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Tackett 1

Jacob Tackett

Professor Thomas

English Composition II

March 15, 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Bovy, Phoebe M. “It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them.” The New Republic, 10 Dec. 2015,

In Phoebe Bovy’s article “It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them.” on The New

Republic, it talks about how there should just a general ban on guns and we should not

rule out how that it is not possible. This article talks about the good and bad sides of each

side of the argument on gun control. But it claims to disagree with both sides by saying

that all guns should be banned and there should be no in between at all. The writer’s

purpose in writing this is to try and persuade people to think that all guns should be

banned and not to agree with either of the political parties. It targets the people that

dislike guns and to give them a good argument to have on the matter. This article was

written right after a mass shooting while people’s feelings of anger towards guns were

up. The author is fairly credible considering they are an author for other places and some

of the same concepts. They also provide an additional side to the argument while not

being too biased either way except on their stance. This article is very relevant to my

topic because it gives different views on both of the sides of the argument and it allows

for a more open perspective.


STATES.” Divergent Policy Frames and Political Cultures, vol. 181, no. 4, 1 Dec. 2018,

pp. 348–371. Sinclair, web-a-ebscohost-

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In Anthony Fleming’s article “Debating Gun Control in Canada and

the United States: Divergent Policy Frames and Political Cultures” from the Sinclair database, it

talks about the different political views that there are on this subject and how other things affect

how people think about gun control. This article is quite extensive on the topic at hand and

brings up many great topics and reasons within the gun control problem. This source talks about

many of the gun laws that are already in place and speaks of how all of these laws come into

effect. They also talk about how the politics of guns and the public opinion of gun laws and what

people think that government should use. This source also covers how the media affects how

people think of gun laws and how during certain times around the time of a mass shooting. The

author of this source is from the International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center

and it uses many sources and data charts that make it very credible and it makes it to where there

is a lot of evidence that covers all the bases of the argument. This article will allow my paper to

be broader in my subject and I will be able to do what I need to make sure I covered the entire


Hamblin, James. “Why We Can't Talk About Gun Control.” The Atlantic, 29 June 2014,


In James Hamblin’s article “Why We Can’t Talk About Gun Control” from The Atlantic, it talks

about how a man got fired from his job because he wrote an article on his opinion on gun control. It also

explains the opinion of the author on things like background checks and how they should work. This
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article also talks about how NRA does not represent the whole gun owning public and it is actually a

small portion of the gun owning citizens. The author of this article is fairly credible considering that he is

a hired author of The Atlantic and has different works that he does on similar subjects. This source is a

little opinionated, but it does not affect the validity of the work very much because it gives good

examples as to what the opinions of a side of the argument stands and how the public opinion on the

subject is. This article will strengthen my paper because I am able to show an example of a person that

was punished for sharing their opinion on gun control, so I am able to show how this is also a sensitive



GUN POLITICS.” A Comparative Veto Player Analysis of Gun Control Policies in the

United States and Canada, 1 Dec. 2018, pp. 317–347. Sinclair, eds-a-ebscohost-


In Rifat Kamal’s “Policy Gridlock versus Policy Shift in Gun Politics:

A Comparative Veto Player Analysis of Gun Control Policies in the United States and Canada”

from the Sinclair database, it speaks of how Canada and America differ in their gun laws and

how that has affected their societies. It claims that although shootings are still possible in Canada

it does not compare to the rapid growth of shootings in America. This article also explains how

the government could help with the problem of guns and help it to be more regulated. This article

also gives specific examples of different mass shootings that have happened and how this

affected the public opinion to shift towards more gun control. This source is definitely credible

and unbiased because it comes from The International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference

Center, and it has citations along with many credible authors. This article will allow me to give
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specific examples of mass shootings that have happened, and it also explains the many ways in

which the public is affected by certain events. It also allows me to give ways that the

Government looks at the situation and show how possible it would be to change gun control


Kramer, Margaret, and Jennifer Harlan. “Parkland Shooting: Where Gun Control and School

Safety Stand Today.” The New York Times, 13 Feb. 2019,




In Margaret Kramer’s article “Parkland Shooting: Where Gun Control and School Safety

Stand Today” from The York Times, it speaks about school security and how it can be improved,

and it also speaks of gun control and what the government is thinking on the topic. This article

also speaks of the ways that these events spark people’s opinions of what can be fixed in case of

these situations in the future and what people think of these events. This article goes in a very in-

depth explanation of what the government can and cannot do and uses this to give it more

credibility. This article is quite credible because it comes from a reputable and popular news

paper while also being very recent allowing all of the things that it says to still be effective. The

source will add great content to my final paper too because it will cover the school aspect and

how faculty, parents and students feel about these kinds of situations and how it affects public

opinion of gun control.

Newman, Benjamin J., and Todd K. Hartman. “Mass Shootings and Public Support for Gun

Control.” Mass Shootings and Public Support for Gun Control, 2 Oct. 2017,
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In Benjamin Newman’s “Mass shootings and Public Support for Gun Control” from

Cambridge Core, it speaks of the actual facts and data gathered about shootings and how the

affect the local area and the public opinion there. This source gives many ideas of how to

improve the gun issue and many hypotheses of how it would all happen. They also largely focus

on why Congress decides to mainly stay off of this issue because of the great support that guns

have and of course they want to be reelected so they will not speak out endless that is what the

majority of the public wants. However, it claims that the one thin that help to overcome this the

presence of a mass shooting and that is when people’s feelings get riled up. This source is very

credible as it is a research journal from a University and has a very long list of citations. This

article will add very useful information to my paper by allowing me to show why the

government does and does not do certain things and to give certain propositions on how to fix

the gun problem.

Swanson, Jeffrey W. “Gun Violence, Mental Illness, And Laws That Prohibit Gun

Possession.” Evidence From Two Florida Counties, 1 June 2016,

In Jefferey Swanson’s “Gun Violence, Mental Illness, And Laws That Prohibit Gun

Possession” found on NCBI, and it talks about the stats of Gun violence in the US allowing for

readers to get a numerical observation of what guns actually do and what kind of damage is

dealt. This source also goes over mental disorders and the ways in which they can affect things

like mass shootings to make people aware of the dangers of these mental illnesses. For this case
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people tend to have a mental health background check undergone for guns so that they know that

who they are selling the gun to is somewhat safe. It also talks about trying to make America a

safer place by looking at the data that is collected and being able to tell the highest rates at which

the guns are being used in harmful ways and at least being able to target those specific areas/

groups of people. This source is definitely credible as it has a lot of data taken which includes

realistic numbers from a study done and it also has many of its own sources cited. This source

will help to provide more and different data pertaining to certain groups of people who are more

likely to cause violence with a gun and I can cover mental illness.

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