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License to play the games

There will be buckets filled with water and ice. To play the game, there must be a player from each
team that will need to be standing with their feet in the bucket. If the player cant continue on,
another group member has to replace the player. In the process of changing player, the whole team
has to stop moving and could not continue. One bucket for one leg

Need: Ice, 8 buckets

Layout (main sanctuary parking) License player buckets

Score board

Play area Play area Play area Play area

Team Team Team

2 3 4

Need: 1 white board to show score

Game 1:
One player from each team has to lie on the road (with newspaper) and have a cup on their
fore head. Team member forms a line and each hold a cup. The license player will use a cup
to take water from the bucket and pour water into the first person’s cup. The team will
transfer water from the license player to the end of the line to fill the last cup. The cup is
hold using only their armpit except for license player. The team that fills the cup to the brim
first wins. 20 points for winner, 15 for runner up
Need: newspaper, 40 plastic cups, 4 water bottle
Game 2:
In one of the license player bucket, coins are added (10cents, 20cents,50cents). The license
player will only stand in one bucket for this game. Team members has to take turn to use
their TOES to retrieve 20 cents coins and bring to the play area. The first team to get all 10
pieces of 10 cents coins win. Soap is added into the bucket to make foams. When there is a
swap of license player, the team could not continue to take coin until the swap is done. 20
points for winner, 15 for runner up
Need: Coins, soaps

Game 3: (No need license player, they can join the game)
Each team forms partners two by two. They stand 1 feet from each other. Once signalled,
one person have to throw the balloon to the other person. At level 2, they stand 4 feet from
each other and repeat. Do this for 8 levels. After 8 levels, find out the balance of balloon in
each team that is not broken. Points given to each unbroken balloons. 5 points for each
Needs: water Balloons

Game 4: (No need license player, they can join the game)
A table full of cups with water and some with water and egg. Two teams compete with each
other to a “beer pong”. So when team A throws a ping-pong ball and lands into a cup, team
B has to pour that cup of water on his/her head. If its water mixed with egg then only team
A gets point, if it’s just water, team B gets the point 5 points for each cup.
Need: eggs, cups, ping pong balls, 2 tables, masking tape for line to stand on

Throughout point collection

Just fill up 80-100 water balloons and put it in a big bucket. Throughout game 1 to 4, leaders
and helpers who are not involved in the game are free to take one balloon at a time and
throw it at any players they want to and that player will have to pick up the tied part residue
and keep it until the end. At the end, you will reveal which color add point and which minus.
Facilitators need to hit each team with equal times
Need: black bin filled with water and water balloons

Depending on remaining numbers of water balloons and time, will decide if will do a
water balloon dodgeball.
Marks will be tabulated and winner will have a prize.

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