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Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259

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Optimizing agricultural land-use portfolios with scarce data—

A non-stochastic model
Thomas Knoke a,⁎, Carola Paul a, Fabian Härtl a, Luz Maria Castro a,b, Baltazar Calvas a,c, Patrick Hildebrandt c
Institute of Forest Management, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München (TUM), Freising, Germany
Departamento de Economía, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
Institute of Silviculture, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München (TUM), Freising, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The theory of portfolio selection has often been applied to help improve economic decisions about the environ-
Received 16 April 2015 ment. Applying this theory requires information on the covariance of uncertain returns between all combinations
Received in revised form 22 September 2015 of the economic options and also assumes that returns are normally distributed. As it is usually difficult to fulfill
Accepted 29 October 2015
all data requirements and assumptions, this paper proposes a variant of robust portfolio optimization as an alter-
Available online 13 November 2015
native that needs less pre-information. The approach considers future uncertainties in a non-stochastic fashion
through possible deviations from the nominal return of land-use alternatives. Maximizing the economic return
Robust optimization of the land-use portfolio is conditional on meeting an inclusive set of constraints. These demand that a pre-
Risk defined return threshold is achieved by the robust solution for each uncertainty scenario considered. Based on
Portfolio theory data for eight agricultural crops common in the Ecuadorian lowlands, a comparison with portfolios generated
Land use by classical stochastic mean-variance optimization shows greater land-use diversification (through increased
Diversification Shannon indices), but only moderate expected economic loss of non-stochastic robust land-use portfolios. We
Shannon's index conclude that non-stochastic derivation of land-use portfolios is a good alternative to the classical stochastic
model, in situations where information on economic input parameters is scarce.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction There are many other applications of portfolio selection theory in

fishery science. For example, Griffiths et al. (2014) recently concluded
Modern financial theory is still largely based on the famous results that portfolio theory provides a straightforward method for characteriz-
that follow from Markowitz's (1952, 2010) theory of portfolio selection. ing the resilience of salmon ecosystems and their services. Moore et al.
The theory of portfolio selection is used to analyze and improve decision (2010) also used economic portfolio theory to simulate the impact of
making in natural resources and the environment, for issues such as bio- synchronization of salmon populations on the risk-adjusted perfor-
diversity conservation, forestry, grassland and fisheries management, mance of fish portfolios. Sanchirico et al. (2008) employed a portfolio
and land allocation. Examples include analyzing common agricultural framework to consider variance and covariance in gross fishing reve-
policy, conservation payments, irrigation, flood management, and opti- nues when setting total allowable catch for individual species. Another
mization. For instance, Figge (2004) applied portfolio theory to develop example is the work of Edwards et al. (2004), who systematically com-
a concept for valuing the benefits of biodiversity. In a marine case study bined various fish stocks into a portfolio that balances expected aggre-
on biological conservation, Halpern et al. (2011) adopted portfolio se- gate returns against risks. In an earlier study, Larkin et al. (2003)
lection theory to analyze the impact of spatial variance in returns from maximized unit returns for various pre-defined risk levels to show
natural resources on the equitable delivery of value to individuals and that the actual composition of fish resources is not part of the efficient
communities. Koellner and Schmitz (2006) contributed an application portfolios (that is, portfolios that achieve maximum economic return
of the portfolio theory in grassland science using the reward-to- for pre-defined risk levels).
variability ratio for optimization (cf. Sharpe, 1994). There are also vari- This paper deals with the important problem of allocating scarce land
ous applications of the portfolio theory in forest science; Hildebrandt to various land-use options, which has also been supported by portfolio
and Knoke (2011) provide an overview on forest investment decisions theory in various studies. Land allocation is among the world's most
under uncertainty, including applications of portfolio theory. pressing environmental issues, as confirmed by Wise et al. (2009).
They conclude that allocating scarce land resources to competing ends,
⁎ Corresponding author at: TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Technische
for instance, to balance climate protection and food production, will re-
Universität München, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising, Germany. main a major challenge of the 21st century. The allocation of land has
E-mail address: (T. Knoke). long been studied in land-use economics, beginning with von Thünen's
0921-8009/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259 251

