The Value of Small-Group Theories

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The Value of Small-Group Theories

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Compare and contrast the competing views of the small-group theory and provide the most

relevant information based on your research

Theories play a significant role in influencing people’s thoughts, interpretation of worldly

things, and actions. Theories developed based on the environment assist the society to organize

and interpret different life experiences. Small-group theories have a lot of influence in

establishing different approaches to communication (Blumberg, 2012). Additionally, these

theories have similarities and differences based on features of communication they explain to

readers. The different types of small-group theories are the functional theory, symbolic

convergence theory, structuration theory, and naturalistic paradigm.

Comparison of theories

The main similarity between all small-group theories is their ability to address the issue

of communication in society. They all tend to investigate the outcome of a behavior of a small

group within the organization and establish factors that influence their behaviors. For example,

the functional theory approaches small group communication by determining results of the group

behavior. Likewise, the symbolic convergence theory focuses on the outcome of the

communication by understanding meanings of different symbols used by members of a small

group. Second, small group theories try to explore processes used by small groups while

communicating an idea of a message to the relevant authority. They bring together different

aspects of the organization as described by small groups and try to establish causes of different

actions and factors contributing to decision-making processes.


Different theories target at different aspects of small-group communication processes and

structures. Not a single theory of small group describes a similar structure to the other; hence, the

difference. For example, the structuration theory offers a distinction between different systems

of the small group including rules, norms, practices, and groups while other theories focus on

either one or two systems. The symbolic group concentrates only on symbols.

Theories of the small group use approaches that focus on different actions of people in

small groups. All theories are based on critical thinking, diversity, pragmatics, power, ethics, and

creativity. Moreover, most theories borrow a leaf from the system theory in exploring small

group processes.

Relevance of the research in support of an experience in the area of human services

Small-group theories play a critical role in understanding experiences in the area of human

services. Human service agencies are responsible for providing aid and any form of assistance to

the society. People working in the agency must show high levels of kindness and compassion to

their clients and avoid discrimination. Human service organizations use the small-group theories

to align their employees with various social forces. For example, human service agencies use the

functional theoretical approach that allows them to make best decisions, identify resources

needed to create change in the group, and establish effective procedures that favor demands and

needs of different groups. On the other hand, theories assist the organization in coming up with

alternatives to a solution and using groups to establish the most appropriate alternative (Cnaan,

& Milofsky, 2008).



Blumberg, H. H. (2012). Small group research: Implications for peace psychology and conflict

resolution. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

Cnaan, R. A., & Milofsky, C. (2008). Handbook of community movements and local

organizations. New York: Springer.

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