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i. Chairman: 7 yrs
 It means that part of the law w/c governs the
ii. Commissioner 1: 5 yrs
organization, functions, and procedures of administrative
iii. Commissioner 2: 3 yrs
agencies of the government to which quasi-legislative
b. Commission on Election
powers are delegated and quasi-judicial powers are
 Composition:
granted, and the extent and manner to which such
i. 1 Chairman
agencies are subject to control by the courts.
ii. 6 Commissioners
 Belongs to the field of public law with includes
 Term of Office:
constitutional law, criminal law, and international law
i. Chairman: 7 yrs.
ii. Commissioners 1 to 3: 7 yrs.
 Administrative authorities: all those public officers and iii. Commissioners 4 to 5: 5 yrs.
organs (i.e. administrative agencies) of the government iv. Commissioner 6: 3 yrs.
that are charged with the amplification, application and c. Commission on Audit
execution of the law (AAE)  Composition:
o Does not include Congress and the regular i. 1 Chairman
courts by virtue of “doctrine of separation ii. 2 Commissioners
of powers”  Term of Office:
o “Doctrine of Separation of Powers”- is a iv. Chairman: 7 yrs
political doctrine under the constitutional v. Commissioner 1: 5 yrs
law which state that the 3 branches of vi. Commissioner 2: 3 yrs
government (JEL) are kept separate to  A.E. PAR J.R. B.
prevent abuse of power 1. Law which fixes the administrative organization and
structure of the government
CONCEPT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 2. The execution or enforcement of the law entrusted
 It provides the function of subordinate legislation to the administrative authorities
o Law which is enacted under delegated powers which 3. Law which governs public officers
are government powers specifically outlined in the
Constitution that limits what Congress can do, and
4. Law which creates administrative agencies
also defines what Congress is in charge of regulating. 5. Law which provides remedies to those aggrieved by
 It provides the function of power of adjudication administrative actions.
 It provides the function of “determinative powers” 6. Law which governs judicial review
o It is executive power. It is the authority to carry out or 7. The rules, regulations, orders and decisions made by
implement a policy set forth in the law or statute administrative authorities
 “Private Law” vs “Public Law” 8. Body of judicial decisions dealing with any of the
o Private law: is that branch of law which above
regulates the relation among individuals.
(eg. Labor Code of the Philippines
governing er-ee relationship)
1. Private Rights
o Public law: is that branch of law that
 Protection of private rights
regulates the relation of the state with its
 Protection of public interest and not vindicate
subjects (eg. Revised Penal Code w/c
private rights
stipulates the relationship b/n State and its
 There should be a balance of protection b/n
private rights and public rights.
SCOPE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 2. Delegated Powers and Combined Powers
1) Executive Power  Delegation of powers to the officers and agencies
 It shall be vested in the President. of the government
2) Legislative Power  Not concerned with the constitutional powers of
 It shall be vested in the Congress. the President
 Congress consists of:
i. Senate: 24 members
ii. House of Representatives: 251 members
 Administrative Process: includes the whole of the
iii. Party List Representatives: 46
series of acts of an administrative agency whereby
 No. of members in the legislative body = 321
the legislative delegation of a function is mate
3) Judicial Power
effectual in particular situations.
 It shall be vested in 1 Supreme Court and in such
 It covers:
lower courts as may be established by law
 Procedure in the disposition of routine
 It consists of:
administrative matters
i. Chief Justice: 1 (Maria Lourdes Aranal Sereno)
 Procedure in the disposition of contested
ii. Associate Justice: 14 members
administrative matters
4) Special Bodies
 Procedure in how administrative matters are
a. Civil Service Commission
 Composition:
 Procedure in how administrative matters are
i. 1 Chairman
ii. 2 Commissioners

