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Assessment Case Study ETE 443 Cira Davis CASE STUDY GENERAL INFORMATION William, 3 years-old Birthdate: 4/2/2015 Gender: Male Educational Placement: N/A Language at Home: English Ethnicity/Race: White BACKGROUND INFORMATION Prenatal and Birth Histo Will’s mom had a typical, healthy pregnancy and carried him to term at 39 % weeks and he weighed 9 Ibs. and 4 oz. at birth. Her water broke in the morning on April I and labor was induced at I 1pm. She pushed for an hour and Will was born early in the morning on April 24 He has always been a physically bigger child and has consistently ranked in the 90" percentiles on his weight and measurements to this day. He is 3.5-years-old, but his height would indicate to a stranger that he is around 5-years-old, Developmental Milestones Will has always met his milestones, albeit it has usually been at the later end of each time period that indicates typical development. His language acquisition was slightly delayed due to chronic ear infections. Medical History/Concerns Will was sick frequently in the first two years of his life, especially when he started to attend daycare when he was six months old. Once a month, he would have a fever accompanied with diarrhea that would transpire into an ear infection. His primary care physician wanted to wait out the sickness every time it occurred, but it was soon discovered that Will’s Eustachian tubes were not draining fluid they way they should, and the buildup would cause infections. In fact, by May 2017 Will had already been sick and out of school four times since January. Will underwent an outpatient procedure shortly after his second birthday to insert tubes into his ears to help the drainage — this is common for young children. Ever since finding out about the fluid buildup, Mom and Dad were concerned that Will’s hearing was affected and may be affected for the rest of his life. In retrospect, his parents noticed that his vocabulary was limited, and he did not speak frequently before the surgery. After the surgery, however, his vocabulary and speaking increased rapidly and appears to be on track with his age. The timing of the surgery and his age, however, make it difficult to discern whether these changes in vocabulary and speech production are due to typical language acquisition or a consequence of the surgery. gency Involveme! Will is not involved in any agency, but his parents did consider requesting Early Intervention services when he was a toddler. Will has always been a strong-willed child, and his. parents had difficulty with his attitude when he was too young to be able to verbally express himself. Mom and Dad consulted with his daycare provider, who subsequently recommended that Will would not necessarily need EI but she would provide them with the proper information if they wanted to follow through with that. Eamily Information Will is an only child, but he will become a big brother to identical twin girls this winter. He attends a family dinner almost every Sunday night with his parents at his maternal grandparents’ house, who live only one street over from his. Consequently, he spends a considerable amount of time at his maternal grandparents’ house because the culture of this ‘group of people is very family-oriented. jucational Exy Will is not yet enrolled in preschool, but he has attended an in-home daycare since he was nine months old. There are only fourteen children allowed to be at the daycare simultaneously, so Will has been able to experience a more individualized early educational iences ‘experience. For the most part, the ages of the children are usually even amongst age groups from infants to five-year-olds. The children participate in many activities correlating to a weekly topic/theme, and those who are old enough leam preschool readiness skills. The daycare has a private website that is shared with the parents, so they can look at pictures and updates of their children’s daily activities. The first floor of the house is split with a clear boundary between what is the family’s living space and what is the daycare. There is no mixture between dayeare and living space. The daycare also provides an outside playground and sandbox for the children to play in during outside time.

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