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Stacey Keating

Prof. Richardson

English Composition II

16 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My essay will try to answer how the separation of church and state has changed and the

effects of it. I want to research why events dealing with the separation have had bigger impacts at

certain times and use that information to learn why there haven’t been more rules implicated to

solidify the separation. How has the separation of Church and State changed over time?

​ xford Research
Green, Steven K. ​The separation of Church and State in the United States, O

Encyclopedias, 2014,

refore-9780199329175-e-29​. Accessed 16 March 2019.

“The Separation of Church and State” was written by Steven K Green. This article is

from the Oxford Research Encyclopedia and was written in December 2014. This article states

that the issue of the separation of Church and State goes back to the 1700s, and John Dickinson,

one of the Founding Fathers, questioned it when establishing the colony’s religions state. This

was the third most important issue at the time, only to military success and national unity.

“Separation of Church and State” was first used by the Supreme Court in regards to the First

Amendment’s religion clause. The main conflict of this topic is not the idea of separation, but
the principles for practice. Events like the Great Awakening suggested that participation in, and

support of, religious worship should be voluntary.

The author’s purpose of writing this article is to tell how the development of our country

influenced how the division of Church and State came to be. The author tells of the ideas of the

people who were building our country and what different views they ad to deal with. The

audience of this piece is anyone who is interested in learning about how this separation came to

be. The author explains the different viewpoints of people who supported a unity and those who

supported the separation. With the, the author is giving a holistic evaluation of the discussion of

this issue when founding our country. Although this article isn’t super recent, the fact the

information in it is about events from hundreds of years, makes the publication date not a big

factor in the credibility of the information.

The writer is Steven K Green, the professor of law and director of religion, law, and

democracy at Willamette University. He is credible because he served ten years as legal director

and special counselor for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a Washington

DC public interest organization. This source is reliable because it is an academic journal that

includes quotes and facts to support his claims.

I can use this source to answer my question because it is an essay explaining how the idea

of separation of Church and State came to be. I would use this article as one of my first sources

to explain how this idea came to be. I would use quotes included in this article to show how the

early colonists were deciding where to draw the line between Church and State. This article gives

the background information and early problems experienced and how they grew into our country

Hamburger, Philip. ​Separation of Church and State, ​Harvard University Press, 2002,

urch-and-state​. Accessed 2 March 2019.

The article, “Separation of Church and State”, was written by Philip Hamburger. The

article was published by the Harvard University Press was written in 2002. This article states that

there is no support for or against the separation of Church and State. There are many beliefs that

the Jeffersonian liberals transformed American culture from a christian communitarian society

valuing social conformity into a rabidly individualistic society.

The author’s purpose for writing this is to explain how the liberals are to blame for the

idea of separation of Church and State. This article explains events in the second half of the

1900s that show how the separation of Church and State have changed. The audience of this

article is anyone who is interested in the different sides of this belief, in particular those who

believe the liberals are to blame. The fact that this article was written in 2002 mean that it was

recent for the events that it discussed. This would lead to having a solid amount of information,

but over time, there has been more facts learned about.

The writer is Philip Hamburger, the professor of law at Columbia Law School. He is

credible because he first attended Princeton University and then attended Yale Law School. This

is important because he has studied law and is very knowledgeable. He also has a focus of the

First Amendment and Constitutional law, which means he knows a lot about this topic and how

it became a problem over time.

I can use this source to answer my question by showing one side of the argument. Since

this article is more one sided, I will use that to show how there are different sides of this

argument. I can use the facts and quotes from this article to support my claim. I will use this near

the end of my essay as sort of a counterargument to show the other side of my claim.

Jacoby, Susan. ​The White House is Tearing Down the Wall Between Church and State, ​The New

York Times, 5 July 2018,

n.html​. Accessed 2 March 2019.

The article, “The White House is Tearing Down the Wall Between Church and State”,

was written by Susan Jacobs. This article is from The New York Times and was published in

2018. This article states that the meaning of the phrases “religious liberty” and “religious

freedom” are being altered to mean that the government should foster a closer relationship.

White House Press Secretary once stated that it was “very biblical” to enforce the law. Trump

administration officials have use fundamentalist biblical interpretations to support everything

from environmental deregulations to tax cuts.

The author’s purpose for writing this article is to show recent examples of how the

separation of Church and State has become smaller during the last few years of the Trump

administration. The audience of this would be anyone who is interested in learning about how

the separation of Church and State has changed over time, of how it has changed just in the

Trump Administration. Since this article was written last year, it is very useful because it has
very recent information in it. This article is up to date and has covered all the recent activity

dealing with this topic.

The author is Susan Jacoby, an accredited author. She is credible because she is a

member of the honorary boards of the Freedom of Religion Foundation and the Center for

Inquiry. She’s had articles appear in ​The New York Times, The American Prospect, Dissent, the

Los Angeles Times Book Review, the Washington Post Book Review, and the AARP Magazine.

