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OUMH 1203

▪ Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer.
▪ Prepare your assignment answer following the layout of the ASSESSMENT
CRITERIA shown in the RUBRICS provided for the course. Where RUBRICS are
not provided, follow the instructions/guidelines specified by the Faculty for the
assignment concerned.
▪ Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words EXCLUDING
▪ Type your answer using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.
▪ Show the number of words at the end of your assignment.
▪ Tables and figures where provided, should be appropiately titled.
▪ List your references separately in the APPENDIX page.

OUMH 1203

1.0 Internet Creates Problem.

Internet is a global computer network which provides various information and

communication facilities, which consists of interconnected networks using a standardized
communication protocol. Nowadays, internet has become a very important point in all
fields such as in business, social, education and entertainment. From the internet, we can
get almost everything such as video, games, music, book, shopping, call, message and
many more. Internet has many advantages but some people believe it creates many
problems. In my opinion, I completely agree that internet creates many problems. Among
the problems that creates by internet is such as pornography, social media, received
wrong information, cybercrime, health and many more.

Pornography causes addiction to its watchers and can causes brain damage. Children
without guidance also can watch pornography from the internet. In social media
problems, it is making people lazy to deal in real life. This will cause relationship within
families and friends become less close.

In social media problems, it has become as a disease nowadays. We can easily share
information and send picture or video no matter it is true or wrong or have an uncensored
content from the apps that installed in the mobile phone such as Facebook, Twitter,
Whatsapp, We Chat and many more.

From the internet, there are a lot of website that we can access and anybody can create
its own website, the point is, what is the website contains. Is it true information or is it
wrong information. So because of this we should not to believe 100% content in the

Cybercrime is a internet crime. Some of us can be their victims. Hackers can send virus
thru internet to their victims and gain money. Ransomware is a new virus which it
encrypt all of our files in computer through internet. If you want your files to decrypt you

OUMH 1203
have to pay to those hackers, if not you will not get your files back. No antivirus can help
to decrypt files but antivirus can only help us to prevent from ransomware. Also
regarding with cybercrime, scam, spam, malware, Trojan and viruses is everywhere on
the internet. Antivirus also can not help us from this issue.

In terms of health, internet is worked in the device like computer or mobile. It can cause
us loss of hearing and eyesight, neurosis, developmental issues in children, more
violence, lack of empathy, addiction, shortened attention span, neck and head pain, stress,
poor sleep habits and obesity.

In conclusion, internet creates many problems that can not be controlled by internet itself
or people. All of this problem can be faced by anyone, anytime and anywhere. What can
we do is just beware of internet.

(446 Words)

2.0 Studies Abroad Benefits and Drawbacks.

Study is so important to all of us. It is so important because, we will receive a Diploma or

Degree or Master or PHD in proving our skills and knowledge after we finish our study.
So no wonder why there are many universities and colleges is build in our country and
also abroad. Nowadays, study abroad has been a trend for Malaysian student to continue
their studies. There is a lot of benefit and drawbacks in studying abroad.

There are many benefits in studying abroad. Some of the benefit is students can see the
world, have different styles of education, new culture, improving language skills, have
career opportunities and gain life experience.

The benefit in study abroad is the opportunity to see the world. It is the biggest reason
students have to consider. With studies abroad, students will have an experience in a
brand-new country with new outlooks and activities. The other benefit is students will

OUMH 1203
experience different styles of education. With this advantage, students will have a chance
to see a side of their major that students may not have been exposed to at home. Another
benefit in studying abroad is a new culture. Student will find new foods, new social
atmosphere and new traditions. Other than that, it is also improving language skills.
Students will automatically improving their language skills by learning foreign language.
The advantage of studying abroad also, students will have a career opportunity in their
local country after finished their studies because they will return home with attractive
skills such as language skills, education and a new perspective on culture. Lastly, some of
the advantages is students can gain life experience. It is because most students may have
this opportunity once in a life time and stay in those country for such in a long period
which is until finish studies.

However, there will be also disadvantages in studying abroad. The disadvantage is such
likes culture shock, language barrier, homesickness and high fees and living costs.
Culture shock can knock student confidence in the beginning. They will feel unfamiliar
culture. Another disadvantage is language barrier. Student and other people or friends can
unable to talk in common language. This will make them feel so hard to learn something
and always avoid from others friends in social life. Indirectly, this will make them
homesickness. It will make them to stop their studies and student can not focus in their
learning process. Finally, some of the disadvantages or drawbacks are high fees and high
living costs. As we know, studies need money and studying abroad is using more money
because of the expensive living costs and fees. Students should be prudent enough to save
money while studying or they will have to find a part time work to earn some cash.

In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages in continuing studies abroad.

Students must consider all aspects in order to continue their studies abroad successfully
before making decision. If it is not successful, it is very detrimental to students and their
families. If it is successful, students will have a very bright future.

(516 Words)

OUMH 1203

3.0 Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is rampant not only in Malaysia, but this pollution also occurs in
foreign countries. Environmental pollution must be addressed immediately so the
problem can be curbed. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural
environment that causes adverse change. Pollution is divided into four sections,
contamination of water, noise, air and soil. In my opinion, both the people and the
government have to contribute to solve this problem. Environmental pollution problem
can be solved if we can identify the causes of environmental pollution and to take
corrective measures.

The first step we can take is to reduce the use of chemicals. This is because the chemicals
will cause pollution to the environment and will have an impact in the long run to the
environment. For examples, the use of pesticides and air conditioning is one of the most
danger and serious. As a result of the use of pesticides and air conditioning, the
occurrence of ozone depletion and groundwater by chlorofluorocarbon which are
extremely harmful to the society in the world. People easily suffer from dangerous
diseases such as cataracts, skin cancer and so on. This has also impacted on the economy
as forced to spend huge to cover the cost of hospital expenses. Therefore, the use of these
chemicals must be controlled by the government and the private sector so that we can
take care of the environment. Because of that, one of the steps to reduce environmental
pollution is by reducing the use of chemicals.

