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Excellent in all sorts of cough and cold. It is proclaimed that no death can take place from cough of any
kind, if Vasaka can display its healing properties.

***Respiratory symptoms

Constrictive pain in the lungs;

tightness across the chest;

whole body tremble while coughing with haerrptysis after severe dyspnoea and
shortness of breathing;

expectoration is yellowish, dry, rusty;

patient gets worse while lying on the left side;

dry cough from sternal region

; hoarseness; cough with sneezing;

asthmatic attacks; patient can't endure a close warm room; whooping cough.


***The mucous membrane of the nose and eyes is violently congested, leading to
a continuous flow of profuse coryza.

***There is entire loss of smell and taste.

***Paroxysmal cough associated with sneezing and severe dyspnoea due to a

sensation of tightness across the chest are some of its symptoms.

***It has been used in asthma and it has been known to relieve the intense
tightness accompanying a fit of this disease.
*** Like Ipecac it has been found to be efficacious in the first stage of tuberculosis
with the spitting up of blood which it checks immediately.

*** Like Ipecac again, we have great wheezing and rattling of mucus in the chest
and throat.


- Seems to come between Cepa and Euphrasia, which compare.
- Third potency and higher.
- Severe aggravation have been noticed from lower potencies.
Kalium arsenico

***-Respiratory system-Obstruction of nose < night

-Obstruction of nose alternates with dryness.

***Asthma < about midnight, dust, gas < closed warm room.

- Close room.
- Dust.
- Noise.
- Eating.

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