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Activity worksheet  LEVEL 1 Teacher Support Programme

Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters Photocopiable

While reading e Marcel makes a hole in the bag with his
Pages 1–7 teeth / knife.
1 Match the questions with the answers. Write f The man from the British Museum thanks
1–5. Marcel / Professor Barton.
a When does Marcel visit London? ….. 5 Who says these things and when? Do not look
b Who does Marcel visit in London? ….. at the book.
c Where does Professor Barton live? ….. a ‘A train’s coming.’
d What has Professor Barton got? ….. b ‘Quick, quick – what are we waiting for?’
e Where did Professor Barton get the letters? c ‘Wait and see.’
….. d ‘He knows his job.’
1) 42, Old Wilton Street. e ‘Two mice!’
2) Every November. f ‘Sorry! Are you OK?’
3) In Oxford. g ‘Why are the letters here?’
4) The Shakespeare letters. 6 Answer the questions.
5) His friend, Henry. a How does the note on the table help the mice?
2 What do Marcel and Henry see in Professor b What does ‘Concorde’ mean?
Barton’s flat? Are these right (3) or wrong (7)? c Why does Marcel think, ‘That was clever, very,
a a bookcase c very clever.’
b a woman c d How do the mice find the American woman at
c the Shakespeare letters c the airport?
d some pictures c e Why doesn’t the American woman catch the
e a safe c mice?
3 Put the sentences in the correct order. Write f What does Professor Barton see when he
1–9. comes home?
a c She has the Shakespeare letters in her bag. 7 Are these right or wrong?
b c There Henry tells Marcel about the a Marcel loves the big black taxis in London.
Shakespeare letters. b Marcel lives in Paris all year long.
c c Two friends go to Professor Barton’s flat. c Professor Barton lives at 45, Old Wilton Street.
d c Marcel comes to London to visit his friend d Professor Barton found some letters at an old
Henry. man’s house in Oxford.
e c Henry opens the safe. e There is a safe behind the bookcase.
f c Through a big hole at the back of the safe f There is a bag in front of the woman.
they see a woman. g Two old women usually live in the flat next
g c But there are no Shakespeare letters in the door.
safe. h The two women are in Italy on holiday.
h c Marcel and Henry run after the woman. After reading
i c The woman takes her bag and leaves. 8 Write: You are going to interview a famous
4 Underline the correct word(s). detective, Marcel, about his visit to London
a The American woman is / The two old ladies are for the newspaper ‘The Mouse Daily Express’.
on holidays. Write 10 questions for the interview. Then write
b Marcel looks for the note / telephone. possible answers that Marcel gives.
c The mice go to the airport by train / taxi. 9 Write: Write a paragraph to explain why the
d The American woman is sitting with her bag / American woman wants to have the Shakespeare
a newspaper in her hands. letters.

c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters - Activity worksheet   of 1
Progress test LEVEL 1 Teacher Support Programme

Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters Photocopiable

1 Complete with the correct words. c There are a lot of people at the underground
safe  fireworks  smoke  numbers  sign  hole station. c
clever d Knightsbridge is not far from Heathrow. c
a The …………… on Number 42, Old Wilton e At Heathrow the two mice help two men
Street says ‘Professor J.T. Barton’. with big bags to open the door. c
b Henry thinks that Professor Barton is very f Marcel makes a hole in the bag with his knife. c
…………… . g Marcel finds the Shakespeare letters in the
c There are a lot of …………… in the street. woman’s bag. c
d Marcel and Henry come to the professor’s flat h Professor Barton stops smiling because he
through a …………… near the front door. sees the Shakespeare letters on the table. c
e The …………… is behind the books in the i Henry tells the journalists about the
bookcase. Shakespeare letters. c
f Henry has got some paper with the …………… to 4 Match and complete the sentences. Write 1–7.
open the safe. a Marcel doesn’t want to telephone the police
g When the friends open the safe they see a lot of because …..
…………… there. b The two friends run after the woman because …..
2 Choose the right sentence. Write 1 or 2. c The American woman wants to take the
a Henry lives not far from ….. Shakespeare letters because …..
1) Heathrow airport. d There are a lot of fireworks in the street because
2) Knightsbridge station. …..
b Professor Barton is going to be famous because he e The woman doesn’t see the mice because …..
has got some ….. f The woman runs after the mice because …..
1) letters from Shakespeare to his son. g Professor Barton doesn’t understand why …..
2) famous pictures. 1) they are important.
c Professor Barton is going to give the letters ….. 2) she is listening to music and reading a
1) to the British Museum. newspaper.
2) to the old lady from Oxford. 3) the Shakespeare letters are on the table.
d The two friends go to the professor’s flat because 4) it’s Guy Fawkes Day.
Marcel wants ….. 5) they took the Shakespeare letters from her bag.
1) to read the Shakespeare letters. 6) they don’t have time.
2) to take the Shakespeare letters. 7) they want to return the letters.
e Henry opens the safe with ….. 5 Circle the extra word in the sentences.
1) a key. a Her bag is on the a floor.
2) a dial. b Henry walks behind his her friend.
f Marcel hears a very big BANG!!! because ….. c Marcel stops in on front of the woman’s bag.
1) the woman makes a hole in the safe. d She’s listening looking to music and reading.
2) there is a big firework. e Henry sees to him and smiles.
g The Shakespeare letters are in ….. f She’s running very better quickly.
1) the safe. g Henry and Marcel are standing at the back behind
2) the woman’s bag. of the room.
3 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? h In the morning, Henry and Marcel go goes to the
a The American woman lives near Professor British Museum.
Barton. c i He arrives on at ten o’clock.
b The American woman wants to fly back from j Then he looks at the a letters – and then he looks at
Heathrow. c the safe again.

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Answer keys LEVEL 1 Teacher Support Programme

Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters

Book key 4 a The two old ladies are
b note
1 Open answers c train
2 a He is in London. d a newspaper
b He is near Knightsbridge station. e knife
c It is winter. f Professor Barton
d He is visiting an old friend. 5 a Marcel, when the two mice are at the station.
3 a journalist > detective b Henry, when they are on the train going to
b Road > Street Heathrow.
c stays > lives c Marcel, when he stops in front of the American
d books > letters woman’s bag.
e door > hole d Henry, at the airport, when he walks to the American
f Mr > Professor
woman’s bag.
g closes > opens e The American woman, when she sees the mice with
h bookcase > safe the Shakespeare letters.
i man > woman f The fat man with two bags, when he runs into the
4 Open answers American woman.
5 Open answers (a  No  b  No  c  Yes) g Professor Barton, when he comes back home from
6 a  5  b  8  c  3  d  1  e  9  f  2  g  7  h  4  i  6 the cinema.
7–9  Open answers 6 Open answers
Discussion activities keys 7 a Right
1–5  Open answers b Wrong
c Wrong
Activity worksheet key d Wrong
1 a 2 e Right
b 5 f Right
c 1 g Right
d 4 h Wrong
e 3 8–9  Open answers
2 a 3
b 7 Progress test key
c 7 1 a sign
d 3 b clever
e 3 c fireworks
3 a 7 d hole
b 2 e safe
c 3 f numbers
d 1 g smoke
e 4 2 a 2
f 6 b 1
g 5 c 1
h 9 d 1
i 8 e 2
f 2
g 2

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Answer keys LEVEL 1 Teacher Support Programme

Marcel and the Shakespeare Letters

3 a 7 5 a a
b 3 b her
c 3 c on
d 7 d looking
e 7 e to
f 3 f better
g 3 g behind
h 3 h goes
i 7 i on
4 a 6 j a
b 7
c 1
d 4
e 2
f 5
g 3

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