Apart from that too, parents and teachers should also play a role in teaching children
about the dangers of environmental pollution and teach them how we can reduce or stop
the environmental pollution from begin. Teachers and parent can teach children to
recycling and reducing waste. Not only that, children must know that by using public
transports indirectly, it can reduce the gas emissions.

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In terms of implementation by the government, the government should force all the
supermarket and grocery store to reduce the use of paper and plastic bags. Not only that,
in terms of waste disposal, the government must decide how to landfills by category of
waste such as recyclable and are not to be separated. The government should enforce
laws related aspects of environmental hygiene. It is highly significant as a measure to
keep our environment. Government also need to make public transport more convenient
to encourage more people to use them, this will save more money and energy. Not up
there alone, the government should also play a role by using the mass media as a platform
to teach the people about the dangers of environmental pollution.

To conclude, both party, the government and the people has their own responsibilities to
prevent or stop environmental pollution. With little awareness that was planted in the
mind of every person, we must ensure that environmental pollution can be controlled and
overcome. Only we are able to change it from now for the world of tomorrow.

(497 Words)

4.0 Global Warming

Global warming is a gradual increase in overall of the temperature of the earth's

atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of
carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants (Henning Rodhe, 1997). Global
warming is a serious worldwide problem. There are many different steps that can be
taken to address this pressing matter.

The causes of global warming are from the industrial development, electricity generating
and transport due to human activities. Industrial activity is the main cause of global
warming. Burning fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal for moving machinery has been
spending a lot of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide. Other than that, another
causes is effect from electricity generating. Production of electrical energy in the
electricity generating centers using fossil fuels also causes the release of carbon dioxide

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gas. Entire countries in the world including Malaysia are using fossil fuels for electricity
generating. Another causes that cause global warming is from transport. Vehicles uses
gasoline as a fuel to power the engine lead to release a lot of carbon dioxide.

Among the effects that will occur due to global warming is such as droughts and when
sea level increase because of melting of polar ice, impending floods and leads to extreme
weather conditions. Continuous high temperature will melt the ice blocks in the West
Artatika and lead to an increase in temperature and sea water. Others effect are changes
in habitat. Whether the weather changes from hot to cold or vice versa will lead to life on
earth will be moved to a new location or habitat. Next effect in global warming is marine
species threatened. Global warming causes seawater to heat and increase the pressure on
the marine ecosystem. Global warming also making erratic weather. Inconsistent
temperature conditions will bring destruction on the earth. This temperature causes either
flooding or drought. Finally, global warming can easily be spread. Diseases that threaten
human health such as malaria and dengue. In addition, eye cataracts and skin cancer will
easily occur if exposure is too long to high temperatures.

Both the government and the people should take some solutions to prevent or to stop this
problem. Firstly, limit carbon dioxide emissions by replacing fossil fuels to alternative
energy sources. Then, implement of other renewable sources of energy such as solar
energy and water power. Government should also play a role by using the mass media as
a platform to send knowledge and information to the people about the causes, effects and
how to prevent of the Global warming.

As a summary, global warming is a worldwide issue and need to be look seriously.

Global warming issue is arise from human activities. So that, government and individuals
must play significant role to prevent and end this issue.

(460 Words)

OUMH 1203

5.0 Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech means the right to express any opinions without censorship or
restraint. For me, it is necessary to give freedom of speech in our society. Freedom is a
key point in the development and to bring people closer, to start bonding to each other
and move forward to achieve the mission such as independence. Informative,
demonstrative speeches, persuasive and entertaining are the four basic types of speeches.

Freedom of speaking is necessary for everybody whether you are children or adults. With
freedom of speech, people can give their views and opinions regarding new ideas,
inventions, ways to do business and of governance. Indirectly, it will help the country
become developed. In terms of political, politician give speech to gain support from
citizen, so that politician can get a chance to work on his promises and commitments.

Nowadays, social media is one of the best invention. It help us to connecting with people
everywhere. Many express their freedom of speech in media social. Not only citizens but
politicians also using this method to share or say something. The bad thing is when you
say something wrong, it will immediately becomes viral. It is hard to control media
social, all of us can express our expression through it. Through media social also, people
have been using to post threats that have not been taken seriously for years. The problems
is not a freedom of speech issue, but rather one of morality.

Such as in our country Malaysia, every October each year, Prime Minister is giving his
speech about the budget to run the country development where we called it Belanjawan.
Despite starting with just a speech, but the benefits will be felt afterwards to all
Malaysian citizens. As in Parliament, government and opposition will give their opinion
and view only by speech, which is it only for a country development.

As in my workplace, my company selected ten people to enter creative and innovative

competition. There are ten people in one team. The competition is based to creating new

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ideas and inventions. Before the competition, each of the members has to collect data,
and when the competition started, the team has to present in a speech. When the winner
selected, the winner will receive fund to implement their ideas or inventions.

However, freedom of speech in public places is only available on the politicians but not
to ordinary citizens. If ordinaries people says something that is not well, they can be
threatened suicide, caught and so on.

Therefore, I really believed that citizen should have freedom to speak whether it is in a
public places or not. With silence, undoubtedly problems will not be solved. People need
to become unite and work together.

(453 Words)

OUMH 1203


Author’s name (year). Book, Title, Publication








Henning Rodhe, R. C. (1997). AMBIO. Svante Arrhenius and the Greenhouse Effect , 2-


OUMH 1203


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