a viciousness to a homemade!


Another dreadful incident of violence against woman took place in just two days before the
“International Women’s day”.

A murder allegation of a homemade, caused to fall from the roof after raping in a
government officer’s house at NAM Garden-Mirpur-13, has risen on Sunday.

The girl, named Zani (15), has been working in that house for 15 days
as a substitute to her mother.
Claim of Zania’s family is that the house holder’s son has killed her after raping.

The startling fact is that the police has not recorded the case.

In this wholly unsafe society for woman, the position of female engaged in the household
works is the worst.

About 3 millions of labours engaged in household chores are mostly women and children.

Unluckily in our society, physical persecution and sexual harassment on them has turned
out to be so common.

Even in residing and feeding, they are victim of ruthless treatment

Hardly any incident comes to light.

No effectual supervision or observation of the government is seen regarding their


Despite filing cases, impoverished plaintiffs are forced to compromise with the convicts and
are bound to withdraw the litigation in many cases.

‘ ’ ‘ ’-
21 December of preceding year, approving household works as “Labour”, the cabinet
sanctioned a draft of “Made servants Safety and Welfare policy-2015” to guarantee
complete benefits to the homemade.

In that policy, criminal penal code, law of the prevention of women and children harassment
as well as specific provisions are preserved in the existing law on the ground of the physical
and mental assault.
, ‘ ’

But the matter is that the “Safety and welfare policy” will not ensure the protection of home
servants unless it is applied effectively.

The Police are responsible for ensuring a proper investigation in the “Mirpur occurrence”

We are drawing the attention of the superior officials of the police as the people who are
involved in this brutality should not get through unaffected for their power and position.

Saifur Rahman

Reserve Money theft

Mandatory: Investigation, Identification of convicts and bringing back the currency.

The government of Bangladesh has to take all out drive to find out the reason behind the
hacking of the money stored in the “Federal Reserve Bank of New York”, USA, and to
detect the home and abroad criminals to bring back the lost capital.

It is understandable that a proper investigation is not feasible only by the government.

A good will and assistance of the concerned government of those countries and authorities
are also essential.

However, an internal investigation is mandatory.

, ,
‘ ’

Because, Reuters has alleged citing cyber security specialists that cyber dacoits may have
acquired advance “Profound Knowledge” about the internal activities of Bangladesh Bank
on spying.
‘ ’

Prior to that, through Belgium based swift, stealing incidence occurred by observing the
other country’s bank officials.

We anticipate no unnecessary misunderstanding among the public on behalf of the incident.

At the end of the preceding month, the violation of cyber security is the first ever in our

Initial game of hide and seek was not desirable.

Concerned authority too lingered informing of the matter to the government’s law enforcing

Even the finance minister Abul-Maal-Abdul Muhit said that he was not informed of the issue.

Though he has expressed optimism on returning the currency.

How a rigorous money laundering act and vigilance of responsible officials can resist
accidents, Srilanka has shaped an excellent instance.

We express gratitude to them.

If the Philippines’ bank officials would honestly do their duty, 8 to 10 million dollars would
not be out of possession revolving in minimum three casinos.

However, the respective government and the court have now grown to be much alert.

In this perspective, the main challenge for the government will be an inclusive venture with
the entire concerned authorities to recover the illegal money flight.

#‎ ‬

We want immediate solution of the problems

Security of the Air port

Despite repeated warnings, Dhaka’s Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport has failed to
meet international security requirements, prompting UK to ban direct air cargo from

In a letter to the prime minister Sheikh Hasina, British prime minister David Cameron asked
for effective measures to be taken regarding the matter by 31 March

If the matter is not addressed satisfactorily, direct passenger flights to Britain may also be

Australia took such steps before and presently Dhaka-New York direct flights are

While bilateral cooperation exists between Bangladesh and the UK on this matter, why did
this situation arise?

In January, the United States also expressed concern about security at the Dhaka’s
international airport.

It had given a three-month notice for the implementation of a joint work plan

Cameron’s letter indicates that the plan hasn’t been fully implemented.
It is important that the plan be implemented within the timeframe set by UK.
, , ?
What progress has been made regarding the work plan set in January? What has been
done so far about setting up a separate force, training, and procuring the required
equipment for airport security?

