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BUSN 732-001

Winter 2019
Professor: Sylvia Vrh-Zoldos 1

Take-Home Writing Assignment #1

Paulo André Sant`Ana Lahr

Centennial College
[Lahr, Paulo] Take-Home Writing Assignment #1 2

Part 1: Paraphrasing

1.“ Still signs of life in retail despite the dawn of the zombie mall” by Carl Mortished

Original sentence 1: “For Amazon, it's a bit of brand positioning, but it's also an
admission that the company understood the underlying problem with online shopping: it's
annoying and a bit cheap.” (Mortished, 2017 para. 8).

Paraphrase 1: Admitting that buying online is annoying and a bit cheap, Amazon
understood the problem and adopted a new brand positioning. (Mortished, 2017 para. 8).

Original sentence 2: “Unibail is not just buying space; The Westfield malls are built
around the idea that shopping in rich countries has little to do with need and everything to
do with entertainment.” (Toughill, 2018 para. 4).

Paraphrase 2: Differently that most companies, Unibail is building shopping with the
concept that buys is entertainment, in rich countries the Westfield malls have little of
what to do with the need. (Lahr, 2018 para. 4).

2. “Retailers need to up their game on click-and-collect models” by Mark Thomson,

Original sentence 1: “Dubai has launched Dubai CommerCity free zone to promote
Dubai’s position as a leading platform for international e-commerce.” (Thomson, 2017,
para. 1).

Paraphrase 1: Dubai (2017), seeking to position its international e-commerce leadership,

has launched the Dubai CommerCity free zone to promote its online platform. (para. 1).

Original sentence 2: “Retailers must rapidly innovate across the front of a store, at the
back of a store, and distribution centres to remain competitive.” (Thomson, 2017, para.

Paraphrase 2: For retailers to remain competitive, they must innovate throughout the
store, front, back and also in the distribution center. (para. 5).
[Lahr, Paulo] Take-Home Writing Assignment #1 3

3. “The glamour of grit; The zero-waste movement has undergone an unlikely, and glossy,
makeover thanks to social media. But as Alex McClintock reports, its good intentions are being
tempered by feel-good consumption and concerns of privilege” by Alex McClintock

Original sentence 1: “Guelph-based influencer Tara McKenna founded the community

forum Zero Waste Collective last year and readily acknowledges the role of visual
storytelling in the movement's online success..” (McClintock, 2018, para. 16).

Paraphrase 1: Zero Waste Collective was founded last year by influential Tara McKenna,
the community forum acknowledged the movement's success in its visual narrative. (para.

Original sentence 2: “"I have people saying that in my comments, critiques about it being
so pretty.But, quite frankly, I think I'm able to reach a broader audience. If that's the way
to do it, and to help people have difficult conversations, then I'm excited that people are
interested."(McClintock, 2018, para. 16).

Paraphrase 2: Despite all the criticism, I am excited by people's interest in criticizing my

comments. Thus, to help people discuss controversial conversations. On the other hand, I
believe it is possible to reach a wider audience. (McClintock, 2018, para. 20).
[Lahr, Paulo] Take-Home Writing Assignment #1 4


McClintock, A. (2018, 09 08). The glamour of grit; The zero-waste movement has undergone an
unlikely, and glossy, makeover thanks to social media. But as Alex McClintock reports,
its good intentions are being tempered by feel-good consumption and concerns of
privilege. Toronto, ON, Canada.

Mortished, C. (2017, 12 18). Business Commentary. Retrieved 02 07, 2019, from The Globe And

Thomson, M. (2017, 11 27). Business. Retrieved 02 07, 2019, from Gulf News:

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