(1842) seminal work on distributing land-use options based on their classical portfolio selection theory, in cases where economic informa-
land rent (see Samuelson, 1983, for an extensive review of Thünen's tion about uncertainties is scarce.
work). At present, Thünen's theory is applied in several international A recent literature review on robust optimization shows that this tech-
studies (e.g., Angelsen, 2010; Phelps et al., 2013). Macmillan (1992) nique is still popular and that its application is increasing (Gabrel et al.,
has proposed an extension of the Thünen land rent model based on port- 2014). However, robust optimization has rarely been applied to problems
folio theory. Many studies have applied the classical land rent theory in environmental and resource economics. One exception is the work of
combined with portfolio selection theory. Roche and McQuinn (2004) Palma and Nelson (2009), who apply robust optimization in forest re-
and Havlik et al. (2008) used a portfolio theory framework to analyze source management. However, this study does not analyze a portfolio-
the consequences of the Common Agricultural Policy in the European based problem of land allocation. Applying robust portfolio optimization
Union. Abson et al. (2013) linked landscape diversity and the resilience to analyze the economics of land-use diversification is actually very rare.
of agricultural returns, while Kaplan (1985) optimized the structural It will therefore be interesting to compare portfolio compositions
composition of farmlands. In other land-use studies, portfolio selection achieved with a robust, non-stochastic optimization technique to those
theory has been used to derive conservation payments (Benitez et al., obtained by classical mean-variance optimization. A recent study on the
2006; Castro et al., 2013). Water management and scarcity issues have economic attractiveness of producing organic bananas in Ecuador
increasingly been studied using the theory of portfolio selection. For ex- (Castro et al., 2015) will provide the data for such a comparison. The anal-
ample, afforestation on marginal land in irrigated farming systems has ysis will include economic aspects and the resulting degree of land-use di-
been investigated (Djanibekov and Khamzina, 2014) as well as improved versification. Shannon's index for the various land-use portfolios can be
irrigation water management in uncertain conditions (Paydar and used to compare differences in landscape diversity (Nagendra, 2002).
Qureshi, 2012). A further development of flood management (Aerts Successfully applying non-stochastic optimization to land-use allocation
et al., 2008) and water planning (Marioni et al., 2011) represent other problems could reduce data requirements, while resulting in meaningful
environmental studies based on portfolio selection theory. land-use portfolios that may be more stable across changing assumptions
While many studies in environmental and resource economics rely about uncertainty. Such improvements in the modeling technique could
on the classical and prestigious theory of portfolio selection, this theory increase the application of land-allocation models that can address uncer-
has some disadvantages. In Markowitz's (1952) model, the economic tainties, while helping to adjust models to different spatial scales and en-
return is the expected value of a random portfolio return, where the as- vironmental conditions. These models are an important tool for designing
sociated risk is quantified by the variance of the return (Goldfarb and cost-effective land-use and environmental policies under the increasing
Iyengar, 2003). The theory of portfolio selection is thus based on using uncertainty of future food markets and climate conditions (Knoke et al.,
a stochastic model, and the associated mathematics to combine covari- 2013). The following questions will therefore be addressed: (i) How do
ances of economic returns assume that these returns are normally dis- land-use portfolios derived using robust optimizations differ from those
tributed. However, in real applications, it is hard to obtain the actual that are classically derived by mean-variance optimization? (ii) How
distribution of returns (Yu and Jin, 2012) because historical data are does the method of portfolio optimization influence the Shannon
often limited. To overcome the problem of missing data, simulation index? (iii) How do robust land-use portfolios perform in a mean-
techniques such as Monte Carlo Simulation have been used, but these variance context?
methods are data-demanding and often show that returns are not nor-
mally distributed (e.g., Knoke and Wurm, 2006). 2. Methods and Materials
The stability of estimates for covariances is another problem. Robust
and reliable information on covariance that will also hold true for future 2.1. Optimization Approaches
developments of market and biophysical risks is almost impossible to
obtain. Also, practitioners often abstain from using the results from 2.1.1. A Stochastic and a Non-stochastic Model
portfolio optimizations because these results can be very sensitive to Classical portfolio optimization derives an efficient frontier formed
small perturbations in the input parameters of the problem (e.g., by portfolios that maximize the economic returns for pre-defined levels
Goldfarb and Iyengar, 2003). Given these complications, alternative ap- of economic uncertainty. The efficient frontier is based on “mean-vari-
proaches that can still provide good results without this information on ance” optimization. The standard deviation of the economic return is
covariance could be advantageous. usually adopted as a measure for uncertainty. Using this theory for an
To solve these problems, alternative programming techniques have optimized allocation of land to different land-use options in a Thünen
been proposed to optimize portfolio composition (e.g., Bertsimas and framework (which is not spatially explicit in our examples), we formu-
Sim, 2004). These include non-stochastic convex programming that guar- late the optimization problem as in Eq. (1):
antees exact solutions, should those exist. This may be accomplished, for
example, using linear programming (Ben-Tal and Nemirovski, 2000). max EðY L Þ ¼ Eðyi Þai
Uncertainty can be included by using constraints that reflect plausible i∈L
margins for possible parameter perturbations to achieve a robust optimi- subject to
zation. Robust optimization, as defined here, searches for an acceptable SL ≤ Ss
A ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
result for all parameter perturbations considered. SL ¼ ai a j covi; j ð1Þ
Techniques that can produce robust results also exist in stochastic X
i∈L j∈L

optimization, such as maximizing the value at risk as a variant of ai ¼1

worst-case optimization (see Härtl et al., 2013, for an example in forest i∈L
planning). However, in contrast to stochastic optimization, non- covi; j ¼ ki; j si s j
ai ≥ 0
stochastic robust optimization weights all data perturbations equally
and does not assign different probabilities, for instance, to different re-
turn deviations. Non-stochastic robust optimization also needs at least where
some specification of possible input data variations. However, the as-
sumptions about data variation are not necessarily as detailed as those E(YL) Expected land rent of the entire land-use portfolio (economic
needed in stochastic mean-variance optimization. Thus, non- portfolio return in US$ ha−1 year−1)
stochastic optimization may be less data-demanding than a classical E(yi) expected land rent (referred to as economic return throughout
portfolio optimization. Given this background, this method could be a the paper) of a single land-use option, i (US$ ha−1 year−1)
good alternative to the existing economic land-use models based on ai area proportion allocated to the land-use option i
252 T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259

