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Intro: ZIONISM & 7 NOAHIDE LAWS – Anti-Semitism Laws & Anti-Gentilism

Suggested Video: -Noachide Laws of the Anti-Christ & Hebrew Roots – Mini Doc by On Point Preparedness

Dr. Pidgeon

Article #1 -CHABAD.ORG/LUBAVITCH – LOVE EXTENDS ONLY TO JEWS-Over $100 million dollars flow through his
ZIONIST ORG each year.

Graphic – 7 Noahide Law

Article #2 – Why are we honoring this


Rabbi Sneerson – Non-Jews are Satanic.


-WHY SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED? Do research on Rabbi Sneerson who believes that Jews & Non-Jews are TWO
DIFFERENT SPECIES and the only reason we exist is to SERVE THE JEWS.

Some of Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:

“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us
differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level.
Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”

“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the
body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so
great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”

“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes
from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”

“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference
between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”

“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created

as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was
created only to serve the Jews.”

“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine]

“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

Video #1 UN Clip
Video #2 Noahide Law: Israeli News Live with Steve and Jana DeNoon Anti-Gentilism Rising Code For Peace ( Noahide Laws) - Anti Gentilism Rising

7:22– 9:00 Anti-semitism or Anti-Gentilism?

Clips showing Ronald Reagan with the Chabad Org signing into decree that the 7 Noahide Laws are the moral mandates
given by the Jews by which all nations should be compassed.

3 Books introduced which talk about the Crimes of Zionists against their own people:

● “The Holocaust Victims Accused”

● “Perfeidy”
● “The Transfer Agreement” which are written by Jews and portray the testimony of rabbis – Zionists had power
to liberate the common Jews. The true record of what happened of Jews turning over Jews during the Holocaust

(**NOTE: DOREEN DOTAN’s comment in her Rothschild video where she calls influential Jews as necessary Interfacers
and Ambassadors between the Jews/Gentiles and the powers that be….in her case, the Vatican talking to her through
her hairpins?!)

11:00 – 11:25 – Steve “The real agenda about Israel is to bring about One World Order. These so-called Zionist Jews are
really embedded in the Vatican for NWO agenda and they did not care about the Jewish people who wanted to see the
coming of Messiah.”

12:00 – 12:17 – Steve “Jewish organizations made arrangements with ….to execute their own people.”

12:40 – 12:45 – Jana “Hitler basically helped build the State of Israel.” So Who are the TRUE Anti-Semites? This sect of
Judaism is a HATEFUL RELIGION just as bad as ISLAM.”

19:00 7 NOAHIDE LAWS = THE BEDROCK OF CIVILIZATION All 50 States have now participated since 1978 – Presidents
Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush x 2, O’bama and now Donald Trump


39:00 – 41:46 – DOREEN “It is THEY (Christians) who went up against the God of Israel. All Christian teaching is Anti-
Christ. They are Anti-God. They’ve done everything to drive a wedge into the House of Israel, to Dig Under Our
House. I don’t believe Yeshua Ben Miriam is quoted correctly at all in the Christian bible!”

STEVE – “When she talks about Anti-Christ you’re going against God. She’s letting you know that Israel is going to
bring the Messiah. She’s saying that THEY are going to PRODUCE. She’s already EQUATING the MESSIAH THEY WILL
USHER IN will be the the Jewish Messiah in their book. “

LAWS ARE in place world-wide”

Video #3 - DR. PIDGEON’s Video ONE WORLD ORDER: NOAHIDE LAWS, On the Mark YouTube Channel.
Video Matrix Sequence #4 (From 2 videos titled Genesis & Goyim by Doreen Dotan)

GENESIS 12:45 – 15:25 The God of Israel is OUR Creation. We combined the gods into ONE. Clever.

GOYIM 1:37 – 2:10 - We are upticking reality….and you’ll see change.

GENESIS SB 17:58 – 19:54 – We are issuing DIRECTIVES to create destructive weather, etc.

MATRIX Scene with Neo & the Architect

Video #5 Jewish Psychopathy @ or heathen (video titled Jewish Psychopathy)

On Doreen Allen Bell Dotan’s Illuminati background:

Family was fully involved in the Italian Mafia and collaborated thickly with them. Her mother was a psychopathic

4:21 – 5:20 “Living a life touched by psychopathy. Family was inbred and her mother’s parents were 1st cousins.
Sephardic bloodline. Family considered “Illuminati” by some, influential, import positions, worldwide impact. We never
really worshipped Satan or anything weird…none of that really goes on, but a dark side does exist.”

Video 6: Genesis by Doreen Dotan

Synopsis: Intolerance & Supremacy of the Jewish God they created. They (the Jews) also created the stars, the solar
system, goy or nations—with their thoughts because they ARE God on Earth. Christianity is “satanic” and the
opposition of their God. The very idea that Christians have created an enemy that can challenge their God shows how
evil we are.

12:45 – 15:25 “ The God of Israel is the God of our creation. Our progenators came up with the idea to combine all the
gods and created the idea of one God who is Good and Benevolent--who doesn’t want sacrifices. We came up with that
great idea…..The God of Israel cannot be challenged. We are not going to tolerate that! Lower Level gods are
inferior…..we saw to it that those gods would never come against our God……very clever.”

17:58 - 19:54 “So right now you’re in a situation where that volcano and damn broke in Tennessee… belt....We
created God and will not tolerate Christian deviation. We issue “directives” to make things “become” catastrophe and
the earthquake that you’ve been warned about by Russion, & that fault that’s opening up through the middle of the bible
belt. When the people of Israel created the God of Israel they put into effect OVERARCHING DIRECTIVES which would
NULLIFY ALL OTHER DIRECTIVES in the situation where a people really messed up the creation …. That is the situation
that you (Gentiles) unfortunately find YOURSELVES. You need to REPENT and know there is only ONE GOD (not 3 in 1)
who is all good, benevolent….better way to kick-start your day.”
Video #6– Doreen Dotan: GOYIM: The Other Facts of Life

1:37-1:53 “We are Upticking Reality to change the earth. The Solar System and beyond. We don’t deal in astrology of
stars, we deal in the CREATION of stars.”

1:53 - ? “Earth is about to undergo a DRAMATIC CHANGE and WE will return it to its MORAL SENSITIVITY.”

7:00 – God According to Isaiah is Good and Creates Evil

All Jews are born from ADAM.

All Goy are born from EVE = 19 = GOY

8:30-9:05 “God comes down in human form and we THE JEWS create Humanity….We (the Jews) ARE WHAT YOU THINK
JESUS IS! The Jews are God in a meat-suit. It is not one person or one figure. It is all of US in our many #s in every

20:00-20:45 “We brought YOU into existence. We messed up and now we must change it.”


1 -Babylon is being “ERASED” by us.

2-The TALMUDIC RABBIS didn’t want to be MESSIAH. They “missed it” in BECOMING CHRIST TO THE WORLD. We
must Change that.

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