The government claims that quite a few measures have been taken to fulfill the work plan

but in actuality the civil aviation authorities are yet to attain the standards that have been
The UK warning has given rise to apprehension about Bangladesh’s vegetable exports to
Britain. Even readymade garment export may decline.

It is imperative that immediate action be taken to ensure tight security at the international
airport in Dhaka and other international airports of the country.

Just as technical capacity is needed for this, it is also important to ensure an efficient and
corruption-free administration.
, ,

The matter needs to be immediately addressed for the sake of international trade,
passenger travel, security, and image issues.
#‎ ‬

Saifur Rahman

Unscrupulous use of antibiotics

Stop selling antibiotics with no prescription.


The instinct of taking medicine without following the prescription of the doctors or taking
overdose in one’s sweet will is all-embracing in Bangladesh.

The circumstance have turned out to be alarming in using antibiotics, and steps for bringing
it under control is necessary.
‘ ’
Some visible fatal outcome of the use of antibiotic has been put forward on a Saturday
article published in “Prothom Alo”.

The doctors of BSMMU have discovered that 10 types of antibiotics have not functioned in a
23 years old patient’s body, wounded in a road mishap.

The doctors have observed that some of the antibiotics are ineffective in the half of the
twenty one patients in the incentive care unit of that hospital.
How the condition of these patients is so?

Antibiotic turns out to be ineffective when rule of taking it is not followed properly.

Respective germs can form resistance shield if the doctor’s recommended dose and term is
not pursued.

From then, it does not work on that patient.

‘ ’
‘ ’
The rationality and regulation of using antibiotic is so severe that a specialist opines it to be
an “Anarchy”

This state must not be allowed to proceed any more.

Firstly, control of marketing antibiotics should be brought under control.
Selling antibiotics devoid of recommendation of doctors is lawfully prohibited, however, it is
not followed accordingly.
Definite punishment has to be awarded to those defy the prohibition.
Secondly, doctor’s scrupulousness is required in the time of prescribing antibiotics
Not in assumption, antibiotics are supposed to be provided after being assured.

Thirdly, the trend of taking antibiotics with no prescription of doctors should be given up.

The dose and term determined by the doctor should be followed perfectly while taking

#‎ ‬

Saifur Rahman

Halt cursing of water vessels.

Ruination of Sundarbans should be stopped!


Sundarbans , the largest mangrove forest in the world, has to be save from destruction.

But, the planers of our government are denying the plainpublic claim.
‘ ’

To the thoughtless scheme of development, the importance of protecting natural

environment has turned out to be a trivial issue.
They are making the way of profit for the native and foreign quarters, but not taking it into
cognizance that it is endangering Sundarbans.
The process of opening different phases of the gradual destruction of “Sundarbans” is on
the way,
i.e, the commercial voyage of water vessels through the forest.

How destructive it could be witnessed by the incident of the spilling of 3 lac litres of oil on
9th December, 2014 in Shela river.

The harm occurred to the fauna and flora due to the water and soil pollution cannot be
made in 15 months.

The cruise throughout the forest is yet to be halted.

A cargo vessel, laden with 12 thousand metric ton coal, sank into the Shela river on
Saturday last.

Indiscriminate tree felling and killing of animals along with the tigers are going on
Moreover, the experts are continuously complaining that the coal based power station
project which has been undertaken, will carry severe destruction for Sundarbans.

Denying rigid public opinion, it is said that the power project, only 14 kilo-meters away from
Sundarbans, will not harm it.

But no project is approved by the government of India in 24 kilo-metres area of this very
forest in Indian part.

Government’s planers should not be imprudent.

Sundarbans is a priceless natural asset.

To serve the means of a few people, the destruction of Sundarbans has to be prevented in
the name of development

Let “Rampaul Power Project” shift into another direction.

Ban the transpiration of water vessels through the forest.

Stop arbitrarily tree felling and hunting of animals.

By: Saifur Rahman

Have to proceed taking lesson from the past

Challenge for New Governor


Fazle Kabir, new governor of Bangladesh Bank, has appropriately branded recovering the
stolen currency of 8 crore 10 lac dollars as the topmost priority.

After assuming office on Sunday last, in a press briefing, he told so but how it can be
implemented remains the prime concern.

In this case, the first drive should be identifying native and foreign culprits involved in this
theft incidence.

How the stolen fund was transferred in different accounts, banks of Philippine and in what
way the capital turned into native currency have come to the probe report of Philippine

Many of them have been enlisted as suspects.