L set of land-use options considered Such an expression of the uncertainty problem has been called a pure
SL standard deviation of the uncertain land-use portfolio return “constraint-wise” construction of a robust optimization problem (Ben-
SA pre-defined standard deviation of the uncertain portfolio Tal et al., 2009, p. 11). Thus, Eq. (2) implies the simultaneous consider-
return ation of all uncertainty scenarios. However, it is not possible to always
covi,j covariance of uncertain returns of land-use options i and j maximize the economic return for each uncertainty scenario with one
ki,j correlation coefficient of uncertain returns of land-use op- land-use allocation only. When returns from individual crop alterna-
tions i and j tives vary between uncertainty scenarios, different land-use options
si standard deviation of the return of land-use option i may deliver the maximum economic return, depending on the uncer-
tainty scenario considered. Therefore, the constraint to be fulfilled for
In Eq. (1), uncertainty is considered by means of the portfolio's stan- each scenario in Eq. (2) cannot be strict; instead, it must be relaxed
dard deviation, SL, controlled via a constraint. This uncertainty depends enough to obtain feasible solutions. To achieve this, we introduce a “re-
on the allocation of land proportions to land-use options and on the eco- laxed” global constraint into our model. Here, the maximum return re-
nomic return covariances between each possible pair of land-use op- quired in the strict version of the constraint is reduced by the product of
tions. The frontier of efficient portfolios is progressively derived in a a control factor, βU, and the range between the maximum and minimum
process that initially requires SA (acceptable level of uncertainty) to be returns for each scenario, δmax, min. The reasoning behind this adjust-
at a minimum. Increasingly higher uncertainty levels are then allowed ment is as follows: the difference between the maximum and minimum
while maximizing the economic return for each level of uncertainty an- returns shows the maximum return range which occurs in a scenario, s.
alyzed, until finally the maximum uncertainty is achieved with a portfo- If the control factor βU is set to zero, the constraint reverts to its strict
lio consisting of the single land-use option with the greatest uncertainty version, requiring the highest return possible for each uncertainty sce-
(and usually the highest economic return as well). The formulation in nario. If βU, however, is set to one, we only demand the minimum return
Eq. (1) is stochastic because the economic returns of the land-use op- for each uncertainty scenario. This would be possible with any land-use
tions are considered to be the expected values of random variables allocation and would result in a strong “underperformance” of our land-
and have a standard deviation and specific covariance with the returns use portfolio. Therefore, the lowest βU that avoids violating any con-
of all other land-use options. straint must be found. It will be greater than zero but less than one.
The formulation of the non-stochastic optimization problem is pro-
posed as follows (Eq. (2)): 2.1.2. A Closer Look at the Control Factor, βU
X Rearranging the constraint to be fulfilled for each scenario in Eq. (2)
max Y L ¼ yi ai shows that βU limits the distance to be tolerated between the maximum
i∈L achievable return, max(ysi), and the return actually achieved by the
subject to land-use portfolio (Eq. (3)):
ysi  ai ≥ maxðysi Þ−βU  δ max; min ∀s∈ S X
i∈L maxðysi Þ− ysi  ai
ysi ¼ yi  usi ð2Þ i∈L
βU ≥ ð3Þ
δ max; min
0 ≤ βU ≤ 1
ai ¼1 This distance is scaled between zero (minimum return) and one
i∈L (maximum return) and results a new variable, dists, for a certain alloca-
ai ≥ 0 tion of land proportions to land-use options, for each uncertainty sce-
nario, s. An alternative way to represent the problem would be to
where optimize over dists directly (Eq. (4)). Here the variable dists (which is
the maximum distance to be tolerated between the highest achievable
yi nominal economic return of land-use option i return, max(ysi), and the return actually achieved) is the new objective
ai area proportion allocated to the land-use option i function to be minimized:
ysi possible return of land-use option i after subtracting or
adding the deviation considered, usi min dists
s specific uncertainty scenario constructed by various combi-
subject to X
nations of deviations usi, for each yi from a given set of land-
use options, L maxðysi Þ− ysi  ai
max(ysi) maximum return among land-use options for scenario s dists ¼
δ max; min ð4Þ
βU control factor to adjust the degree to which the constraint has
ysi ¼ yi  usi
to be relaxed. Through calibration, a minimum of βU is X
searched for under which all uncertainty scenarios meet ai ¼1
their constraint. βU depends on the level of uncertainty, U, i∈L

which is considered according to Eq. (5) or Eq. (6) ai ≥ 0

U is introduced to indicate that β depends on the size of the un-
certainties considered The optimized variable dists shows, in relative units, how much of the
δmax,min maximum range of economic returns within scenario s, maximum return range (maximum minus minimum return) is not
max(ysi) − min(ysi) achieved in the worst-case. Conversely, 1-dists tells us how much of
S set of all uncertainty scenarios the maximum return range is guaranteed for each uncertainty scenario.
usi possible maximal deviation from the initial return parameter, For example, a final minimized dists of 0.62 means that 38% of the return
yi, see Eqs. (5) and (6) for definition range is guaranteed for each scenario. The guaranteed economic return is
then formed by summing the minimum return and 38% of the maximum
The non-stochastic problem formulation also addresses uncertainty return range (achieving 100% of the return range would give the maxi-
via constraints. The uncertainty is represented by discrete and pre- mum return).
defined pessimistic and optimistic return scenarios (see below); for This problem formulation results in the same allocation of land pro-
each scenario, a certain level of economic return must be guaranteed. portions compared to Eq. (2), which confirms that Eq. (2) also minimizes
T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259 253

non-achievement of the desired highest returns. This underlines the ap-

propriateness of Eq. (2) for portfolio optimization as an approach that
gives equal importance to all uncertainty scenarios, to minimize the
maximum distance to the highest achievable return, even under adverse
uncertainty scenarios (“minimized non-achievement”).
Eq. (4) resembles the objective function in a variant of the multiple
objective goal programming (Tamiz et al., 1998), where non-
achievement of multiple goals is minimized. We may thus conclude
that our optimization under uncertainty is theoretically equivalent to
a seldom used (Romero, 2001) but well-described goal programming
version. However, our approach does not consider specific weights for
the multiple scenarios (which represent our multiple objectives).
Romero (2001) has characterized this goal programming formulation
as looking for “equity,” when considering multiple objectives, in con-
trast to more common approaches looking for “efficiency.”
Finally, we still used Eq. (2) for our optimization because Eq. (4) is
not smooth (Tamiz et al., 1998) and therefore cannot be solved by
using convex optimization.

