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MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 8 March, 2019

mp in focus 11

Slow strides towards peace

The Vietnam Summit portrayed North Korea’s urge for sanctions relief which the US will
only provide following complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula

s far as the Korean Penin- by the North Korea including scrap-
SUDHAKAR VADDI sula is concerned, one can ing of few nuclear and missile facili-
declare war in overnight ties and the ongoing inter-Korean
but can’t declare peace rapprochement process is unable to
which can only be built through impress the conventional wisdom
a gradual process of mutual trust and hardliners of the US and they
among the parties. The second sum- still doubt the sincerity of the North
mit at Hanoi (Vietnam) on February Korean regime. However, by ana-
28, 2019, between the United States lysing the past experience, Pyong-
and Democratic People’s Republic yang possesses a positive reciprocal
of Korea (DPRK) i.e., North Korea, track record with Washington. Dur-
unsurprisingly, falls under this cat- ing September 27, 1991, President
egory. At the Summit, though the George H.W. Bush announced the
US President Donald Trump and removal of all US Tactical Nuclear
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Weapons (TNWs) from South
failed to reach an agreement on Korea. Within a month, North Korea
denuclearisation, the meeting and halted the reprocessing of spent
goodwill gesture shown by the two fuel to extract plutonium. In early
Pyongyang has leaders displayed advancement in 1992, President Bush announced
been clear about their high-wire diplomacy. The first
North Korea-US summit was held
the suspension of the annual Team
Spirit joint military exercises. That
exactly what it in Singapore in June 2018 where very day, a DPRK Foreign Ministry
wants. They will President Trump and Kim agreed spokesman announced its intention
for the complete denuclearisation of to sign a safeguards agreement with
not unilaterally the Korean Peninsula. Subsequently, the IAEA. This sequence of events
disarm unless the US suspended the annual joint in the past strongly suggests North
naval exercises with South Korea by Korea’s willingness to accommo-
it receives sighting that they are highly ‘pro- date the US on verification in return
something from vocative and expensive’. As a recip- for US steps to end enmity through
rocal action, North Korea has not reciprocity.
Washington. made any military provocation dur-
They want a ing this period and it is almost more Conclusion
than one year since North Korea The easing of some sanctions
staged process conducted its last missile test in which are affecting the livelihoods of
where they give November 2017. It also dismantled North Koreans is an urgent point of
some of its missile and nuclear facili- need. It motivates the North Korean
a little and get ties including Sohae satellite launch leadership to move forward for the
something in station. denuclearisation process. Pyong-
return yang has called for a step-by-step
Nuclear bargain model, matching each denucleari-
During the Hanoi Summit, US sation act to a specific concession,
demands comprised for irreversible which would be implemented over
steps to scrap North Korea’s nuclear a longer timeline to ensure the sta-
arsenal, including dismantling its bility of the denuclearisation process
Yongbyon nuclear complex. Since Easing of sanctions affecting the livelihood of North Koreans will stimulate the denuclearisation process (Representational Image) in the Korean Peninsula. We can’t
North Korea has been pushed into a overlook that it took several decades
corner by the sanctions for its previ- tion-2397, other nations including be some tangible outcome expected lihood. Pyongyang has been clear ing away the massive US strategic again for the US to accept North
ous actions, easing of the sanctions its trusted ally China sent back tens before the US presidential elections about exactly what it wants. They advantage vis-à-vis North Korea in Korea as a negotiating partner and
has been a top priority for Pyong- of thousands of North Korean work- next year. will not unilaterally disarm unless exchange for worthless concessions. Pyongyang’s ability to come up with
yang during the summit. In fact, ers to home, which eventually cut The point at this juncture is not it receives something from Wash- a tangible solution to the nuclear cri-
recently, North Korea requesting off another key source of hard cur- whether the international commu- ington. They want a staged process Experiences in the past ses in the region. In this perspective,
humanitarian assistance from the rency to North Korea. In the sum- nity or Washington can trust North where they give a little and get some- In the past, the goal of the out- the ongoing rapprochement formula
United Nations to feed its people mit, both parties expressed their Korea’s efforts or not. Due to the thing in return. It means right now side actors, particularly the US, was would defiantly yield a substantial
betrays the grave situation prevail- points of concern but could not con- severity of the imposed sanctions, Pyongyang feels that it has done somehow to bring North Korea to outcome in the near future and cer-
ing in the impoverished country. clude an agreement this time. They, factories have closed and military enough to warrant sanctions relief. the negotiation table and setting an tainly, the US holds the key to mov-
External trade volume fell signifi- thereby, left an opportunity for a units are resorting to charcoal- However, the US has also been abso- agenda for North Korea’s denucle- ing the peace process forward.
cantly with an export ban on coal, continuation of the dialogue. Per- engine vehicles and ox-driven carts lute on its stand by stating sanctions arisation process. In fact, Washing- (Dr. Sudhakar Vaddi is an aca-
steel, fisheries and textile prod- haps, Trump administration likely for transport. Based on the exist- relief can be possible only on the ton loomed the policy of “maximum demician and has been working on
ucts. As a result, the entire indus- calculating a nuclear agreement with ing economic turmoil, North Korea grounds of “complete denucleari- pressure” by imposing severe eco- the Korean Peninsula for more than
trial production in North Korea has North Korea could help to boost the is seeking to ease some of the eco- sation”. President Trump has been nomic sanction on Pyongyang a decade. He is a recipient of Korea
crashed. Further, due to workers ban president’s chances for re-election in nomic sanctions which would affect under huge pressure at home with through the UN. However, the con- Foundation Scholarship. The views
under United Nations (UN) resolu- 2020. If this is true, then there would ordinary people’s economy and live- his opponents accusing him of sell- fidence-building measures initiated expressed are strictly personal)