, ,

But, how the currency was stolen from Bangladesh or who the people are involved in this
burglary is yet to be revealed.

Meanwhile, the three members committee headed by former Bank governor Farsah Uddin
,has already launched investigation.

Despite mentioning it to be Achilles-hills, Mohammad Farsah Uddin has taken the charge
for the sake of the country.

His briefing is optimistic.

Moreover, CID is performing separate investigation and has called for aid of the foreign
organizations in need.

Expect that the concerned committee and organizations will terminate probe on time and
the truth will come to light.

Further Fazle Kabir has emphasized on the halt to the future larceny and to keep hold of the
will-power of Bangladesh Bank officials.

Two issues should catch topmost importance to stop larceny.

To get rid from the technological blunder or weak points in no time and to fabricate skilled
and experienced man power.
‘ ’ ,

The wake-up call described by Bangladesh Bank governor will be successful when
indissoluble safety shield can be formed.

We have to proceed on taking lessons from the past.

#‎ ‬

BY >> Saifur Rahman


May EC come to sense, be it tardy

Frustrating UP election

Whatever happened, in the name of poll, using party symbol for the first time in the UP
election, gave birth to a disappointment.

While people had a superfluous anticipation and curiosity regarding this election.

Irresponsibility and inefficiency were apparent in the whole electoral procedure.

No valuable measures were taken by the EC, though there were pre-violence in many

21 persons died along with scores of were wounded so far in the UP election based
, ,
The unbridled speeches of chief election commissioner (CEC) and his assistants’ have not
assured voters rather it has amplified apprehension and anxiety.

In many constituencies, people were not only deprived of their applying voting rights but
also were prey to hostility.

These events have proved that regardless of flamboyant speeches of the high officials of
EC, they have entirely failed to check the disarray and aggression.

The entire election system has turned out to be captive at the hand of miscreants due to the
inefficiency and inactive stance of Election commission.
How will EC eschew this responsibility?

Any death is miserable.

The death of five persons in Mothbaria at the bullets of law enforcing agency notofies this
brutal truth.

Likewise Mothbaria, in many places, vested party activists have tried hard to make their way
for winning pole.

, ‘ ’
But, law enforcing agency and responsible officials digested the illegal force manifesting it
to be that as normal.
And wherever they have tried to resist, event of carnages occurred.

Law enforcing agency members are too wounded at the hand of miscreants in several

Five phases are still forthcoming.

May the EC takes all out move to ensure peace and order as well as the safety to the
voters, regardless of retaining the past.
It is better than never, and it is heartily expected.

#‎ ‬

Saifur Rahman

Detain the killers and make them to face trial

No harassment to Sohagi’s family


While the most significant task is to identify the persons involved in the killing of Sohagi
Jahan (Tonu), we observe that the deceased family members are, in fact, being victimized
to the persecution.
We can anticipate the unfathomable distress of brutally killed Tonu’s family members.

In this circumstances, the way the parents, family members and relatives who were taken
from their village home by the law enforcing agency for whole night interrogation, was
simply inhuman.

After the recovering of the dead body of Shohagi, Comilla Victoria College student, on 20th
march night in midst of Comilla cantonment, unfortunately no visible advancement of the
investigation is seen.

While the country is anxious and agitated over the issue, Rab took Shohagi's parents along
with two other members at 12 a.m on Sunday from her village home.
‘ ’
They were being interrogated whole night.

And then they were taken to the DB office on Saturday.

What type of approach is this to Tonu’s parents?


Shohagi’s father informed “Prothom Alo” reporter that he was quizzed irrelevant and similar
questions repeatedly.

Relevant question rises that are the law enforcing agency members trying to identify killers
or feel like harassing Sohagi’s family?
– –
It can be essential to get information for the sake of investigation from the parents and
relatives , but is it needed to interrogate parents of a lost child whole night?

