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Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology

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Cough and airway defence – Special issue of respiratory physiology and


Airway defensive reflexes serve an important role for the respiratory capsaicin varies during menstrual cycle and this functional change is not
system to fulfil physiological gas exchange at a rate which matches metabolic present in women taking contraceptive pills. According their find-ings the
demands of tissues. These reflexes are specific, spatio-tem-porally cough sensitivity to capsaicin correlates with ratio of proges-terone/oestrogen
orchestrated motor acts, main purpose of which is to prevent aspiration of and relative lack of oestrogen in luteal phase is as-sociated with higher
liquids or corpuscular material into the airways, or eventually expel mucus sensitivity to inhaled capsaicin. The ratio of progesterone/oestrogen seems to
and other potentially harmful substances out of the respiratory tract. be the target for further studies to elucidate relationships between hormonal
withdrawals in menopause and cough hypersensitivity (Kavalcikova-
These motor acts are precisely regulated to provide sufficient airway Bogdanova et al., 2018).
protection and defence. Decreased performance of these complex neu- Next contribution points to the not entirely understood pathogen-esis of
romuscular behaviours can lead to the aspiration with further con-sequences, cough in sarcoidosis. Cough is a common and significant symptom in
e.g. aspiration pneumonia, which considerably increase re-spiratory morbidity sarcoidosis, which is a multisystem disease of unknown aetiology
and mortality in specific populations of patients. Strategies serving to increase characterized by presence of non-caseating granulomatous inflammation.
effectiveness of these motor acts or to substitute them are of high clinical Objective cough monitoring proved that sarcoidosis pa-tients have
importance. significantly higher cough frequency compared to control subjects. Their
On the other hand, exaggerated airway defensive reflexes – mainly cough cough exhibits diurnal variation, it is gender specific and shows racial
– to otherwise innocuous stimuli lead to intractable coughing, which differences. While it correlates with the presence of the airway inflammation,
manifests as hypersensitive cough syndrome. It considerably decreases it shows relationship neither with the X-ray sta-ging, nor the degree of airway
patient’s quality of life, and may lead to secondary damage of the airway wall. obstruction. The most relevant cough triggers interacting with the airway
Therapeutic strategies developed in this filed so far are of debatable efficacy. sensory nerves are not only the airway inflammation with its consequences,
Further research is necessary to understand pa-thogenesis of this syndrome to but also the presence of considerable biomechanical forces in pathologically
find reliable treatment. changed airways (Kovacova et al., 2018). Better understanding of the
Both up-regulation and down-regulation of airway defensive re-flexes pathogenesis of cough in sarcoidosis patients may lead to the improvement of
should be studied to develop optimal clinical approaches. In this special issue, their quality of life by application of targeted treatment.
Spinou introduces the clinical entity of cough as the continuum with two
extremes at its sides. From extremely exaggerated cough, which reduces Chronic cough is frequently associated with the gastroesophageal reflux
quality of life to attenuated cough, which re-presents a risk of aspiration (GER). Subjects with reflux have heightened cough sensitivity, and this
pneumonia. Together with the extensive research of pharmacological phenomenon is attributed to the neuroplastic changes of vagal C-fibres
strategies, non-pharmacological ap-proaches were developed and validated to innervating the airways and oesophagus, as well. Sensations perceived in
help patients with either cough control or cough augmentation. The main reflux patients such as heartburn is however perceived via fibres derived from
direction of these techniques is the support of cough motor output and dorsal root ganglia. Relationship between cough sensitivity measured by
exercising the cognitive control on coughing. Their article discusses the inhalation of capsaicin and oesophageal sen-sitivity measured by intensity of
techniques which can empower patients to increase their supramedullary heartburn induced by oesophageal acid infusion was studied by Duricek and
control of cough or augment the cough motor drive e.g. manual or mechanical his team in patients with symp-tomatic GER. The measurement was repeated
hyperinflation, manually assisted cough or respiratory muscles training after 3 months on treat-ment by proton pump inhibitors. This medication
(Spinou, 2018). substantially reduced oesophageal sensitivity to acid but it did not influence
sensitivity of airway afferents to inhaled capsaicin. The results of this group
Chronic hypersensitivity cough syndrome, which was recently de-fined as indicate that spinal and vagal afferents are influenced separately in patients
a new clinical entity to embrace all coughers with “unknown” cause of cough with GER (Duricek et al., 2018).
but hypersensitivity of airway sensory afferents (Morice, 2013) affects mainly
postmenopausal women. Why hypersensitivity develops in this demographic Cough and airflow limitation are predominant symptoms and signs in
group is not entirely understood, but Kavalcikova-Bogdanova and co-workers chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The natural history of the
threw some light to this field. They showed that sensitivity of airway afferents disease includes progressive development of mentioned problems punctuated
to the tussive agent by acute exacerbations COPD during which they rapidly


