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2 Erez and Evolution of Bud Dormancy

Bud Dormancy: a Suggestion 2

for the Control Mechanism
and its Evolution
Amnon Erez
ARO, The Volcani Center, Institute of Horticulture, PO Box 6,
Bet Dagan 50-250, Israel

The dormancy mechanism has puzzled researchers for decades. No con-
vincing explanation is commonly accepted for the effects of temperature
on dormancy release (Faust et al., 1997). Various attempts have been made
to explain how chilling overcomes dormancy, most commonly by relating it
to growth inhibitors and promoters (Saure, 1985). This theory has not been
proved by research work, in spite of the fact that growth retardants do
induce dormancy and certain growth stimulators such as cytokinins
and gibberellins do induce dormancy breaking (Crabbé, 1994). Other
approaches dealt with the exchange of sink power between the bud initial
and the surrounding tissues (Champagnat, 1989), and their changing
growth potential (Petel et al., 1992). Here, too, it was difficult to elucidate a
mechanism of control. Another approach has concentrated on the change
in the water status of the buds: Faust et al. (1991) have shown that during
dormancy, water in the buds is found in a more bound state while towards
release from dormancy, it becomes freer. They have suggested that the
change in state of water controls induction of dormancy and later its
release. More recent work failed to verify that hypothesis and indicated a
closer connection of the water status of the buds with their cold resistance
than with their dormancy (Erez et al., 1997a; Parmentier et al., 1998).

CAB International 2000. Dormancy in Plants

(eds J.-D. Viémont and J. Crabbé) 23

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24 A. Erez

Membrane Phospholipids
One of the very few dynamic changes in dormant buds that are
demonstrated to be correlated with dormancy is the increase in specific
fatty acid contents in the phospholipids in cell membranes. This change,
which was demonstrated in vegetative apple buds by Wang and Faust
(1990) on a time basis, was further shown by Erez et al. (1997b) to be
correlated with efficient chilling that breaks dormancy in peach vegetative
and floral buds. The major change found was the increase in linoleic acid
with chilling; this change seems to be required for enabling the buds to
resume growth. Linoleic acid is produced by oleate desaturase (Lyons,
1973), a membrane-bound enzyme that is presumably activated by low
temperatures. In order to express the growth resumption potential, a high
temperature is needed to facilitate the further desaturation that occurs
at high temperatures, namely desaturation of linoleate to linolenate in
the phospholipid fraction by linoleate desaturase, also a membrane-bound
enzyme. Wang and Faust (1990) found that during dormancy the linoleate
level rose from less than 20% of total fatty acids in the phospholipids
to 40% and above, while prior to initial bud break the linolenate in the
phospholipids rose from around 40 to 55% or higher. These changes are by
no means minor, and they represent a major change in the activity of the
Furthermore, apart from this change, there is a major increase in the
total level of phospholipids in the membranes between late autumn and
the end of winter (Wang and Faust, 1990; Erez et al., 1997b). The changes
that occur in the cell membrane accentuate the fact that dormancy
development is a local phenomenon, which may be overcome in one bud
but not in another. There is little communication between buds during this

Characteristics of Dormancy Completion

Although we know rather little about the events that occur in the bud
during dormancy, we know much more about the specific effects of
temperature on dormancy development.
The basic elements are:
1. A slow accumulation of the chilling effect;
2. An optimum curve for the chilling effect at 6–8°C (Fig. 2.1);
3. A negation of the effect of chilling by high temperature in short cycles
(Fig 2.2);
4. A fixation of the chilling effect (Fig. 2.3).

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Control and Evolution of Bud Dormancy 25

Fig. 2.1. Bud break of ‘Redhaven’ peach plants following exposure to 1200 h at
various continuous temperatures (reprinted from Erez and Couvillon (1987) with

Fig. 2.2. The influence of diurnal temperature cycles on bud break in ‘Redhaven’
peach. Exposure to 4°C in the cyclic treatments for 16 h a day (reprinted from
Couvillon and Erez (1985) with permission).

Basic Requirements of a Dormancy Control Mechanism

The following are, therefore, the basic characteristics of a dormancy
control mechanism.

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26 A. Erez

Fig. 2.3. The effect of temperature cycle duration on bud break of lateral leaf buds
in two peach cultivars following exposure to increasing chilling. In all cyclic treatments
two-thirds of cycle was maintained at low temperature (4–6°C) and one-third of the
cycle at high temperature (24°C). Bud break after exposure to continuous 4°C (Con-
trol) was added for comparison (reprinted from Erez et al. (1979) with permission).