We would like to see the convicted,whoever they are, under trial and detained without delay
Stop harassing Tonu’s family in the name of interrogation.
#‎ ‬ , , ,

#‎ ‬

Amran Hossain Mithun , DU


it is known from a survey conducted by a non-government organization named as work for a

better Bangladesh trust that 44 percent road of Dhaka city doesn’t have walkway.
2. ?
then, don’t the people of those area walk on foot ?
3. ;
of course they do; by taking risk
4. , ,

More concerning matter is that, pedestrians can’t make full use of walkways which consist
of 56 percent roads in cities.
the condition of 82 percent walkway is very deplorable.
6. ,

it is said in another survey that though 30 percent children of cities go to school on foot,
they don’t think it safe.
7. ,
Not only pedestrians face embarrassment while walking but also they often fall victim of
In recent past several pedestrians died from this kinds of accident.
9. ?
is this situation of one of the largest mega cities of the world is acceptable ?
It is essential for any planned and developed city to have broad walkway and open space in
both sides of road.

Saifur Rahman
How many students will be prey to this mischievous politics?

Student killed by peer


A Premier University student died owing to a clash between followers of two leaders of

, ‘ ’

Road transport and bridges minister Obaidul Kader ascertained in a press conference that
the current and former mayor of Chittagong cannot avoid the death charge.
Yet the leaders are unaffected whereas a family has lost a guy come of age.
Surprisingly, they belong to the ruling party and even the slayer as well as the deceased are

This incident has again pointed out the gruesome picture of confrontational politics.

Deceased, Sohel (24), was a member of Chittagong Chatra league.


The report of ‘Prothom Alo’ on Wednesday stated that Sohel was a follower of the present
mayor of Chittagong City Corporation.

Sohel wanted to invite the Mayor as a guest in a function of the University.

But the rivals, followers of former mayor Mohiuddin Chowdhury, did not have the same idea

Their liking was gone for Awami league leader Mohiuddin chowdhury, as the guest.
Consequently they drove an assault with the knives and sticks over Nasir’s faction.

Due to lack of actions of the opponent parties and associations, government backed
organizations are being implicated in scuffles among them.

Such type of problem has emerged as a major problem from the UP election to local order.
The question is, why the leaders of Chatra League and Awami League did not take any
preventive measures at this apprehension?

Justice should be executed if there is a murder.

By driving an appropriate and impartial investigation, we yearn for that the offender will be
brought to book in no time.

It is needed to delve into any hand of the higher officials behind the scene
Is not the social and political expectation of the triumph against the butchery by the students
going to be victorious?

The central leader who has said two leaders to be responsible for the death, and, therefore,
steps have to be taken against them.
Will that expectation be fulfilled?
#‎ ‬
#‎ ‬

Needs action, not words

At a seminar organised by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Thursday, speakers

stressed the need for political will, punishment of the guilty and social awareness to curb

. Every year ACC holds such a seminar and observes a week to heighten awareness
against corruption.

It may be has a role to create public awareness against corruption.


But the foremost duty of this constitutional organisation is to take action against corruption
which is stressed by the most of speaker at the seminar .
It can't deny that Corruption must be tackled by the trial and punishment of the corrupt
But who will bell the cat?

As the Anti-Corruption Bureau failed to do so, the independent Anti-Corruption Commission

was formed to do the job.

But their anti-corruption activities are virtually invisible.

At the seminar, speakers pointed out that the big shots were hardly ever caught or punished
for their corruption
And if they belonged to the ruling party, they were totally untouchable.

Most of the case the ACC would merely say there was not sufficient evidence against them.

The new chairman of ACC blamed the loopholes in the law for failing to nab the corrupt big
shots is not be acceptable .

Such statements give out a wrong message

That is not a plausible excuse
So many big-scale incidents of corruption have taken place over the recent past, including
the banking sector scams, but how many have the ACC tackled with tangible results?

It is ACC’s responsibility to gather proof against the corrupt and bring them to book

.. The ACC bosses have talked a lot, now let them translate their words to deeds.
#‎ ‬

, ,
Illiteracy, early marriage , unequal social status of women and ignorance etc are the major
cause for the population problem.

Women education plays a special role to control such problem .

Approximately, Half of the population is women.

We can see that the number of the male and female student from primary to secondary and
higher secondary is equal.

But the women education rate decreases gradually in the graduation and post-graduation

Because, most of the 18-20 years girls are marriaged . though early marriage little lessen ,

So , the participation of women in higher education is inevitable.


Because , If the participation rate of women in higher education is increase , the early
marriage will decrease normally , which controlled population growth rate.
, ,
Because, Education enlighten us , plays as a driving force to understand the problem ,
above all , solve the problem.

So, Women education is the foremost prerequisite to control of over population.