2.1.3. Uncertainty Sets

We consider uncertainty deviations usi that are specific for the return
of each land-use option i. The various uncertainty scenarios s may be
formed by generating all possible combinations of pessimistic (usi b 0)
and optimistic deviations (usi N 0) while also considering combinations
Fig. 1. Schematic to demonstrate the derivation of the uncertainty scenarios for two hypo-
with the nominal parameters (usi = 0). To represent all scenarios, we thetical land-use options. Uncertainty deviations of different size, usi, have been subtracted
could therefore potentially consider, through constraints, 3n sets of pa- from/added to the nominal return values of both land-use options (Di: scale parameter to
rameter combinations in Eq. (2), where n is the number of land-use op- account for differences in uncertainties between land-use options).
tions included. However, considering only pessimistic and optimistic
return scenarios is sufficient, which reduces the number of constraints
considered in Eq. (2) to 2n. One could also consider only the negative de- This paper uses various uncertainty levels, U, to derive usi, and distin-
viations from the nominal returns (that is, replace the optimistic eco- guishes between two methods of deriving the size of the deviations.
nomic returns with the nominal returns), and obtain similar results to Both variants consider different levels of pre-information. The first var-
those achieved when considering optimistic margins (an example is in- iant, Eq. (5) (herein referred to as “individual uncertainties known”),
cluded in Fig. 5). However, this variant would not reduce the number of calculates usi as a multiple, m, of the individual standard deviation of
scenarios considered. the return for each land-use option, si. Here the standard deviation is
Our actual uncertainty sets consist of all 2n uncertainty scenarios considered as a measure of the individual return uncertainty. This
(Bertsimas and Brown, 2009) for each level of uncertainty investigated. does not mean that we assume a normal distribution in our model.
The deviations considered for the nominal return parameters form We simply use multiples of the standard deviation as a proxy to quantify
boxes, illustrated in Fig. 1 for the combined uncertainties of two land- the maximum deviations to be considered, regardless of the distribution
use options only (while n-dimensional uncertainty spaces were used behind these returns. Using si for this purpose helps us to account for
for the actual optimization). Combining the uncertainty deviations for different deviations for crops that we consider, which are either more
both options forms four scenarios (22) in this simplified example: pessi- or less affected by uncertainty than most other crops. Decision makers
mistic–pessimistic, pessimistic–optimistic, optimistic–optimistic, and could also subjectively determine the crops for which they assume larg-
optimistic–pessimistic. These scenarios represent the corner points of er or smaller maximum deviations.
the box-uncertainty sets. The size of the uncertainty sets has been en-
larged from 0.5 to 3 times a scale factor Di, where Di is used to distin- usi ¼ m  si ðmj1:0; 1:1; 1:2; :::; 2:8; 2:9; 3:0Þ ð5Þ
guish between individual uncertainties of certain land-use options.
Thus, the uncertainty sets become increasingly inclusive to study the ef- For example, m = 2 means that the nominal return of one land-use
fect of increased/decreased uncertainty. option ±2 times its standard deviation forms optimistic/pessimistic re-
It is not necessary to consider all the intermediate return combina- turn scenarios.
tions included by the boxes. When the optimum solution for the corner However, the individual standard deviation may not always be avail-
points of the boxes is found, the non-violation of the constraint function able to quantify the uncertainty of economic return for single land-use op-
in Eq. (2) for any combination of input parameters included by the tions. Consequently, a second variant, Eq. (6) (herein referred to as
boxes is guaranteed. Finally, results reported for some of the analyses “individual uncertainties unknown”), is tested that only requires informa-
in this paper were derived using more scenarios (3n), including the tion on the expected, nominal economic return for each crop. This variant
nominal returns and their combinations with optimistic and pessimistic computes usi as a multiple, mi, of the nominal return parameter, yi.
returns. This was done to produce artificial return distributions which
resemble frequency distributions. These distributions are not used for usi ¼ mi  yi
probabilistic analyses but instead to demonstrate some consequences subject to :
dr ð6Þ
of the various portfolio compositions derived. mi ¼ m min þ  Δi; min ðm min j0:5; 0:6; 0:7 :::; 1:8; 1:9; 2:0Þ
Δ max; min
While we decided to use boxes to represent the uncertainties con-
sidered, alternative shapes of possible uncertainty sets could be, for ex-
ample, conic or polyhedral. These alternatives, however, require more mmin multiple used to determine the maximum deviation for the
assumptions about the correlations in the uncertain data than the crop with the minimum return
box-uncertainty spaces applied in our study. Besides the shape of the dr assumed difference in relative uncertainty between crop with
uncertainty set, the size of it, expressed by usi, must also be considered. maximum and crop with minimum relative uncertainty
254 T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259

Δmax,min difference between the maximum and minimum nominal economic return for the standard deviation that was found using the
returns shares of the land-use options obtained for the robust, non-stochastic
Δi,min difference between the nominal return of option, i, and the portfolios. Thus, for this comparison, we assume that the nominal pa-
nominal minimum return rameters used for mean-variance modeling are actually the true param-
eters. This of course is only an assumption to make it possible to analyze
The multiple, mi, is the maximum relative deviation expected for how great the potential economic losses could be when using the robust
each nominal return parameter. For example, mi = 1 means a maxi- non-stochastic modeling approach.
mum positive or negative deviation of 100% from the nominal return
parameter. The pessimistic return is then zero and the optimistic return 2.1.5. Landscape Diversity
is 2 times the nominal return. One may use the same relative deviation Finally, the indicator for the landscape diversity of the resulting port-
(mi = m = constant) for each nominal return parameter, or different folios was compared. This comparison was based on Shannon's index
relative deviations for each land-use option, i, with ±mi · yi. In our ex- (Shannon, 1948) (represented by HL in Eq. (7)), which is computed
ample, we increased the relative deviation in proportion to the increas- for each of the land-use portfolios, with ai being the proportion of land
ing nominal return value, so that the crop with the greatest nominal allocated to each land-use option in a given portfolio:
return is provided with a multiple, mi, which is higher than that used X
for the crop with the minimum return by the factor dr (see Eq. (6)). HL ¼ − ai ln ai ð7Þ
Under a maximum range in relative uncertainty between all crops of i∈L

