Dimension Advanced Proficient Developing Undeveloped Establishing and Maintaining Norms

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Minilesson Performance Rubric

Dimension Advanced Proficient Developing Undeveloped

Establishing Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Efficiently transitions students and distributes ● Transition is safe but inefficient, ● Does not set
and AND materials (as necessary). or their is no clear moment of expectations AND/OR
maintaining ● Conveys and reinforces ● Uses strategic seating to ensure that each student transitioning into the new ● Responds
norms expectations with warmth AND is able to access the lesson (focus, sit comfortably, activity AND/OR inappropriately -- or
● Resets expectations before new see and hear clearly) and has a partner. ● Sets expectations BUT Fails to repeatedly does not
transitions, materials, or ● Sets expectations for students’ bodies, voices, anticipate some behavior respond --when students
components of the lesson (as materials, and brains before the lesson challenges AND/OR do not follow
necessary) ● Effectively and efficiently redirects students ● Redirects students BUT is not expectations.
● Demonstrates flexibility in throughout the lesson, reminding them of consistently effective in doing
meeting individual behavior needs routines and expectations (as necessary) so AND/OR
without disruption to the lesson ● Completes lesson in 10-15 minutes. ● Lesson goes on longer than 15
(as necessary) minutes.
Launching Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Contextualizes the lesson in terms of broader ● Only spare/passing mention of ● No context given
the AND learning and authentic purpose (WHY). context AND/OR AND/OR
lesson ● Introduces the lesson in a way ● Names the teaching point in clear, student-facing ● Teaching point is present but ● No teaching point
(connection that effectively hooks students’ language (WHAT). not named clearly named.
& teaching attention and interest.
Explicit Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Explicitly describes HOW students can apply the ● Explanation of the strategy is Does not teach a strategy
teaching AND strategy (2-4 steps). unclear or self-referential (eg. (Observer is unable to
(teach) ● Provides one or more multimodal ● Demonstrates using the strategy with a familiar or find the main idea by identify a single, clear
supports to make the strategy and accessible text, thinking aloud while completing identifying the main idea) strategy that was taught in
steps memorable (gestures, rhyme each step. AND/OR this lesson).
or song, choral repetition, anchor ● Demonstrates via narration
chart with visuals, or worksheet). rather than modeling/thinking
Student Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Gives students an opportunity to engage in ● Practice is set up so that only Does not provide an
engagement AND practice of the skill. some students can participate opportunity for active
(active ● Almost all students visibly ● Sets clear procedures resulting in most students AND/OR practice of the target skill.
practice) participating in learning during visibly participating in learning during active ● Many students actively
active practice. practice. participate but many do not.
● Opportunity for practice is ● Observes students’ practice to inform next steps.
meaningful/engaging to students.
● Provides modifications that enable
all students to practice.

Connection Meets all criteria for “proficient” ● Ends the lesson by situating the target strategy ● Does not situate the strategy Lesson “just ends” without
to learning AND within broader learning goal(s). within broader goals OR does a link.
(link) ● Includes clear points of ● Reminds students to continue to practice in their not remind students to
accountability for future practice. reading and writing work. continue practicing
Minilesson Performance Rubric

Grading Scheme

A+: Advanced in four or five categories, proficient in all other categories
A: Proficient or advanced in all categories
A-: Proficient or advanced in four categories; developing in one category.
B+: Proficient or advanced in three categories; developing in two categories
B: Proficient or advanced in two categories; developing in three categories
B-: Proficient or advanced in two categories; may be undeveloped in one category
C: Proficient or advanced in one or two categories; may be undeveloped in two categories
D: Undeveloped in three or more categories
F: Unacceptable submission

Establishing and maintaining norms

- students came to the carpet quietly when their group was called and knew where to sit
- reminder of how to act on the carpet during a lesson
- lesson was completed in less than 15 minutes
Area of growth:
- use a warmer tone
- make sure all students are paying attention when groups are called

Launching the lesson (connection and teaching point)

- mentioned to students what they have done so far (activating prior knowledge)
Area of growth:
- teaching point named only a few times, with a clear but not “catchy” name (I say “good conclusion” first, and then switch to “strong
Minilesson Performance Rubric
Explicit teaching (teach)
- used three steps and provided an anchor chart
- modeled with a familiar and accessible text
Area of growth:
- used the narrate strategy rather than the think-aloud strategy
Student engagement (active practice)
- allowed students to turn and talk to share their ideas with partners
Area of growth:
- only gave students a few minutes to talk, which might not have allowed all students to share
- did not walk around and listen to student thinking so did not have a clear idea of who to call on to share (who had an engaging conversation
that was worth sharing to the whole class)
Connection to learning (link)
- allowed students to begin working right after the mini lesson, making the content accessible
Area of growth:
- some students were not ready to start working on their conclusion, so the lesson was not as accessible to them

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