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Mean (Time)

Small Medium Large Total

Manual 92.58 97.39 106.39 98.79
Prototype 79.29 83.68 92.05 85.01
Total 85.94 90.54 99.22 91.90

The table above presents the mean of time of Manual and Prototype having a three groups of diameter
of Small, Medium, and Large. In terms of Manual, the “Small” has a mean of 92.58 seconds, “Medium”
has a mean of 97.39 seconds, and “Large” has a mean of 106.39 seconds. The Manual has a mean of
98.79 seconds. For the Prototype, the “Small” has a mean of 79.29 seconds, “Medium” has a mean of
83.68 seconds, and “Large” has a mean of 92.05 seconds. Overall, the Prototype has a mean of 85.01
seconds. The combined mean of the two groups is 85.94 seconds for “Small”, 90.54 seconds for
“Medium”, and 99.22 seconds for “Large”. Overall, it has a mean of 91.90 seconds. Based on the results,
the time of the Prototype is less than the time of the Manual. As the diameter increases, the mean also

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
726.703 2 363.352 4.958 .017
Within Groups 1538.927 21 73.282
Total 2265.630 23

The table above shows the results of the ANOVA test (Time) having the Sum of Squares of
726.703 between the three groups and a Mean Square of 363.352 while the Sum of Squares
within the groups is 1538.927 and Mean Square of 73.282. Having an F value of 4.958, at
significance level 𝛼 = 0.05, the p-value is equal to 0.017, which is significant since the p-value
is less than the significance level (0.017<0.05), therefore we can say that there is a significant
difference among the means of each groups.
Multiple Comparisons
Tukey HSD

Mean 95% Confidence Interval

Difference (I- Lower
(I) Size (J) Size J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Upper Bound
Small Medium -4.58875 4.28025 .541 -15.3774 6.1999
Large -13.27000* 4.28025 .014 -24.0587 -2.4813
Medium Small 4.58875 4.28025 .541 -6.1999 15.3774
Large -8.68125 4.28025 .130 -19.4699 2.1074
Large Small 13.27000* 4.28025 .014 2.4813 24.0587
Medium 8.68125 4.28025 .130 -2.1074 19.4699
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

For the Multiple Comparison, Tukey HSD test is use. The table above shows that there is no significant
difference among the means of “Small” and “Medium” since its p-value=0.541 is greater than the
significance level. While there is a significant difference between the means of “Small and Large” since
its p-value=0.014 is less than the significance level. Lastly, the means of “Medium” and “Large” show no
significant difference since its p-value=0.130 is greater than the significance level.
Independent Samples Test (Small)
Levene's Test
for Equality t-test for Equality of Means
of Variances
95% Confidence
Interval of the
F Sig. t df (2-
Lower Upper
variances 0.725 0.427 4.275 6 0.005 5.68324 20.8968

Based on the table above, the ‘manual’ and ‘prototype’ have significant difference as to time of
the Small since its p-value=0.005, which is less than the significant level of 0.05. This indicates
that the ‘prototype’ has better performance or efficient as to time of Small since it has a less time
average of 79.29 compared to ‘manual’ with 92.58.

Independent Samples Test (Medium)

Levene's Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Lower Upper
Time Equal variances
.068 .803 4.827 6 .003 6.75899 20.65601

Based on the table above, the ‘manual’ and ‘prototype’ have significant difference as to time of
the Medium since its p-value=0.003, which is less than the significant level of 0.05. This
indicates that the ‘prototype’ has better performance or efficient as to time of Medium since it
has a less time average of 92.05ss compared to ‘manual’ with 97.39.
Independent Samples Test (Large)
Levene's Test for
Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Lower Upper
Time Equal variances
4.652 .074 3.668 6 .010 4.77391 23.90609
3 assumed

Based on the table above, the ‘manual’ and ‘prototype’ have significant difference as to time of
the Medium since its p-value=0.003, which is less than the significant level of 0.05. This
indicates that the ‘prototype’ has better performance or efficient as to time of Medium since it
has a less time average of 83.68 compared to ‘manual’ with 106.39.

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