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Grace Powers

English 1201

Professor Kretzer

6 March 2019

Online Casebook

Carolyn Dudley, and Jennifer D. Zwicker. “Mind the Gap: Transportation Challenges for

Individuals Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” The School of Public Policy

Publications, Vol 8, Iss 2, Pp 1-5 (2016), no. 2, 2016, p. 1. EBSCOhost,


This is a article is written by Carolyn Dudley and Jennifer D.Zwicker. I Found it on the

Sinclair library database. This article explains the transportation challenges that autistics face.

The majority of autistics are unable to transport themselves. Therefore, autistics must rely on

others to transport them. This puts stress, not only on the individual with autism, but also their

parents or caregivers. There are some solutions to this problem such as, Developing a transit

system with cohesive and consistent service delivery. However, lack of funding makes it difficult

for the problem to be solved. The Author's wrote this to inform readers about the challenges that

Autistics face with transportation and present solutions. The writers are Professors at The

University of Calgary. They list where they got their information from to show that it is not

fabricated. I will use this in my essay to provide and example of how autism makes life more


Donovan, Alex P.A., and M. Albert Basson. “The Neuroanatomy Of Autism- A Developmental

Perspective.” US National Library of Medicine , 12 Sept. 2016,
This article is written by Alex Donovan and M. Albert Basson. I found this source on the

internet. I looked into the authors and they are both medical professionals and are well qualified.

This article discusses many studies that have found significant differences in the anatomy of

autistics and neurotypical individuals. Such as, increased cortical thickness, reduced spacing

between minicolumns, and overgrowth of amygdala and frontal cortex in adolescents. I will use

this information to explain the differences in autistic brains in relation to behavior. Then I will

explain how those differences in behavior can affect their ability to function in society.

Fauziyah, Nur, et al. “Cognition Processes of Students with High Functioning Autism Spectrum

Disorder in Solving Mathematical Problems.” International Journal of Instruction, vol.

12, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 457–478. EBSCOhost,


This article is written by a group of professors and doctors including Nur Fauziyah, Carol

Le Lantto, I Ketut Budayasa, and Dwi Juniati. In this article, they explain how mathematical

problems can be challenging for autistics. The cognition processes required to effectively solve a

math problem. Such as, acquisition, organization and use of information, pose challenges for

autistics. Unfortunately, many schools require autistic students follow the same curriculum

centered around neurotypical individuals. With the number of autistics students increasing this

article encourages teachers to familiarize themselves with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This

includes, understanding how the cognition presses is different for students with ASD. In doing

this, teacher would be able to offer more help techniques to ADS. I plan to use this in my essay

to provide an example of an area where autsics would struggle to be as successful as neurotypical

UC Davis Health, and Public Affairs and Marketing. “Early Intervention in Autism Improves

Language, IQ and Social Skills.” UC Davis Health,

I accessed this information on the UC Davis Health Mind institute. This is a well

accredited research website. This organization is actively conducting tons of research to unlock

more information on autism. This article was written with the intent of sharing a way to improve

autistics way of life. Research has shown that early intervention can positively impact language

skill, IQ, and social skills of individuals with ASD. One study conducted by Professor Rogers at

the MIND Institute showed that children who receive The Early Start Denver Model (early

intervention) frequently have made more progress in the areas listed above. What makes The

Early Start Denver Model differ from traditional autistic interventions is that it is worked into

everyday routines. They use a typical preschool environment and opportunities that arise in the

classroom to teach and improve the child's development. This has been very successful in the

numerous studies they have conducted. I plan to use this in my paper to talk about a way for

autistics to improve their way of life from and early age so they will be able to successfully do

everything that they want.

Ugando, Antonio. Using Applied Behavior Analysis in Software to Help Tutor Individuals with

Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2018. EBSCOhost,


This article is written by Antonio Uganda at The Georgia institute of technology, one of

the top ranking technological schools. I accessed this article on the sinclair library database. The

author's intent when writing this article was to share how combining Applied Behavior Analysis
and technology, can help tutor children with autism spectrum disorders. In this article,the author

explained, that there is lack of tutoring systems centered around autistic patients. Since Applied

Behavior Analysis (ABA), a therapy where good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is not

permitted, is so successful in treating autism, they thought combining this with technology could

improve learning. This new technology will expand on the the software introduced in 2003 by

Dominic W. Massaro, The University of California. With more technological advancements in

todays culture, there are no longer the same limitations that Massaro had. The new technology

would be centered around mobile devices to help more ASD patients have access to it. I plan to

use this information in my article to provide an example of a way autistics could be more

successful in society.

UK, Research Autism. “Common Issues and Challenges Facing Children on the Autism

Spectrum.” Research Autism | Children and Young People with Autism | Issues and

Challenges - Research Autism,


I accessed this on an autistic research website, Research This website

provides tons of useful information on autistic individuals. This portion of the website brings

some of the challenges faced by Autistics to the surface. Every autistic individual is unique and it

is important to think of them that way. What one autistic may find challenging, another may

excell at. However, there are some general challenges that most individuals with ASD face. Such

as, social interaction, communication, cognition, motor skills, sensory skills, adaptive and

functional behavior. I plan to use this in my research paper to talk about the challenges that

Autistic face that might make it more difficult to function in society.

“What Causes Autism?” Autism Speaks,

I found this information on an autistic research website, This SOurce

is credible because it is a BBB accredited charity means that the information has been inspected

and approved. On this webpage there is information about what causes autism. Autism develops

from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There is no one specific cause of

Autism. This being said, it is hard to predict who exactly will develop autism. However, there are

risk factors to be aware of. Like, genetics, advanced age pregnancies, birth complications, and

pregnancies spaced more than one year apart. I will use this information in my paper to introduce

what autism is and how it could be caused.

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