dr = 0.1, mi is 1.1 for the crop with the highest return, if mi is 1 for the
crop with the minimum return. Crops with returns between the mini-
mum and maximum will have 1 b mi b 1.1, for this example. Assuming 2.2. Data
that relative uncertainty increases with increasing return is realistic, be-
cause there is a well-known, positive correlation between return and This paper builds on data recently published by Castro et al. (2015),
uncertainty. Our approach uses a dr of 0.1 for the basic analyses. Howev- who used the classical theory of portfolio selection to derive land-use
er, to study the impact of this assumption, we carried out sensitivity portfolios for the Ecuadorian lowlands, which considered (among
studies using no increase of the relative uncertainty for the more profit- other crops) conventional and organic banana as alternatives. The
able crops (dr = 0) and an increase of the multiple mi by up to 0.15 study area from which the economic data has been compiled is the
(dr = 0.15) and 0.30 (dr = 0.30) for the most profitable crop. Babahoyo sub-basin—a flat floodplain cross-cut by many rivers and lo-
To summarize, both methods of considering uncertainty deviations cated in the littoral region of Ecuador. Soils there are mainly alluvial
do not require any quantification of return covariances, which is an sandy clays of volcanic origin with variable textures. The land-use op-
often difficult to achieve requirement of the common stochastic tions considered were banana (conventional and organic), cocoa, rice,
model. Box uncertainties are used because they do not need any speci- maize, soybean, and two tree species—balsa and laurel. The economic
fication of return distributions and consider all possible return correla- data published by Castro et al. (2015) were used in the current study
tions implicitly (via the corner points of the boxes). In the simplest both as nominal input parameters and to construct the uncertainty de-
form, uncertainties are derived only by computing multiples of the viations from the economic returns used to consider possible uncer-
nominal return parameters (the only information needed for variant tainties (Table 1). The uncertainty margins formed as multiples of the
“individual uncertainties unknown”). In contrast, considering uncer- nominal values according to variant “individual uncertainties un-
tainties in the stochastic model, for example, simulated using the known” (Eq. (6)) were more inclusive than those resulting from variant
Monte Carlo technique, would need information on the distribution of “individual uncertainties known” (Eq. (5)) (Table 1). This is meaningful
productivities, market prices, and harvesting costs, plus the correlations because only very little information is used under this variant, which
between these inputs for all crops considered. Thus, classical stochastic suggests it bears greater uncertainties than the “individual uncertainties
optimization of portfolios is much more data demanding than using our known” variant.
approach based on box-uncertainty sets. Computing all possible combinations of the resulting economic
returns (considering nominal returns as well as positive and negative
2.1.4. Benchmark Portfolios deviations) for each of the eight crops resulted in 38 = 6561 scenarios
After forming the robust land-use portfolios (Eq. (2)) with each of for each level of deviation (usi) considered. As already mentioned, this
the two variants (using Eqs. (5) and (6)), benchmark land-use portfoli- large number of scenarios is not used for optimization, but to form dis-
os were also derived using the classical mean-variance approach (using tributions of economic returns that resemble frequency distributions
Eq. (1) and the data shown in Tables 1 and 2). To achieve comparable (but are actually only frequency-like distributions). An example distri-
conditions, the classical portfolios were formed by maximizing the bution is provided in Fig. 2, which shows all possible economic returns

Table 1
Possible deviations, ±usi, for each land-use option from the nominal economic returns calculated using two alternative methods (1) as multiples of the standard deviation, see Eq. (5)
(variant “individual uncertainties known”) or (2) as multiples of the nominal parameter value, see Eq. (6) (variant “individual uncertainties unknown”) (economic data adopted from
Castro et al., 2015, with alterations).

Land-use option (i) Assumed economic (net) returns and possible levels of deviation (±usi) in US$ ha−1 year−1

Deviations: variant “individual uncertainties Nominal values (no deviation) Deviations: variant “individual uncertainties Standard deviation, si
known,” ± usi, as multiples of the si unknown,” ± usi, as multiples of the nominal
parameter value

Conventional banana ±2835, ±2741, …, ±1040, ±945 1786 ±3751, ±3572, …, ±1116, ±1072 945
Organic banana ±1512, ±1462, …, ±554, ±504 1040 ±2136, ±2032, …, ±602, ±576 504
Cocoa ±210, ±203, …, ±77, ±70 159 ±318 ± 302, …, ±83, ±80 70
Maize ±324, ±313, …, ±119, ±108 247 ±495, ±471, …, ±131, ±125 108
Rice ±303, ±293, …, ±111, ±101 486 ±982, ±933, …, ±265, ±253 101
Soybean ±156, ±151, …, ±57, ±52 174 ±348, ±331, …, ±92, ±87 52
Balsa ±252, ±244, …, ±92, ±84 271 ±544, ±517, …, ±144, ±137 84
Laurel ±210, ±203, …, ±77, ±70 154 ±308, ±293, …, ±81, ±77 70
T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259 255

Table 2
Correlation coefficients used to compute classical mean-variance portfolios according to Eq. (1) (adopted from Castro et al., 2015).

