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Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

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Control Engineering Practice

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Robust optimization-based multi-loop PID controller tuning: A new tool and

its industrial application
Rainer Dittmar a,n, Shabroz Gill b, Harpreet Singh b, Mark Darby c
West Coast University of Applied Sciences, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Fritz-Thiedemann-Ring 20, 25746 Heide, Germany
IPCOS BV, Bosscheweg 135B, 5282 Boxtel, The Netherlands
CMiD Solutions, 13106 Dogwood Blossom Trail, Houston, Texas 77065, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Modern process plants are highly integrated and as a result, decentralized PID control loops are often
Received 15 December 2009 strongly interactive. The iterative SISO tuning approach currently used in industry is not only time
Accepted 17 October 2011 consuming, but does also not achieve optimal performance of the inherently multivariable control
Available online 29 November 2011
system. This paper describes a method and a software tool that allows control engineers/technicians to
Keywords: calculate optimal PID controller settings for multi-loop process systems. It requires the identification of
PID controller a full dynamic model of the multivariable system, and uses constrained nonlinear optimization
Multiloop control techniques to find the controller parameters. The solution is tailored to the specific control system
Tuning characteristics and PID algorithm to be used. The methodology has been successfully applied in many industrial
Decentralized control
advanced control projects. The tuning results that have been achieved for interacting PID control loops
Nonlinear optimization
in the stabilizing section of an industrial Gasoline Treatment Unit as well as a Diesel Desulfurization
System identification
plant are presented.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction A feedback system with n decentralized controllers is shown in

Fig. 1. In multivariable notation, the controller C(s) is a diagonal
One of the most important challenges facing the process industry matrix given by
today is optimizing the operation of complex units, without com- 2 3
C 1 ðsÞ    0
promising the safety and integrity of the process equipment. Process 6
CðsÞ ¼ 4 0 & 0 7 5 ð1Þ
complexity has increased significantly over the past two decades
0    C n ðsÞ
due to increased level of heat integration and the use of recycle
streams. In addition, the need for increased process flexibility to deal The process transfer function matrix G(s) is
with changing raw materials and alternate energy sources, as well as 2 3
G11 ðsÞ    G1n ðsÞ
the need to adapt quickly to fluctuating throughput and quality
6 0 & 0 7
targets, often means that the process dynamics will vary signifi- GðsÞ ¼ 4 5 ð2Þ
cantly over time and with operating point. The basic regulatory Gn1 ðsÞ    Gnn ðsÞ
control layer of process plants almost always consists of a large
The vector y(t)ARn denotes the process outputs (controlled
number of decentralized SISO PID controllers. Although this
variables), u(t)ARn is the vector of manipulated variables, and
approach is intrinsically inadequate for multivariable processes, it
r(t)ARn the vector of reference signals or setpoints.
is a common practice in industry for decades now, and for good
The industrial practice of single-loop PID controller tuning is still
reasons: single-loop PID controllers are often effective and easy to
dominated by manual trial-and-error tuning. If tuning rules are used
implement, and decentralized structures are failure-tolerant. How-
at all, it is the ‘‘classical’’ ones like ZieglerNichols, CohenCoon,
ever, due to the situation described above, the interactions between
ChienHrones Reswick or l-Tuning, which are based on simplified
these controllers are becoming more important, and tuning these
low order process models, and do not explicitely consider stability
control loops for good performance and adequate robustness is
robustness issues, therefore often being inadequate in modern
becoming a more and more challenging task.
process units with more complex dynamics. Modern identification
techniques are not typically used to develop models for PID tuning.
Substantial progress has been achieved in PID controller design
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49 481 8555 325; fax: þ 49 481 8555 301. during the last decade (see, for example, Aström & Hägglund, 2006;
E-mail address: (R. Dittmar). Kristiansson & Lennartson, 2006; Skogestad, 2003), but not yet

0967-0661/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
356 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

