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Applying Technical Cost Modeling to

the Metals Industry
Ravi Bhatkal and John Busch

Technical cost modeling is a methodology mation before an investment is made in and validate the model and extract in-
that breaks cost down into its constituent a prototype or pilot production facility. sights.
elements and estimates these elements based To illustrate this concept, consider the
Defining the Process
on sound, validated principles. In any new techno-economic position of semi-solid
technology deployment where cost is an im- forming, an emerging technology with Defining the process is a matter of
portant maxim of business success—gener- potential uses in a wide variety of appli- establishing the major sequential steps
ally, all situations—cost modeling can and cations. There are many new business involved from the start to the finish of
should be part of the process. This article development opportunities that might the process. A process flowsheet, preva-
discusses the application of technical cost involve semi-solid forming technology; lent in most manufacturing environ-
modeling to the demands of business devel- having the capability to model this pro- ments, is perhaps the best means of
opment in metals processing. cess and predict the costs that will result definition (Figure 1).
is a strategic advantage to any effort. Having a clear definition of the pro-
Technical cost modeling is a four-step cess that is being modeled is important
Successful companies continually ex- methodology that can be applied to for two reasons. First, it directly defines
periment with new technologies, not all model the costs of semi-solid forming or the structure of the model that will be
of which are successfully adopted, but any other manufacturing or nonmanu- built. Second, it indicates which of the
which collectively underpin the success facturing process. The four steps of the many central and incidental activities
of these organizations. Sometimes these process are define the process, establish associated with the business’s operations
innovations are revolutionary, such as the model logic and framework, gather are included in the analysis and which
the displacement of open hearth steel- information and develop relationships, are not. For example, a flowsheet of the
making with the basic oxygen furnace semi-solid molding process defines
process. Other times they are incremen- whether or not operations for trimming,
tal, such as the adoption of digital pro- inspection, packaging, and shipping the
cess controls in place of analog control finished product are included.
systems. In either case, continual pro- Defining the process is a critical first
cess innovation is essential, but also ex- step in the modeling exercise. With too
pensive. Adopting a new manufactur- much detail, the resultant model will be
ing process or process improvement in difficult to develop, debug, and apply;
most manufacturing industries costs with too little detail, the answers gener-
thousands to millions of dollars and takes ated by the model may be misleading or
months to years to complete. incomplete.
One of the critical questions asked in
Establishing the Model Logic and
the analysis of a new technology is its
cost relative to the current way of doing
things. In fact, it can be argued that this Figure 1. A semi-solid forming process flow. After defining the scope of the pro-
is the critical factor regarding a cess, a model logic can be devel-
new technology. To answer this oped for each of the steps. An
question, an apples-to-apples Material example of a model logic is

Scrap Material Cost

comparison of technologies, shown in Figure 2 for the main
decoupled from traditional busi- forming step of the semi-solid
ness accounting based costs, is Wages forming process. This logic con-
essential. Technical cost model- Material
sists of a series of equations that

ing, a computer modeling tech- ▲ Cool Time relate input factors to intermedi-
Wall Thickness
nique developed by IBIS Associ- ▲ ▲ ate computed values and to final
ates, allows such analysis. Weight
elements of cost. In this example,

Cycle Time Labor Cost the input factors are a set of vari-
ables relating to the part being
MODELING ▲ produced, the process being
Modeling the cost of a manu- Production Volume Machine Utilization Equipment Cost employed, and the economic

facturing process is an exercise ▲ environment in which the pro-

Scrap Rate
in modeling the components of cess is taking place. A shared
Clamps Force

cost and then summing these Projected Area characteristic of all input factors
components. A good manufac- in a good cost simulation model
turing cost model will predict Wall Thickness ▲
is that they are all easily estab-
the costs of materials, labor, and No. Cavities Machine Investment lished or estimated. Intermedi-
other factors consumed by the ate computed values in a cost
process and provide this infor- Figure 2. A semi-solid forming model logic. model are the set of variables

1998 April • JOM 27

$5.00 SSM
nical literature. Unfortu- input parameters. For instance, as the
Material Cost nately, there is a general thickness of the assumed part is in-
Die Casting
$4.00 Direct Labor Cost reluctance to publish cost creased, does the cycle time increase
Part Cost ($)

