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BE VERB: Past Simple

I was I wasn't
You were You weren't
He was He wasn't
She was busy. She wasn’t busy.
It was It wasn’t
We were We weren’t
They were They weren’t

Yes, No,
Was I I was. I wasn’t.
Were you you were. you weren't.
Was he he was. he wasn’t.
Was she busy? she was. she wasn’t.
Was it it was. it wasn’t.
Were we we were. we weren't
Were they they were. they weren't

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above boxes.
1. A:_________
_ _ you at home yesterday? ________ B: Yes, I
2. They really happy after they won the football game.
3. My sister a college student last year.
4. Thomas on the train at three-thirty yesterday afternoon.
5. A: Jennifer tired after she finished work? B: No, she
6. My car broke down, so I late for my appointment.
7. A: Laura and Susan surprised? B: No, they .
8. The cookies delicious, so I ate three of them.
9. A: you at the library yesterday? B: No, I .
10. Many dinosaurs really huge.
11. I born in1996.W h e n you born?
12. The movie we saw last night very funny.
13. I a waiter last year, but I changed my job in September.
14. My favorite program on TV at eight o’clock last night.
15. My classmates in class. They were outside.
 Write the correct words in the boxes below the pictures.

 Write a word or words to complete the sentences.

1.A _______________ is a place which deals with money.
2.A _______________ is a place where people go to learn in a class.
3.A _______________ is a place where you catch the bus.
4.A _______________ is a place where you borrow books.
5.A _______________ is a place where you send letters and parcels.
6.A _______________ is a place which makes something in big quantities.
7.A _______________ is a place where you can have a drink or a snack.
8.To catch a train, you go to the train _______________.
9.A _______________ is a place where you see films.
10.A _______________ is a big, strong building used in the past to protect the town.
There are seven days in a week.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

• Fill in the gaps

1. Most people go to work on a M _ _ d _ _.

2. The day after Monday is T_ e _ d _ y.

3. Late night shopping is on a Th _ _ s _ _ _.

4. Most people work from M _ _ _ _ y to F_ _ _ a _.

5. The middle day of the week is Wed _ _ _ day.

6. The weekend is S_ _ ur _ _ _ and S _ _ d _ _.

• Answers on last page

My favourite day of the week is ________________________________.

I usually buy a newspaper on a ________________________________.

Sometimes I go for a walk on a ________________________________.

I meet my friends on a _______________________________________.

My bin is collected each ______________________________________.

• Fill in the gaps with the missing letters

M _ _ day / M _ _ d_ _

Tu_ _ d _ _ / T_ _s_ _ _

Wed _ _ _ d _ _ / W_ _n_ _d_ _

Th _ _ _ day / T_u_ _d_ _

F _ _ da _ / _ _i_ _ _

_ _ _ urda _ / Sat_ _day

_ _ _ _ ay / S_ _d_ _

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