1569-9048/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Editorial Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

deteriorate. The increased risk of resulting disability places significant burden help to distinguish these three clinical entities to establish the proper
on health and social care system. Cough is the second most common treatment for either classic asthma, cough variant asthma and cough
symptom reported by COPD patients and it is a source of significant distress respectively. Twenty-five adults assigned to groups according to the inclusion
associated with adverse outcomes. It is linked with exacerbation frequency criteria completed two single-dose MCh challenges, with and without DIs.
and predicts clinical deterioration. A paper by Crooks and co-workers Bronchoprotection was assessed by comparing changes in
discusses that whilst the precise mechanism of cough in COPD is not bronchoconstriction (according FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEF25-75),
understood, but airway inflammation and neu-rogenic factors are clearly gas trapping (RV, RV/TLC) and impulse oscillometry (IOS) measure-ments.
important. Even though the suppression of cough is not the goal of COPD This study found that deep inspirations triggered bronchocon-striction in the
treatment, normalising the cough reflex intensity and frequency will alleviate group with classic asthma, provided bronchoprotection in subjects with
patient’s suffering. On the other hand, detection of an increased cough cough-variant asthma and prevented gas trapping in group with methacholine
frequency may prove to be a useful predictor of exacerbation allowing timely induced cough (Wasilewski et al., 2017). The results of this study indicate that
intervention (Crooks et al., 2018). DI manoeuvers can be a helpful tool in differential diagnostic protocols.