, ,

A conscious and educated mother plays a vital role from borne to bring up and grow up a

Nepoleon said , '' Give me an educated mother , I will give you an educated nation. ''

So, Women education is indispensable to tackle such a important problem like over
population .

Not only education but also equal participation of men and women in the all stage of a
society plays an active role in overall development activities of the country.

The Society can't properly developed lagging behind half of the nation .

Education is the basic right of the every citizen .

And all the men and women has to acquire this education for sake of overall development of
the society and country

#‎ ‬

Bangladesh is a populous country.

It is the 8th country on the basis of population density .

The land system is the driving force of the economy of village based Bangladesh.
The lion share achievement of the land dependent rural economy comes from agriculture
sector .

The high rate of population growth and land scarcity is the common phenomenon of the
country .

The adverse effect of high growth rate of population on the agricultural land affects the
whole Macro economy.

The unplanned slums are set up across the country for the people of ultra poverty and
middle income is one of the major cause for the population explosion .

For this, extra pressure of over population , socio - economic problems and residential
problems are acuted in the most of cites .

The ecological balance is being disrupted .

And It hinders to build up a peaceful society .

So , We can say that over population is a big national problem .

It is alarmed that if the problem is not address properly , the country will face more hazards
in the long run .

#‎ ‬

Saifur Rahman

It is expected to be done within the extended time

Relocation of Tannery Industry


The entrepreneurs of leather-industries could not maintain the dead line of 31st March,
despite being their failing of several phases.

The government has allowed them another week.

We expect that they will not fail in this time.

And a request to the government not be flexible anymore in this regard.

The economic significance of tannery industry is huge.

But, such industry, destructive to the environment, should not get on the heart of a city.

Consequently a vast area has turned out to be odorous and polluting.

The state of Buriganga is burdened with all sorts of contaminated and toxic aqueous
ingredients and extract of leather for decades.

Burigangla river is the only destination of toxic chemicals and contaminated water.

Not only the environmental perspective, the labours were too impelled to work in that acute
unhealthy ambiance.

For this very reason, BISIC has established Leather Industry in Savar not far off Dhaka

BISIC has determined to deliver all sorts of aid regarding installment of Hazaribag Industry.

Wastage refinery, sewerage treatment plant and all sorts of pollutant extraction technology
have been settled in that industrial city.

The tannery owners are procrastinating repeatedly, while infrastructures have been built.

Falling back of such a good initiative is very mournful.


Before the end of the dead line determined by the the minister of industry, we hope that
Hajaribag will be free from tannery and the historical inception of that will be at Savar.

Setting up of industries is not a mere play.

The infrastructure, directives and environmental protection of this industry ought to be first

We hope that by keeping up these conditions, tannery owners association and BISIC will
work together in the leather industry of SAVAR.
#‎ ‬

Translation Practice (

By >>> Afrin Haque (
#‎B2E Practice
1. , ,
=> Lack of education, early marriage, unequal social values of women, lack of
consciousness can said to be the notable reason of population problem.
=> Women education can play a vital role in controlling such a problem.

=> Almost half of the population is women. The number of male and female students are
almost equal from primary to secondary and higher secondary level.
=> But the rate of women education decreases constantly in graduation and post-
graduation level.
=> Because, a good number of female get married between 18 to 20 years old despite the
decrease of early marriage in a lower extent.
=> So, It is inevitable for women to take part in higher education.
7. ,

=> Because, if women participation increases in higher education, early marriage will
decrease readily which will have impact directly on population reduction.
8. , ,

=> Because, education makes a man conscious, gathers vital force in realizing problems,
and above all, the proper way to solution can be found in no time.
=> So, women education is an important prerequisite in controlling population.
10. , ,

=> A conscious and educated mother plays a crucial role in fostering a child, taking care
and helping it to grow up along with giving birth to it.
#‎E2B B2E Practise
1. Visits to such places bear a great value.
2. Corruption in the country is so rampant and open that we have become the topmost
corrupted country among all the countries of the world for four times at a stretch.

3. The grand spectacle of the rivers on a moonlit night is simply bewitching.

4. For about three decades political instability, traditional educational system, lack of
vocational training and technical education, illiteracy, agro-based economy, industrial
backwardness, closure or lay off of industries, economic stagnancy in investment sector
and, above all, a large scale corruption are responsible for unemployment problem.
=> , ,
, , , ,

=> Bangladesh is a densely populated country with a ratio of 26:25 between boys and girls.