adequately adressed in further education and industrial practice. In The scalar function
addition, many tuning rules assume that all PID controller equations
WðjoÞ ¼ 1 þdet½I þ GðjoÞCðjoÞ ð4Þ
work as described in the textbooks, when in fact there is substantial
variation between the different vendors. Different PID controller can be plotted in the complex plane as a function of frequency o.
structures result due to the use of either the parallel or the serial The closer W(jo) approaches the critical point (  1,0), the closer
form, using the control error or the PV by the Proportional (P) and the multivariable system is to closed-loop instability. The expres-
Derivative (D) terms, alternative implementations of the derivative sion W/(1 þW) will be similar to the closed-loop servo transfer
filter and others. Tuning SISO PID controllers in a multivariable function CG/(1 þCG) in the SISO case. Luyben has shown that the
environment is usually done in a time-consuming sequential and multivariable system gives reasonable responses for setpoint
iterative way, starting with the most important loops, and heuristic changes and load disturbances, if F is selected to make the so-
detuning in case the interactions are significant. The results in terms called ‘‘biggest log modulus’’ in the frequency range
of performance and robustness strongly depend on the particular   
application and on the experience of the personnel involved. Lmax ¼ max LðjoÞ ¼ max 20log  ð5Þ
o o 1 þ WðjoÞ
For a long time, vendors of automation systems such as Dis-
tributed Control Systems (DCS) and Programmable Logic Controllers equal to 2n (n being the number of loops to be tuned). This value
(PLC) have been offering PID self-tuning functionality (tuning on for F can be found using an iterative procedure. This method has
demand). Unfortunately, they have found only limited application. later been extended to PID controllers, and also to compensate for
This is also true for model based PID controller tuning software possible asymmetries in multi-loop interactions (Lee & Edgar,
provided by the same or third-party vendors. Moreover, in most 2006; Monica, Yu & Luyben, 1988). Its application requires a
cases these tools are restricted to single-loop tuning applications, dynamic MIMO process model. In Chien, Huang and Yang (1999),
and do not support multi-loop tuning (Li, Ang & Chong, 2006). the detuning factor F is set to F¼ 1/RGA(lii), e.g. to the diagonal
Examples are RaPID (Espinosa Oviedo, Boelen & van Overschee, elements of the relative gain array, for systems with 0oRGA(lii)o1.
2006; Van Overschee & de Moor, 2000) and TaiJi PID (Zhu, 2004). In For loops with RGA(lii)41, the controller parameters remain
TiaJi PID, plant models are identified from open-loop or closed-loop unchanged. If RGA(lii)o0, the recommendation is to switch the
tests using high-order ARX models and reduced to low-order MVCV pairings. In contrast to Luyben’s method, dynamic models
transfer function models. PID controller parameters are calculated are required for the diagonal elements of the process Gii(s) only,
using IMC-based tuning rules. In the current release, tuning is while static gains for the off-diagonal elements Gij,i a j(0) are suffi-
restricted to single-loop applications. However, the user can simu- cient. In Xiong, Cai, He and He (2006), not only the static gains, but
late the multivariable system controlled by independently tuned also the ultimate frequencies ou,ij are used to define the detuning
single-loop PID controllers. In RaPID, the process model is identified factors.
using a combination of prediction error methods and subspace In the sequential loop closing method (Hovd & Skogestad,
identification. Controller settings are calculated based on optimiza- 1994), the loops are closed one after the other, usually starting
tion with robustness and noise amplification constraints. with the fastest loop. The dynamic interaction of this loop is
The design of interacting PID controllers in a multivariable considered when closing the next loop, and so on. The disadvan-
environment is not a new topic in the process control literature. tage of this approach is that the overall result depends on the
At least three research directions can be identified: (1) reduction order of loop closing and on the method used for individual
of controller interactions by proper pairing of the manipulated controller design, and that iterations may be necessary.
and control variables, (2) design of decoupling networks, and In independent design, loop interactions, robust performance,
(3) consideration of MIMO interactions in decentralized controller and stability are considered first, and each controller is then
tuning. This paper is a contribution to the solution of the third designed independently of each other. Hovd and Skogestad
problem. In the past, many design methods have been developed (1993) make use of the m-interaction measure and the structured
for multi-loop tuning. They can be classified into singular value to develop bounds for the design of the individual
loops. Chen and Seborg (2003) used multivariable Nyquist stabi-
1. detuning methods; lity analysis to develop stability regions for SISO PI controllers,
2. sequential loop closing methods; and proposed a tuning method, which guarantees closed-loop
3. independent design methods; stability of the decentralized MIMO control system. Huang, Jeng,
4. relay-feedback auto-tuning methods; and Chiang and Pan (2003) developed a method for multi-loop PI/PID
5. optimization methods. controller tuning based on the effective open-loop transmission
from ui to yi and phase/gain margin specifications. Their method
assumes that the effective open-loop processes can be approxi-
In detuning methods, each controller is first designed based on mated by FOPDT or SOPDT models and is practically restricted to
the corresponding diagonal element of the process transfer TITO systems.
function matrix while ignoring the interactions from other loops. If no analytical process model exists, tuning parameters may be
The controllers are then detuned to take the interactions into calculated based on the multivariable generalization of relay-feed-
account. The price to be paid for the reduced interaction is more back autotuning methods, which are described, for example, in
sluggish behavior of the individual PID loops. The most popular Campestrini, Filho and Bazanella (2009), Halevi, Palmor and Efrati
detuning method called ‘‘biggest log modulus tuning’’ (BLT) was (1997), and Yu (2007). Since the execution of sequential or simulta-
developed by Luyben (1986). In its original version, individual PI neous relay-feedback experiments under industrial conditions is
loops are first independently tuned by the Ziegler  Nichols (ZN) difficult due to noisy signals, drift, and long duration in case of larger
rules. Then, for multiloop tuning, all ZN controller gains are time constants, this approach has found limited application.
divided by a common detuning factor F 41, and the ZN reset Optimization methods have also been used to address the
times are multiplied by the same factor. This detuning factor can decentralized control problem. Sourlas and Manousiouthakis
be calculated based on the following considerations. The char- (1995) developed a benchmark for the best achievable decentra-
acteristic equation of the multivariable closed-loop system is lized performance. Trierweiler, Müller and Engell (2000) and
Pegel and Engell (2001) describe a generalization of the direct
det½I þGðjoÞCðjoÞ ¼ 0 ð3Þ synthesis method to multivariable systems. First, considering the
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 357