Since this article was written in 2018, it is very recent and has information from recent events to

show how this is still a recurring issue.

I can use this source to answer my question by showing how it is still a relevant problem

today with the Trump administration. I will use the quotes and facts from this article to show

how this is still happening and the separation hasn’t gotten any better. I will use this in the

middle of my article to help support that this is still a problem.

Jouet, Mugambi. ​The Separation of Church and State- Then and Now,​ Huff Post, 4 June 2013,

html​. Accessed 2 March 2019.

The article, “the Separation of Church and State- Then and Now”, was written by

Mugambi Jouet. This article is from the Huffpost and was published in 2013. This article states

that those of the right, believed that America should be a Christian country, whereas the people

of the left thought that it should be a secular one. The Founding Fathers were not set on making a

religious country, and it was never said in the Constitution. The meaning of the Constitution,

however, has evolved over time. The Supreme Court has allowed the saying of “God” in the
Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, and the words “In God we trust” inscribed on the dollar


The author’s purpose for writing this article is to show how the idea of separation of

Church and State started, and give examples of how there hasn’t been separation. The audience

of this is people who are interested in examples of the separation of Church and State in schools

and other environments. This article is from 2013 so it is pretty recent so the information

included in it is still relevant.

The writer is Mugambi Jouet, an author and human rights lawyer. He is credible because

he writes about politics, law, and international affairs with a focus in American exceptionalism.

He attended NYU and went to law school at Northwestern. This source is reliable because it was

published by the Huffpost.

I can use this information in my research paper in the beginning to middle of my essay. I

will use this to explain the background information of separation of Church and State, and I will

use this to give examples of the separation. This article will help support my claim and I can use

it in many different parts of my essay.

​ ime Magazine, 16
Lankford, James. ​The Real Meaning of the Separation of Church and State, T

January 2018,​ ​​.

Accessed 2 March 2019.

“The Real Meaning of the Separation of Church and State” was written by James

Lankford. This article is from Time Magazine and was published in 2018. The article states that

the real meaning of separation of Church and State is to hide your faith outside of your place of
worship. President Jefferson wrote that religious liberty would be a key part in the American

vision. The First Amendment simply ensures that the government doesn’t show preference to a

certain religion.

The author’s purpose for writing this article is to explain the different meanings of quotes

from the Constitution or past presidents regarding the separation of Church and State. The

audience of this article is people who are interested in learning about the separation of Church

and State in simple or different words. This source is from 2018, so it is recent and up to date

with recent issues.

The writer is James Lankford, junior United States Senator from Oklahoma. He attended

the University of Texas at Austin and later attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

This source is reliable because it was published by Time Magazine.

I can use this information in my article in the beginning of my essay to explain what the

real meaning of separation of Church and State is. I can use the facts and quotes from this article

to help support my claim. It is a good source for explaining ideas in words that simplify the

meaning for the reader.

Longley, Robert. ​School Prayer: Separation of Church and State, ​Thought Co., 3 September

2018,​ ​​. Accessed 2

March 2019.

“School Prayer: Separation of Church and State”, was written by Robert Longley. This

article is from Thought Co. and was published in 2018. This article discusses the separation of

Church and State pertaining to schools. School prayer is declared unconstitutional and gives
examples of Supreme Court cases that deal with the separation in schools. Tests were made to

determine if certain acts in schools were unconstitutional.

The author’s purpose for writing this article is to explain how different court cases and

tests were made to test activities in schools for unconstitutionality. The audience is people

interested in the separation of Church and State, but only as it pertains to public schools. Since it

was written in 2018, the information included is recent and relevant. It includes all the

information that is up to the present.

The writer is Robert Longley, a writer for Thought Co. for twenty years. He worked in

municipal government for thirty years and attended Texas A&M University. This source is

credible because this website has publishers who review the information to check the accuracy.

I can use this information in my research essay as a source of examples that I can use to

support my claim. Since this article gives many examples, I can include multiple of them in my

essay. I will use this article in the middle of my essay to give examples to backup my claim. I

can also use the facts from this article to support my claim.

​ ll About History, 2002,

Separation of Church and State, A​. Accessed 2 March


“Separation of Church and State” is an article from the source of ​All About History​. It

was published in 2002. This article discusses the context to which the Establishment clause was

written. There is only implied meaning of this clause, leaving an open discussion. The focus of

this article is the creation of the Constitution, not the events that followed.
The author wrote this article to give information about how the discussion of the

separation came to be. It gives the background information to the issue that has arose now. The

audience is people who are interested in learning about where this topic came from and the

meaning behind it.Since this article focuses on the creation of the separation of Church and State,

the fact that this article was written in 2002 isn’t a problem.

The author is the writers of All About History. This is a credible writing source because

there are many people who reread the article to make sure all the information included is

accurate. That is also the reason why this website is reliable and credible.

I can use the information from this article to help give background information to the

topic. I will include this article in the beginning of my essay to help introduce the topic into my

essay. I can use the facts and quotes included to help support my claim.

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