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The ability to make deeper level connections and associations between ideas, symbols and archetypes.

all science fiction is predictive programming.

Two hundred and eighty millions of the most intelligent rebellious people people have been killed, culled, genocided by
Governments in the twentieth century as part of the slave breeding program, and this is just the start. The elite want a
99% reduction in the population, for spurious reasons - they say, "There are too many people" echoing Corporate Agent
Malthus two hundred years ago where he proved scientifically that the carrying capacity of the Earth was one billion

In Freemasonic initiations, the rooster is associated with Hermes/Mercury/Thoth, the guide to the Underworld and
initiator of mysteries.

male sun connects with female earth

The female Philosophers Stone is Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth. The male Horn of the Unicorn springs out
of the Third Eye towards the Chakras above the Head. The Staff of Hermes - the merging of male and female -
Hermaphrodite - is the column of energy connecting Heaven and Earth called the Antahkarana.

chess is a game of strategy based on a dualistic scheme

The double-headed eagle signifies elite management through mastery of dualities and dialectics.

The owl is associated with Athena, as well as Illuminism and The Moloch of Bohemian Grove. The "Cremation of Care" at
Bohemian Grove attended by American Presidents and CEOs is a Luciferian Ritual to implant blockages in the Heart to
prevent empathy - which is an essential element of Illuminist Psychopathy. A baby is burnt alive in this "Cremation of
Care" Luciferian ritual based on Moloch the ancient pagan religion mentioned in the bible. As well as human sacrifice
this religion wants to re-instate Homosexual Dog Priests (Egyptian Religion, Pagan Religion) who like Aleister Crowley
become the passive sexual partner in every Luciferian Ritual, as well as the, "Whore of Babylon" female temple
prostitution in Luciferian Ritual.
Every year since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California.
Members of the so-called Bohemian Club include Former Presidents Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

Moloch, the God of a Pagan Religion, is well written about as a burning idol where babies were sacrificed to the fire. The
Bible asserts that children were sacrificed at a place called the Tophet ("roasting place") to the god Moloch -
represented by the Owl of Bohemian Grove...

The legendary symbol for Nimrod is "X." The use of this symbol always denotes either the opening of the heart - as it is
in this case - or the closing of the heart using energy blockages to remove empathy as it is used in Satanism. When "X" is
used as a shortened form meaning Christmas, XMAS, it actually means "to celebrate the feast of Nimrod."

The importance of Nimrod in any study of the occult cannot be over-emphasized. Because of the powers given him by
the clothing of Adam and Eve, Nimrod became the first man to rule the whole world.

Nimrod also introduced the practice of genocide to the world. His grandfather, Ham was persuaded by his consort, the
evil Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism. She informed Ham that by killing and eating people, his
descendants could gain their qualities. Throughout the ensuing centuries, the descendants of Shem, Noah's oldest son,
have ritually been slaughtered by the descendants of Ham and Nimrod, in the world's most persistent campaign of

If we don't know history, it is as if we were born yesterday..

Naive humanity, believing what they have been told since birth in school, on television, in books is the prey of
generational organizations, implanted with every evil energy blockage, descending from Babylon. We are the golden
goose. We are the Ancient Enemy!!

Not only did Nimrod kill and eat the descendants of Shem, in his fury and hatred he often burned them alive. The type
of human sacrifice involving the eating of the slaughtered human victims derived its name from the combined names of
Cain who killed and ate Abel (Cain Abel, Cannibal) and his uncle, Canaan, and the demon god Baal, the two names being
combined to form the word "Cannibal."

Nimrod was also known in ancient history by the names of Marduk, Bel, and Merodach. Because of his importance in its
history, Babylon was known as the Land of Nimrod. Nimrod is also cited in the most ancient Masonic constitutions as
the founder of Freemasonry.

Nimrod's downfall reputedly came about when he began to build the Tower of Babel, a ziggurat, or temple tower, which
was planned to rise up into the heavens. Because of this offense against God, Shem, the eldest son of Noah,

pronounced judgment against Nimrod, and executed him.