nonminimum phase part of the process, the attainable closed- process-specific design requirements, and to deliver a tuning solu-
loop performance is determined. Based on this, an ideal controller tion that is tailored to the specific target automation system (DCS or
is synthesized, which usually is too complex to be realized in PLC). Third, the paper presents experience gained in applying the
practice. Therefore, this ideal controller is approximated by a new method and tool to industrial-scale oil refinery plants. In
simpler one where structure (for example, diagonal) and order particular, a (2  2) application in the stabilizer section of an
(for example, PI/PID) are specified by the user. The approximation industrial Gasoline Treatment Unit (GTU), and a (3  3) application
is done by solving a convex optimization problem. Here, the in a Diesel Desulfurization Unit (DDU) will be described.
objective function is to minimize the deviation between the
closed-loop frequency responses achievable with the ideal and
the simplified controllers. The controller parameters of the simpler 2. Method and tool for multi-loop tuning
controller are the decision variables of this optimization problem. In
Bao, Forbes and McLellan (1999), the tuning problem is formulated 2.1. Identification of the MIMO process model
in the HN robust control framework, and a numerical optimization
procedure is proposed to solve the design problem. The structure The first step of model based multi-loop tuning is to develop a
constraints (e.g. use of decentralized PID controllers) are converted dynamic model of the multivariable process with n inputs and n
into matrix inequalities. outputs, which are the outputs (ui) and process variables (yi) of
The use of genetic algorithms for multi-loop PID controller the PID controllers shown in Fig. 1.
tuning is described in (Farag & Werner, 2006) for the ALSTOM Different methods and software tools can be used to develop
gasifier benchmark problem and (Sumana & Venkateswarlu, 2010) such a model. Fortunately, multivariable linear system identification
for a simulated reactive distillation column. Vlachos, Williams and packages are now in common usage with Model Predictive Control
Gomm (2000) have shown that the multiloop PID tuning optimiza- design and application, and there is already a widespread experi-
tion problem is non-convex and multimodal. Genetic algorithms as ence in using them. So it is natural to leverage this knowledge to
global search methods are particularly useful to solve this type of identify MIMO models for multi-loop PID tuning. Examples are the
nonlinear optimization problems. The advantage of using optimiza- identification packages of DMCplus (Aspen Technology), Profit
tion procedures and a full dynamic process model is that this leads Controller (Honeywell, see MacArthur & Zhan, 2007) or INCA
to less conservative designs, and that overall nominal stability is (IPCOS). An overview of commercially available MPC software is
naturally achieved. presented in Dittmar and Pfeiffer (2006). An alternative is the use of
All multi-loop tuning methods described above share the stand-alone multivariable identification packages such as TaiJi ID
common characteristic that only very few industrial applications (Zhu, 2006) or ADAPTx (Larimore, 2000).
have been reported, and that they have not yet been included in a For test data collection, whenever possible all PID controllers
commercially available software package aimed for use by control to be tuned are switched into manual mode, and a series of output
technicians or engineers. steps of different durations and amplitudes is executed. Four to
The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, it presents six steps with duration varying between 10% and 100% of the
a method for multi-loop controller tuning, which combines desired closed-loop settling time are usually sufficient. If a test
multivariable system identification to build a (n  n) model of the signal generator is available for pseudo-random binary sequence
uncontrolled system, and nonlinear constrained optimization to (PRBS) or generalized binary noise (GBN), then an automated test
calculate optimum PID controller settings in a multivariable system. may be used as an alternative. Both types of plant tests can be
Since the design procedure is aimed at a direct implementation performed in sequential or in time-saving simultanous mode. In
on a distributed control system or PLC, it is restricted to multiloop some cases, clean step responses to controller output changes can
SISO PID controllers. This means no other controller structures can be found in historical data as well. If one or more PID controllers
be selected, and decoupler design is not a part of this approach. cannot be switched to manual mode, then the loop can be kept in
Second, it introduces a software tool ‘‘AptiTuneTM’’, eliminating the automatic mode and multiple setpoint steps can be made. In this
need for industrial practitioners to have a deep understanding of case, an identification method that gives unbiased results such as
identification and control theory, to enable them to formulate high-order ARX (Zhu, 2006), variations of subspace identification

Fig. 1. Decentralized multi-loop PID control system.