Clinical evaluation of cough is difficult, because physicians do not have Clinical approach to a patient suffering from cough requires special
objective information about the cough frequency during the day or night-time, attention when it comes to the children and the elderly. Obviously, there are
so they can barely recognize its true significance for the patient’s quality of specific features of children that must be taken into con-sideration in clinical
life or observe the success or a failure of applied treatment regimes. The settings, e.g. aetiology, diagnostic tools, age re-strictions for cough sensitivity
objective assessment of cough frequency is es-sential for evaluation, tests, treatment options etc. However, there are specific features of cough in
nonetheless, available algorithms for automatic detection of cough sound elderly patients, as well. Chronic cough is more prevalent in elderly than in
have limited sensitivity and the analysis of cough sound often requires a young subjects, and more challenging to manage due to frequent
human observer. Klco and co-workers developed a novel algorithm of comorbidities and possible side effects from medication. Cough reflex does
automated cough sound recognition based on eight dimensional numbers not decrease with natural ageing but it is often impaired by ongoing
called “octonions” and compared it with the algorithm based on classic pathological circumstances, such as stroke. The impairment of cough reflex
neuronal network. The authors showed that use of octonions for classification may lead to fatal complication such as aspiration pneumonia. Therefore, it is
of cough sounds im-proves sensitivity and specificity of cough sound important to note that there are well developed methods and approaches
detection. Hopefully, their further research can provide accurate devices which can augment the cough reflex to prevent aspiration pneumonia. These
useful for objective measurements of cough frequency in everyday clinical are e.g. treatment by ACE inhibitors, which improve both cough and
setting (Klco et al., 2018). swallowing very likely due to the accumulation of substance P and
bradykinin. Also, intensive oral care together with oral administration of
Along with the cough frequency, another parameter of cough is clinically capsaicin troches or use of black pepper oil prior to food have clinical
relevant – it is cough intensity, which defines how strong the expiratory significance (Won et al., 2018).
expulsion removing the mucus and other potential hazards out of the airways
is. One can easily assume that robust cough sound indicates also high speed There are two contributions discussing cough in paediatric popu-lation.
of expiratory expulsions. McGuiness with his team studied the effects of Since the cough associated with exercise is common symptom in children
cough effort and the volume inspired prior to coughing on surrogate measures with bronchial asthma, cough reflex sensitivity to capsaicin was studied in
of cough intensity measured by re-spiratory muscle electromyogram, children with asthma after the exercise. The authors examined 42 children
intrathoracic and intraabdominal pressure and finally the cough sound. They with asthma by standardized capsaicin inhalation test and they found out that
found that effort and op-erating volume have important influences on cough exercise in asthmatic children does not influence their cough reflex sensitivity
mechanics in healthy volunteers, but they modulate muscle activation, (Ferenc et al., 2018) like in healthy children and adults, where exercise
pressure and sound differently. Importantly, this study showed that cough significantly reduces this parameter (Demoulin-Alexikova et al., 2017). Since
sound poorly represents the cough mechanics and has limited potential as a the cough reflex is not down-regulated in asthmatic subjects, authors
surrogate intensity measure (McGuinness et al., 2018). hypothesize that this dysregulation may contribute to the increased frequency
of coughing during and after exercise in this demographics (Ferenc et al.,
Cough challenges in specialized cough clinics are usually performed by 2018). Cough sensitivity was also tested in children with adenoid
inhalation of a tussive agent in doubling concentrations, until the cough hypertrophy, which is together with cough a frequent manifestation of the
threshold is reached. The current guidelines recommend in-halation of either atopy in childhood. Children in which the adenoid hypertrophy was verified
capsaicin or citric acid. Citric acid has been used for over six decades to by fibre-optic endoscopy underwent the capsaicin cough sensitivity tests prior
induce cough; however, the mechanism of its pro-tussive effect is still not to the adenoidectomy and after the recovery. The study does not show
fully understood. Rai and co-workers evaluated the response to inhalation of significant changes of cough reflex sensitivity after the recovery period in
citric acid at varying levels of acidity to determine if the pH of the solution children after adenoidectomy (Ferenc et al., 2018) This phe-nomenon is worth
plays a role in the induction of cough. Study was conducted in both healthy of detailed follow-up studies to elucidate the effect of adenoidecotomy on
volunteers and patients with chronic cough. The subjects were inhaling neurophysiology of the cough reflex in children.
aerosol of 300 mM citric acid solution, while the concentration of the citrate
anion remained constant, the pH of the solution was altered by the addition of Cough is modulated by many processes, either physiological (e.g. sleep,
sodium bicarbonate to 3, 5 and 6, representing the pKa values of the exercise) or pathological (e.g. inflammation, oxidative stress). This
individual acid moieties. The total number of coughs elicited was recorded for modulation may manifest by attenuation or exaggeration of cough response to
each inhalation. The study showed that chronic cough patients coughed more the defined stimulus in experimental conditions. Brozmanova and Hanacek
than healthy volunteers and did not exhibit a clear pH response. There was (2018) summarize the results of their pre-vious studies in the guinea pig
also a greater variability in their response to individual challenges (Rai et al., model exposed to hyperoxia. The authors documented that hyperoxia-induced
2018). damage of the airway epithelium together with the oxidative stress attenuate
cough response in this an-imal model. These studies also demonstrated that
An interesting study was performed by Wasilewksy and co-workers. The supplementation of suitable antioxidants has had beneficial effect in restoring
study assessed the effect of deep inspirations (DIs) on airway be-haviour in the cough responsiveness to physiological range. Series of these studies have
individuals with classic asthma, cough-variant asthma, and methacholine di-rect clinical application as majority of airway diseases are associated with
(MCh)-induced cough but normal airway sensitivity during oxidative stress, which could be successfully managed by
bronchoprovocation to understand whether this manoeuver can

