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AE 424

Agricultural Power and Its Source

LAB SECTION/GROUP NO. ________________ DATE PERFORMED: ____________________


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Exercise. No. I


A. To become familiar with the external construction and parts of electric motors.
B. To become familiar with electric motor specifications.
C. To perform proper wiring of the electric motor.
D. To perform simple measurements.
E. To modify selected motor specifications.


Electric motors Circuit breaker Vernier caliper

Clamp-on ammeter Push button switch Steel tape
Tachometer Hand tools Weighing scale


A. External construction and parts of electric motors:

1. Examine the assigned electric motor, identify the different parts and put a
check mark on the corresponding space in Table 1.

Table 1. External parts of electric motors


Main frame Capacitor box
Front end shield Terminal
Rear end shield Cooling fins
Output shaft Cooling fan
Name plate

2. Indicate the type of enclosure of the electric motor and describe how cooling is

3. Measure the parameters indicated in Table 2.

Electric Motors… 2

Table 2. Selected dimensions of electric motors


(mm) (mm)
Overall width 175 mm No. of holding. holes 21
Center distance of
Overall length holes parallel to
Center distance of
Overall height holes across the
Shaft diameter Diameter of holes
Height of shaft Weight (Kg)

B. Electric Motor Specifications:

Read the motor nameplate and fill up the specifications in Table 3.

Table 3. Electric motor specifications


Manufacturer Duty rating
Frame design Ambient tempt.
Horsepower Tempt, rise
Cycle Service factor
Phase Insulation class
RPM Bearings
Voltage(s) Others:
Ampere(s) Manufacturing rate:
Motor code Start

C. Wiring of assigned electric motor:

1. Study the wiring diagram of the assigned electric motor. Wire the electric motor
to the circuit breaker and pushbutton switch as illustrated
by the instructor.
2. Record the capacities of the circuit breaker and push button switch.
3. Ask the instructor to check your connections.
4. Plug your connection to a convenience outlet. Turn on the circuit breaker.
Turn on the pushbutton switch to run the motor.
5. Stop the motor by turning off the pushbutton

D. Measurements to verify selected motor specifications

1. RPM:
Electric Motors… 3

a. Run the electric motor as done before.

b. Use a tachometer to measure the rpm of the motor. Each student
will measure the rpm and the average computed (tabulate results).
d. Obtain the value of the rpm given in the nameplate and compute
the percent difference. Give reason(s) for any difference between
measured and nameplate values.
e. Turn off the motor as done before.

2. Starting and running currents:

a. Obtain the motor code letter of the electric motor and compute for its
starting current (If the motor code is not given. assume the starting
current to be 5X the naming current).
b. Set the scale of the clamp-on ammeter so that it can read the maximum
starting current.
c. Connect the clamp-on ammeter on one line of the power cord.
Make sure the needle is on the unlock position.
d. Get set to read the maximum deflection of the needle as it will just be
there for a split second and will then go down to its running current
e. Turn on the motor and observe the readings (starting and running
currents). Each student will read and the average computed (tabulate
results). Make sure the shaft has made a complete stop before
restarting the motor.
f. Based on your readings, compute the number of times the starting
current is greater than the running current.
g. Obtain the value of running current given in the nameplate for the
appropriate voltage level and compute for the percent difference. Give
reason(s) for any difference between the measured and
nameplate values.

E. Reversal of motor shaft rotation:

I. Turn on and off the motor and determine the direction of shaft rotation
(facing the shaft).
2. Locate in the name plate or terminal box the instruction for changing shaft
rotation. Sketch the connections for both directions of rotation.
3. Make the change in connection and ask the instnictor to verify the
connection .
4. Turn on and off the motor and verify the reversal in shaft rotation.
5. Comment on the advantage(s) of shaft rotation reversal.


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