358 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

(Juricek, Seborg & Larimore, 2002), or the projection method  minimal damping or maximum decay ratio
described in Forsell & Ljung (2000) will be required. DRi rDRi,max i ¼ 1:::n ð9Þ
The ‘‘AptiTuneTM’’ software does not provide an integrated
identification package, but multivariable FIR models created by where the decay ratio DR denotes the ratio of the second to the
identification tools from different MPC packages can be imported. first overshoot in the process variable after a setpoint change
Alternatively, the user can specify a transfer function matrix manu-  maximal measurement noise amplification
ally. In the next step, the MIMO FIR model is approximated by a NAi r NAi,max i ¼ 1. . .n ð10Þ
smooth, higher-order linear state-space model with explicit dead-
where NAi ¼ varðui Þ=varðyi Þ denotes the ratios of the controller
time. This approximation is not based on the raw or pre-processed
output to process value variances.
plant test data, but on a model-to-model fit. The state-space model is
constructed using a variant of the Ho Kalman algorithm (Ho &
 combined process gain and deadtime safety margins KSM and
TDSM, expressed as ratios between the maximum expected and
Kalman, 1966). The user can affect the approximation accuracy by
the nominal process gains Kp,max and Kp,nom, and time delays
specifying the model order search range and indirectly the smooth-
TDmax and TDnom, respectively
ness of the resulting model. While creating the state-space model,
the diagonal model curves are given more preference than the off- K pi,max =K pi,nom rKSMi TDi,max =TDi,nom r TDSMi i ¼ 1. . .n
diagonal models. As a result, diagonal models normally have higher ð11Þ
order than the off-diagonal ones and consequently fit the original FIR
model curves more accurately. The step responses calculated based
on the state-space models are graphically displayed.
 maximum/minimum limits of the controller parameters, e.g.
If it is possible to do a closed-loop setpoint step test (or if K ci,min r K ci r K ci,max , T ri,min r T ri r T ri,max
historical data contain a clear SP step, as it is often the case), a T di,min r T di r T di,max i ¼ 1. . .n ð12Þ
practical way of validating the process model is to simulate the
closed loop behavior of the control system with the actual PID
controller parameters currently entered on the DCS, and to For level buffering controllers, the control objective is to slow
compare the simulation results with historical plant data. If the down the level loop as much as possible, so the downstream flow
observed responses using the old tuning are similar to the changes are as smooth as possible. In this case, the first four
simulated responses, then one can conclude that the model is constraints can be replaced by
sufficiently accurate for loop tuning purposes.
 the maximum deviation in the process variable away from
setpoint (the difference between the level setpoint and the
2.2. Calculation of optimal PID controller parameters closest alarm limit) for the worst case disturbance, and
 the minimum closed-loop settling time after a level
The PID controller parameters (controller gains Kc,i, reset times Tr,i disturbance.
and derivative time constants Td,i) are calculated by solving numeri-
cally the following nonlinear constrained optimization problem:
By careful specification of the constraints, the user can
min J tailor the tuning to exactly meet individual process-specific
KP i, TN i , TV i
ð6Þ requirements.
g j ðK P i , T r i , T d i Þ r0 i ¼ 1:::n, j ¼ 1:::m
The problem defined above is a non-convex, multimodal,
constrained nonlinear optimization problem with a non-smooth
where J denotes the objective function and gj are constraints. The
objective function. The degree of its difficulty depends on the
objective function J is a weighted sum of three terms J ¼ J 1 þ aJ2 þ bJ3 ,
number of control loops involved, the order of the process
which assess different aspects of the control loop performance. The
RT  models, and the number and nature of the inequality constraints.
first part J1 ¼ 0 f  yðtÞyr ðtÞ  dt refers to the Integrated Absolute
For starting the numerical optimization, initial controller
Error (IAE) criterion for setpoint tracking. Here, the error is defined
parameter values have to be selected. For this purpose, the user
as the difference between the PV and a user-defined first order
can choose to use the actual DCS values or values calculated by
reference trajectory yr(t) connecting the actual PV and the setpoint.
the Cohen Coon tuning rule (for individual controller tuning
By specifying the time constant of the trajectory, the user can affect
assuming a SISO model). If the initial solution is infeasible, a
the speed of the response to setpoint changes. The second part
RT   feasible starting point can be searched by applying a global search
J 2 ¼ 0 f  wðtÞyðtÞ  dt denotes the IAE
 for an input step disturbance.
RT algorithm. For this purpose, either a time-consuming brute force
Finally, the third term J 3 ¼ 0 f DuðtÞðtÞ reflects the control effort. By
grid search in the entire parameter space or a genetic algorithm
setting the weighting coefficients a and b, the user can balance a
(GA) can be selected. The genetic algorithm code has been
compromise between the different performance objectives. Another
developed based on a related CODE project open source library
design parameter allows the user to weight the performance of the n
(Kirillov, 2006). In the next step, the search of the optimal
SISO control loops against the necessary degree of decoupling
controller parameters is started by employing a gradient-free
between them.
direct search method similar to the Nelder Mead simplex algo-
For each control loop, the user can specify one or more
rithm. In each step of the optimization, the PID controlled multi-
nonlinear inequality constraints gj r0 from the following list:
variable system is simulated (reaction to setpoint changes and
input step disturbances, and to measurement noise) and viola-
 maximum controller output deviation after setpoint changes,
tions of the constraints may be detected. Constraints are then
Dui ðkÞ r Dui,max or Dui ðkÞDui,max r0, i ¼ 1. . .n ð7Þ enforced using quadratic penalty functions to force the search
inside the feasible region. Since the simplex algorithm is not
 maximum overshoot in the process variable after setpoint suited to find global optima, one can rerun the optimization
changes starting with different initial values. If there are still doubts about
the optimum, a GA global search can be performed again.
OSi r OSi,max i ¼ 1. . .n ð8Þ
Regarding robustness against plant-model mismatch, the
with OSi ¼ ðyi,max yi ð1ÞÞ=Dr i  100% design intent is to build in substantial safety margins to preserve
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 359