Josephus says that "Ham's grandson, Nimrod, was beheaded by Shem." Other accounts add that Shem then cut
Nimrod's body into pieces and sent the pieces to the pagan temples of Babylon, as a warning to the priests that their sex
orgies and child sacrifices would result in a similar judgment of execution.

Instead of abandoning their hideous ceremonies because of this warning, the priests literally went underground. No
longer did "their altars smoke with human blood," as Kitto, the great Palestinian authority, described them. The priests
took the pieces of Nimrod as relics to their secret meeting places, which were hidden in "groves" and "shrines." This was
the origin of the secret Pagan Mystery cults, whose orgies could no longer be performed in public temples. Because of
the power of Shem, the priests from that time on conducted their forbidden orgies out of the light of day, in their secret
hiding places. Their meetings were bounded with secret rites, which no one outside of their order was permitted to
know, on pain of death. This was the origin of the Gnostics, the Knowing Ones, who knew the secrets. It may be for this
reason that satanic psychopath Nimrod became known as the founder of Freemasonry.

The oppositional union between the dualities

Luciferian Illuminism wants God, the gnostic deity to be removed from creation – he is an architect who works with
already existing prima materia (and prima materia is essential to alchemy); not a Creator ex nihilo and that is precisely
how that being is presented in Blake’s famous painting. Hollywood has pushed these notions for decades

now because these are the real issues of our day.

Satanic Sauron always created a bad copy - from Elves to the Orc, from nature to dirty smoke and industry - and it is the
same now as it has always been.

MKULTRA is a 4000 years old science, brought up to date and improved by Satanists Mengele, and Dr Ewen Cameron,
etc where, using Torture, hypnotism and drugs they split the mind into alter sub-personalities in a 13 x 13 matrix then
program the splits to create perfect psychopathic slaves to infiltrate all institutions, - Burrocracy, politicians, clergy,
Secret Services, Universities, Science.

Generational bloodline satanists have been doing this successfully with their children for thousands of years.

The use of the term “transhuman” another name for Fascist Nazi Eugenics - to create the Satanic Aryan Master Race
goes back to de Chardin but Sir Julian Huxley who was head of the Eugenics Society changed the name to the
Transhumanism Society.

MARQUIS DE SADE - "I don't want a partner, I want a victim"

"The Instrumentality of Man"

Freemasonry is based upon the Pagan Egyptian Religions of Isis, Osiris, the child Horus and Set.

Lucifer offers his minions eternal life as a "God" living on planets, private universes built on the Astral Plane where you
will be served by the servants you gain in this life - as was told to the Egyptian Pharohs who when they died were buried
with their wives and servants. As is told to the Mormons who are reborn on the Planet Kolob with their thirty
polygamous wives. As told to Muslim fundamentalists who will be born in heaven surrounded by wine and, "young boys
with bottoms like peaches".

At the higher Satanic Levels of Freemasonry, as you approach the 33rd Degree you are told you can become as Gods
represented by figures set on pillars, where you can ascend into the light, become enlightened but only as high as the
light of Lucifer, son of the morning.

Luciferians never are allowed to connect higher than Lucifer.

Satanic Sabbatean Frankism is based upon Judaism where in order to become enlightened you have to do horrible
Satanic Rituals...

Ordo Templi Orientis OTO, Aleister Crowley, Luciferianism, Wicca

Theodor Adorno, a leading member of the Satanic Frankfurt School, the true architects of the 60s counterculture, who
made use of a combination of sex, drugs and left-wing politics to upend the American Christian value system.[

The occult myth of evolution begins with Isaac Luria, founder of the New Kabbalah in the sixteenth century, when he
posited that human intellectual history represented man’s evolution towards becoming God, a God, Lucifer.

H. P. Blavatsky, known as the godmother of the New Age, wrote a book, "the Secret Doctrine", that founded the
Theosophical Society.