Banana conventional Banana organic Cocoa Maize Rice Soybean Balsa Laurel

Banana conventional 1.00

Banana organic 0.02 1.00
Cocoa −0.01 −0.03 1.00
Maize −0.06 −0.01 −0.02 1.00
Rice 0.02 −0.03 0.43 0.02 1.00
Soybean 0.03 −0.01 0.36 0.01 0.59 1.00
Balsa 0.04 0.02 −0.02 0.02 −0.02 0.00 1.00
Laurel 0.01 0.02 0.03 −0.01 −0.02 −0.02 0.08 1.00

from a naive land-use portfolio in which a share of 1/8 of the land area is Negative deviations for conventional banana may lead to superior eco-
allocated to each crop, and uncertainty bounds of ±0.7 times the nom- nomic returns from other crops that show either no or only positive de-
inal parameter value for economic returns are assumed. When using viations from the nominal return. The non-stochastic model seeks a
these distributions, it should always be kept in mind that they are arti- compromise land-use allocation that allows acceptable performance
ficial constructions, even if they look almost “normal.” Because they do for all uncertainty scenarios. Considering downward or upward biased
not result from empirical data, probabilistic interpretation is not uncertainty sets have different effects. Including only downward devia-
advisable. tions (pessimistic scenarios), while assuming nominal returns as the
As previously stated, the final optimization is based only on the op- maximum to be achieved, results almost the same land allocation com-
timistic and pessimistic deviations, thus reducing the number of scenar- pared to considering balanced deviations. However, considering up-
ios to 28 = 256. Nevertheless, this reduced number of scenarios resulted ward deviation only (optimistic scenarios) leads to no or almost no
in the same land allocation as that derived using all 6561 scenarios. diversification, because protection against poor performance is not nec-
essary under such assumption.
3. Results and Discussion Despite the similarities for diversification, the land-use portfolios
resulting from non-stochastic modeling (Fig. 4) are not the same as
3.1. Land-use Portfolios in a Stochastic Mean-variance Context those derived from stochastic mean-variance modeling. When the uncer-
tainty margins are estimated as multiples of the standard deviation of
The analysis in this paper uses “classical” land-use portfolios as refer- economic returns (variant “individual uncertainties known”, Eq. (5)), al-
ence, derived from land rent for an Ecuadorian agricultural landscape, most constant portfolio compositions are obtained under large and inclu-
which Castro et al. (2015) computed using mean-variance optimization sive maximum deviations that range from 3 to just under 2 times the
as per Markowitz, according to Eq. (1). The degree of diversification of standard deviations of the economic returns (Fig. 4A). For these portfolios
land-use portfolios decreases as the level of accepted economic risk/un- (which consist of ~34% conventional banana, ~27% organic banana, ~36%
certainty rises (Fig. 3). rice, and ~3% maize), the objective function varies only slightly, ranging
Organic banana is an important part of the resulting land-use portfo- between US$ 1037 and 1088 ha−1 year−1.
lios over a large range of uncertainty levels. The next step is to test Only when the maximum deviations are further reduced does the
whether robust land-use portfolios that are derived according to land-use allocation tend towards a less diverse portfolio, comprised
Eq. (2), will also be diversified, and if so, how strong the diversification solely of the two uncertain banana options (organic and conventional).
is compared to the classical land-use portfolios displayed in Fig. 3. The results obtained using the “individual uncertainties unknown”
variant (Eq. (6)) are also different. Using very coarse information on
3.2. Land-use Portfolios in a Non-stochastic Context of Robust Modeling the differences in relative uncertainty between the crop returns gener-
ally leads to more diverse land-use portfolios (Fig. 4B). The large shares
The non-stochastic optimization approach also yields diversified of rice in the portfolios formed through variant “individual uncertainties
land-use portfolios. This is because when considering uncertainty, the known” – with rice showing a favorable relation between return and
rank order of economic returns from land-use options may change de- risk that was not evident using variant “individual uncertainties un-
pending on the size and direction of the possible uncertainty deviations known” – are split among several crops in the scenarios derived from
(usi) considered. For example, the high yielding crop conventional ba- the “individual uncertainties unknown” variant. Over a large range of
nana does not show the highest economic return in each scenario.

Fig. 2. Sample artificial distribution of economic returns for a naive land-use portfolio in
which 1/8 of the land area is allocated to each land-use option and uncertainty bounds Fig. 3. Land-use portfolios which form the efficient frontier (i.e., provide the maximum an-
are considered as deviations usi of ±0.7 times the nominal economic return parameters nual economic return for pre-defined accepted levels of economic uncertainty) in a mean-
according to Eq. (6). variance context, derived by Castro et al. (2015).
256 T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259

non-stochastic portfolio modeling, should the assumptions made and

parameters used for the stochastic mean-variance model be true. Non-
stochastic portfolios with the economic return and standard deviation
expected in a mean-variance context are compared with the efficient
frontier derived by Castro et al. (2015).
Under variant “individual uncertainties known,” we see only very
small losses in economic returns compared to the efficient frontier
(Fig. 5A). Non-stochastic portfolios approach the efficient frontier and
show economic losses (under standard deviations identical to those ex-
pected from classical portfolios) of only 1% to 4%. The differences in
land-use composition between the classical and robust non-stochastic
portfolios are, in some cases, significant. For example, the robust non-
stochastic portfolios contain up to 10 percentage points more rice and
up to 19 percentage points less organic banana than the classical portfo-
lios with the same standard deviation.
The economic losses are more substantial under the variant “individ-
ual uncertainties unknown” (Fig. 5B). Here, economic returns up to 14%
lower may be expected for non-stochastic portfolios, if the assumptions
made for the mean-variance model are true. The greatest relative losses

Fig. 4. Land-use portfolios derived for inclusive (left part, large deviations, usi, considered)
and less inclusive (right part) assumed uncertainty sets. (A) Possible deviations estimated
as multiples of the standard deviation of economic return (“individual uncertainties
known”) for each crop according to Eq. (5). (B) Possible deviations estimated as multiples
of the nominal economic return (“individual uncertainties unknown”) for each crop ac-
cording to Eq. (6).