the stability of the control loop when inevitably changes in the

process dynamics occur in the future, e.g., with operating point.
Most uncertainty approaches in the literature are based on HN
formulations. Such techniques assume a particular form of an
uncertainty description and do not easily allow nonlinear con-
straints of the form indicated above. In practice, it is not known
ahead of time how the specific model parameters will vary over
time or how process changes will modify process gains and time
constants. One might think it would be best to optimize for the
worst combination of model errors. However, this cannot only
lead to conservative tuning parameters, but also to a situation
where elements of the relative gain array (RGA) switch signs,
which would be an unusual situation in real-world applications.
Such a situation would indicate that a different loop pairing
should be used, but this would occur only in special cases. In
practice, it can be expected that the diagonal models will have the
largest gains (compared to the non-diagonal ones), a good signal-
to-noise ratio, and also the most accurate gains (usually 10,y,20%
error at the time of the plant tests for identification). According to
the approach in this paper, the combined gain and time delay
safety margins specified as constraints for optimization apply
only to changes in one individual loop at a time. But the design is
Fig. 2. Robustness plot.
not done for a combination of many small (e.g. 10%) errors in
multiple model parameters. Instead, a rather large combined
change in gain and dead time (of 200  300%) is assumed. In
practice, such large safety margins usually ensure that the
stability of the loop is maintained for moderate (realistic) changes parameters for a specific realization of the PID controller equation
to multiple diagonal models, as well as for a combination of for specific commercial control system hardware. This is very
moderate perturbations in multiple diagonal and off-diagonal important from a practical point of view. The user can select
model parameters. The approach taken can further be motivated between different control algorithms of widespread DCS systems
in the frequency domain. It is possible to tune a MIMO system by such as Honeywell, Emerson DeltaV, Foxboro I/A, ABB and several
sequentially tuning a series of SISO loops (but of course this is others. For example, six different versions of the PID algorithms
inefficient). From the standpoint of a specific SISO loop, process are available for the Emerson DCS, for which the optimization
changes or model errors (anywhere in the system) manifest results may be quite different. Optimal controller parameters can
themselves as changes in the amplitude (gain) and phase of the also be calculated for P, I only and PI controllers.
Bode plot. So one can think of lumping all potential model errors After the optimizer has converged and optimal controller
in terms of gain and dead time (which is directly related to the parameters have been found, the design process will be finished
Bode phase plot). For this reason, changes in time constants can by simulation of the dynamic behavior of the control system. It is
also be ignored as they manifest themselves on the Bode plot as useful to study different scenarios: setpoint tracking, input dis-
gain and phase errors too. turbance rejection, and noise attenuation. Since the ‘‘integrity’’ of
The instability boundary for the complete MIMO system is the controlled MIMO system is not considered in the optimization
determined by varying both the model gain and deadtime for loop algorithm, the user should study the system behavior if one or
i, keeping the models associated with other loops (iaj) and all more controllers are put into manual mode, or a controller is lost
other off-diagonal models constant. In the implementation, the due to actuator saturation or component failure.
deadtime of a diagonal model is varied from zero to a sufficiently
large number. The process gain is searched and the instability
point is found where the largest eigenvalue of the system matrix 3. Industrial applications
A crosses the unit circle. The constrained optimization algorithm
ensures that the instability line is not violated for the specified 3.1. Gasoline treatment unit (GTU)
combination of gain and deadtime safety margins.
Once the optimization routine has finished, robustness plots The method and software tool described above have been used
are calculated, and the user can evaluate the closed loop response successfully in a number of advanced control projects. A good
via simulation for different combinations of deadtime and gain example is the stabilizing section of a GTU process, where
error. A robustness plot example is shown in Fig. 2. It shows the improving the PID controller tuning was a prerequisite for
thick purple stability limit in a process gain ratio/dead time successful MPC design and implementation. The Process and
graph. The gain ratio is defined as the actual divided by the Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID ) for the stabilizing column of
nominal process gain. A recommended minimum stability region the GTU process is shown in Fig. 3.
is shown shadowed. Here, the nominal model lies at the center The objective of the stabilizer column is to remove hydrogen
(gain ratio 1, nominal time delay), the vertices are constructed and methane dissolved in the petrol (mostly C5) stream. The
based on robustness constraints entered by the user. In the plot column is essentially a degassing drum with trays for improved
shown, the gain ratio may vary between 0.5 and 2, and the dead separation. The current PID control scheme is somewhat uncon-
time in the range of (0.5,y,2) times its nominal value. The ventional in that the PID loop pairing is the ‘‘wrong’’ way round: a
stability limit should not intersect this region. tray temperature close to the top of the column is controlled
In contrast to some PID controller tuning software available (even though the product specification is on the bottoms stream)
mainly for teaching and training purposes, the ‘‘AptiTuneTM’’ tool using the overhead vent valve for temperature control. There is no
not only calculates ‘‘generic’’ PID controller parameters, but reflux drum, and feed comes in close to the top, providing the
360 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

Fig. 3. Simplified P&ID of the GTU process stabilizer column.

