Auditory VR

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Auditory System Date

Subject/Grade Time
BIO 30
Level Duration

Unit Nervous and Endocrine System Teacher

Through using Google Expedition and VR, students will examine the auditory systems. Students will
work collaboratively to create scientific drawings, answer questions prompted by the app, and make
generalizations about information provided in the app to make sense about the auditory system.


Students will explain how the nervous system controls physiological processes.

Specific 30-A1.5k describe the structure and function of the parts of the human ear, including
Learning the pinna, auditory canal, tympanum, ossicles, cochlea, organ of Corti, auditory
Outcomes: nerve, semicircular canals and Eustachian tube

30-A1.1sts explain that scientific knowledge and theories develop through

hypotheses, the collection of evidence, investigation and the ability to provide

30-A1.2sts explain that scientific investigation includes the process of analyzing

evidence and providing explanations based upon scientific theories and concepts

30-A1.4s work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and
conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing

Main Inquiry
Question In what ways does the human body process the environment?

How is sound perceived?
facilitate and
guide the
Students will:
1. Create scientific drawing and definitions of ear structures using virtual reality
2. Construct a flow chart using information from the virtual reality app
Formative: 
Observation/Anecdotal  Lab notebook Check
Self-Assessment  Discussion
Peer Assessment
Summative: - Flow chart
Final Product
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1
 Google Cardboard Headset
Google Expeditions

Prior to lesson - Students need Google Expedition downloaded
- Google Cardboard headsets
- Write the following on the board to help guide students through the activity
to be completed within lab notebook:
- Outer Ear: scientific drawing, definitions/functions, question answers (found
within app)
- Semicircular Canals, Cochlea, Vestibular and Cochlear Nerves: no drawing
needed, complete other requirements above
- Once done, create a flowchart of the steps required to process sound
Introduction Time
Attention Grabber

Prior Knowledge - Ask students how ears process sound, what do we already know?
Expectations for
- Students will be respectful of classmates and equipment
Learning and Behavior
Transition to Body - Have students work in pairs and all have predownloaded Google
Expeditions on one phone or tablet between students
- Open Auditory Systems VR
- Scientific drawing and notes will be completed in lab notebook and
will be handed in at the end of the class

Body Time
Learning Activity #1 - The Outer Ear
- Put on Google Cardboard headset
- Open the Outer Ear Tab and examine the function shape of each of
the following structures within the app:
- Tragus Antihelix, Triangular Fossa, Auditory Canal
- Draw and Label these 4 items on the outer structure of an ear (one
per person
- Include the function of each
10 min
- Answer beginner and advanced question within the app on paper
Inner Ear
- Read about the structures of the inner each one at a time
throughout the app using VR
- After each partner is finished looking and reading the information,
have draw and label the inner ear, include the functions of each
- Answer beginner and advanced question within the app on paper
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ - If a group member is unable to wear the headset, they can view the
Differentiation structures in augmented reality form via the cellphone/tablet
- Go around and ensure that students VR is working effectively
Learning Activity #2 - Semicircular Canals 10 min
- Look through the semi circular Canal tab
- Write out the 4 canals and briefly describe the purpose of the
- Answer beginner and advanced question within the app on paper
- Cochlea
- Look through the semi circular Cochlea tab
- Write out the 3 structures and briefly describe the purpose of the
different parts of the cochlea
- Answer beginner and advanced question within the app on paper
- Vestibular and Cochlear Nerves
Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2
- Look through the appropriate Tab
- Write out different nerves and explain the functions
- Answer beginner and advanced question
- Once done
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ - If a group member is unable to wear the headset, they can view the
Differentiation structures in augmented reality form via the cellphone/tablet
Learning Activity #3 - Students get into pairs and create a flowchart that summarizes the
flow of sound and how it is processed within the ear
- Once the flowchart is done, students may come check with teacher 15 min
that they have completed each component, then may meet up with
another group to discuss differences/check over work
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ - Make sure that students show work to teacher before other groups
Differentiation so there is no copying of work
Closure Time
Consolidation of
- Before students leave, go through the steps of processing sound 5 min
Transition To Next - Next class I will hand back your assignments and we will review as
Lesson a class how the auditory system functions

Reflections from the


Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 3

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