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SAP User Manual –– ITI

SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

Check Customer Account Balance

1. After performing Customer transactions we need to check the customer balance two
show the open items and his balance
 Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivables  Account  Display
 FD10N
2. Enter the customer account number, Company Code and the Fiscal year
a. Customer Account 1100000010
b. Company Code  MTAC
c. Fiscal year  2010

3. In this screen you will find the balance of the customer is 2,000 which is 2,500 minus the
amount of the credit memo 500

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

Incoming Payment
1. After creating customer invoice the customer is obligated to pay his obligations
2. In SAP system we have many types of payments
a. Partial Payment
b. Residual Payment
c. Full Payment
 Accounting  Financial Accounting  Accounts Receivables  Document Entry 
Incoming Payments
 F-28

Partial Payment
1. Fill in the payment data
a. Bank Account .. Which I’ll take the cash on
b. Customer Account .. The customer who wants to pay
c. The Amount that the customer wants to pay “400”
2. Choose Process Open Item

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

3. Choose Partial Payment Tab to pay partially.

4. Partial payment keeps the original invoice amount and creates new invoice with the paid
amount in negative sign.

5. In the Field of the payment amount type 400 and press enter to insure that the Not
Assigned amount is Zero
6. Press Save to post the Document

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

Residual Payment
1. Fill in the payment data
a. Bank Account
b. Customer Account
c. The Amount that the customer wants to pay “100”
2. Choose Process Open Item

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

3. Choose Res.Item Tab to pay partially by residual value.

4. Residual payment makes new invoice with the residual amount.

5. In the Field of the Residual Amount type 1000 and press enter to insure that the Not
Assigned amount is Zero
6. Press Save to post the Document

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

Payment in Full
1. If the customer wants to pay all his obligations in one time, this is called payment in full or
standard payment.
2. In this case logically we don’t know how much the customer has to pay so we left the
amount field empty
3. Fill in the payment data
a. Bank Account
b. Customer Account
c. The Amount that the customer wants to pay “100”
4. Choose Process Open Item

5. The total Not Assigned amounts is 1000, so the customer has to pay the whole 1000

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

6. Press Escape “Esc” Key to go to this screen to enter the Not Assigned amount, in this
screen you will debit the bank account “113100” with posting key “40” then press enter

7. In this screen enter the whole amount and choose process open item to go to the initial

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –

SAP User Manual –– ITI
SAPFIFIConfiguration EITIntake

8. After that you will find that the Not Assign amount equal Zero

9. Press Save to post the Document

Mohamed Talaat – SAP Financial User Manual –


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