1. The changes occurring with time should be slow in order not to

overwhelm the system after a relatively short exposure.
2. The mechanism must respond to chilling level and duration in a
quantitative manner.
3. Its activity must match the optimum curve of temperature effect.
4. It must correctly include the effect of high temperatures in negating
chilling and the fixation of the chilling effect.
5. The mechanism of control should reside in the bud itself, as connec-
tion between organs is disrupted during dormancy.
6. The changes occurring due to chilling must dispose the buds to grow
when high temperatures return.
My suggestion is that changes in lipids in bud cell membranes conform
with all these requirements. The basic mechanism is the activation of
the two membrane-bound enzymes: oleate desaturase and linoleate
What do we know about these two enzymes? We know they have to
move within the membrane in order to operate; and we know that their
mobility and, consequently, their activity are affected by temperature
(Thompson, 1979). Under high temperature, oleate desaturase will not be
activated, therefore, although its movement through the fluid membrane is
easy, it is kept inactive. It is presumably activated by the increased viscosity
of the membrane at lower temperatures (Thompson, 1979; Ferrante and
Kates, 1986) but its activity at lower temperatures is probably low, because
of the increased membranal viscosity and slow metabolic activity. The

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Control and Evolution of Bud Dormancy 27

unique state of these enzymes is the requirement for their movement

within the membrane to operate on a relatively stationary substrate. In
order to reach a high level of the product, long periods of exposure to low
temperatures are required. Thus, they fulfil the first requirement of slow
accumulation of product.
To this biochemical effect we may add another physico-chemical
element: an obligatory requirement for desaturase activity for oxygen. If we
consider oxygen solubility in membrane lipids as a limiting factor for oleate
desaturase activity, we may expect higher availability of oxygen at low
temperatures according to Henry’s law of gas solubility in liquids. As a
result of that, a higher activity is expected at lower temperatures, where
more oxygen is available. Furthermore, respiration may compete with
desaturases for the available oxygen (Harris and James, 1969), further
reducing oxygen availability under warmer conditions. Harris and James
(1969) have pointed out that in non-photosynthesizing organs, which
include all dormant organs, the activity of desaturases is strictly dependent
on externally supplied oxygen, while in photosynthesizing organs oxygen
is available as a product of the reaction. Hence the positive effect of low
temperature in breaking dormancy. The unique dependence on oxygen,
and the activation of oleate desaturase only at low temperatures lead to
fulfilment of the second requirement of response to chilling.
A combined effect of a chemical and a physical factor can explain the
optimum type curve of the effect of temperature on dormancy breaking
(Fig. 2.1). The increasing activity of the oleate desaturase as the tempera-
ture falls from 14°C to 6°C presumably results from activation of the
enzyme due to the increased viscosity of the membrane with reduced
temperatures (Thompson, 1979; Ferrante and Kates, 1986) and from
increasing solubility in the membrane of oxygen which is indispensable for
the desaturase activity. The left side of the curve with temperatures lower
than 6°C is affected by the reduced activity of the desaturase at excessively
low temperatures. This fulfils the third requirement of conforming with the
optimum curve of temperature effect.
The antagonistic effect of high temperature on the effects of previous
low temperature (Fig. 2.2) is seen by the interaction of the two desaturases.
No information is available in the literature regarding the difference in
temperature response of these two enzymes, but from observation of the
accumulation of the products, linoleate and linolenate, it can be deduced
that linoleate desaturase activity must have a higher optimum temperature
than that of oleate desaturase, since the linoleate content in dormant buds
drops at high temperatures while that of linolenate increases (Fig. 2.4;
Wang and Faust, 1990) (Fig. 2.5; Erez et al., 1997b). While low temperature
enhances the activity of oleate desaturase and hence linoleate build-up,
higher temperatures will enhance the activation of linoleate desaturase
to produce linolenate. If the total level of linoleate is low, its conversion to
linolenate will reduce the level of the precursor without allowing the

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28 A. Erez

Fig. 2.4. Fatty acid composition (% of total) of phosphatidylcholine in ‘Delicious’

apple buds from August to April (reprinted from Wang and Faust (1990) with

Fig. 2.5. Relative levels of fatty acids in phospholipids in vegetative and floral buds
of ‘Winblo’ peach after exposure in darkness to continuous 4°C (efficient chilling) or a
daily cycle of 6–24°C for 16:8 h (non-efficient chilling) (reprinted from Erez et al.,
(1997b) with permission).

