Obligations & Contracts

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1. General Provisions
a. Concept of Obligations
b. Sources of Obligations
i. Law
ii. Contracts
iii. Quasi-contracts
iv. Delicts
v. Quasi-delicts
2. Nature and Effect of Obligations
a. Obligations to give
b. Obligations to do
c. Obligations not to do
d. Breach of obligations
i. Mora
1. Necessity of demand
2. Default in reciprocal obligations
ii. Dolo
iii. Culpa
1. Test of negligence
iv. Contravention of tenor
e. Fortuitous event
f. Presumptions of payment of interest and prior installments
g. Remedies of creditors
h. Transmissibility of rights
3. Kinds of Obligations
a. Pure and conditional
b. Suspensive and resolutory
c. Kinds of conditions
i. Potestative, casual and mixed
ii. Possible and impossible
iii. Positive and negative
d. Constructive fulfillment of suspensive conditions
e. Effect of suspensive condition before/after fulfillment
i. Loss, deterioration or improvement
f. Effect of resolutory condition before/after fulfillment
g. Reciprocal obligations
i. Tacit resolutory condition
ii. When rescission stipulated
iii. Effect of rescission
h. Breach by both parties
i. Obligations with period
i. Effect of advanced payment or delivery
ii. Effect of fortuitous event
iii. Benefit of term of period
iv. When court may fix term
v. When debtor loses benefit of term or period
j. Alternative and facultative Obligations
k. Joint and solidary Obligations

iii. Indivisibility and solidarity
iv. Kinds of solidarity
v. Effect of beneficial and prejudicial acts
vi. Effect of assignment of rights
vii. Effect novation, compensation, confusion, remission, payment
viii. Defenses of solidary debtor
1. Divisible and indivisible obligations
m. Obligations with Penal Clause
i. Kinds of penalty
ii. Effect of penalty
iii. When penalty may be reduced
4. Extinguishment of Obligations
a. Payment or performance
i. Who may pay
ii. To whom payment should be made
iii. What must be paid
iv. Dation in payment
v. Monetary obligations
vi. Extraordinary inflation or deflation
vii. Application of payment
viii. Payment by cession
ix. Tender of payment and consignation
b. Loss of the thing
i. Loss in generic obligations
ii. Partial loss
iii. Relative impossibility
c. Condonation or Remission
i. Express remission
ii. Implied remission
d. Confusion or merger
e. Compensation
i. Kinds
ii. Requisites of legal compensation
iii. Effect of assignment of rights
iv. Facultative compensation
f. Novation
i. Kinds
ii. Express and implied
iii. Expromision and delegacion
iv. Legal and conventional subrogation
a. Concept
b. Characteristics
C. Limitations on right to contract
d . Nominate and innominate contracts
e. Mutuality
f. Relativity
g. Interference with contractual relations
h. Perfection of contracts
i. Contracts in name of another
6 . Essential requisites of contracts
a. Con sent
iii. Effect of d
. eath ins .
iv. legal ca a . ' an,ty, inso/ven
v. Vices of p City of Parties cy or civil Interdiction
1. Mistake
2. Intimidation
3, Violence
4. Undue influence
s. Fraud
a. Kinds of fraud
b b.Abso/ute and I .
. Object of contracts re atrve simulation
c. Cause of contracts
..i. Distinguished from mot·rve
-~~-Cause in various kinds of contracts
rrr. Essential requisites of c
7. Forms of contracts ause, effect of lack, illicitness
· Reformation of instruments
9. Interpretation of contracts
10. Rescissible Contracts
a. Kinds of rescissible contracts
b. Subsidiary character of action
c. Parties who may institute
d. Extent of rescission
e. Proof of fraud
i. Badges of fraud
ii. Presumptions of fraud
11 . Voidable Contracts
a. Kinds of voidable contracts
b. Ratification
c. Prescriptive period
d. Effect of annulment
e. Obligation of mutual restitution
12 _ Unenforceable Contracts
a. Kinds of unenforceable contracts
i. Statute of Frauds
13 _ Void or inexistent Contracts
a. Characteristics of void contracts
b. Pari delicto rule and exceptions
, 4. Natural Obligations
15. Estoppel
a. Concept
b. Kinds
c. Requisites of laches

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