=> Childhood memories never go into oblivion.

=> It is a vital force.

, ,

=> Sea-beaches, low lying unused lands, sides of the highways and roads can be brought
under the scheme of tree plantation.

=> Great books do not spring from something accidental in the great men who wrote them.

=> They are the affluence of their very core of heart, the expression of the life itself of the

=>And literature can not be said to be served its true purpose until it has been translated
into the actual life of him who reads.

=> It does not succeed until it becomes the chief vehicle of the vital.

=> Progress is the gradual result of the unending battle, between human reason and human
instinct in which it forms slowly but wins surely

=> The most powerful engine in this battle is literature.

=> Fallacious idea and pretty emotion would never feel the upward pull of the idea and
emotions of the genius.
=> Only by conceiving a society without literature can it be clearly realised that the function
of literature is to raise the plain towards the top level of the peaks?

=> Because of the hard work and devotion of the government in health sector, now
Bangladesh can stand among other countries of the world by keeping its head high.

=> Getting proper healthcare is a fundamental right of an individual

=> A healthy nation is one of the main catalysts behind the development of a country.

=> Children are the future architect of this nation.

=> The state will regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the improvement of public
health as among its primary duties.
The phenomenon of child labor and child laborer which has become prominent in the recent
study of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is really worrisome.
b) , ;

According to the statistics, there are 34 and a half lacs working children in the country of
whom 29 lacs and 48 thousands works full time and 5 lacs and 2 thousands works part
Moreover, nearly two thirds of these children don’t get the opportunity to go to school.
d) ,
The number of working children who used to go to school is 21 lacs.
e) ?

Which sign does this social image show? It gives signal that we chould not be able to make
this country livable for all children.
f) , , , ,
To make it livable for children the fundamental demands such as food, clothing, shelter,
education and treatment for each and every child should be ensured.
g) ,

When lakhs of children of the country are bound to lead inhuman and foul life, the talk about
development and prosperity from government policymakers sounds somewhat bantering.
#‎B2E Practice:

=> In the developed countries social security is provided by the government in the form of
post retirement ans old age benefits, so that these people get free medical benefit.
=> the noise of feasting and laughter reached them from the inside of the castle.

=> In order to be a successful person, one must have a choice of profession and a plan of
what one intends to be.

=> In the past, a teacher usually meant a person wearing a torn shirt and leading a pathetic
life of poverty.
=> When the tender flower plants blossom forth, I become overjoyed.
#‎E2B and #B2E Practice:
1. The stubborn price hike has made the life of people intolerably difficult.
2. Man has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
3. Superstition is the child of ignorance, folly and unreason.
=> ,
4. The lexical meaning of bribe is taking concealed remuneration for illegal assistance.
5. Pity takes its rise from sympathy or identification of self with others' sufferings.
=> As more and more people speak English, more and more varieties have emerged which
are strongly influenced by the pronunciation, grammar and idioms of the respective mother
=> As a result, it is deep rooted in the country boundlessly.
=> The vast majority of the villager belong to the toiling masses.

=>The aim of education is to make a man fully equipped to be useful to himself and to the
#‎E2B Practice
1. The decision defies economic or moral logic.
2. First, the US GSP programme doesn't include textiles, the industry that has attracted the
labor movement's ire.

3. Garments account for more than 90 percent of Bangladesh's exports to the US, and
these goods will continue to pay an average tariff of 15 percent.

4. We urge the government to expedite a probe into these deaths as well as incidences of
violence in general, carried out by individuals affiliated with political parties and bring the
culprits to book.

5. This has to be done irrespective of who these individuals are and what political party they
are a part of
=> Self-control is at the root of all virtues.

=> Let a man give the rein to his impulses and passions and from that moment he yields up
his moral freedom.

=> He is carried along the current of life and becomes the slave of his strongest desire for
the time being.

=> To be morally free, to me more than an animal- a man must be able to resist instinctive
impulse and this can only be done by the exercise of self-control.

=> So, this is the power which constitutes the real distinction between physical and moral
life and forms the primary basis of individual character.
, ,

=> In the Bible, praise is given not to the strong man who 'taketh a city' but to the stronger
man who 'ruleth his own spirit'.

=> The strong man is he who, by discipline, exercises a constant control over his thoughts,
his speeches and his acts.

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