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Your name LEX BRYLLE L.


date DECEMBER 14, 2018


I want to reflect about the impact of tourism in Korea. Does the hallyu
What incident, event or played an important role in attracting tourist around the world? I also want
idea are you going to to discuss about the differences in different countries such as in Vietnam,
reflect on?
Brunei, Malaysia and The Philippines.

I learned that tourism play an important role in terms of social, physical

and economic aspect of a country. In terms of economic, tourism
contribution in Korea is 24.3Bn USD or 1.6% of its total GDP. It is also
surprising that when compared to other countries mentioned above Brunei
got the lowest tourism contribution to its GDP. The reason is that Brunei is
not a popular tourist destination primarily because, although beautiful, it is
hidden and also a small country.

Tourism also caused negative and positive impacts to a country such as

boosting people social aspect because it gives more jobs but at the same
time it also cause problems such as pollution and a social phenomenon
What did I learn in this
class(over the past called ‘demonstration effect’. Demonstration effect is when locals start to
three weeks)
adapt to tourist attitude and actions.

Hallyu is a term popuiarized by Chinese to describe the success of

Korean pop culture in China. By then, Hallyu has been popular to east Asian,
south east Asian, as well as western countries. Today, the success of K-
pop and k-drama is remarkable and has been attracting more and more
fans from all over the world.

Due to hallyu’s popularity, people are more curious about Korea and
aims to travel in this country.

I read about some articles in about how kpop become a

global phenomenon to know the background behind the Hallyu and also
What did I read about read an article in about how hallyu caused a great impact
this topic?
(apart from the text) to Korean Tourism. I watched and read some article in that shows a
case study about an island in Korea on how it become a top tourist
destination because of K-drama.
According Vox, Hallyu includes a wide variety of things such as K-
dramas, Korean Skincare and cosmetics and food. But the heart of Hallyu is
k-pop which as short term for Korean Music.
Because of its addictive melody, slick choreography and a high production
values it continue to attract fans from all over the world. “K-pop has been
strategically designed to earworm its way into your brain and to elevate
South Korea and its culture to world stage.”
Due to its popularity all over the world it shows positive impacts to
What were the most
country in terms of its economic and tourism aspect. Based from what I
interesting things I
learned and read about read in, Korean is the only country dedicated to become the
this topic- why was
world’s one exporter of popular culture. Hallyu is also one way to spread
its soft power. It is a term coined by a Harvard political scientist, Joseph
Nye, which refers to the intangible power a country welds through its
The Korean tourism Organization (KTO) has used of this huge interest
in Korea by offering attracting tour package to tourist. Hallyu also
contributed immensely to Korean tourism as well. An opinion survey
conducted by KTO in October 2013 found that almost 60% of tourist who
visited Korea were influenced by Hallyu.

The Good thing about the increasing tourism in Korea is that it boosts
its GDP by over 1.6%. In 2015, Korea even earned a USD 15.2 billion from
tourism, attracting a total of 13.2 million tourist ( Tourism
gave way to many jobs and opportunities to local communities. On the
Evaluations: what was
good and bad about other hand, Hallyu also increased the status of Korea by improving its
the experience? image to the world.
But everything is not good, negative effects of tourism also affected
Korea. Pollution and environmental destruction also been prevalent due
to the crowding of many people. Over development of areas also caused
an environmental destruction.

During my stay here in Korea, me and my friends visited Nami Island.

At first I really don’t know what to expect in the island all I knew was there
What was new or
were really beautiful scenery and quiet atmosphere. But when we got
surprising to me?
there were a lot of people -and when I mean a lot I mean A LOT! When
we were in the island I saw that people came there because of a popular
Korean drama that was filmed there. That quite surprised me how a k-
drama can influence in tourism.
I read in, Nami island attracts 200,000 visitors per year.
The 4km long island is not just an island but a theme park- a theme park
that is solely based from a single television show. The Tv series named
‘Winter Sonata’ was filmed in the island and was one of the first Korean
dramas to reach globally.

During this past few weeks has been an interesting week since we were
Analysis: able to know about difference social topics not just in Korea but also from
What have I changed different countries such as Uzbekistan, china, Philippines, Malaysia,
my mind about, as a
result of these classes? Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei and Indonesia. The topics totally made me
(over last three weeks) understand Korea in terms of social, economic and cultural aspect. It also
made me understand other countries as well.

Therefore, Tourism and Hallyu has a significant correlation to each

other. Hallyu played an important role in bringing Korea’s name to world
stage that made more people to know and be interested in Korea. Hallyu
Conclusions (general): has successfully claimed its soft power in terms of introducing Korean
What can be culture to the world. During the years, many people has become interested
concluded, in a general
sense, from these to Korea due to k-drama, Korean cosmetics and most especially k-pop.
experiences and the Due to the global attention of Hallyu today, millions of people has come
analyses you have
undertaken? to Korea to witness firsthand what they are seeing on their screens. This
curiosity has significantly increased Korea’s tourism gain and continue to
rise through the years.
Korea shows no sign of stopping and continuing to showcase Hallyu all
over the world that will greatly benefit the country.

Honestly, before I have no idea to Hallyu. But when I got here, I really
Personal Action got interested to this kind of things because they are so appealing to
plans: What could you
current generation. K-pop is also a nice music that everyone can enjoy.
do differently in this
type of situation based Overall, I really enjoyed Korea with/without Hallyu because Korean people
on what you have
are also nice and the sceneries here are also spectacle. If I were given a
chance to visit Korea in the future I will grab that opportunity to learn and
experience more about Korea.
I am still unsure
about…… Do Korean people recognize the global popularity of Hallyu? Is it also
popular here?

To professor Jane,
Thank you for this semester, I really enjoyed knowing Korea. I learned a lot from this subject and It
made my stay here in Korea more convenient since I knew many things about Korean culture. All of
the presentations were really enjoyable. It was really a challenge and also a pleasure to be part of
your class.
Thank you very much from the Philippines.
Your sincerely,
Lex Brylle L. Salazar

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