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***Grindelia is noted for its efficacy in the treatment of asthma.

****It is mostly indicated in mucus asthma.

***There is an abnormal accumulation of tenacious, viscid mucus in the smaller

bronchi, but the most important peculiarity of the drug consists in an aggravation
during sleep.

***On falling asleep his respiratory movement ceases and is not resumed until
awakened by the ensuing suffocation.

***The patient has to keep up in a sitting posture in the bed and sleep is entirely
out of question due to interruption of breathing during sleep.

****It is also used in asthma from heart troubles.;This asthma is secondary to

heart affections.


***Catarrhal Asthma, >> as soon as the patient can expectorate.

When the patient drops off to sleep, he wakes up suddenly, with a sensation as if
respiration has ceased.

***SPONG - Cardiac affections accompanied with thick, green or yellow

expectoration like pus and dyspnoea on falling asleep so that he must keep awake
as long as he can, fear of sleep in advanced chest troubles. GRIND will palliate such
a case and if the condition is only catarrhal and not tuberculous, it will cure. [940]


* Both Grindelia robusta and Grindelia squarrosa have been used for the symptoms
here recorded.
* There is practically no difference in their action, although the G. Squarrosa is
credited with more splenic symptoms, dull pains and fullness in left
hypochondrium; chronic malaria; gastric pains associated with splenic congestion.

Asthmatic conditions, chronic bronchitis.

Bronchorrhoea with tough mucus, difficult to detach.
Raises the blood pressure.

***Hyperchlorhydria when attended with asthmatic and other neurotic symptoms.

Hyperaemia of gastric mucous membrane with difficult respiration.

***- An efficacious remedy for wheezing and oppression in bronchitic patients.

- The sibilant rales are disseminated with foamy mucus, very difficult to detach.
- Acts on the pulmonary circulation.
- Asthma, with profuse tenacious expectoration, which relieves.
- Stops breathing when falling asleep; wakes with a star, and gasps for breath.
- Must sit up to breathe.
- Cannot breathe when lying down.
- Pertussis, with profuse mucous secretion. [Coccus.]
- Bronchorrhoea, with tough, whitish, mucous expectoration.
- Sibilant rales.
- Weak heart and respiration.
- Cannot breathe lying down.
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

- Tincture in 1 to 15 drop doses, also lower potencies.


***- Asthma and emphysema with dilated heart.


***Nervous asthma, inhalation easy, expiration difficult, fear of going to sleep on

account of loss of breath.
Cardiac asthma, heart feels too weak to take care of the blood send to it.
Cough from reflex causes or maintained by habit in chronic bronchorrhoea.


Difficult;Pneumonia, in; Chronic:

Asthmatic;Sleep; Impossible, due to arrested respiration:

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