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RESULTS OF ASSESSMENT MEASURES | administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (3" Edition) Form Illa (PPVT Illa) to Will in early October and he scored in the 88" percentile with an age equivalent of around 9 ‘years old. This means that his reception of language is better than 88 percent of other three and a half year olds and can understand the vocabulary of a nine-year-old. These scores were derived from Will’s raw score of 65 correctly answered items out of 96 total items. His basal set is that of 2.5- to 3-year olds and his ceiling set is the one for 10- to 11-year olds. In the next few pages you will see a copy of the first few pages of the scoring sheet for the PPVT Illa, The first page is for general information and recording scores. The second is to explain the assessment, record scores, and begin the test. The third page is a continuation of the assessment. Personal Reflection It must be noted that the results of this assessment may not be entirely reliable because the test-makers themselves say that it will be most accurate when paired with another assessment tool, the Expressive Vocabulary Test (EVT). Therefore, the results of this assessment should not, stand alone. If we were to assume the PPVT Illa is accurate, then Will’ test results would be impressive considering his medical history one would think that his receptive language would have been delayed due to chronic ear infections in his first two years of life. I believe Will’s high receptive vocabulary, in spite of slight delay in language acquisition, could be rewarded entirely to his parents. Both of his parents are college-educated, well-read, and talkative adults — his parents often explain the way things in the world work using high-level vocabulary. Knowing his parents, it is not surprising to me that he scored in the High Score-Moderately High Score range. Reference Dunn, L. M. & Dunn, L. M. (1997). Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (3* ed.) [ Measurement instrument]. Bloomington, MN: NCS Pearson. PUTT Name WiLL sex Or Qiu Home Adress Phone( __) __ coy ree Siam a ‘School Gree, Language othe Home” Cstandrd Engton tng oe eae eee Reason for testing ‘Other information on test taker. ‘Mark the obtained standard score onthe appropriate below. Draw asalght vers! tne ‘trough land aoroas the oer scales. (See manual for mor intron) Pienctow wo wes vocab seers Tre sae, one on eer Sete cned ‘Shor sore. For eG proba ‘thine std scores {See'manal ora sore) 087% auam tase ston 941% Tasoe 21am ORE CSL mm wm wm wee er ee fen nenann om Soe USER “Ree score” Honea So Date & Age Data ae 2018 1D © Date of md 201s 4 SE as Sees AE erat Oe RECORD OF SCORES fonoonwees 0S ‘Standord Score News Tse) 8 PerentloRonk 8 ‘ome OO Nomal Cane Exons 75, a ae Stonine (Norm Tobe) Age Equvclont xe of Poms Tbe 3] cont 187, oye M Dun, Lats Bunn and ‘Scae Dar titel bros somos rg Howser poms urs mpos Dao pagen cyan neat ses het ‘Gainasporowel Oot ietam pena ear ‘SE tlnotan ng en an op py ex wre clo we A, 201 vlna, Pr, S508 76; atrium ano fpr fasaoe BRADLEY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY neath ‘Study Part 2of the manual before testing ‘Allinstructions for introducing the test and using the Training lames are located on the examiner's sido ofthe Training Plates. Use Training tems A and B with children 2 107 years old, and C and D with persons 8 and older. ‘After you have administered the appropriate Training lems, begin testing using the ‘Sais of Test lems. Complete Set Rule. Once you begin a set of test ems, alvays administer all 12 item in that set in order, and always start with the fst tom in the sel Start tem. Begin testing withthe Star lam, which i the fis item inthe appropriate Sat of Test items designated forthe test takers age. These are lsted at the top of the itom sets and inthe box below. ‘Basal Set Rule. The Basal Set Rule is one (1) oF no errors in a set. Establish the Basal Set ist. necessary, reverse sequentially By Sets unt the rue is met. ‘Then test forward by sets untl a Ceiling Set is obtained. oiling Set Rule. The Coiling Set Rule is eight (8) or more erors in a set ‘Record Responses and Errors for Each item, Use numerals to record the test {lake's response to each item inthe blank inthe Reeponse column. Indicate erors by drawing an obfque ine through the Ein the last colurn as shown below. 1) 3k Record the Number of Eors Par Set. A the endo each tem Set record the numer fers in he box proved ae ind the Total Errors Overihe Critical Range, Tranctertno 5 umber of eres porsatiotheboxtbeow andadduptetos = £2 ‘errs. Be sure touse the west Basel Slough he highest aes Coting Sot, ie won 16 Recordi mumberct Calling ‘rocotingitem wien — en 9 isto aarfom nthe Seiing Set Suet 31 ‘rom tee runbor a Glerosmade tye — Raw (46 ramneetomte Score Saal Set ugh be Coting Set Th 2 he Ta ee Raw Sore. ‘Somer Basal Set Rule: 1 or no errors ina set, Celing Sot Rule: 8 or more ervors in @ te. oy Pog 4 e -@ 3 2) Le -@) Ve -@) 4, & Mtoe -@) 2 € -@ 2 -@) 4 € 10. helicopter ...(2) _2_ 11. smelling ....(2) 2 a -@ 3 E No.of Errors en a Ney Pega Ene +@ 2 E acy lane 15. -@ 3 & 16. -) le 7, -@) 3 € 18, cage........(2) 4 7B 19, -) SE 20. -@ 4 at. -@ 3 22, -@ 46 23. -@ Ze 24. exercising ...(4) + E No.of Errors |

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