Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris

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1 Abnormal condition of disabilitas difabel disease flu disability C
the body or mind that
causes disfunction
discomfortor difficulty
with the person
2 Bad eating pattern and reguler irregula keep good life good B
…… are the common sleep r sleep clean style nutrition
health problems
3 A disease caused by thypus diarhea TB fever meningit A
infection with is
salmonella typhosa
4 A ………. Patient should cough flu fever diabetes thypus E
avoid spicy food
5 Immunization is an taking inject supply entering enter D
attempt to get
immunity to a disease
by ………... germs or
germ seeds that have
been weakened or
turned off (antigens)
into the body.
6 Live vaccines are used hepatitis A polio flu rabies rubella E
to protect
7 vaccine to prevent measless polio BCG hepatitis B HPV C
pulmonary immunizat
tuberculosis,glands,bon ion
es,and brain
inflammation that can
cause death or
8 The main contect of the additives antigen adjuvan preservative stabilize B
vaccine, functions to s r
stimulate the body
9 antigen must be paid pay main maintained purpose D
aquipped with additive
substances so that the
quality is ……..
10 These antigens can be weakened weak dead kill killed A
bacteria / viruse that
are ………., totally dead
or genetically modified.
11 immunization is more good best low most E
the……….effective effort
to prevent and break
the chain of
transmission of
dangerous diseases
12 She ……….born on 10 was when where were is A
December 2001
13 …………… you have how long how how much How Why B
English Class? Twice a often
14 Nurse : Good Morning have fill ask buy pay B
Mrs Maria. I need to
………... a medical report
about your health
status. Patient : Sure
15 Nurse : What ……….. are were was is am D
your complete address?
Patient : Ir Sukarno , 38
16 These following are the organ bone musles head fat D
body cavities spaces,
17 Which is the following is protect allow protect keep the Allow C
NOT the fuction of body delicate organ the virus soft organ organ to
cavities? organ to change
change size
18 ……………is the delicate bladder brain leg hand teeth B
19 …………is formed by cranial spinal ventral abdominope toracic A
skulled and contained cavity cavity lvic cavity
the brain
20 Dorsal body cavity cranial spinal ventral abdominope toracic B
consist of cranial and cavity cavity lvic cavity
21 Spinal cavity formed by brain lungs vertebrae skulled dorsal C
22 Spinal cord is in cranial spinal ventral abdominope toracic B
the…………….. cavity cavity lvic cavity
23 Thoracic cavity, cranial spinal ventral abdominope toracic C
diaphragm and cavity cavity lvic cavity
abdominopelvic are the
parts of
24 Left lung is located in right left pericardia toracic spinal B
pleural pleural l cavity cavity cavity
cavity cavity
25 Heart is part of right left pericardia toracic spinal C
pleural pleural l cavity cavity cavity
cavity cavity
26 The small intestine and abdominal pelvic pericardia toracic spinal A
most large intestine is l cavity cavity cavity
27 Pelvic cavity consist of… liver heart reproducti brain lung C
ve organ
28 The healthcare provider analizes analize analyzing review reviewe C
is…………..medical d d
record of the patient
29 what does MRTAS Medicine Medical Medical Medical Medical B
stands for Report Record Report Report Text Record
Text Text Team Analized Tips
Analysis Analitic Analysis Solution Analized
System s System Solution
Solutio s
30 ………... quality of care is has ask asked improving asking D
one of the healthcare
provider chalenge.
31 ………... Indication leads normal health healthy helthier strong A
the patient come to the
hospital for medication
32 widwspread use of reduce increas add help maximiz A
health Information e e
Technology can………..
Health care cost
33 Today's technology difficult feasible hard long slow B
make it ………… and
practical for phsician to
use computer for
patient record
34 Paper based systems has having have give bring C
……….. heavy
administrative cost
35 List of medication included include consist consisted make A
precribed is ………….
Medical record
36 Medical record are used ducument docume document serving giving C
for supporting clinical ed nt ing
decisions and ……….
service provided for
billing purpose
37 The primary purpose of most more fast expensive cost A
medical record is to
assist healtcare in
providing the………..
Effective patient care
38 Could you check elbow forehea stomacth knee teeth B
my…………to see if it d
feels warmer than
39 We don't need to take slight high teeny very low A
Peter to the hospital.
He only has a………fever
40 ………….. your sister to ask make bring get put C
the emergency
roomfirst. Later the
doctor will determine
whether she to be put
in ordinary room
41 You've got………., you tootache headac diarhea fever kneeach C
need to drink lost of he e
water and get plenty of
42 After several days John better health healtier worse bad D
came to the Emergency
Room because he got..
43 The inflammation will eating sleepin bathing brushing cooking A
cause itching,wounds g
and painwhen
swallowing if don't
control your……
44 The drugs prescribe paint ink oil computer hand B
must be written in…..
45 Latin abbreviations is use using used given made C
commonly…... in
46 These should be name of number patient's prescribe the price E
available on pharmacy order name date
prescription, EXCEPT manager
47 The abbreviations of a.c as much before before after eating external B
means eating sleeping medicin
48 The latin abbreviation C cap Cth d.c u.p C
of teaspoon is…
49 1d.d/sdd means once a day twice a three one one A
day times a teaspoon tablespo
day on
50 mix and make according d.t.d tab p.c m.f.l.a Gtt D
to it

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