Brexit needs a 2nd referendum tweet

Game theory can explain why a no-deal is the only outcome in everyone’s best interests

s the March 29 cut-off date @MamataOfficial
for Britain’s exit from the
European Union (EU) nears,
there seems to be no consen-
AMIT KAPOOR sus among its politicians on a with-
drawal agreement. Fondly remembering Kalika Prasad
In January, the British Parliament Bhattacharya, exponent of folk music, on
firmly rejected the deal that had been
agreed upon with the EU by Prime his death anniversary. We lost him too
Minister Theresa May. The deal, which soon
desperately tried to please both the
Leave and Remain camps by allow-
ing the United Kingdom (UK) to stay
within the EU single market while
allowing for independent trade deals
with other countries, ended in a unan- PMO INDIA
imous agreement on rejecting it. For @PMOIndia
both factions, it was worse than the sta-
tus quo as it implied staying within EU
and being bound by its rules while for-
feiting the power to influence its laws.
However, with merely a month to Common Mobility Cards, RuPay cards
go before the cut-off date for Brexit, the and BHIMApp indicate the rising
It is evident possibility that no deal can be agreed influence of digital transactions in our
upon by British MPs seems more and
that moving more likely. In fact, ‘game theory’ can
country: PM @narendramodi
towards a no- explain why a no-deal is the only out-
deal scenario is come that is in everyone’s best interests.
For the benefit of the general reader,
the only likely game theory is a branch of mathemat-
outcome for most ics that explains strategic interaction HUSAIN HAQQANI
between decision-makers. The latter @husainhaqqani
rational British are considered “players” in a “game”,
MPs even though who have to choose from a set of strat- A no-deal Brexit will prevent a range of economic disruptions  (Representational Image)
egies available to them. Each player is
supporting assumed to be rational in the sense On the other hand, rejecting her deal outcome for most rational British MPs fits in these short-term disruptions.
May’s deal is that they choose the highest payoff for can imply that May agrees to conces- even though supporting May’s deal is They have argued for a Brexit so that Pakistan says it will finally act against
themselves. sions for their own camp or Britain a scenario that nobody favours in par- Britain could get greater control over Internationally designated terrorists,
a scenario that In Britain’s case, the players are the crashes out of the EU with no deal in ticular but has something for every- its trade deals and its borders. How- after years of describing Pakistanis who
nobody favours MPs in the Leave and Remain camps. It place. The latter option works in the body (like the outcome in Prisoner’s ever, the question remains whether the
demanded that as ‘traitors.’
must be noted that such an assumption best interests for the Leave MPs. Ratio- Dilemma where both snitch on each price that an already-ailing economy
in particular but is quite simplistic in nature as the lean- nality, thus, implies rejecting May’s other even though the scenario where of the UK will have to pay for such
has something for ings of the political class in Britain are deal. nobody talks gets them lower jail time). an outcome will be worth the losses.
not as binary. But it should serve the Meanwhile, a similar line of rea- Even hard Brexiteers agree that a For some Leave supporters, a no-deal
everybody purposes of our model without deviat- soning is also being followed by the no-deal scenario would be extremely Brexit is the truest form of Brexit. But
ing away from reality too much. Cur- opposite group. For the Remainers, disruptive for the British economy at there are many Brexiteers who dread
rently, both sides have two options to supporting May implies that it can least in the short term. Within a day, the idea of a no-deal. So, like we have MARKANDEY KATJU
choose from: back May’s deal or reject either go through as it is or she gives out UK would crash out of the EU. WTO argued before, a second referendum @mkatju
it. The game theoretic approach shows some concessions to the Leave MPs. To trading rules would apply between the should be the answer for Britain now
why it is in both their interests to reject the contrary, rejecting it would mean two. Border checks would become nec- that the voters are more aware of the
her deal. For those familiar with math- that she could agree to pro-Remain essary. The supply of essential goods likely outcomes. The only other option
ematical jargon, the game is akin to the concessions. It could also result in a will be affected. Free movement of is no-deal and an avoidable economic
Prisoner’s Dilemma. no-deal scenario, which wouldn’t be in people between UK and EU would disruption. No Brexit voter in 2016 Instead of attacking these poor helpless
In the case of the Leave MPs, sup- their best interest. But there is always a immediately come to a halt. Flights could have foreseen the present out- people why don't you thugs come to me.
porting May’s deal can result in either possibility of a second referendum or would have to be limited. And the most come. IANS I am myself a Kashmiri. I have a danda
of two outcomes: the deal goes through general elections taking place before concerning outcome would be a hard (Amit Kapoor is chair, Institute waiting for you, and is getting impatient.
as it is or May pushes it through by giv- March 29, which could help the cause border between Ireland and Northern for Competitiveness. Chirag Yadav,
ing some concessions to the Remain of the Remains. Ireland, which could spiral into need- senior researcher, Institute for Compet-
camp like staying within the customs So, it is evident that moving towards less sectarian violence and bloodshed. itiveness, has contributed to the article.
union to gain a few votes from them. a no-deal scenario is the only likely The Leave campaign sees bene- Views expressed are strictly personal)

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