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Free Talk with Topic III

Lesson 44
*cheat: to behave in a dishonest way in order to get
what you want

©2016 Acadsoc Limited

Give a speech with
the following words:


1 “But you can't argue that the world isn't in an unhealthy moral state.“
― Stephen Fry, The Hippopotamus
©2016 Acadsoc Limited
Give a speech with
the following words:
Possible answer:
group If somebody from our in-group cheats and we see them cheating, we feel it's more
honesty appropriate, as a group, to behave this way. But if it's somebody from another
morality group, all of a sudden people's awareness of honesty goes up, and people cheat
object even less. We've learned that a lot of people can cheat. They cheat just by a little
distance bit. When we remind people about their morality, they cheat less. When we get
bigger distance from cheating, from the object of money, for example, people
1 cheat more. And when we see cheating around us, particularly if it's a part of our
in-group, cheating goes up.
©2016 Acadsoc Limited * The student is not required to finish all the 3 speeches, and is encouraged to choose the words they like to give a speech.
Give a speech with
the following words:


2 “The one who has developed a habit of taking a lot of respect from others, will get cheated.”
― Dada Bhagwan
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Give a speech with
the following words:
Possible answer:
There are three ways that I think cheating hurts differently today. We have a
romantic ideal in which we turn to one person to fulfill an endless list of needs: to
be my greatest lover, my best friend, the best parent, my trusted confidant, my
emotional companion, my intellectual equal. And I am it: I'm chosen, I'm unique,
I'm indispensable, I'm irreplaceable, I'm the one. And cheating tells me I'm not. It
is the ultimate betrayal. Infidelity shatters the grand ambition of love. But if
2 throughout history, cheating has always been painful, today it is often traumatic,
because it threatens our sense of self.
©2016 Acadsoc Limited * The student is not required to finish all the 3 speeches, and is encouraged to choose the words they like to give a speech.
Give a speech with
the following words:

“It is strange - people chase and hoard money, and even cheat the world to become rich
3 only to finally leave it all behind.”
― R.v.m.
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Give a speech with
the following words:

game Possible answer:

earn We've had people play games to see who's more or less likely to cheat to increase
prize their chances of winning a prize. In one of the games, we actually rigged a
much computer so that die rolls over a certain score were impossible. You couldn't get
above 12 in this game, and yet, the richer you were, the more likely you were to
3 cheat in this game to earn credits toward a $50 cash prize, sometimes by three to
four times as much.
©2016 Acadsoc Limited * The student is not supposed to finish all the 3 speeches, and is encouraged to choose the words they like to give a speech.
Selective Questions:
(*If all the 3 speeches above have been given already, you can choose to discuss the following questions.)

1. Why do people cheat or tell lies?

2. If someone is cheating you, how can you tell it?
3. When you see other people doing something dishonestly, what do you feel?
4. Is it good to nail a lie on the spot?
5. Tell a story when you knew someone was lying but you decided to keep silent.

©2016 Acadsoc Limited

Further Reading
How To Tell If Someone Is Lying To You

See you.

©2016 Acadsoc Limited

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