Utility Cost information, but pub- proportionately, exponentially, or loga-

$3.00 Equipment Cost lished information is of- rithmically? As annual production vol-
Tooling Cost ten available for the in- ume is increased, does the cost per unit
$2.00 Building Cost termediate technical decrease? Examining the sensitivities of
Maintenance Cost variables, such as process a model is often the best means for iden-
$1.00 Overhead Labor Cost rates and yields. An tifying flaws in the code or logic.
Cost of Capital emerging source of valu- In the example shown, semi-solid
$0.00 able secondary informa- forming appears slightly more expen-
a tion is the Internet, which can often pro- sive than die casting due to higher raw
16 vide not only useful information, but material costs resulting from the use of a
Dedicated Equipment Assumption also direct connections to more valuable thixocast billet. Based on these model-
14 primary sources. ing assumptions, there is no clear cross-
Semi-Solid Forming
Data derived from first principles over point where semi-solid molding
12 Die Casting
Cost Per Piece ($)

sources include factors such as cooling becomes cheaper. In this analysis, it was
10 times, solidification rates, and equip- assumed that a direct substitution of
ment size requirements. While these data semi-solid forming for die casting would
8 may be theoretically sound, they must occur. The attraction of semi-solid form-
always be cross-examined from the view- ing, however, is that it can produce higher
point of business practicality. It is often performance parts, particularly in terms
4 the case that a situation-specific nuance of mechanical properties; a direct substi-
will define the variable, rather than its tution of a semi-solid molded part for a
2 theoretical optimum. die-cast part is hardly reasonable, un-
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
less the die-cast part was significantly
Annual Production Volume Validating the Model
underdesigned and prone to failure.
If gathering the data is the most diffi- Therefore, the next logical question be-
Figure 3. The (a) cost structure of semi-solid cult step, validating the model and ex- comes, how much lighter than the die-
forming vs. die casting and (b) the cost sensi- tracting insights from it is the most im- cast part does the semi-solid molded
tivity of semi-solid forming and die casting to
annual production for a door handle part.
portant step. A model is validated by part need to be before it becomes cost
comparing its output with known or competitive? The answer is not obvious,
that directly influence costs, but are not expected values. For instance, with the and requires insight provided by the
easily known or estimated at the outset. semi-solid forming model, a compari- model. An example of such an insight
For instance, the uptime, yield, or cycle son can be made with the costs of pro- extracted from the cost model is shown
time of a process may not be known, but ducing an established component. Both in Figure 4. In this example, the cross-
can be estimated through known or de- cost structure and cost sensitivities can over point where the weight of an semi-
veloped relationships. Elements of cost be modeled for semi-solid molding and solid molded part allows it to compete
include materials, direct labor, energy, for the competing processes. Figure 3 with a die-cast part is shown; a weight
equipment, tooling, and other factors, shows the cost structure and a cost sen- reduction of 17% must be realized be-
which together represent the total cost. sitivity comparison of semi-solid form- fore substitution can be justified on pure
ing and die casting for a generic alumi- economic grounds.
Gathering Information and
num-alloy door handle part over a range
Developing Relationships CONCLUSIONS
of production volumes.
Gathering the data to populate a cost Of equal importance, the intermedi- The prescribed methodology for mod-
model is by far the most time-consum- ate computed variables within the model eling costs can be applied to any process.
ing and critical step in the methodology. can be compared with known standards. In developing technical cost models,
The adage “garbage in equals garbage For example, the predicted cycle time there are two ingredients of major im-
out” is especially true in cost modeling. can be compared with the actual time portance—data collection and experi-
There are many sources of data, and all required to produce a production part. ence. Since a model is no better than the
of them should be tapped to insure the When known standards are not avail- data on which it is based, data collection
greatest accuracy of results. These able, a model can be partially validated should constitute at least two thirds of
sources are broadly divided into three by checking its behavior to changes in the activity of modeling a process. Expe-
categories: primary, secondary, and de- rience is important in validating the data,
rived. Data derived from all three sources Non-Dedicated Equipment in drawing on lessons learned from simi-
should be cross-checked to look for con- $6.00 lar situations, and in injecting plain com-
flicts and inconsistencies. Semi-Solid Forming mon sense into analytical exercises.
Primary information comes from di- Die Casting
rect, person-to-person contact with indi-
Cost per Piece ($)

viduals knowledgeable about the pro- Ravi Bhatkal earned his Ph.D. in materials
cess being modeled or an element of the science and engineering at Rensselaer Poly-
process (e.g., energy consumption or $4.00 technic Institute in 1995. He is currently a
equipment sizing). Primary information project manager at IBIS Associates.
sources include equipment suppliers, John Busch earned his Ph.D. in materials
materials suppliers, service providers, science and engineering at Massachusetts
direct competitors, and the customers of Institute of Technology in 1987. He is cur-
competitors—anyone with direct knowl-
▲ rently president of IBIS Associates.
edge of the process. 400 0600200 800 1000
For more information, contact Ravi Bhatkal, IBIS
Secondary information is extracted Part Weight (Grams) Associates, 55 William Street, Suite 220, Wel-
from the published literature, including Figure 4. The equivalent cost crossover point lesley, Massachusetts 02181; (781) 239-0666;
patents, promotional literature, and tech- for semi-solid forming part weight. fax (781) 239-0852; e-mail

28 JOM • April 1998

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