Fig. 4. Step responses of the dynamic model (Legend: TC.PV¼Tray 6 Temperature; PC ¼Column Pressure; TC.OP¼ Vent Valve; PC.OP ¼Steam Flow SP).

internal reflux stream. The column pressure controller cascades to the overhead valve saturates before the column runs out of
the steam flow SP on the reboiler. One reason for the unconven- reboiler duty.
tional PID loop pairing is that controlling pressure with the The drum level controller sets the valve position directly
reboiler duty ensures that the pressure is less likely to go without the benefit of a cascaded flow controller. Any change in
high and lift the safety valve. If the PID was paired the other either upstream or downstream pressure affects the feed flow PV,
way around, there is a chance for the pressure to go high if which then affects the temperature and pressure in the column.
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 361

Fig. 5. Response of the (2  2) system to SP step changes (Legend: PV is shown in red, OP in blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 6. Response of the GTU (2  2) system to load disturbances.

362 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

Due to the coupling between the three loops, it is really not Good results were obtained by step testing condensate
feasible to tune one loop without consideration of the remaining flow setpoint and vent valve, fitting a (2  2) model and then
two control loops. In the actual project, LC9803 has been tuned calculating moderately fast but well damped tuning that takes
separately as averaging level controller, and PC9876 as well as the strong off-diagonal interaction into account. Here, the loops
TC9854 using the multi-loop tuning software. were tuned for fast SP tracking but high robustness margins.

Fig. 7. Robustness plot (gain and deadtime stability margins) for the GTU (2  2) problem.


10 Frequency
Normal distribution

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Normal distribution



−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
PCA9876 SP−PV error deviation

Fig. 8. Control error histograms for PCA9876 before and after retuning.
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 363

The standard deviations of the two PVs are now substantially The gain for the tray temperature vs. vent valve varies very
better than before and both loops are tracking their setpoints substantially depending on operating point (from almost zero
well. when the top of the column is perfectly pure, to almost infinite


15 Normal distribution


−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
15 Normal distribution


−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
TC9854 SP−PV error deviation

Fig. 9. Control error histograms for TC9854 before and after retuning.

Fig. 10. Simplified P&ID of an oil refinery Diesel Desulfurization Unit.

364 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

when the column goes rapidly off-spec). The best model was Note that the PV and OP responses have very good damping,
selected, which could be identified by keeping the tray tempera- with peak OP values that are very similar to the steady state
ture in the correct range with the column pressure at the nominal values. This will ensure good damping on the actual process unit
operating point. The step responses of the dynamic model are even when the process gain varies significantly. Gain and dead
shown in Fig. 4. time (stability) margins are very good as well, see Fig. 7.
Note that the total state-space model order is 18. Fig. 5 shows A sensitivity analysis on the tray temperature loop shows that
the optimized PV responses for a step change in both SPs. the gain of the process will have to increase by three times and
Note that PV overshoot is very low and that damping is the dead time will have to increase by another 12 s before the
exceptionally good. The OP value for the vent has a peak value damping of the loops is unacceptable. Instability occurs at a
that is almost the same as the steady state value, and the loop has process gain increase of more than 20 times. A dead time error
about the same rise time in closed loop as compared to open loop of more than 2 min is needed to reach instability, and there is no
(a speed-up factor of about 1). The pressure loop is about two process mechanism for this to occur while the TC9854 is in the
times faster in closed loop compared to open loop. The load active range. These margins are very safe.
disturbance response is shown in Fig. 6. In order to compare the performance of the loops before
and after retuning, a week of normal operating data before
re-tuning have been collected, and one week of normal operat-
ing data after the re-tuning work was concluded. From these
PRBS test: Controller outputs large data sets, histograms were calculated to show the distribu-
70 tion of the control error (SP-PV). For process reasons, the loops
should be able to withstand changes in process dynamics. As a
result, some loops (not shown here) were intentionally slowed
60 down, and of course, their probability distributions will be wider
than before. However, this compromise is all for a good cause as it
55 will ensure that the loops remain operational for the years
to come.
OP [%]

50 The performance of the pressure control loop PC9876 is

compared in Fig. 8.
It is clear from the two histograms shown above that the
40 variability in the PV has reduced by about a factor of four. This is
a big improvement in performance, yet this could be accomplished
35 TC002OP without compromising the robustness characteristics of the loop.
TC001OP The pink trace shows the best fit for a normal (Gaussian) distribu-
30 PC001OP
tion to the data, assuming a zero mean value. The estimated
standard deviation s reduced from 1.1 to 0.28.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
The histograms for temperature loop TC9854 are compared in
Fig. 9.
Fig. 11. Simultaneous step test trends (Legend: Top: TC002.OP, middle: TC001.OP, The standard deviation reduced from 1.3 down to 0.5, so by a
bottom: PC001.OP). factor of almost three. To be honest, these good results are partly