Teilhard de Chardin is known for his attempt to synthesize Christianity and the Satanic Darwinian theory of evolution.
Teilhard, who was trained as paleontologist and geologist, took part in the infamous Peking Man and Piltdown Man
hoaxes, the largest academic scandal in history, that attempted to use false evidence to substantiate the truth of
Darwin’s evolutionary hypothesis.

The use of the term “transhuman” another name for Fascist Nazi Eugenics to create the Satanic Aryan Master Race goes
back to de Chardin who, through his postulation that man would create the Noosphere (based on the Greek term Nous,
meaning mind), a supreme consciousness, is often regarded as the patron saint of the internet.

Liverpool care pathways

The term Singularlity was popularized by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, who argues that artificial intelligence,
human biological enhancement, or brain-computer interfaces could be possible causes of attaining the singularity lie.

A space suffused with lies

the post modern - liberal- proggressive-secular culture is really a product of an occult tradition that can be traced back
to ancient Babylon through the miriad of secret societies, that do their bidding by proxy; Cabalists, Templars,
Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Plato, France's Jacobins, German Austrian Thule Society, Covert Satanism Dianetics, Yale
Univeresity's Skull and Bones of old

Germanic secret society and all other propagandist of the esoteric occult practitioners of old and modern times.

In essence, this tradition adopted Lucifer as a symbol of mankind’s rebellion against God. It enshrined human reason,
appetite and will as the ultimate standard of goodness and empowerment.

occult dogma was secretly adopted by key elites throughout history and was behind the English [1649],American [1776],
French [1789], and Russian Revolutions[1917], three of which involved genocide.

All great art is political.

All great writers use lies to tell the truth...

non ero certo un tipo schizzinoso pero, s’inalberava per un nonnulla, stava succedendo troppo spesso, ultimamente, a
dire il vero, negli ultimi tempi tante cose erano cambiate, sia chiara una cosa, non potevo dargli torto, anche se in realtà
le sue minacce erano a vuoto, solo per fare il duro, iniziavo a stufarmi, mi era venuto a noia

un fazzoletto di terra, un piccolo orto circondato da alberi

all’occorrenza, in case of need, if necessary, if need be

da sempre, per quanto potevo ricordare

Da tempo immemorabile,

da un paio d’anni.

non era mia abitudine avere paura.

Non dico niente, non aveva detto una parola,

Purtroppo ,non aveva voce in capitolo su cosa decidevo io.

era schivo, timido come un pulcino

proprio come

non c’era bisogno di chiedere aiuto a nessuno.

aveva le guance in fiamme


magra come un chiodo

Mettiamo in chiaro che

l’essere più odioso dell’intero creato.

la prole era cresciuta a dismisura

La famiglia al gran completo doveva essere lì.

l’ho fatto per svago

essere…….uccide la sete d’avventura

Le chiacchiere di paese mi erano odiose

non chiedevamo aiuto a nessuno.

Anche su di me i pettegolezzi fioccavano.

Avevo sentito dire che

Secondo loro ero

Non corre buon sangue tra di noi

Perlomeno così era stato finché Roberto non se n’era andato.

Era fin troppo facile hhhhhhhhlo,

senza smettere di

Man mano che i ragazzi crescevano si erano trasformati in scambi di complimenti.

Avevo smesso da parecchio di tornare a casa a piedi, in mezzo ai boschi, per me era una faticaccia

non sarebbe durato a lungo.

Una pozza di sangue

un lago di sangue

Non mi era mai successo prima,

fino a diventare

per fortuna, la porta di casa era spalancata,

La casa puzzava da far schifo,

melma verdastra, una schifezza, un nugolo di mosche fomava una nuvola, non ronzavano neppure , troppo occupate a
succhiare il cibo, un tanfo tremendo ammorbava l’aria

Feci marcia indietro, puntai diritta verso l’uscita, restai fermo a lungo, senza neanche voltarmi indietro, avevo visto
crollai in ginocchio, mi legai un fazzoletto davanti al volto, senza riuscire a trattenere il vomito

Uno schizzo d’acqua

il mio udito è molto buono.

mucca pazza,

C’era pure un toro


Il ciuchino era stato sgozzato

Il primo pensiero fu che

sangue freddo

Un ringhio di un cane rognoso, selvatico,

Prima da fuggire

con la coda tra le zampe.