possible maximum deviations for the nominal crop returns (multiples

mmin from 2.0 to 1.0), highly diverse portfolios prevail, containing six
out of eight crops considered (only laurel and cocoa are largely excluded
from the portfolios).
The weights of the resulting land-use portfolios for multiples mmin
from 2.0 to 1.0 only vary slightly. Based on very little prior information,
the average portfolio composition for this relatively large range of devi-
ations was ~31% (±2.9) conventional banana, ~25% (±1.6) organic ba-
nana, ~ 10% (± 0.6) rice, ~ 12% (± 0.2) balsa, ~ 10% (±0.2) maize, and
~ 3% (±0.5) soybean. Rice, balsa, maize, and soybean vary the least in
their portfolio shares. The objective function varies more under this ap-
proach than under variant “individual uncertainties known” and ranges
from US$ 884 to 1002 ha−1 year−1. In summary, if only coarse informa-
tion on the relative uncertainty for the returns of each crop is used, as is
the case here under variant “individual uncertainties unknown,” we ob-
tain slightly more conservative and highly diversified portfolios for in-
clusive deviation sets. For levels of uncertainty between 1.0 and 0.8,
the portfolio weights become more variable, with a maximum diversifi-
cation for a multiple of 0.9, where the pessimistic returns for each land-
use option become very similar and close to zero.

3.3. Performance of Robust Portfolios in a Mean-variance Context Fig. 5. Comparison of the economic returns achieved using robust land-use portfolios with
the achievable maximum economic return (efficient frontier, dashed line) under mean-
The previous analyses show that non-stochastic portfolios are not variance optimization. (A) Possible deviations in robust non-stochastic models estimated
as multiples of the standard deviation of economic return (“individual uncertainties
identical with portfolios obtained from stochastic mean-variance opti-
known”) according to Eq. (5). (B) Possible deviations in non-stochastic models estimated
mization. This implies that non-stochastic portfolios are not part of the as multiples of the nominal economic return (“individual uncertainties unknown”) for
efficient frontier in a mean-variance context. Therefore, we will now ex- each crop according to Eq. (6). “Downside uncertainty only” means that optimistic scenar-
amine how much of the expected economic return may be lost through ios have been replaced by nominal returns.
T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259 257

occur for the portfolios that are expected to have low standard devia-
tions. In these cases, the variant “individual uncertainties unknown” of
non-stochastic modeling produced highly diverse portfolios.
However, there are also many diverse portfolios when using the var-
iant “individual uncertainties unknown,” which requires minimal input
information only, that show expected economic losses of less than 10%
in a mean-variance context. This overall picture does not change,
when only downside uncertainty is considered (which means replacing
optimistic scenarios by nominal returns, see Fig. 5).

3.4. Landscape Diversity Expressed by Shannon’s Index

The Shannon index values are consistently higher for both variants
of non-stochastic robust portfolios than those for the classical mean-
variance portfolios (Fig. 6). While the degree of landscape diversity
under variant “individual uncertainties known” is only moderately
higher than that of the classical reference, the differences resulting
from variant “individual uncertainties unknown” are remarkable.
Under this variant, the Shannon indices are up to 116% higher than
indices resulting from classical mean-variance optimization. The
amount of difference in the Shannon index values correlates positively
with the potential costs, when comparing the economic return of robust
and classical portfolios in a mean-variance context.

3.5. Protection Against Low Performance

The non-stochastic portfolio ultimately aims to effectively protect

against poor performance. Based on the constraint to be fulfilled for
Fig. 7. Distribution of the achieved fraction of the maximum return range (the achieved re-
each uncertainty scenario in Eq. (2), the achievement of a certain (pos-
turn minus the minimum return, divided by the maximum return range) under the vari-
sibly high) fraction of the maximum return range (maximum return ous modeling approaches. (A) Uncertainty variant “individual uncertainties known” for
possible minus minimum return) must be guaranteed under each un- the most inclusive deviations considered (usi 3.0 times si of crop returns, Eq. (5)). (B) Un-
certainty scenario. The maximum return will be achieved when 100% certainty variant “individual uncertainties unknown” for the most inclusive deviations
of the maximum return range is captured, and the minimum return is considered (usi 2.0 times nominal crop returns, Eq. (6)). The distribution of the fraction
of the return range achieved using the non-stochastic robust model is compared with
achieved when 0% of the maximum return range is attained.
the distributions achieved using the corresponding classical land-use portfolio.
Using the most inclusive uncertainty sets, the robust land-use port-
folios actually achieve higher worst-case fractions of the maximum re-
turn range for each scenario than the corresponding classical (mean- (Fig. 7B). Consequently, the robust, non-stochastic land-use portfolios
variance) portfolios (Fig. 7). For the variant “individual uncertainties appear to offer good protection against low performance, when aiming
known,” the non-stochastic robust land-use portfolio achieves at least to achieve a high proportion of the maximum possible return range
39% of the maximum return range (Fig. 7A). In contrast, the portfolios under each scenario.
derived using the stochastic mean-variance approach captured less
than 39% of the maximum return range in 1140 out of 6561 scenarios. 3.6. The Effect of Considering Unequal Relative Uncertainties
A similar picture appears when the robust and the classical portfolios
under variant “individual uncertainties unknown” are compared. Here, We have still used some prior information when constructing uncer-
the robust approach guarantees at least 37% of the maximum return tainty spaces based on the variant “individual uncertainties unknown”
range, while the stochastic mean-variance optimization did not achieve (Eq. (6)). For this case, we assumed a difference in relative uncertainties
this fraction of the maximum return range in 1252 out of 6561 scenarios of dr = 0.10 when comparing the uncertainty for the crops with the
maximum and minimum returns. One could now argue that such
prior information may not be available, and furthermore that it is incon-
sistent to use such information in an approach striving to minimize
input data requirements. It was therefore interesting to analyze the im-
pact of the assumption of increasing relative uncertainty with increas-
ing economic return.
Generally, we found very similar portfolios for moderately sized
(mmin = 1.25) to very large (mmin = 3) uncertainty sets, regardless of
the assumption about the differences in relative uncertainty (Fig. 8).
However, considering all relative uncertainties as equal (mi = m = con-
stant), produced an artificial situation in which all pessimistic return sce-
narios were zero, for m = 1.00 (Fig. 8A). Here, usi is equal to the nominal
return. This creates somewhat volatile portfolio weights for
1.25 N m N 0.75 and an almost maximum diversification of the portfolio
for m = 1.00. This undesirable effect is mitigated by considering different
Fig. 6. Increasing Shannon index values for the portfolios obtained by robust modeling
relative uncertainties for crops with different economic returns (dr = 0.15
compared against the relative loss in economic returns compared to classical mean-vari-
ance portfolios. Portfolios resulting from non-stochastic and stochastic optimization and dr = 0.30, Fig. 8B, C), but this still creates relatively volatile portfolio
with identical standard deviation of economic return were compared to derive the weights for mmin around 1.00 and smaller (see Bertsimas et al., 2004, for
differences. another example with volatile portfolio weights). However, if we analyze
258 T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259

