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Farnily Tree of O Generations of Ancestors we Researched in


William Vaulery Clascott Gngland) = Local Wornan from Thane region o{ Mumbail

Mary Anneclascott (Thanel) = Patrick Donohoe (lreland)

An na Leonowens (ha lf-sister)

EIlen )ane Donohoe (Pund Ssamuel Philips oreland/England)


Thomas Arthur Phillips/Savage (Nashik) YHora McDonatd (Hyderabad)

Frank Savage (twf n brother) kilted WW1 Afghanistan

nhillip Sarage (Bombay I tphyllis Hatherell (Engtand)


Timothy Sawge Ggypt) YTh.r.r. Meagher (treland)

Deirdre5avage (NZ) !- uO *roczek (NZ)

5te6n & Ella Mroczek (NZ)

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