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Statement of integrity and authorisation fr verification [ ] hereby confirm that, | have read and understood al the Guidelines, Instructions, and / Terms and Conditions provided as part of the PGP Application. | also hereby accept all the terms and conditions provided as pat of PGP Application. | erty that the information provided by me in this application i ccorate and completa Im all expects, | authorise all parsons or entities to provide any relevant information in their possession to the indian School of Business in considering me for admission or verifying my credentials for admission, and | expressly waive any required notice to me. | understand and agree that any misrepresentation or omission of facts in my application wil justify the denial of 3émission, the cancellation of admission, or expulsion. This application is my honest statement to the Admission Committee. | authorise ISB or its representatives to carry out any kind of verification of academics or employment details given in my application Name: MALLIKA TANDON Signature: [Maula]

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