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1. Where were the people yesterday at 2 PM?

Use the verb, be:

a. Rex, Paul, and Ally b. James c. John

They were at the park. He was at He was at

the beach. the gym.

d. My friends and I e. Susan f. My brother

We were at She was at He was at

the mall. the coffee shop. the soccer field.
4. Change the verbs to the Past Simple tense:

a. play played b. prefer preferred

c. arrive arrived d. copy Copied

e. close Closed f. marry Married

g. finish Finished h. try Tried

i. cry Cried j. stop stopped

k. ask asked l. open Opened

m. talk Talked n. retire Retired

o. want wanted p. use Used

q. start Started
6. What did you do yesterday? Write positive or negative sentences
about yourself:

a. work out I worked out. / I didn’t work out.

b. play soccer

c. use money

d. cry

e. talk to my teacher

f. watch TV

g. try a new sport

h. relax at home

i. work

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