Editorial Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

supplementation of antioxidants. together with putative mechanisms of their cough-modulating action. PDE4
Identification of factors which exaggerate cough in pathological and PDE5 inhibitors demonstrated the most significant effect on cough
conditions usually lead to the identification of promising targets for cough suppression, confirming their benefits in subjects with chronic inflammatory
treatment and have very important outcomes mainly if these targets are airway diseases (Mokry et al., 2018). This is quite in-teresting insight into this
identified and further tested. Svajdova et al. (2018) tested the ability of pro- drug category, especially when we consider their potential clinical application
inflammatory signalling molecule sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in the future management of cough in clinical settings.
concentration of which is increased in inflamed tissue to influence cough
neural pathways. The authors tested hypothesis that S1P either induces cough Special issue on “Cough and airways defensive reflexes” contains
or sensitizes cough evoked by TRPA1 or TRPV1 agonists in naïve guinea information from clinical and experimental studies, and as well as re-cent
pigs. Although this hypothesis was not confirmed in their recent study, further review articles. We received contributions from all around the globe –
experiments will be carried out on animals with modelled airway pathologies Canada, South Korea, Italy, UK, USA, France and Slovak Republic.
to elucidate the effects of S1P signalling cascade on cough.
The last mentioned, small central European country, and particu-larly
Hyperinflation of lungs is characteristic feature of COPD. It is known that Martin – the city in its very centre is considered to be the cradle of
lung hyperinflation may alter the pattern of respiratory reflexes in subjects experimental respirology in this region, thanks to prof. Juraj Korpas (∗1926,
with chronic respiratory diseases, but the real im-pact on airway defensive †2009) a passionate scientist and the author of the monography “Cough and
reflexes was never studied so far. The aim of the study by Ioan and her co- other respiratory reflexes” published by Karger in 1979. Prof. Korpas was a
workers was to test the effect of con-tinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) close co-worker of prof. John Widdicombe (∗1925,
on responses to mechanical stimulation of the trachea in rabbits. CPAP was †2011), the godfather of cough research, known, loved and memorized by
associated with marked alteration in the response to the tracheal stimulation. many. He was the friend and the most significant supporter of sci-entists
Cough reflex was significantly decreased during CPAP. The sequence of studying respiratory reflexes in former Czechoslovakia, and especially in
expiration re-flexes followed by cough (ER-cough) was upregulated during Slovakia.
CPAP (Ioan et al., 2018). Findings related to the cough reflex are consistent We are proud to publish contributions by the scientists from “Slovak
with clinical studies performed in the field of obstructive sleep apnoea and its group of experimental respirology” along with the articles of their colleagues
treatment. The clinical relevance of up-regulation of ER-cough requires from abroad. Thanks to the contributors, we were fortunate to receive
further elucidation. numerous high-quality submissions that represent the breadth of currently
ongoing research which takes into account dif-ferent aspects of cough.
Our special issue also includes two interesting contributions related to the
central neural mechanisms regulating cough. Microinjection techniques were
employed in both studies, one performed on anaes-thetized rabbits, the other References
on anaesthetized cats. A cholinergic system has been described in the nucleus
of the solitary tract (NTS); however, no information was available on the role Brozmanova, M., Hanacek, J., 2018. Hyperoxia-induced regulation of cough reflex and its
of acetylcholine in the mod-ulation of cough reflex in the caudal NTS. effect after antioxidant supplementation. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.
Microinjections of acet-ylcholine, physostigmine, mecamylamine and org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.02.004.
Cinelli, E., Iovino, L., Bongianni, F., Pantaleo, T., Mutolo, D., 2018. Inhibitory modulation of
scopolamine into the caudal NTS were performed in anaesthetized the cough reflex by acetylcholine in the caudal nucleus tractus solitarii of the rabbit. Respir.
spontaneously breathing rabbits. Acetylcholine and physostigmine caused Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.01.011. Crooks, M.G., Brown, T.,
depressant effect on cough induced by mechanical and chemical stimulation Morice, A.H., 2018. Is cough important in acute exacerbations of COPD? Respir. Physiol.
Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.02.005.
of the airways; they also elicited transient increase in respiratory rate and Demoulin-Alexikova, S., Marchal, F., Bonabel, C., Demoulin, B., Foucaud, L., Coutier-Marie,
decreases in activity of abdominal muscles. These effects were prevented by L., Schweitzer, C.E., Ioan, I., 2017. Down-regulation of cough during exercise is less
sco-polamine but not by non-selective antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine frequent in healthy children than adults. Role of the development and/or atopy? Front.
receptors mecamylamine. These results show that acetylcholine exerts an Physiol. 8. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2017.00304.
Duricek, M., Nosakova, L., Zatko, T., Pecova, R., Hyrdel, R., Banovcin, P., 2018. Cough re flex
inhibitory modulation of cough reflex through muscarinic receptors within the sensitivity does not correlate with the esophageal sensitivity to acid in patients with
caudal NTS. This is interesting information for the devel-opment of new gastroesophageal reflux disease. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/
antitussive strategies (Cinelli et al., 2018). 10.1016/j.resp.2018.03.011.
Ferenc, P., Fabry, J., Zatko, T., Kunc, P., Sojak, J., Grendar, M., Pecova, R., 2018. Cough re flex
sensitivity after exercise challenge testing in asthma children. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol.
The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) relevant substances are used as http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.03.008.
the cough suppressants in specific indications. To understand the mechanisms Ioan, I., Demoulin, B., Leblanc, A.-L., Schweitzer, C., Marchal, F., Foucaud, L., Demoulin-
Alexikova, S., 2018. Modulation of defensive airway reflexes during continuous po-sitive
of this suppression, GABA A and GABA B relevant sub-stances were injected airway pressure in the rabbit. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.
into the NTS and the parameters of cough induced by mechanical stimulation 1016/j.resp.2018.02.011.
of the trachea were measured in anaes-thetized cats. The GABA-ergic Kavalcikova-Bogdanova, N., Kovacikova, L., Buday, T., Biringer, K., Sivakova, J., Calkovsky,
V., Antosova, M., Plevkova, J., 2018. Sensitivity of airway cough-related afferents is
inhibition of cough relies on afferent, central integrative and efferent levels of
influenced by female sex hormones. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.
structures responsible for neurogenesis of cough. Based on the study of doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.01.006.
Kotmanova and co-workers, GABA-ergic inhibition influences number and Klco, P., Kollarik, M., Tatar, M., 2018. Novel computer algorithm for cough monitoring based
magnitude of expiratory expulsions of mechanically provoked cough and also on octonions. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp. 2018.03.010.