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Control and Evolution of Bud Dormancy 29

build-up of linolenate to a high enough level to allow growth resumption

(Figs 2.5 and 2.6).
The reaction involved in chilling fixation is still unknown. We know
that the chilling effect of a period of about 30 h at 6°C is fixed and cannot
be negated by high temperatures (Fig. 2.3). It is tempting to hypothesize
that there must be a minimal level of linoleate accumulation in the mem-
brane that cannot be reversed by high temperature. High temperature
will lead to a reduction rather than an increase in linoleate level. This
will explain the susceptibility to high temperatures which occur prior to
fixation. This satisfies the fourth requirement. The membrane-bound
changes fulfil the fifth requirement that the chilling effect must be
localized as the response is directly related to the cell temperature.

Fig. 2.6. Differential change of the fatty acid components in phospholipids in

vegetative and floral buds of the ‘Winblo’ peach with exposure to chilling. Differential
values calculated by subtracting values for 6–24°C treatment from those for 4°C
treatment (reprinted with permission from Erez et al. (1997b)).

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30 A. Erez

From the data presented it seems, indirectly, that these two desaturases
have different temperature optima. Low temperatures favour the activity of
oleate desaturase while higher temperatures favour that of linoleate
desaturase. Together, these characteristics lead to fulfilment of the
sixth requirement since the linoleate desaturase is activated at high
temperatures but the level of linolenate, presumably needed for growth
resumption, depends on the level of linoleate which accumulates only
through long chilling exposure.

Stress Resistance
When dealing with changes in membranes, especially fatty acid changes, an
association regarding cold stress resistance immediately comes to mind.
Tolerance to stress caused by non-freezing chilling temperatures is
obtained by holding plants at near-chilling temperatures prior to exposure
to cold (Wang, 1990). This acclimation leads to an increase in desaturation
in membrane lipids (Wang, 1990). Lyons (1973) proposed early on that
enrichment in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may lower the melting
point of membranes and hence, prevent chilling-induced membrane-lipid
solidification (fluid-to-gel phase change) and an associated membrane
dysfunction. This concept is supported by correlative studies showing that
membrane-lipid enrichment in PUFA accompanies chilling acclimation
in plants (Lynch and Thompson, 1984a,b; Yoshida, 1984; Lynch and
Steponkus, 1987). Moreover, increased lipid desaturation, caused by
genetic manipulation, was found to enhance chilling tolerance in
chilling-sensitive cyanobacteria (Wada et al., 1990) and plants (Ishizaki-
Nishizawa et al., 1996). Conversely, use of molecular methods to arrest
lipid desaturation induced chilling susceptibility in chilling-tolerant plants
(Murata et al., 1992), further emphasizing the importance of lipid
desaturation in cold acclimation.
Lipid desaturation is catalysed by a family of desaturases that require
oxygen (Ferrante and Kates, 1986) and, in most cases, reduced pyridine
nucleotides (Harwood, 1988). Thompson (1979) suggested that cold con-
ditions may influence the activity of desaturases by changing the matrix
properties of the enzyme microenvironment. In this view, temperature-
dependent cold adaptation may arise from the activation of pre-existing
enzymes (Skriver and Thompson, 1979).

Comparison between Stress Resistance and Dormancy

On the basis of the above it is interesting to compare the two phenomena.
One has to consider the mechanism of stress resistance as a very basic

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Control and Evolution of Bud Dormancy 31

mechanism that had to develop in order to allow the plant to survive a

temporarily hostile environment. Only when plants managed to develop
a mechanism of survival under stress could they proliferate and maintain
the continuation of their species. The basic mechanism of stress resistance
in plants involves desaturation of lipids, change of viscosity, hydration
and, as a result, maintenance of membrane functionality in a hostile
Once this mechanism was developed, I suggest that it has also been
adopted for dormancy development. This basic system was adopted by
plants for maintaining a state of reduced metabolic activity in the dormant
bud. The plant adapted the stress-related development to the dormancy
mechanism by using it in non-photosynthetic organs as a time–temperature
measuring mechanism to obtain the information on when buds should
respond to high temperature in order to resume growth. It seems that
growth resumption is dependent on the changes that occur in membranes
of the bud cells. As long as levels of linoleate are kept low, no bud break will
occur, but under high temperatures, linoleate is desaturated to linolenate
and its final level dictates bud break.
The following are supporting data for the theory. Sparing active oxygen
enhances bud break: two potent dormancy breaking agents, thiourea and
hydrogen cyanamide are strong catalase inhibitors (Brennan et al., 1978;
Shulman et al., 1986), thus sparing active oxygen for other critical reactions.
Exposure of dormant seeds to high oxygen can substitute for lack of
chilling (Brennan et al., 1978; Frenkel and Erez, unpublished data).

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Erez, A., Faust, M. and Line, M.J. (1997a) Changes in water status in peach buds on
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32 A. Erez

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Control and Evolution of Bud Dormancy 33

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