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Tribute Speech Outline

I. Introduction

A. Attention Statement

“Women committed to social change.” I remember the day I first saw that
statement on the back of a shirt I was supposed to receive when I began my
post-graduate volunteer year last year. That was the day I met my real life
Wonder Woman.

B. Subject or Thesis Statement

Today, I would like to share with you someone in my life who has influenced
me greatly, my program coordinator and mentor, Sr. Judy Molosky.

C. Point Preview

Sr. Judy is a very nurturing and strong-willed woman but sometimes her
strong-will causes her to be tactless.

D. Significance of Subject

Through her actions, I not only learned how to advocate for others but also
how to advocate for myself.

II. Main Point One

A. Subject Statement

Sr. Judy is a nurturer whose strong-will helps her fight for those she cares
deeply about.

B. Illustration (2 positives for one illustration only)

My year as a post-graduate volunteer was very difficult. Imagine working 40

hour workweeks with vulnerable populations (former gang-members, the
homeless population, and chilren from extremely low-income families for
example) for about $1.50 an hour. After a long, busy day I would have to
come home to my service community where we would cook dinner together
and hold house meetings. The stress of my job and community life was hard
but my meetings with Sr. Judy cheered me up. She offered advice and would
check-in with me from time to time to see if I was receiving everything I
needed to be successful, be it support, time to myself, or therapy. I saw her
advocating not only for me but also for the other members of my service
community at our respective worksites. If she saw a need from me or a
member of my community, she always fulfilled it. Sr. Judy was a fighter. Her
strong will helped her fight for basic human rights for the most vulnerable
populations in Los Angeles and for my personal health.

C. Summary Statement
D. Transition Statement

III. Main Point Two

A. Subject Statement
B. Illustration (1 negative for one illustration only)
C. Summary Statement

IV. Conclusion
A. Summary Statement
B. Post Point Review
C. Significance of Subject
D. WrapAround

Note: The speech is to run between 3-4 minutes. Hand signals will be used. A fifteen
second grace period is incorporated beyond 4:00. No outline, script or notes should be
turned into the professor for this first speech.

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