PRBS test: controller PVs




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Fig. 12. DDU step responses (Legend: Top: PC001.PV, middle: TC001.PV, bottom: TC002.PV).
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 365

due to the very slow initial tuning of some loops at the beginning hydrogen sulfide is removed. The remaining light hydrocarbons
of the project. are mixed with fresh fuel gas and used to heat the furnace and the
stripper reboiler.
3.2. Diesel desulfurization unit (DDU) The PID control loops PC001 (unit backpressure), TC001
(reactor inlet temperature), and TC002 (stripper column tempera-
The second example refers to an oil refinery DDU where ture) are interactive and were hard to tune independently. The
retuning the basic regulatory loops was also one of the first steps interaction is caused mainly by PC001, which manipulates the
of an advanced control project. Its simplified P&ID is shown in fresh fuel gas import, changing the heating value of the combus-
Fig. 10. tion gas at the furnace and the reboiler, and thus affecting the
The feed (diesel plus make-up hydrogen) flows through a temperature controllers TC001 and TC002. On the other hand,
furnace, and is vaporized and heated to the required elevated both temperature controllers manipulate the fuel gas consump-
temperature before entering the fixed-bed catalyst reactor where tion and thereby the pressure PC001.
the hydro-desulfurization reaction takes place. The reaction In the past, the three controllers were tuned on a SISO basis as
product consists of a hydrated hydrocarbon mixture and hydro- PI controllers. Analysis of the control behavior showed that the
gen sulfide. After cooling down, the reaction product enters pressure controller was tuned too aggressively leading to an
a stripper where the hydrogen sulfide is stripped out and leaves oscillatory behavior of the loop PC001, particularly in case of
the stripper overhead together with light hydrocarbons (methane disturbances caused by the temperature controllers. On the other
ybutane). The bottoms product is the desulfurized diesel. The hand, TC001 was tuned very slowly, mainly to attenuate the
overhead product flows to an amine contactor where the impact of PC001 on TC001, resulting in a sluggish response. TC002

Fig. 13. Step responses of the DDU state space model.

366 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

was characterized by a sustained oscillation with a period of process model. The tests were done simultaneously in closed loop
50,y,60 min. Since these controllers were candidates for MVs of utilizing the OPMCHLM parameter of the Honeywell TDC3000
an MPC controller to be implemented as part of the APC project, it DCS PID controllers. This parameter can be used to generate a
was decided to retune them on a multi-loop basis using staircase signal, which is added to the PID controller output. In
‘‘AptituneTM’’. addition, the operators were asked to make setpoint changes of
The first step was to perform plant tests in order to get varying step size in order to change the average process values.
information-rich data to build a multivariable (3  3) dynamic Since the settling time was in the range of 90 min, a total of one
day test data was required for this application. Intermediate
identification results were used to check the progress in terms
Table 1 of model accuracy reached, and these results were used to modify
Old and new PID controller settings for the Diesel Desulfurization Unit. the step width durations (frequency content) of the test signals.
Figs. 11 and 12 present selected trends of the process input
Loop Old, single-loop settings New, multi-loop settings
(controller output) and output (pressure and temperature) sig-
KP Tr (min) Td KP Tr (min) Td (min) nals, respectively (note that the Y scales have been shifted from
PC001 4.25 2.0 0 1.2 1.05 0.55 Based on the test data, a (3  3) model was developed and
TC001 1.8 1.9 0 7.2 1.9 0.48
TC002 4.0 5.0 0 5.05 13.6 0.32
approximated by subspace identification. Fig. 13 presents the step
responses generated by the state space model. Note that the

Fig. 14. Simulated setpoint and load disturbance step responses, robustness plots.
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 367

model matrix is fully dense, and that most of the responses  TC001: little overshoot, good damping, hard constraint for OP
cannot be easily approximated by simple first or second order movement after setpoint change to avoid too sharp kicks of the
plus deadtime models. combustion fuel flow
Next, new optimal settings for the three controllers were  TC002: no overshoot, avoid temperature cycling, good robust-
calculated based on the following design specifications: ness against process gain variation
 Sufficient stability margins (for example, for TC001 increasing
 Honeywell TDC3000 PID equation C, e.g. integral part acting on both the gain and/or the deadtime by a factor of two should
the control error, P and D parts acting on the PV (to avoid not lead to instability)
proportional/derivative kicks)
 PC001: closed loop settling time 3 min, 10% maximum over- In Table 1, the old PI settings based on single-loop tuning are
shoot, good damping, moderate output movement after compared with the results of the multi-loop controller parameter
setpoint change optimization.
Fig. 14 presents an overview of the tuning results by simula-
tion. In the left and right columns, setpoint and load disturbance
step responses for TC001, TC002 and PC001 are shown. The
middle column contains the individual gain/deadtime robustness
plots, demonstrating that all controller settings meet the robust-
ness specifications. The decoupling results (not shown here) were
satisfactory as well.
The tuning results were placed in service without fine-tuning
in October 2008 and were kept unchanged since then. Fig. 15
presents 12 h trends for TC002 before and after multi-loop tuning.
The improvement with regard to temperature cycling can be seen
by visual inspection.
The robustness of loop PC001 using previous and new con-
troller parameters is shown in Fig. 16. While the old tuning was
not robust, e.g. the stability limit crosses the shadowed minimum
stability region, the new settimgs lead to sufficient robustness.
Additional information is provided in Darby and Harmse

3.3. Discussion

The steady-state and dynamic Relative Gain Arrays (RGA), and

the multivariable RHP zeros of the GTU and DDU applications are
Fig. 15. Trends for TC002 before and after multi-loop tuning (Legend: green: SP, provided in the Appendix. In both cases, centralized multi-loop
red: PV, blue: OP). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure tuning is justified. The closed-loop performance of the two
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) control systems is limited by two MIMO RHP zeros, which

