Resultados Con Polymath

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Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x)

1 v 0.1243066 -9.72E-09

Variable Value
1 a 5.168645
2 b 0.0414724
3 p 111.3
4 pc 111.3
5 pr 1
6 R 0.08206
7 T 450
8 Tc 450
9 Z 7.59E+04

Nonlinear equations

1 f(v) = (p+a/v^2)*(v-b)-(R*T) = 0

Explicit equations

1 pr = 1
2 R = 0.08206
3 T = 450
4 Tc = 450
5 pc = 111.3
6 p = pr*pc
7 a = 27*(R^2*Tc^2/pc)/64
8 b = R*Tc/(8*pc)
9 Z = p*v/R*T

General Settings

Total number of equations 10

Number of implicit equations 1
Number of explicit equations 9
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001
Initial Guess
0.55 ( 0.1 < v < 1. )

Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x)

1 v 0.0712007 -2.61E-12

Variable Value
1 a 5.168645
2 b 0.0414724
3 p 222.6
4 pc 111.3
5 pr 2
6 R 0.08206
7 T 450
8 Tc 450
9 Z 8.69E+04

Nonlinear equations

1 f(v) = (p+a/v^2)*(v-b)-(R*T) = 0

Explicit equations

1 pr = 2
2 R = 0.08206
3 T = 450
4 Tc = 450
5 pc = 111.3
6 p = pr*pc
7 a = 27*(R^2*Tc^2/pc)/64
8 b = R*Tc/(8*pc)
9 Z = p*v/R*T

General Settings

Total number of equations 10

Number of implicit equations 1
Number of explicit equations 9
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001
Initial Guess
0.275 (0.05 < v < 0.5)

Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x) Initial Guess

1 v 0.0622086 -7.65E-09 0.1375 (0.025 < v < 0.25)

Variable Value
1 a 5.168645
2 b 0.0414724
3 p 445.2
4 pc 111.3
5 pr 4
6 R 0.08206
7 T 450
8 Tc 450
9 Z 1.52E+05

Nonlinear equations

1 f(v) = (p+a/v^2)*(v-b)-(R*T) = 0

Explicit equations

1 pr = 4
2 R = 0.08206
3 T = 450
4 Tc = 450
5 pc = 111.3
6 p = pr*pc
7 a = 27*(R^2*Tc^2/pc)/64
8 b = R*Tc/(8*pc)
9 Z = p*v/R*T

General Settings

Total number of equations 10

Number of implicit equations 1
Number of explicit equations 9
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001

Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x) Initial Guess

1 v 0.0543803 -7.02E-10 0.055 (0.1 < v < 0.01)

Variable Value
1 a 5.168645
2 b 0.0414724
3 p 111.3
4 pc 111.3
5 pr 10
6 R 0.08206
7 T 450
8 Tc 450
9 Z 3.32E+05

Nonlinear equations

1 f(v) = (p+a/v^2)*(v-b)-(R*T) = 0

Explicit equations

1 pr = 10
2 R = 0.08206
3 T = 450
4 Tc = 450
5 pc = 111.3
6 p = pr*pc
7 a = 27*(R^2*Tc^2/pc)/64
8 b = R*Tc/(8*pc)
9 Z = p*v/R*T

General Settings

Total number of equations 10

Number of implicit equations 1
Number of explicit equations 9
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001

Calculated values of NLE variables

Variable Value f(x) Initial Guess

1 v 0.0500876 -2.43E-10 0.055 (0.1 < v < 0.01)

Variable Value
1 a 5.168645
2 b 0.0414724
3 p 111.3
4 pc 111.3
5 pr 20
6 R 0.08206
7 T 450
8 Tc 450
9 Z 6.11E+05

Nonlinear equations

1 f(v) = (p+a/v^2)*(v-b)-(R*T) = 0

Explicit equations

1 pr = 20
2 R = 0.08206
3 T = 450
4 Tc = 450
5 pc = 111.3
6 p = pr*pc
7 a = 27*(R^2*Tc^2/pc)/64
8 b = R*Tc/(8*pc)
9 Z = p*v/R*T

General Settings

Total number of equations 10

Number of implicit equations 1
Number of explicit equations 9
Elapsed time 0.0000 sec
Solution method SAFENEWT
Max iterations 150
Tolerance F 0.0000001
Tolerance X 0.0000001
Tolerance min 0.0000001

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