 Procedure in how administrative matters are 5) Rule to abolish administrative agencies:

reviewed o Such statute must clearly and obviously
state the purpose to abolish a certain
CRITICISMS AGAINST ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION department or office and replace it with
“ALS-DAD” another one. (no inference or assumption
1. Tendency towards Arbitrariness should be made)
2. Lack of Legal knowledge 6) Rule in reorganization of admin. agencies
3. Susceptibility to political bias o Reorganization is valid provided it is
4. Disregard to fair hearing pursued in good faith.
5. Absence of standard rules of procedure
6. Dangerous combination of “JEL” functions (Judicial, ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY/BODY vs COURTS
Executive, Legislative) ADMIN. COURTS
as to a large organization staffed a tribunal presided by
RELATION B/N ADMIN. AGENCIES AND COURTS by men deemed to be one or more jurists
1) Collaborative Instrumentalities definition
become something of learned in the law
o Collaboration of admin & judicial process experts in their particular
2) Role of Courts
o Accommodate admin.process to traditional as to scope Variety of functions Judicial in nature only

judicial system as to Degree of discretion varies; Governed by fixed rules

not bound by technical rules to arrive at decisions;
o Accommodate private rights and public governance
of evidence or procedure due process
o Reconcile standards of fair hearing in the STATUS OR CHARACTER OF PARTICULAR
field of admin.action ADMIN.AGENCIES
3) Discharge of judicial role
7) Dependent on the Constitution or statutory provision
o Observe proper separation of powers of the
I. As public or governmental agencies
branch of government as per Constitution  Agencies of the state or government
o Give due deference of the role of the admin. o Represents NO private interests of
Agencies their own
o Lend powers of the court to the proper o Restricted to persons w/ vested
attainment of’s objective power to act for the government
o To leave to the legislature or the people the o Its form or function may not be a
remedy for admin.action determinative factor to regard it as
a gov’t agency (eg: just because NLRC’s
CREATION, REORGANIZATION, & ABOLITION OF function may be judicial in nature doesn’t
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES mean it is classified as a COURT. It is still an
agency of the government)
4) How are administrative agencies created? II. As judicial bodies or courts
i. In general cases:
 They can be quasi-judicial
a. By constitutional provision
 Not really part of the judicial system
 From its self-executing powers
o Not courts in the strict sense
b. Legislative enactments  Cannot exercise judicial function
 From the power of Congress only
c. Executive  Because of admin.agencies’
investigatory and inquisitorial
 From the President
powers, part of their function is
 Usually investigative agencies to adjudicate
ii. From “statutory” origin: o They are courts in the broad sense
 Emanates from Congress  They exercise adjudicatory powers
 Function/Role on admin. agencies: o Performs regulatory functions
a) Expansion of powers and  Function is to adjudicate to protect rights
functions and interests of private parties thus,
construing and applying the law.
b) Contraction of powers and
III. As legislative or executive agencies
o They can ALSO be quasi-legislative or quasi-
c) Reorganization of agencies
executive but can never be PURELY judicial
d) Abolition of agencies
or executive
 Limitation: Constitutional restriction
IV. As independent or subordinate bodies
 Other special function of Congress:
o Independent Body:
a. Can vest power to the President  Agency independent of the executive
to: branch
 Reorganize executive agencies  Not subject to a superior head of
 Redistribute functions of such department
agencies  COA, CSC, COMELEC
 Particular transfers under such o Subordinate Body:
statues  Body whose actions are subject to
b. Can delegate the power to administrative review or revision
create positions V. As corporate bodies or legal entities


o Corporate bodies
 Has the capacity to sue and be sued in the
o Legal entitites
 May have perpetual existence apart from
their members
 May be expressly authorized and
empowered to bring suit


1) Size
o They have large size
o Their size reflects both their nationwide
jurisdiction and the character of their work
2) Specialization
o They specialize by way of:
 Experience
 Technical or professional training
3) Responsibility for Results
o It is charged by CONGRESS to accomplish a
particular statutory end
o How:
 Productive attitude towards issues
 Responsibility for effective enforcement of
public policy
4) Variety of Administrative duties
o Poses one of the criticisms against admin.
o Why?
 Variety in functions may mean
variety in the circumstances and
conditions under which the
activities of the various agencies
impinge upon private individuals
 A procedure protecting one
individual in a certain government
agency may be injurious upon him
under a procedure imposed by
another government agency.
 Example: (not sure if I’m correct
=A worker is protected
under NLRC rules on
security of tenure but he
is not protected under
one of NLRC rules on
“unjust termination”
because they may have to
establish only a just
termination to be a valid

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