Fig. 16. Robustness plot for PC001 with old and new tuning parameters.
368 R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370

constrain the achievable bandwidths (Skogestad & Postlethwaite, 1.4

2005). The RGA analysis indicates that a decentralized tuning λ11
approach might be adequate. But one has to keep in mind that PID
loop tuning in industry is done in most cases with a trial-and-error 1.2
approach, or based on a single step-test with e.g. FOPTD approxima-
tion and some tuning rule. In particular in the DDU case, higher
order responses can clearly be seen in the step responses. Only 1

RGA elements magnitude

if one has an accurate model and calculates robust tuning
parameters, SISO tuning will give satisfying results in an MIMO
environment, and only if the RGA is not poor. How much robust- 0.8
ness is actually needed is not known before a multivariable simula-
tion is done, and the controller settings are re-optimized based
on that. If SISO tuning is made ‘‘too robust’’, loop response will 0.6
be too sluggish. Multi-loop tuning results can be used with more
confidence than settings calculated using a single-loop tuning
method. Time saving is an additional advantage. For example, in 0.4
the DDU case identification modeling and controller tuning was
completed in 2 h.

4. Conclusions
The following conclusions can be made. A MIMO model-based 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100
approach can be used to successfully tune multiple PID loops that Frequency (rad/s)
interact strongly. If the open loop model is moderately accurate,
then ‘‘one-shot’’ tuning is achievable and the simulated and Fig. A1. Magnitude of the RGA elements for the GTU application.
observed OP and PV responses will be almost identical. The use
of sufficiently large gain and dead time robustness margins
ensures that the loop will remain stable and well damped even Table A1
if the process is nonlinear. This also helps protect against Multivariable RHP zeros of the GTU application.
inaccurate model identification results. The ability to impose
hard constraints on damping ratio, maximum PV overshoot, and RHP zero z1 ¼ 0:0464 z2 ¼ 0:0554
the maximum OP value ensures that the final design is safe from a    
Input direction 0:6837 0:063
process point of view. PID tuning rules cannot achieve this. uz ¼
uz ¼
Meanwhile, the ‘‘AptituneTM’’ tool has been used in more than Output direction


yz ¼ yz ¼
30 industrial APC projects, where in most cases (2  2) and (3  3) 0:6494 0:9841
problems have been solved. Not only control engineers, but also
technicians can use ‘‘AptituneTM’’ given that some training was
provided. The development of the multivariable process model
should be left to an advanced process control engineer. closed-loop performance is limited by two MIMO RHP zeros,
which have been calculated from a reduced 6th order model
(Matlab function balred). They are listed together with their input
5. Appendix A and output directions in Table A1.

Matlab files containing the dynamic process models for

the Gasoline Treatment Unit (GTU) and the Diesel Desulfuri- 5.2. DDU application
zation Unit (DDU) applications are available for download
from the Web, please contact one of the authors for details. The DDU model relates the outputs of TC001, TC002, and
The models are provided as discrete time linear state-space PC001 to the process values of these controllers and consists of
models. 3 inputs, 3 outputs, and 41 states. The sampling time is 30 s. The
steady-state process gain and RGA matrices are
5.1. GTU application 2 3
3:0774 0:8921 2:3627
6 7
K GTU ¼ 4 0:2229 1:1354 0:7275 5, and
The GTU model relates the outputs of TC9854 and PC9876 to
0:4455 0:2518 0:8996
the process values of these controllers and consists of 2 inputs,
2 3
2 outputs and 18 states. The sampling time is 12 s. The steady- 0:7205 0:0214 0:2581
state process gain and RGA matrices are 6 7
RGAGTU ¼ 4 0:0090 0:8432 0:1658 5
0:3960 1:7255 0:8854 0:1146 0:2885 0:1354 0:5762
K GTU ¼ and RGAGTU ¼
0:0585 1:9713 0:1146 0:8854
In this case, pairing decision is obvious from technological
The steady-state RGA analysis supports the unusual pairing, considerations, but is also reflected in the diagonal steady-state
which was mentioned earlier in the text and justified there using RGA values. Fig. A2 presents the dynamic RGAs of the DDU
process-safety related arguments. In Fig. A1, the RGA element application.
magnitudes are presented as functions of frequency. Based on the dynamic RGA analysis, interaction is medium over a
Over a wide frequency range, interaction is weak, but it is wide frequency region. The closed-loop performance is limited by
higher in the region of the closed-loop system bandwidth. The two MIMO RHP zeros, which are listed together with their respective
R. Dittmar et al. / Control Engineering Practice 20 (2012) 355–370 369

1 0.03 0.4

0.9 0.02



0.8 0.01

0.7 0 0
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-2
0.03 0.86 0.18

0.02 0.17


0.01 0.16

0 0.82 0.15
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-2
0.4 0.2 1



0.2 0.15

0 0.1 0.4
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-4 10-3 10-2
Frequency (rad/s)

Fig. A2. Magnitude of the RGA elements for the DDU application.

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