in-spiratory timing of this specific motor behaviour (Kotmanova et al., 2018). Kotmanova, Z., Simera, M., Veternik, M., Martvon, L., Misek, J., Jakus, J., Shen, T.Y.,
Musselwhite, M.N., Pitts, T., Bolser, D.C., Poliacek, I., 2018. GABA-ergic neuro-
transmission in the nucleus of the solitary tract modulates cough in the cat. Respir. Physiol.
Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.02.009.
Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are a group of enzymes responsible for Kovacova, E., Buday, T., Vysehradsky, R., Plevkova, J., 2018. Cough in sarcoidosis pa-tients.
hydrolysis of intracellular second messenger molecules cAMP and cGMP in Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.01.004.
various cells of the human body. Non-selective inhibitors of PDEs cause McGuinness, K., Ward, K., Reilly, C.C., Morris, J., Smith, J.A., 2018. Muscle activation and
sound during voluntary single coughs and cough peals in healthy volunteers: insights into
bronchodilation, share anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects
cough intensity. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.resp.2018.02.014.
however these drugs have quite narrow therapeutic window. Selective PDE
inhibitors have been developed to inhibit PDE isoforms with different Mokry, J., Urbanova, A., Kertys, M., Mokra, D., 2018. Inhibitors of phosphodiesterases in the
treatment of cough. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.
pharmacological effects based on their tissue expression. Mokry et al. discuss
the effects of selective PDEs inhibitors on cough based on animal studies Morice, A.H., 2013. Chronic cough hypersensitivity syndrome. Cough 9, 14. http://dx.
performed in their laboratory doi.org/10.1186/1745-9974-9-14.

Editorial Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Rai, Z., Fowles, H.E., Wright, C., Joseph, H., Morice, A.H., 2018. The effect of pH on citric http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2017.09.004.
acid cough challenge: a randomised control trial in chronic cough and healthy vo-lunteers. Won, H.-K., Yoon, S.-J., Song, W.-J., 2018. The double-sidedness of cough in the elderly.
Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.02.013. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.01.009.
Spinou, A., 2018. Non-pharmacological techniques for the extremes of the cough spec-trum.
Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.03.006. Jana Plevkova , Jan Hanacek, Milos Tatar Comenius University in Bratislava,
Svajdova, S., Mazurova, L., Brozmanova, M., 2018. The inflammatory molecule sphin-gosine-
1-phosphate is not effective to evoke or sensitize cough in naïve guinea pigs. Respir. Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Department of Pathophysiology,
Physiol. Neurobiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resp.2018.02.001. Slovakia E-mail address: Jana.Plevkova@jfmed.uniba.sk
Wasilewski, N.V., Fisher, T., Turcotte, S.E., Fisher, J.T., Lougheed, M.D., 2017.
Bronchoprotective effect of deep inspirations in cough variant asthma: a distin-
guishing feature in the spectrum of airway disease? Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol.

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