(autres locutions) autant ne rien dire → best not say anything

n'importe qui aurait pu en faire autant → anyone could have done the same, anyone could have done as much

Autant de têtes, autant d'avis.

D'autant que,

dans une relation causale, sert à insister : Je ne comprends pas que cet accident ait eu lieu, d'autant que la machine
était neuve dans la mesure où, vu que

Autant (Suivi de l'inf.) Indique une équivalence entre deux possibilités d'agir, deux interprétations : Autant dire qu'il est
perdu c'est comme si l'on disait que... il vaudrait mieux...

Autant... autant,

insiste sur l'égalité de quantité ou d'intensité des éléments : Autant l'histoire la passionne, autant la géographie
figli maschi.

Ignes fatui pl

ignis fatuus s : 1. A phosphorescent light that hovers or flits over swampy ground at night, possibly caused by
spontaneous combustion of gases emitted by rotting organic matter. Also called friar's lantern, jack-o'-lantern, will-o'-
the-wisp, wisp.

2. Something that misleads or deludes; an illusion.

There is a saying, ancient as the hills, that “truth is stranger than fiction”

the Greeks were late to the game of writing

the backdrop

he was none other than the

sought refuge in the temple

1850, Britain is the mistress of the seas, the empire upon which the sun never sets; It is the new Rome on the banks of
the Thames. The Empress is Queen Victoria, Britain is not really a monarchy; it is an oligarchy on the Satanic
Psychopathic Venetian model, and the most powerful leader, the "Doge" of the British oligarchy in these times,
between 1830 and the end of the American Civil War, is Lord Palmerston.

satanist and head of mi6, jeremy bentham, creator of the all seeing eye, "wreathed in flame", panopticon prism

British Masonic Agents started the French Revolution, Head of the British Secret Services, Jeremy Bentham, was writing
the speeches of Robespierre from London;

In his exposition of the Bentham, "Hedonistic Calculus", Bentham proposed a classification of 12 pains and 14 pleasures,
by which we might test the "happiness factor" of any action. Nonetheless, it should not be overlooked that Bentham's
"hedonistic" theory is often criticized.. Bentham said it would be acceptable to torture one person if this would produce
an amount of happiness in other people outweighing the unhappiness of the tortured individual - which has recently,
satanically, been implemented by the USA. Bentham also argued for "Free Banking" - increases in interest rates to
infinity and "Free Love" - the liberalisation of laws prohibiting homosexual sex, bestiality and pederasty - this is Satanism
and the satanic perversion of the word, free!!

Mussolini emphasised that fascism was a third way between capitalism and socialism.

Cui Bono? Who Benefits?

Mao of China was a 33rd Degree Freemason,

Lord Palmerston is preparing to invade Russia, with the help of his strategic catamite, Napoleon III, also known as
Napoleon Le Petit. That will start in about three years, and it will be called the Crimean War. As soon as the war against
Russia is over, Palmerston and John Stuart Mill at the British East India Company will satanically and psychopathically
start the Great Mutiny in India, which some historians will call the Sepoy Rebellion... Muslim soldiers will be told that
new cartridges are greased with pig fat; Hindu soldiers will be told the cartridges are greased with cow fat, and the
result will be what you would expect. But in the conflagration the British will murder the Great Mogul and the Mogul
Empire, and impose their direct rule in all of India.

The British have inherited Ancient Knowledge from the Venetians that the greatest force in history is the force of ideas,
and that if you can control the culture through the Media, then you can control the way people think, and then
Statesmen and Fleets and Armies will bend to your will.

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