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Shaw 1

Taylor Shaw

Prof. Barnes


17 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My paper will be discussing how the use of technology is either helping or hindering this

generation. I hope to argue that kids should not have to rely on their technology devices to be

able to play, I believe using your imagination is a huge key factor in child development. I will

discuss the pros and cons to using technology as a child. “How is technology hindering the

children of this generation and the ones to follow?”

“Carpe Diem Instead of Losing Your Social Mind: Beyond Digital Addiction and Why We All

Suffer from Digital Overuse.” ​Taylor and Francis Online​,


“Carpe Diem Instead of Losing Your Social Mind: Beyond Digital Addiction and Why We All

Suffer from Digital Overuse” discusses the danger technology can have on the mind and body of

individuals. This informative article is intended for just about everyone that uses technology.

This article goes into detail on the background and social aspects of using technology. This

informative article was published by Taylor and Francis Online. This source is going to benefit

my paper because it takes a look at the social effects that come from overusing technology.
Shaw 2

Earp, Will. “Parenting in a Digital Age: What Are the Benefits for My Child of Using

Technology?” ​What Are the Benefits for My Child of Using Technology? - SWGfL Magazine​, 7

Mar. 2017, ​​.

Will Earp, a Digital Experience Manager, wrote “Parenting in a Digital Age: What are the

benefits for my child of using technology?” discussing the benefits and consequences of

technology use in children. This article’s intended audience would be mainly for parents

questioning if technology is a benefit or a disadvantage to their children. This article dives deep

into different stances on this topic and isn’t focused on one side or the other. This informative

article was published by South West Grid for Learning and was written by a Digital Experience

Manager, Will Earp. I will use this source in my paper for talking about the actual benefits and

disadvantages for technology in young children. This article provided a lot of information that

will be helpful to write my paper.

Hadlington, Lee, et al. “Full Length Article: ‘I Cannot Live without My [Tablet]’: Children’s

Experiences of Using Tablet Technology within the Home.” ​Computers in Human

Behavior,​ vol. 94, May 2019, pp. 19–24. ​EBSCOhost​, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.12.043.

Lee Hadlington wrote “I Cannot Live without My [Tablet]’: Children’s Experiences of Using

Tablet Technology within the Home” to discuss the current study aimed to examine children's

experiences of using tablet technology within the home. The intended audience from reading this

informative article is for parents across the nation dealing with this issue. This article was

published by EBSCOhost and is affiliated with Division of Psychology, De Montfort University,

Shaw 3

Leicester, UK. This source will be helpful for my paper because it is directly about children and

their use of technology in the home.

Hatch, Kristina E. "Determining the Effects of Technology on Children." (2011).




Kristina Hatch, from the Honors program at the University of Rhode Island, wrote “Determining

the Effects of Technology on Children” to discuss how technology can play a role in children’s

lives. This academic article is intended for an academic audience along with informing parents

across the nation. This article provides researched facts and social aspects of this topic. This

research paper was published at the University of Rhode Island from the Honors Program. This

source will be beneficial to my paper because it discussed a lot of the topic of the social side to

technology use.

Mikelic Preradovic, Nives, et al. “Investigating Parents’ Attitudes towards Digital Technology

Use in Early Childhood: A Case Study from Croatia.” ​Informatics in Education,​ vol. 15,

no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 127–146. ​EBSCOhost​,​

Shaw 4

This scholarly article from Croatia, “Investigating Parents’ Attitudes Towards Digital

Technology Use in Early Childhood: A Case Study from Croatia”, shows how technology affects

children across the world. This article’s intended audience was for Croatian parents and parents

of the world. This research provides facts and statistics based on surveys done by parents of

Croatia. Dangers, risks, and benefits of technology are also pointed out which is the main point

of my paper. This research was provided by EBSCOhost, showing credibility. This source will

be helpful for my research because it not only gives facts about my topic, but also statistics,

which will be useful.

Schrock, John Richard, PhD. “Computer Addiction.” ​Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health,​ 2019.



Doctor John Richard Schrock wrote “Computer Addiction” to discuss the behavioral addiction of

computers and technology. The intended audience for this informative article is for anyone

interested or affected by computer addiction. This informative article provides facts about

computer addiction, but also symptoms, treatment, and prevention. This article was wrote by

Doctor John Richard Schrock and published through EBSCOhost. This article will be helpful

when writing my paper because it will let me discuss more than just the affects, but I can talk

about prevention and symptoms.

Shaw 5

Singer, Natasha. “Maryland Schools May Tell Children When It's Time to Log Off.” ​The New

York Times​, The New York Times, 18 Apr. 2018,​.

Natasha Singer from New York Times, wrote “Maryland Schools May Tell Children When It’s

Time to Log Off” to discuss parental concerns for their children’s screen time. The intended

audience is for Americans across the nation, keeping up with the news. This news article

provides facts about the concerns of parents and also includes quotes from doctors studying the

outbreak of technology. This article comes from New York Times, making it very credible

because this is a huge news outlet. This news article will be very helpful in my paper because it’s

coming more from a parental concern and also includes doctors views on this issue.

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