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Delpher Trades Corp. V. IAC (1988) – Gutierrez, Jr., J. b.

To accomplish this, two pieces of real

Petitioners: Delpher Trades Corporation, and Delphin estate, including the land leased to Hydro
Pacheco Pipes, were transferred to the corporation;
Respondents: Intermediate Appellate Court and c. The leased property was transferred to the
Hydro Pipes Philippines, Inc. corporation by virtue of a deed of
exchange of property; in exchange for
Brief Facts: Delf and Pelagia Pacheco leased the lot these properties, Pelagia and Delfin
they co-owned to CCII to which the siblings granted a acquired 2500 unissued no par value
right of first refusal. CCII assigned its rights to Hydro shares of stock which are equivalent to a
Pipes. A deed of exchange was executed between the 55% majority in the corporation because
Pachecos and Delpher Trades Corp. wherein the the other owners only owned 2000 shares
Pachecos conveyed the leased lot to Delpher in d. At the time of incorporation, he knew all
exchange for 2500 shares of stock. Hydro Pipes filed a about the contract of lease to Hydro Pipes.
complaint for reconveyance for alleged violation of its In the petitioners’ MR, they refer to this
right of first refusal. scheme as “estate planning”
9. Petitioners contend that there was actually no
Doctrine: After incorporation, one becomes a transfer of ownership of the subject parcel of land
stockholder of a corporation by subscription or by since the Pachecos remained in control of the
purchasing stock directly from the corporation or from property. The transfer of ownership, if anything,
individual owners thereof. was merely in form, but not in substance.
a. Petitioner corporation is a mere alter ego or
conduit of the Pacheco co-owners; hence
FACTS: the corporation and the co-owners should
1. Delfin Pacheco and his sister Pelagia Pacheco were be deemed to be the same, there being
the co-owners of a real estate in Polo (now identity of interest.
Valenzuela). b. The Pachecos did not sell the property.
2. They leased the property to Construction There was no sale and they exchanged the
Components International Inc. (CCII), providing that land for shares of stocks in their own
during the existence or after the term of this lease corporation.
the lessor, should he decide to sell the property 10. Respondents argue that Delpher is a corporate
leased shall first offer the same to the lessee and entity separate and distinct from the Pachecos. It
the latter has the priority to buy under similar cannot be said that Delpher is the Pacheco’s alter
conditions. ego or conduit.
3. CCII assigned its rights and obligations under the a. That Delfin, having treated Delpher as such
contract of lease in favour of Hydro Pipes a separate and distinct corporate entity, is
Philippines, Inc. with the signed conformity and not a party who may allege that this
consent of the Pachecos. The contract and separate corporate existence should be
assignment of lease were annotated at the back of disregarded.
the title. b. There was actual transfer of ownership
4. A deed of exchange was executed between the interest over the leased property when the
Pachecos and defendant Delpher Trades same was transferred to Delpher in
Corporation whereby the former conveyed to the exchange for the latter’s shares of stock.
latter the leased property together with another
parcel of land also in Valenzuela for 2500 shares of ISSUE: WON the Deed of Exchange executed by
stock of Delpher (total value of P1.5M) the Pachecos and Delpher was meant to be a
5. On the ground that it was not given the first option contract of sale, which prejudiced respondent’s
to buy the leased property pursuant to the proviso right of first refusal. (NO)
in the lease agreement, Hydro Pipes filed an
amended complaint for reconveyance of the lot in RATIO: The Delpher Trades Corporation is a business
its favour under conditions similar to those conduit of the Pachecos. What they really did was to
whereby Delpher acquired the property from the invest their properties and change the nature of their
Pachecos. ownership from unincorporated to incorporated form
6. The CFI ruled in favour of Hydro Pipes. This was by organizing Delpher Trades Corporation to take
affirmed on appeal by the IAC. control of their properties and at the same time save
7. Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari which was on inheritance taxes.
initially denied by the SC but upon MR, the SC gave  The Deed of Exchange of property cannot be a
it due course. considered a contract of sale since there was no
8. Eduardo Neria, CPA and son-in-law of Pelagia transfer of actual ownership interests by the
testified that: Pachecos to a third party. The Pacheco family
a. Delpher is a family corporation, organized merely changed their ownership from one form to
by the children of Pelagia Pacheco and another.
Benjamin Hernandez, and Sps. Delfin and  There is nothing wrong or objectionable about the
Pilar Pacheco, who owned in common the estate planning scheme resorted to by the
parcel of land leased to Hydro Pipes in Pachecos. “The legal right of a taxpayer to
order to perpetuate their control over the decrease the amount of what otherwise could be
property through the corporation and to his taxes or altogether avoid them, by means
avoid taxes; which the law permits, cannot be doubted.”
 After incorporation, one becomes a stockholder of money, as in the case of par value shares. The
a corporation by subscription or by purchasing capital stock of a corporation issuing only no-par
stock directly from the corporation or from value shares is not set forth by a stated amount of
individual owners thereof. money, but instead is expressed to be divided into
o In exchange of their properties, the a stated number of shares, such as 1000 shares.
Pachecos acquired 2500 original unissued This indicates that a shareholder of 100 such
no par value shares of stocks of the shares is an aliquot sharer in the assets of the
Delpher Trades Corporation. Consequently, corporation, no matter what value they may have
the Pachecos became stockholders of the to the extent of 100/1000, or 1/10. Thus, by
corporation by subscription. removing the par value of shares, the attention of
 A no-par value share does not purport to represent persons interested in the financial condition of a
any stated proportionate interest in the capital corporation is focused upon the value of assets and
stock measured by value, but only an aliquot part the amount of its debts.
of the whole number of such share issuing  There was no attempt to state the true or current
corporation. The holder of no-par shares may see market value of the real estate. Land valued at
from the certificate itself that he is an aliquot P300.00 per square meter was turned over to the
sharer in the assets of the corporation. But this family’s corporation for only P14.00 a square
character of proportionate interest is not hidden meter.
beneath a false appearance of a given sum in
DISPOSITIVE: Petition granted.

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