deviation of individual crop returns to estimate maximum deviations.

Here, consistent portfolios with little variability are derived over a rela-
tively large range of uncertainty levels. For the variant “individual uncer-
tainties unknown,” it could be problematic that advantages of single crops
with a favorable risk to return ratio cannot be fully utilized because of a
lack of precise information on individual uncertainties of crops. For exam-
ple, rice was underrepresented in portfolios derived from uncertainty sets
according to variant “individual uncertainties unknown.” However, in
such a situation, the land-user might be better prepared for unexpected
future changes due to a relatively high level of diversification. Another po-
tential disadvantage of the non-stochastic approach may be the possibil-
ity to produce return scenarios that are somewhat too artificial, such as all
pessimistic return scenarios being zero. This may occur, when no differ-
ences in relative return uncertainties are simulated among the crops, for
a multiple m = 1.0, which creates a deviation, usi, equal to the nominal
crop return. This creates an artificial over-diversification, with compara-
tively high losses in expected return. This, however, can be avoided by
considering relatively large uncertainty sets and/or, at least in part, by
simulating unequal relative return uncertainties among the crops. A fur-
ther potential disadvantage is that important information contained in re-
turn correlations might be lost through our non-stochastic model.
However, we consider it an advantage that no specific information on re-
turn correlations is needed for the non-stochastic approach. Given our
data set, one could have expected that cocoa and soybean are overrepre-
sented in the non-stochastic portfolios, because the non-stochastic
portfolios could have ignored their relatively high positive return correla-
tions with rice (rice – soybean +0.50; rice – cocoa +0.43). Ignoring this
information might have biased the results of the non-stochastic model
leading to higher relative shares of both options, which would have
caused some redundancy. However, soybean and cocoa did not play an
important role in the non-stochastic portfolios. In any case, these poten-
tial technical disadvantages should be kept in mind when applying port-
folio optimization with highly reduced input data.
Another major concern about robust optimization approaches is that
their results may be overly conservative (Bertsimas and Sim, 2004). Also,
Romero (2001) has mentioned that goal programming problems with a
comparable problem formulation to ours (Section 2.1.2) can provide
poor average performance. However, in our numerical examples, an ex-
treme underperformance in expected economic return was not observed.
Fig. 8. Portfolios computed under the variant “individual uncertainties unknown” assum- In most cases, the possible loss in expected economic return did not ex-
ing all relative uncertainties are equal (dr = 0, A), or using 0.15 (dr = 0.15, B) and 0.30
(dr = 0.30, B) as the difference between the relative uncertainties for the maximum and
ceed 10% (with one example showing 14% loss in expected economic re-
minimum return crops. turn). Furthermore, when using information on individual uncertainties
(i.e., the standard deviation of returns), 4% loss in expected returns was
hardly exceeded. Goldfarb and Iyengar (2003) also produced robust port-
large uncertainty sets instead, we obtain robust portfolio compositions, folios using simulated data, which only led to a “… modest 20% reduction
also when assuming that the relative uncertainties among the crops are in mean performance.” It may therefore be possible to obtain robust port-
equal. folios with much less information, with only a modest loss of expected
economic performance.
4. Conclusions A trait of robustness considerations appears to be that portfolios
tend towards more naive diversification with increasing lack of infor-
The results of the analysis show that non-stochastic portfolio optimi- mation. The uncertainty models obtained using variant “individual un-
zation leads to land-use portfolios that are more diverse than classical certainties unknown” produce highly diverse land-use portfolios that
mean-variance portfolios. The robust portfolios show only small or integrate most of the crops considered, although economic performance
(when very little prior information is available) moderate losses in was quite different among the various crops. This tendency was also
expected economic returns when the parameters used for mean- found by Hildebrandt and Knoke (2009), who investigated portfolios
variance optimization are assumed to be true. It may thus be concluded of various forest tree species, based on a quite different approach. How-
that non-stochastic robust portfolio modeling is a good alternative to ever, in contrast to forestry, it may not be as important to consider high-
classical mean-variance optimization whenever economic input data – ly inclusive uncertainty sets in agricultural land-use, because it is easier
particularly for return covariances – is scarce. to adapt to changing conditions in agriculture than in forestry, where
Only using historical economic information in a reduced form, as is the long production periods prevail. Nevertheless, even in agriculture a cer-
case in both non-stochastic modeling variants described here, results in tain protection against uncertainty is advisable, meaning that here land-
diversified and robust land-use portfolios over a large range of uncertain- use portfolio modeling should also consider relatively large uncertainty
ty levels, with little variation in portfolio weights. Better results, with sets.
higher expected returns, can be obtained, however, when information As a final conclusion, our analysis confirms that diversifying land-
on the relative uncertainty of individual land-use options is used in the use options is also advisable from a non-stochastic land-use modeling
variant “individual uncertainties known,” which integrates the standard perspective. This supports, in principle, the conclusions drawn from
T. Knoke et al. / Ecological Economics 120 (2015) 250–259 259

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