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Fakhri Syahrulreza Machmud, 170204180058

Prodi Administrasi Pemerintahan, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas
Jln. Raya Sumedang Km 21 Jatinangor Sumedang 45363, Jawa Barat

Online games are games where many people can use online or internet networks. The growing
technology in the field of communication, information and visuals both in the aspects of the
content and features presented with, creates a game manufacturer that does not afford to make
service services that make game lovers more interested in playing and downloading the game.
The development of this game is able to change one's habits become more lazy. The problem
now is that many people play games losing time and obligation. Including students. Many game
learning experiences and learning activities at the same time. Learning activities are not effective
and efficient in terms of time.

Keywords: Video games, Effectiveness of study time, Addiction

The rapid development in the world of utilizing electronic visual media which
communication and visual technology usually causes radiations to the eyes, so that
industries is very influential on the features the eyes are tired and usually accompanied
available examples such as games. Game is by a headache.
something that can be played with certain Nowadays online games are rife in society,
rules so that there are those who win and devotees are indiscriminately ranging from
there are losers, usually in the context of not children to adults. In playing it sometimes
being serious or with the aim of refreshing. students do not know the time so often
Online games are electronic and visual students forget about bedtime, for example,
based games. Online games are played by at 2 am it should be used by people to sleep,
but apparently not for some communities in themselves they are not as careless as
this case as true online gamers. These times forgetting to eat, bathe, socialize, even to
it is actually cool to play games. sleep. Students are no exception. Many
Rapid technological developments in the era students fill their free time by playing games
of globalization have led to rapid progress in at their boarding house. Both game consoles,
various fields of human life. And the most computers, and mobile gaming.
noticeable is its progress in the field of With the above phenomenon is very
communication and visual graphic detrimental for a student. Because online
information technology. This progress is a games students rarely enter classrooms and
driving force for game manufacturers to rarely collect assignments, they do not
further increase the level of comfort and understand anything about the course so that
level of pleasure for their enthusiasts in the when there is an exam they will get a low
highest levels of fantasy (Fromme, 2003) score. Apart from the academic aspect, in
The development of games in modern times terms of student health, it will also decrease
is what can change a person's habits to due to being late for eating or not eating at
become more lazy. Although it cannot be all. In terms of sausages students tend to be
generalized that games are able to change antisocial and prefer to be alone so that no
people to become more lazy, return to their communication in the real world causes him
respective individuals. Many people from all to be shunned by his friends.
ages prefer to play games to fill their free Problems always arise when something is
time instead of doing more useful activities done excessively. In this case, excessive bias
such as exercise. The habit of playing the can be assumed to be a poor time
game is fine as long as it is done as needed, management of students. Many students are
not too much, to forget the time for the addicted to this and forget their learning.
needs and obligations. This should be considered more because if it
The problem is now many people play the is not adjusted to the study time, the learning
game until they forget their time and achievement will continue to decline.
obligations. Many of them do not seem to
care about what is around them, even for
The data collection technique in this study In table 1, it is known that most respondents
uses incidental sampling technique, where played online games for more than 24
the researcher chooses the subject based on months, namely 37 respondents (74%)
the people he meets and in accordance with
the specified categories, ie people who like Table. 2

to play video games in a day spend around Based Frequency Distribution Addicted to
Playing Online Game (n = 50)
5-6 hours playing games.
The technique of data collection in this
No. Play Addiction Frekuensi (%)
research is done by collecting relevant data
Online game
found on the internet with data from the
1. Not Addicted 6 12
internet that can be accounted for.
2. Addiction 44 88
Amount of 50 100
Based on the research the results are as
Based on table 2, it is known that the majority
Table. 1 of respondents were addicted to playing
Frequency distribution of respondents based online games as many as 37 respondents
on (74%).

Long time playing online games (n=50)

Based on data obtained from previous
No. Length of Frequency (%)
research, it can be concluded that there are
more than 50% of respondents who are
Online game
1. 6 – 12 months 7 14 addicted to playing video games online,

2. 13 – 18 months 4 8 which is directly proportional to how long

3. 19 – 24 months 2 4 these respondents play video games online.

4. >24 months 37 74 The above is in accordance with what was
Amount of 50 100 said by Mark Griffiths by Funk (2002) who
said that video game addiction can be
influenced by several factors, one of which learn and play. Don't get to play video
is the length of playing video games. games online too long because it will cause
Funk also stated that addiction influences addiction.
their lives. According to him "addiction to
video games has something in common with BIBLIOGRAPHY
alcoholism, gambling, nicotine and heroin". Griffith, M.D., Davies, N.O., Chappel. D.
(2004). Online computer gaming: a
CONCLUSION comparison adolescent & adult gamers.
Diperoleh pada tanggal 15 Juni 2013 dari
Along with the development of time, online
games created by humans are rapidly
developing which experience many changes
in terms of shape, type, how to play and so
on. With a variety of games at this time, it A%20comparison%20.pdf.
cannot be denied that every day in the world Fromme, J. 2003.
more and more people are playing games. Computer Games as a Part of Children‟s
However, playing online video games must Culture
be able to remember the time not to have to The International Journal of Computer
stay up late. Also remember that we as GameResearch: Game Studies.
students must be able to manage time to

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