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A woman has a wider-ranging peripheral vision, which allows her to check out a man’s body from

head to toe without getting caught. A male’s peripheral vision is poorer, which is why a man will
move his gaze up and down a woman’s body in a very obvious way. Men do not “oogle” more than
women—their tunnel vision means they just get caught more easily.

Studies show that women laugh at men they’re attracted to, and men are attracted to women who
laugh at them. From a man’s perspective, saying a woman has good sense of humor doesn’t mean
she makes jokes; it means she laughs at his jokes.

When feeling discomfort, men typically prefer to touch their faces. Women, on the other hand,
prefer to touch their necks, clothing, jewelry, arms, and hair.

Neck touching and/or stroking is one of the most significant and frequent pacifying behaviors we use
in response to stress. Specifically, when women subconsciously touch or cover their suprasternal
notch (the hollow area between the Adams apple and the breast bone: “the neck dimple”), she
typically feels distressed, threatened, uncomfortable, insecure, or fearful.f

Neck touching or massaging is a powerful and universal stress reliever and pacifier. Interestingly, a
pregnant woman will initially move her hand to her neck and then at the last movement divert to
her belly, as if to cover her fetus.

People under stress will often exhibit “ventilation action,” which relieves stress and emotional
discomfort. A man often will put his fingers between his shirt collar and neck and pull the fabric
away from his skin. Women may do it more subtlety by tossing the back of her hair to ventilate her

In stressful situations, some individuals will pacify themselves by crossing their arms and rubbing
their hands against their shoulders, in a self-administered body hug. This is reminiscent of the way a
mother hugs a young child.d

When two people talk to each other, they normally speak toe to toe. If one person turns his feet
slightly away or repeatedly moves one foot in an outward direction, this is a strong sign of
disagreement, and they want to leave. In fact, the feet and legs are the body parts most likely to
reveal a person’s true intentions.d

People who smile without actually feeling happy can make themselves feel happier.
Note a woman and her purse. If a woman is feeling uncomfortable or not attracted to someone, she
will either clutch her bag tightly or place it in front of her to cover her body. When she is attracted to
a man, she will move it aside—she literally does not want anything in her way.

Eight of the most common lying gestures include 1) the mouth cover, 2) the nose touch, 3)
incongruous nodding, 4) the eye rub, 5) the ear grab, 6) the neck scratch, 7) the collar pull, and 8)
fingers in the mouth.

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